117th Militia



Family and Freedom over flag.


© 2013 PSYWAR Office 117th Militia Regimental Combat Team


December 31, 2013                                                Vol. 14  No. 46


Commencé Au Festival.


We’re pullin’ out, an’ we’re pushin’ forward.




Are you all sitty comfly-bold,
too squirm your botty?
Then I’ll begin.


Happiness Stan, Ogdens Nut Gone Flake (1968), Small Faces.


2013-5-26.  BOOK.  Jesus King of Edessa © 2012 Ralph Ellis, ISBN 978-1-905815-66-1, Adventures Unlimited, 303 Main Street, Box 74, Kempton, Illinois 60946.



                Dog Days sidewalk dog shit, crawling with flies and seething of maggots, is not as corrupt as the art world.  Depraved degenerates nail sheets smeared with AIDS blood, pus, sperm, menstrual fluid, puke, shit and piss up next to the Mona Lisa and proclaim it high art.  Also at public expense used rubbers are nailed up as well, and we have no say in the matter.  That is the part that makes us want to slaughter those responsible.  But, it is all a matter of taste otherwise.  We mean, we must admit, to a depraved degenerate such filth is high art.  Kaint git no higher’n thet ta one-a dem pre-vert aceholes.  However, most of us are not depraved degenerates like liberals.  Most of us are decent people on the ropes, mesmerized by the colorful rags the rich and the violent wave in our credulous and almost defenseless faces, cowering before the fists, clubs, and tanks of the governments and their cowardly enforcers yea even say soldiers and pigs without morals.


Chapter I, Edessa, Erbil and Palmyra § Arbela (modern Erbil)

p. 19.  (F) I/O MURDER.  Instead of creating wealth and living like real Human Beings, the people of Iraq prefer murdering each other because of wicked Islamic law, the work of that devil dog Mohammad.  In those countries when “friends” go out of a Saturday night, it is to slit throats.  The worst thing a Moslem has to fear is another Moslem.


Chapter II, Adiabene - Hadyab, Palmyra - Tadmor § Mara bar Serapion

p. 47.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Quackademics like theologian Dr. Payne Smith go to painfully obvious lengths, laughably simple and uncomplex themselves, to distance King Monobazus Izates and his city Edessa from the Jewish Revolt, which his royal majesty incited to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish nation.


Chapter III, The Babylonian Jews

p. 53.  (F) I/O (A).  A prosperous community of Hebrews existed in Iraq until 1947 when true believing Moslem subhumans engaged in ethnic cleansing and forced them out.  These unfortunates now live under abysmal circumstances deep in Mordor.  The limp-wristed liberal intelligentsia ignores this atrocity while jumping up and down, squealing, and pissing their pink panties all lace and frills for the dubious Palestinian cause, and we ain’t sayin they ain’t gotta cause totally.  But if the one is wrong so is the other.  If Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, then Iraq belongs to the Hebrews, Turdavania belongs to the Christians, America belongs to the Indians, and Antarctic belongs to the pen-gu-ins, which are prac-tic-al-ly chickens.


p. 54.  Here’s the cat’s grand pappy King Phraates IV, who had other names as well.  See the canon for explanation.





                                                             p. 371.


Scholar Primus Ralph Ellis says this is a statue of

King Jesus Monobazus-Izates aka King Manu bar Abgarus VI of Edessa

 the famous cheek-turner of yore, or his twin brother James.

  Therefore, you gaze upon the countenance of the Nazz.


Chapter V, Agabus the Locust

p. 141.  (F) SCHO-OP.  In Eastern Turkey, true believing Turkish whackos have destroyed countless priceless pre-Islamic artifacts.


pp. 142-143.  (F) I/O (A).  In 1947, Islamic true believers began the ethnic cleansing of the Hebrews from Iraq.  They owned millions of dollars worth of prosperous businesses that the Moslems then shit on, not bothering to run the businesses themselves because they have neither the brains nor the talent.  Brilliant!  How Islamic!  With the Hebrews went the economic base.  Well, having said that let us say this.  Innately true believing Moslems have both brains and talent; it is just that their murderous religion forbids them to develop their gifts and act like normal Human Beings.  By the 1980s, the last of the Hebrews were gone from Iraq.


§ Edesso-Parthia

p. 184.  (F) I/O.  Dateline: Diyarbakir, Turkey, 2012.  Because of the beastliness of the so-called men, aka the limp-dicked dogs of Diyarbakir, Islamic true believers, a Christian woman could not tour the city and see its important archaeological sites.


Chapter VII, The Doctrine of Addai § Candace

p. 252.  Presented on this page is an image of the nauseating Shia Islam blood-ritual.  If you need an emetic, this is for you.  On blood-soaked ground, while a crowd of slack-jawed craze-eyed Islamic yokels watch, demented males hack themselves up with knives.  One lunatic has four knives sticking through his back.  This butchery, performed at the festival of the Day of Ashura, was noted of old.  Not even the patriotic barbaric Roman degenerates could stamp it out like a flaming bag of shit on a doorstep.  No word on where the phlick was snapped, but rich British politicians, depraved liberals who drink something called tea, with pinkies poised, like characters in a Don Martin cartoon, imported this into Britain.  These insane motherfuckers even cut off their own balls and toss them into people’s homes who doubtless relish them as a delicacy.  Providers of the Islamic version of fresh mountain oysters to delight the palates of true believers, these then are the “testicle tossers” of old, who picked it up from (don’t miss this, wait for it) the Nazarene-Cybelian cult of castration, ol’ J. C.’s club.

                Maybe that’s what’s wrong with the terrorist subhumans, why they are so cowardly as to strap bombs to their own little children, and the unfortunate little children they buy and kidnap, in our land as well.  They are pissed off because they gave their balls as well as their souls to that celestial war criminal Allah, and they still can’t get laid.  The shepherd who became a fisher of men, aka the Fisher King, was he wounded before or after they took him down from the cross, he darkly hinted.

                Side note: The 2012 World Cup Testicle Tossing Championship, held at Wimbledon, was won by Mr. Mad Dog Mohammad ben Ally Ally Achbar Abdul Azeem when he tossed his balls into an open window of a ground floor apartment, through three rooms and into the kitchen where they plopped down into a frying pan of sizzling lard.  He sat to table and pitched in as Ms. Mad Dog Mohammad ben Ally Ally Achbar Abdul Azeem.  The prissy British intelligentsia (limp-wristed bung-beings don’t cha know, male and female made they them), regard this insane savage self mutilation as a quaint local custom— adds a little colour to life, red, yea even say, a little cultural diversity.  Point of scholarship from the Prophet Mastodon, the words intelligentsia and imbecile equate.

                Instead of mountain oysters, Islamic hillbillies have street oysters.  Packed with hillbilly idjits, anyone in Islam that is not a hillbilly idjit wonders what the Hell he or she is doing there, and is there anyway to get out?  Moslems are the hillbillies of the modern world.


Chapter X, Emmanuel, § Abgar mosaic

p. 376.  (F) SCHO-OP BT**.  Edessa, Turkey.  A lengthy list of priceless pre-Islamic mosaics destroyed by Moslem true believers is presented.  The depraved illiterates, Moslem true believes, have destroyed 70% of their city’s mosaic heritage.  Many of these priceless antiquities were destroyed in modern times as Islam’s priceless heritage of ignorance is continued by present day Turkey, of course.  The destruction of priceless antiquities continues across Mordor, where abject ignorance and violence is intelligence, depraved cowardice is a byword for manhood, and cutting off your balls makes you virile.  Of course, you can say most of that for the rest of the so-called human race as well.  The gelding blade in America is law.  Rich politicians wield it.


Chapter XI, Manu the Fish, § Manu the carp

p. 405.  Famed for its lovely carp ponds of yore, the symbol of Edessa (Sanli Urfa) in Turdavania is the carp, the sea goat.  What crazy morons are Turkish Moslem true believers.  A modern miracle is that the carp ponds, built by the family of Christ, still exist, or is it that law enforcers over there share enough guts to keep the Islamic true believers from shitting in them.  The carp symbol represents King Manu, aka King Jesus, i.e., Christianity, also the Hindu Vishnu, and the Great Month Pisces.  In addition, gefilte fish is popular on Shabbat and Holidays such as Passover.  “Oooo, wicked and evil carp swimming around in Edessa, is there no end to the atrocity.  Ally Ally Admiral Ackbar!  Get the pitchforks.  Get the torches.  We’ll burn the pools”.  Ula-ula-ula-ula-ula-ula!


§ Lodge of Revelations

p. 419.  People do not know it but Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama, the Islamic war criminal that brags, “I’m really good at killing [sic] people”, took two oaths of office for the Presidency.  The first was on a Christian Bible.  The second presidential oath, the one that officially counts, was taken in secret on the Koran.  He practices the Islamic taqiyya.  That is, “Falsehoods told to prevent the denigration of Islam, to protect oneself, or to promote the cause of Islam are sanctioned in the Qur’an and Sunna, including lying under oath in testimony before a court, and deceiving Humanity by making distorted statements to the media such as the claim that Islam is a “religion of peace”.  A Muslim is even permitted to deny or denounce Islam if, in so doing, he protects or furthers the interests of Islam (meaning the interest of the rich that own it), so long as he remains faithful to Islam in his heart.  We call this situational ethics, i.e., you can do anything that you want to do just so you do not see anything wrong with it, i.e., morals do not exist, and if morals do not exist a judgmental Deity cannot exist and, since Islam does not recognize morality, Islam has no morality and therefore no god.  The godless Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama has sworn to make America Islamic by 2016.


                Lying and cheating in the Arab world is not really a moral matter but a method of safeguarding honor and status, avoiding shame, and at all times exploiting possibilities, for those with the wits for it, deftly and expeditiously to convert shame into honor on their own account and vice versa for their opponents.  If honor so demands, lies and cheating may become absolute imperatives.  [David Pryce-Jones, The Closed Circle: An interpretation of the Arabs, p. 4.]

                “No dishonor attaches to such primary transactions as selling short weight, deceiving anyone about quality, quantity or kind of goods, cheating at gambling, and bearing false witness.  The doer of these things is merely quicker off the mark than the next fellow; owing him nothing, he is not to be blamed for taking what he can”.  [Ibid., p. 38.]  Sounds like capitalism to us.



                In addition, the subhumans are encouraged to do anything they want to with what they call an infidel, the subhumans are encouraged, by the stinking Koran.  Now, an infidel is a Human Being who for whatever reason does not believe the bizarre bananas bullshit Muslims do.  Would you feel safe turning your back on someone taught these obscenities since childhood, especially after a heartfelt conversation about religion?  Our government takes our children and in preschool at the age of four teaches them Satan’s Pledge, aka the Pledge of Allegiance; in Islam, they teach children to be murderers and torturers from that age.  When dealing with a Muslim, if you are wise, you will keep him before you, and if he / she is a fundamentalist, do not let the snake-eyed shit-eater slither up behind you or you’re gonna be in a heap o’ trouble.


Chapter XII, Sarcophagus of Helena, § Queen Sedan

pp. 426-427.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Like the Smithsonian Institution where knowledge goes to die, the Louvre (the one in Paris) has contracted a prolonged case of intellectualitis itself.  Not only are enlightening items sapient in meaning deliberately mislabeled, but the quackasaurian curators, waddling amongst their pelf, are conveniently unable to locate artifacts (paid for by their own people).  Mr. Ellis sought to peruse certain items but the splendid quacks denied the very existence of the priceless antiquities, until he provided an account of the original excavation of the artifact as evidence.  The snooty pencil-necked geeks still refused to let him see the artifacts.  “Oh! That Sarcophagus of Helena!  Oui monsewer, we have no bananas today”.  When did museums become keepers of the status quo for the rich, instead of curators of sacred treasured Golden Apple knowledge all along the outer beach of time and space?


Chapter XIII, The Fall of Edessa

pp. 471-472.  Follows a stack up of Manichaeism and Islam.

p. 472.

  1.  Lying and deception

                In Manichaeism, lying was a heinous sin, in Islam, lying is a virtue and a duty.  They have a queer word for it: taqiyya.

  2.  Violence

                Western infidels, i.e., western leaders [sic], intellectuals [sic] and the media monkeys screech that the Koran is a book of peace.  Someone must be paying them to say this.  The Koran is a book of hate, rape, torture, torturing little children, shooting little children in the face, mass murder, the torturing to death of women and children, torturing babies, hacking off the breasts of women and young girls, of drinking Human blood and eating their hearts and livers.  Whatever it takes in the Reagan sense of the term.  There are about 500 patriotic verses in the Koran aimed at anybody different from them.  So why would so-called leaders and the media lie about the Koran?  Wanna know the reason why?  We will tell you the reason why, besides slimy Saudi oil money in secret Swiss bank accounts.  They are rich, that is why, and they desire to be even richer, and the Koran is a book of slavery even worst than the New Testament.

Cf. with Mr. Ellis’s Mary Magdalene for a long list of Islamic love in the appendix.  Titled The Voice of the Dark Lord: Verses of love and peace from the Koran, here ‘tis (hopefully).








p. 473.  (F) I/O BT**.

  3.  Rape and Sex

Mohammad “the Dark Lord” itself, like a true believing patriot no-holds-barred in a Texas chainsaw match, permitted and promoted rape.  The subhumans are free to rape “slave” women and girls at any time their itty-biddy dicky-wickies get hard under Islamic-Sharia Law.  Female Indian and Sri Lankan “slaves” who work in the Middle East are treated badly and are at risk.  Muslim males regard them as “women that their right hand possesses” and their shitty war criminal God Shamash has given his vomit-licking dogs express permission to rape them.  Women’s lib you sluts, WAKE UP!  Note at the top of file.


p. 474.  I/O BT** & (F) I/O BT**.  Most western journalists [sic] (they ain’t watch dogs they are asshole-licking vomit-lapping lap dogs), and politician scum ignore Islamic criminal misogynist abuse, that’s also the sexual abuse of women you snake-tongued feminist (Teehee.  Giggle snort hoot).  Our pudgy politicians ignore it as feminists do.  At all cost, even the cost of all our lives, the insanely and unconscionably rich trash that own and run western lands must safeguard their vast Swiss bank accounts.  Yea even over unto say, the quaking effeminate cowards do not want to experience the expression of Islamic love called a fatwa, a fatwa, a death warrant in the name of Allah, the flatulent, the constipated, the maniacal.  Not only that, but British feminist have come out in praise of Sharia savagery toward women.  Ain’t it a hoot?  Note at the top of file².

  I/O.  On 2013-9-24, 680 AM WCBM, we learned that the National Forest Service praised Islam for its enlightened attitude toward women.  What the Hell is that about?  Ain’t they got no cunts in the vast and heavily armed army of the National Forest Service.  Last we heard, say boo to one of the fat-assed split-tails and they call out the National Guard.


§ Invasions

p. 480.  I/O (A) & (F) I/O (A).  The Dark Force encourages the rape and gang-rape of even little girls that are not already enslaved by the evil Dark Force.  This is going on right now in many western nations with significant Moslem populations.  They brought their subhuman filth West with them.  In cities with significant Muslim populations, the gang-rape of indigenous girls, many of these lambs young innocent children of just eleven, is epidemic.  Western governments are pretending not to know about this problem, because the Western effete elite will not admit the truth about the Dark Force for reasons already stated.  This listing includes the effete elite, i.e., those that aid and abet.

  2.  No church can ring its bells in the Depths of Mordor.  To ring a church bell might mean getting your balls eaten off by a true believer, who has already lost his.  No bell tolls in Mordor.


p. 484.

  1.  The Osrhoene (in Turkey) was majority Christian throughout history until the beginning of the 20th century.   More than half the population of Constantinople (Istanbul) was non-Muslim until the early 20th century.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  Baghdad remained substantially Jewish until 1947 when the true believing asshole-licking dogs of Islam forcibly removed them (thousands of families) as a ‘punishment’ for the establishment of the state of Israel.  The economy took a nosedive from which it still has not recovered With that kind of clear thinking, Islam can forge ahead into the past.


§ Crusaders

p. 488-489.  (F) I/O.  In Turdavania, people conceal their Christianity and pretend to be of the Dark Force to escape persecution.  Many Turks are forced to do this, for the subhumans of depraved Islam know no mercy.  They are without Human qualities.


§ The ‘new’ Turkey

p. 490.

  1.  A mere 100 years ago 25% of Turkish citizens were Christian.  The population of Edessa was 25% Christian.  Smyrna, Amida, and Constantinople had greater proportions of Christian citizens.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  Your sophisticated, enlightened era, modern ‘n’ mature, the early 20th century, saw unspeakable horrors done to defenseless people in Turdavania in the name of Allah the Shit God.  An estimated 1.5 million (1,500,000) Turkish-Armenian and Turkish-Greek Christians were atrocified most horribly in the name of the Religion of Love serving Allah the Asshole Shit God, in the name of Allah the Shit God, the flatulent, the depraved.

  3.  (F) I/O (A).  True believing Moslems are lunatics everybody knows that.  They worship the war criminal Elohim Shamash aka Allah the Shit God.  Despite everything the true believing Turds of Love did to the Christians, it was not enough.  The Final Solution began with sporadic attacks, murders and exiles of Christians within Turdavania.  The rich subhuman authorities, of course, ignored this racist subhumanism.  The filthy stinking Turds turned against their neighbors like ravenous beasts of the Dark Force.  The mindless minions of the Dark Lord were on the march.


pp. 491.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  American Ambassador Henry Morgenthau wrote, “This attitude once more illustrates the perversity of the Turkish mind [sic].  After massacring hundreds of thousands [100,000s] over the course of thirty years, outraging their women and girls [euhemerism / mediaism] and robbing them or mistreating them in every conceivable way, the Turks still apparently believed that they had the right to expect the utmost loyalty from the Armenians”.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  The Armenian leaders advised “. . . even though they [the Turds] burn a few of our villages, do not retaliate as it is better a few villages are destroyed than the whole nation is massacred”.


 3.  (F) I/O BT**.  This is the status and the burden of Christians in Muslim Mordor to this day.  To keep quiet and bear the burdens placed upon you by your depraved oppressors or Moslem maniacs of the Dark Force called Islam will torture and murder all of them.  Murderous Moslems!   A people so ignorant they believe the Earth rests on a giant turtle.  Your modern politician, a rich depraved limp-wristed whore bitch queer, calls this ‘Moslems and Christians coexisting in peace for centuries’.  Note at the top of file.

 4.  The UK’s Public Record Office has a note proving that Turds premeditated the unspeakable far-below-nazi-subhuman horrors of the Armenian Genocide.  The report is the Memorandum by the committee of Union and Progress outlining the strategy for the Armenian Genocide dated December 1914 or January 1915.

                Here are the exquisite Turkish delights designed by the Turkey Turd Moslem subhumans, castrated savages, true believers in Allah the Shit God of Love.  This is what the asshole-licking vomit-lapping dogs designed to deal with their “Armenian problem”.


pp. 491-492.  (F) I/O (A).

  a.  Close all Armenia Societies, and arrest and deport all Armenians suspected of opposing the government.  All deportees to be killed [sic, euphemism] while on the march.

p. 492.  (F) I/O (A).

  b.  The collection of arms.                          

  c.  To excite Muslim opinion into provoking massacres.

  d.  To actively help the Muslims with military force.

  e.  To execute all males under 50, including priests and teachers, leaving the girls to be


  f.  Deport all those who escape, and cut them off from their towns.

  g.  Expel every Armenian from government.

  h.  The murder of any Armenian serving in the army.

  i.  All actions to be simultaneous, to allow no time for defense.

  j.  Maintain a strict silence about these proposals.

pp. 492-493.  (F) I/O (A).  In accordance with these Ten Commandments of Islamic Love, there began a systematic cleansing of Greek and Armenian Christians from Turkey.  The Turkish Muslim subhumans began with exterminations of village populations then escalated into mass city exportations.


p. 493.  (F) I/O (A).

  1. Nearly all the Greek and Armenian Christians of Anatolia were thereby murdered by methods that only a truly inspired true believing patriotic shit-eating kocksucker could contrive.  Many of the few Human Beings who could, attempted to flee to Greece but drowned in the Aegean Sea.  The Armenians in harsh eastern Anatolia, the pits of Mordor, had nowhere to run.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  The main killing grounds of the TMS (Turkish Muslim subhumans) were the cities Sivas and Mush.

  3.  (F) I/O (A).  The Christians were deported [sic, mediaism] from Osrhoene, Gaziantep, Edessa (Urfa), and Amida (Diyarbakir).  In the eastern regions of Anatolia after stealing all they had, the Turdish subhumans deported them in long forced marches eastwards across a grim land where there was little food, water, shelter, nor medical assistance for these unfortunate Human Beings, innocent families who fell into the hands of the Dark Lord’s asshole-lickers, the TMS.  Dehydration, starvation, and disease were rife.  The harsh climate mowed them down like wheat.  The subhuman Turd soldiers considered the exiles slaves.  Rape and mistreatment of a slave is divinely sanctioned within the Dark Force’s social and legal manual, the steenling Koran.  Rape and summary justice [sic] were commonplace.  Turkish Muslim subhumans did this.  Muslim Turkish subhumans did this.  That divine piece of faggot shit Mohammad designed this, likely while raping a little girl.


  4. (F) I/O (A).  The New York Times, August 18, 1915.

Turks Accused of Plan to Exterminate Whole Armenian Population: We now know with certainty that the Armenians have been deported in a body from all the towns and villages of Cilicia to the desert regions of Aleppo.  We learn, besides, that the roads and the Euphrates river are strewn with the corpses of exiles, and those who survive are doomed to certain death, since they will find neither house, work nor food in the desert. It is a plan to exterminate the entire Armenian people.  Courts-martial operate everywhere without cessation . . .  Hundreds of women, girls and children groan in prisons.  Churches and convents have been pillaged, defiled and destroyed.

                Your TMS, your precious southern flank did this.  Your TMS, your Turdish Moslem subhumans.


pp. 493-494.  (F) I/O (A).  Forced to march several hundreds of miles in burning heat and bitter cold without shelter or provisions, brutalized by Muslim subhumans every step, innocent Human Beings including terrified defenseless little children and babies, savaged by filthy diseased Turdish Moslem subhuman patriots without cessation day and night, more than a million Armenian Christians, innocent and defenseless were murdered by the TMS.  The prissy queers that own and run Turdavania breathed easily now that Eastern Turkey now cleansed of those morally upright Human Beings, vastly their superiors.  Now there was nothing to compare shitty Islam to.


p. 494.  (F) I/O (A).  Then the Turdish Moslem subhumans turned upon the Greek Christians who had survived 500 years of Islamic law, which means subhuman atrocity.  The Greeks had lived there for three-thousand (3,000) years, way before that grease ball Mohammad was pinched off like a loaf by his whore mother.  The noble Greeks of the nation of Greece came to the aid of their brethren and launched their gallant forces.  The Greek army landed at Smyrna (Izmir).  The British military occupied Constantinople (Istanbul).  The atrocification of Christian Human Beings by the Turdish Moslem subhumans before the Greek army using more-patriotic-than-nazi methods continued unabated. 


pp. 494-495.  (F) I/O (A).  Arnold Toynbee, Manchester Guardian: “Women and children are hunted down like rats from house to house, and civilians caught alive were slaughtered in batches— shot or knifed or hurled over a cliff.”  Can’t you just see those badass mighty combat war he-roe of war Turdish Moslem subhumans, slimy and greasy, bravely hurling little toddlers and little babies over cliffs before their parents— brutally snatching them from their mothers.  Hey! Dig this ye patriots.  Another favorite Turdish Moslem subhuman trick, aka a Turkish delight, is to throw little babies up in the air and catch them on bayonets.


p. 495.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  Generous backing from Russian subhumans enabled a promising young Turdish subhuman named Mustafa Kemal to build exactly what it should not have had, an army.  England got cold feet and backed out.  The Kemal subhuman attacked the Greek army and pushed them back to Smyrna (Izmir).

  2.  After what the Turdish Moslem subhuman, the shit-eating, kocksucker, muvvafuckin whore bitch queer Mustafa Kemal did to even little babies, the Turd subhumans worship it even unto this moment as Kemal Ataturk, the Father of the Turds.


p. 497.  On September 9, 1922, the subhuman patriotic Turdish army entered the modern city of Smyrna (Izmir).  Here the Addaturd subhuman Mustafa Kemal would show the world that it would carry out its plan of patriotic religious ethnic cleansing and genocide, a true believer if ever one was shit from the cunt of a whore upon the Earth. 


pp. 497-498.  Many considered Smyrna a European or even an international city.  Motherfuckers be comin’ there from all over.  All cultures and creeds thrived in the city because it was not a Turdish Moslem city.  The Christian Greeks outnumbered the benighted minions of the Dark Lord two to one.  The Levantines (Christians from all over Europe) who clove to industrious and prosperous habits, not the lethargic ways of Moslem mañana, controlled the trade and commerce because many many many many many Muslims are too fucking stupid to cipher. 


p. 498.  (F) I/O BT**.  Insane idiotic Islamic idjit edicts always shit out of Constantinople, and had become incandescently Islamic before the Turds flushed down upon the unsuspecting city like a deluge of shit which is what they were.  Note at the top of file.

p. 499.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  In the preceding decades, Greek villages down the western coastline were atrocified and abandoned.


Having a fistful of cash is not much use if your overlord has all the guns. 

                                                                                                              —Ralph Ellis.

  2.  (F) I/O BT** TORTURE / MURDER.  Chrysostomos Kalafatis, the religious leader of the Roum-Greeks, was the first of the Human leaders to fall into the hands of the TMS.  The Islamic true believers, devout asshole-lickers of the sexual pervert Mohammad, cut off his nose and his ears, gouged out his eyes, and then stabbed him to death.  Note at the top of file.

  3.  (F) I/O BT** TORTURE / MURDER.  Monsieur Jurukdoglou, who managed a local newspaper, must have printed a pale reflection of the truth.  The Islamic subhumans dragged him around the city by a rope tied to a car.  We did not know that an ape could drive a car.  Note at the top of file.

  4.  (F) I/O DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY.  The excellent Turdavanian subhumans even dragged the dead from their graves and looted them.  They probably raped the female corpses as well, despite their age, another Turkish delight, to the glory of Allah the Asshole.

  5.  (F) I/O (A).  While the unspeakable atrocities continued, the foreign powers in the region and city watched the patriotic pastime.  They did not want to get involved.  The British watched the Islamic celebratory festivities safe from their many battleships in the harbor.


  6.  (F) I/O (A).

    a.  The sailors watched two young Christian girls Islamicized, a miraculous dockside conversion to Islam the Religion of Love.  They were raped, a Turkish delight, and then the excellent Turdish Moslem subhumans, the subhuman pieces of Islamic shit, brave patriotic combat war he-roes of war, cut off the young girl’s breasts with scimitars and left them to die.  This is yet anther Turkish delight.  Think about what that was like for those poor innocent little girls all ye with your happy endings and Walt Disney minds.  This became a particular signature of the subhuman Islamic Turd demons from Hell, the Turkish shiteaters, hacking off a young girl’s breast with a scimitar.  Like we said it is an old trick of the Turds, a Turkish delight.  Do not forget their families were watching.  Imagine what that was like for those poor innocent little girls all ye pampered people, at home and abroad, yea over unto the ye the descendants of the Russia subhuman that bankrolled the subhuman Kemal Addaturd.  This became all the rage with the subhuman Turkish, hacking off a young girl’s breasts with a scimitar became widely popular with these disciples of the Religion of Peace ‘n’ Love, and was practiced with true religious zeal and relish and throughout Smyrna and environs— a Turkish delight!  Why, Peace and Love is yet the hallmark of Islam.  Over there in Syria right now, Obama’s excellent rebel Moslem subhumans, supplied by the subhuman cia, Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama’s rebel Moslem subhumans, rape young girls and hack off all their limbs.  Rape and other forms of sexual abuse of especially children is a specialty of your Moslem subhuman, yet another Turkish delight.  Right out in public too, right out in public because your true believing Moslem is not a Human Being.


    b.  (F) I/O (A).  Another favorite trick of the excellent Turdish Moslem subhuman, a Turkish delight, is ramming a saw bayonet up the living vagina and / or anus of a female of whatever age even little girls.  Those he-man Turkish Turds, devout believers in the pervert Mohammad, and Allah / Shamash the Shit God, yea even say those that eat shit out of gutters and assholes of fat rich male’s, truly know how to Islamicize women and bring them unto the Religion of Love.  The brave brave exquisite Muslim subhuman combat war he-roes of war like to leave the women and girls draped over fences or car fenders.  It is the warm, personal Islamic torch.  It is, as they say in the arms trade, a Turkish delight.


pp. 499-500.  (F) I/O (A).  An Armenian of the city saw: “Many a father and mother met their death trying to defend the honour of their daughter”.  (We want you to know that we can see patriotism like this going on here with your military and / or pig forces for you have never disciplined them, for you worship them, listen to talk radio the, if you will, “Voice of America”.  You children are brainwashed into accepting this in preschool.)  Allah and his queer, Mohammad the Child Molester, had unchained the Turdish Moslem subhumans.  The Dark Force was on the march.  They have Turd Power.  They are disciples of Islam, the Religion of Peace, the Religion of Love.  How many of the old and infirm did they murder in their beds leaving them in widening pools of their blood.


p. 500.

  1.  I/O (A) & (F) I/O (A).  The media monkeys, depraved cowards and queers as always, cabled back to Europe and America that Smyrna had been taken peacefully.  The Turdish troops were acting like model soldiers.  It was a deliberate policy of base and cowardly lying to prevent public demand for a military intervention.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  The cowardice of the queers on the battleships moored in Smyrna harbor emboldened the Turkish subhumans.


  3.  (F) I/O (A).  Then the subhuman kocksucking shit-eating Turds set the city on fire taking drums of gasoline taken from district to district.  The fire consumed the Greek, Armenian, and Levantine districts of Smyrna, while leaving the Moslem quarter / squalor untouched, and forced the entire population of half a million (500,000) Human Beings (not Moslem subhumans) down to the dockside where they cowered in unimaginable terror.  Where they cowered, unable to hide their eyes and plug their ears watching Islamic love / patriotism all around them, waiting for Islamic love, waiting to be patriotized, to be Islamized, waiting in inconceivable terror for the subhuman Islamic love to happen to their families.  Where innocent little children sought shelter in the arms of their parents but there was none.  The little things could not close their ears.  Moreover, the shear Hell of being unable to reach the safety of the cowardly and effeminate British, French, and Italian battleships, aiding and abetting one of the most horrendous war crimes in the Anals of Patriotism, anchored a mere few hundred meters away.


  4.  (F) I/O (A).  Twenty-one battleships British, French, Italian watched the patriotic festivities, the unfurling of the, get this now, the unfurling of the filthy flag of the modern Turkish nation, the modern Turkish nation.  The screams of the thousands of families being tortured and / or raped and / or hacked to death and / or burned alive on dockside by the Turdish Moslem subhumans grew so loud, the officer queers of those floating sewage scows ordered loud music played over the loudspeakers to drown out the handy work of the Muslim subhumans.  The Turdish Moslem subhumans, the Turkeys, practitioners of the Religion of Love, Allah’s asshole-lickers, patriots to a shit-eater that sucks it own dick were founding a country under the aegis of Allah the Shit god, the god of peace and love.


  5.  (F) I/O (A).  Those subhuman Muslims, Kemal Thataturd’s Turds, did things to innocent defenseless Human Beings, including little babies, that so help us Flag the german nazi subhumans did not do.  Can’t you just see one of those greasy subhuman patriots smashing a woman in the face with a rifle butt and grabbing her innocent little baby from her?  Warm and cuddly in its arms, little baby wants to play.  It giggles and reaches out the touch the face of the funny man, but it is not a man, it is a Turdish Moslem subhuman that throws little baby in the harbor.  Oooh! Islam.  Oooh Mohammad the Child Molester.  Oooh Allah the Shit God.  Wanna play some Turkish soccer?  Kick the innocent little baby, sitting in filth of Islamic Hell with a steel-toed boot as hard as you can, made of the finest Spanish leather, of course.  Oooh! Islam.  Oooh Mohammad the Child Molester.  Oooh Allah the Shit God.  I flushed better shit Islam that ever existed down my toilet just this morning alone, not ten minutes ago.  I am fresh from the shitter, Turd free.


  6.  (F) I/O (A).  Innocent defenseless and decent families, not Turks, huddled in terror and here come the badass combat war hero of war Turkish Muslim subhumans, smelling like the Turds they are and douse the families with gasoline.  Grandma, grandpa, little boys and girls, toddlers, huddling against Mommy and Daddy for protection, terrorized beyond terrorization.  Little babies in the arms of their mothers doused with gasoline by the subhuman kock-suckering motherfucking shit-eating Turdish Moslem subhumans, little children clinging to their parents set afire.   All set afire.  Hundreds of families set afire, by the Mussulman castrati.  The screams, the screams, the wails of the, children the wails of the children.  This then, as you have likely guessed, is also a Turkish delight.


pp. 501.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  Nothing was lacking in the way of atrocity, lust, cruelty.  You’ve read you magazines.  You’ve seen your movies.  All the depraved beastliness (an insult to the animal kingdom) of the subhuman patriot in its purest form the subhuman Islamic true believer, especially the Turdish Moslem subhuman, truly patriotic, could conceive of, was unleashed upon decent, innocent, and defenseless Human Beings.  A patriotic insanity imbibed with such demonic savagery that it even eclipsed the depravity of the nazi german subhumans.  They threw babies to the ground and stomped them underfoot.  The Islamic demons played catch with giggling babies.  Oops!  Oops!  Oops!  Oops!  Oops!  Oops!  Oops!  And here come the combat war he-roe of war saw bayonet boys so greasy they did not have to lube up when they raped four year olds by vagina and / or anus.  And out come the scimitars— combat war he-roes of war!  Turkish delights everywhere.  You got your television, you got your movies, you got your magazines and your other porn and your live sex shows.  You know what we’re talkin’ about now.  Only no one had a choice about it.  We’re talking about Turks, and the true believing Muslim subhumans believe in equality.  They call a hole a hole.  Any age female, anything goes, situational ethics, patriotism!  Little girls, little boys, (they have a Catholic strain) raped and babies butchered right out in the open before their parents as they imitated their Shit God Allah and its faggot Mohammad.  This was an insane genocidal ethnic cleansing imbibed with an Islamic depravity that, so help us, even eclipsed the patriotic Jewish Genocide committed by the german nazi subhumans less than twenty years later.


  2.  (F) I/O (A).  The British Daily Telegraph reported that Smyrna had “returned to normality”.

  3.  (F) I/O (A).  The victims were without food.  Not a tenth of them could be fed.  The plague broke out because there were no sanitary conditions among the hundreds of thousands of huddled, beaten, raped, tortured, limbless, terrified moaning and screaming victims.  Tens of thousands more were therefore murdered by the Turdish Moslem subhumans, smears of shit on the asshole of Humanity.  More innocent and defenseless families were piled onto the rat-feeding heaps of victims of atrocity and starvation, a gift of Allah the kocksucking shit-eating motherfucker, Allah the subhuman, Allah the Shit God, Allah the compassionate, the merciful, the fetid turd.

  4.  (F) I/O (A).  Relief organizations held their food for the subhuman trash population of Turkish Moslems.


p. 502.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  The Moslem Turdish subhumans ordered the victims, innocent defenseless Human Beings, families just like yours, into concentration camps.  These were death marches into the vile depths of Mordor.  Over 5,000 prisoners were forcibly set out.  After one week only 500 remained.  Satan’s kocksuckers sold these Human Beings into slavery in local pigsty villages.  This is another Turkish delight.  This was in 1922.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  While half a million of their Christian cousins were pacified, patriotized, atrocified, Islamized, i.e., died of thirst, were burned to death and raped to death, and butchered and starved and died of plague, the quaking British, Italian and French, pissing themselves while yelling neutrality behind the white flag of the coward refused to help.  Neither did the Greeks who had twenty-five navy ships at nearby Mytilene.  However, embarrassed by an American priest with his ceaseless telegraphs to the media monkeys, the Greek government reluctantly sent the ships to evacuate a few Greek citizens.


  3.  (F) I/O (A).  The Turdish Moslem subhumans waxed ballistic in their wrath that any should escape their Islamic love.  The ululating imbeciles beat the crowd mercilessly with their guns.  The soldier subhumans smashed in the faces of little toddlers, smashed in the faces of men (sort like Vietnam) and women, grandma and grandpa.  Those combat war he-roes of war needed those little girls and boys to rape and suck their tiny little needle dicks before the innocent children’s parents.  This is yet another Turkish delight.  Make ‘em feel lak de main.  They wanted every innocent defenseless Human Being to die right there on the docks encased in their own shit and piss and vomit and blood and stench of the Turkish Moslems.  By the end of September, the Christian population of Smyrna, and Smyrna itself, had ceased to exist, except for its small population of Islamic asshole-licking dogs, Smyrna was a ghost town.


pp. 502-503.  The Turdish Moslem subhuman, the kocksucking shit-eater Kemal Ataturd, the Idjit of Islam, just like the shit smear it and all those that glace upon its image are, blamed this unspeakable atrocity, one of the vilest subhuman acts of patriotism ever to atrocity innocent and defenseless Human Beings, on the innocent and defenseless Armenian Christians.


p. 503.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  While these millions of innocent people were being Islamized, the shit-slurping Kemal Thataturd, good friend of rich Russian subhumans, its mouth firmly fixed around the Rooskie dick, as Turks are wont to do, Addaturd the Muslim subhuman gave magnanimous speeches about justice, equality for all creeds and races living in Mordor.  The media monkeys and international politicians gobbled these lies up like gutter shit.  Yea, even say, unto this day media monkeys and international politicians gobble up gutter shit.  (The subhuman had a nice smile, shaved its face, wore a tie, one of the guys.)

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  To this day, the Turdish Moslem subhumans, lacking the attributes that parse Human Beings from subhumans, have not apologized.  There has not been an apology from those pencil-necked ululating Islamic imbeciles, yea even say the Mussulman castrati.  The Moslem subhumans forced out up to 900,000 innocent and defenseless Greek Christians.  Some of these innocent and defenseless people, bereft of anything, the walking dead, went to Greece.

  3.  (F) I/O (A).  When the cowardly French withdrew from the east of Mordor, the Armenian Christian population panicked and followed them.  Almost all of these inoffensive people went to their deaths because the French cowards would not help.  In the Asian section of Mordor out of 3,000,000 Human Beings only 130,000 remained.


p. 504.

  1.  The Turdish Moslem subhumans are so depraved and sorry, that their economy immediately crashed.  It was the Christian serfs made Mordor economically viable.  It reminds us of those Palestinian morons that during the war for Israeli independence murdered Jewish doctors treating their own people.  They do not wrap towels around their heads without cause.  One of ‘em tilts his head aside his brain will roll out.  The subhuman Muslim countries around the Mediterranean thought they could turn the GPR (Grand Protection Racket of Islam) into a vast depraved insane Moslem nation state.  The economies of Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Jordan, the usual Hickvilles, went down like whores.  Whoa!  Whoa!  All you American patriots out there rest easy, settle down, talk show hosts relax, sigh, don’t get your panties all knotted in a wad, don’t get your Big Bird undies in an uproar, the rich subhumans, the super true believers that owned and ran those rat infested dung heaps suffered not.  Not one of those mountains of fat felt even the slightest pinprick in its plump bejeweled little finger.


  2.  (F) I/O BT**.  In the lands of the Dark Force, Mordor in a broad sense, those that have the knowledge and understanding, those that make the economy work are Christians, Agnostics, Hindus, and Buddhists, but the Dark Force subjugates these people.  They have neither citizenship nor political representation.  That cannot vote, yet they run the economies of those dark, vile, and unclean lands.  You cannot get your hands clean in Islam.  Why do they not go where the air is fresh, and they do not have to worry about a dagger in the back, their own homelands say, and let Mordor wallow in the fetid feces of its foul religion?  Note at the top of file.


pp. 504-505.  The subhuman Kemal Ataturd Islamized the Christian minorities to prevent the insane and depraved Moslem majority from continually attacking them and thereby creating social disorder; bad for business.  That was its excuse.

p. 505.

  1.  The portrait of the famous subhuman Kemal Ataturd aka Addaturd aka Thataturd, one of the greatest patriots that ever lived, hangs like a syphilitic dick in every government building, office, shop, house, garbage dump, latrine, cesspool and dung heap in Turdavania.  Wherever there is a sty in Turdavania, there hangs the portrait of the pig Kemal Thataturd.  The bleary-eyed rich twerps and twits and jerks and shits that own and run the European Union (and America) see nothing at all wrong with this for they are rich intellectual assholes, i.e., the intelligentsia, aka imbeciles that judge manhood by the amount of dick a male can engulf its orifices.


  2.  (F) I/O (A).  When the Ataturd Muslim subhuman, a true believer, began its final solution to the problem of having Human Beings living in Mordor, already one million Armeo-Turkish Christians had been Islamized by Thataturd type subhumans in the Ottoman Empire.  That is one million (1,000,000) innocent Human Beings Islamized / patriotized in the most patriotic of fashions, undergoing suffering, even little children and babies, that cannot be imagined, before the Father of the Turds even came to power.


  3.  (F) I/O (A).  During the Islamization of the Christian Armenians, the Islamic idjits of Sivas, true Turds of Turdavania, pacified more of these innocent and defenseless Human Beings than in any other cesspool in Mordor— cities in Mordor, seething dens of filth and corruption.

  4.  (F) I/O (A).  It is juicier than that.  In 1993, a troupe of 37 musicians and poets came to town to celebrate the life of an Aveli poet.  (We could not find a reference to Aveli.)  The knuckle-dragging, slack-jawed, slope-headed, slobber-mouthed, pig-eyed inbreds, Muslim true believers, Islamic idjits, coagulated in a mob and burned the 37 musicians and poets to death. Turkish delight.  Their crime in the eyes of Allah the Shit God?  These Aveli chaps are of the liberal educated segment of Turkish Islam (no really).  Islam is the Religion of Hatred, Cowardice, and Subhuman Depravity.  George Lucas musta had Sivas in mind when he wrote:


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

—Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: A New Hope.


p. 506.  I/O.  Only a few thousand Christians now struggle to survive in Turkish Mordor, forced to hide their religion.

p. 507.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  In the early 20th century, the city of Amida was 53% Christians.  From its shit pile in Hell, the excellent Ataturd subhuman is doubtless proud that its Islamization worked almost to a T.  Today in that POS city Amida, a city of 900,000, there are only 40 Christians.

  2.  SCHO-OP.  Despite the lousy printing job, of true Islamic quality, the Turdish tourist guide proclaims that there are thirteen churches within the city walls.  However, the Turd word omits that eleven of these are burned-out hulks, and the knuckle-dragging troglodytes, aka idjits, regularly burn down the remaining two down.


  2.  (F) I/O (A).  Dizzy Christian churches in the West collect vast sums of money for perverted politically correct projects.  They do not help their spiritual brothers perishing in chains in Mordor, but lavish this great wealth upon foul subhuman Christian tyrants in Africa.  They tergiversate.  They turn their backs on the sufferings of their spiritual kin in Mordor because they are quaking politically correct cowards that piss and shit themselves at mere mention of the Dark Force.  (“They will see us and like us.”)

p. 508.

  1.  The city of Edessa, ol’ JC’s hometown, the foundation of Nazarene Gnosticism, the city from which modern Christianity inadvertently sprang, not one Christian lives there.  There are, unnecessarily, no churches.

  2.  (F) SCHO-OP & SCHO-OP.  The Christian Church lies about the true history of the lands under the unspeakable shadow of the Dark Force, and about the true history of Western and Middle Eastern religions.


p. 510.

“. . . he was a warrior king with a sword and he was not afraid to use it”.  Mr. Ellis’s talkin’ ‘bout ol’ King Cole hisself, good ol’ King Jesus Monobazus-Izates aka King Manu bar Abgarus VI of Edessa, that cheek-turning boy that married his own sister.  His mother may have been the mother of his children, there is some debate on that, but we are not talking about Mohammad the Dark Lord and sexual child abuser.  We speak of n.o.t. Jesus H. Christ who was not born on Christmas day.

1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.  . . .   5And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

               Book of Revelations 12:1-5 King James Version.


p. 511.  Social and political incompetence, subjugation and impoverishment are the ways of Islam.  Those scrawny-necked pyorrhea-mouth ululating hillbillies will even murder doctors treating their own people.

p. 513.  The Dark Force is a stagnant creed that does not believe in learning and discovery.  (Ssssh!  They are not progressive.  They are not of the Church of Progress.)


p. 514.  (F) I/O BT**.  When idjits of the Dark Force demand that the West curtail its Freedom of speech and thought, spineless depraved politicians, yea even say those rich cowardly shit-eating salivating cringing plump perfumed punks, readily acquiesce with the idjits’ ultimatums.  The rich politicians are yellow-bellied kocksuckers, criminal wussefusses with vast, vast, vast Swiss bank accounts stuffed with filthy oily Saudi cash.  The puppet masters of the West refuse to provide us with security.  They will not protect this measly, vapid, distasteful, rotting excuse of a civilization.  They do it on purpose.  One of the reasons is that they have more important stuff to worry about.  It is more important for them to ride the avalanche.  They say to Hell with our families and our children.  They have their secret Swiss bank accounts to worry about, but that is not the only reason, he darkly hinted.  Note at the top of file.


p. 515.

  1.  (F) I/O BT** & I/O BT**.  The intellectuals, i.e., imbeciles, liberal ideologues, ignorant despite meaningless diplomas stacked like playing cards, welcome religious fundamentalism into Europe, and the West, without even the courtesy of asking we the people , yea even say without bothering to ask we who they rob by legal gunpoint if we want this.  The intelligentsia are morons that think themselves better than everyone else, more intelligent than the rest of us, possessing intellectual perspicacity and insightful acumen far surpassing commonsense.  They do not know their assholes from a hole in the ground.  You do not let a patriot into the nursery.  You do not let a Catholic priest into the kindergarten.  They do not even know that! and they have all those diplomas and degrees, degrees of asshole-ism, the more degrees the bigger and shittier the asshole.  QED.

                Note at the top of file².


  2.  (F) I/O (A).  Ostensibly, the rich politicians, pork bellies on the hoof, opened the gates to moral lepers in the name of social enrichment, but it was really to destroy unions and disenfranchise working people.  That is the second reason.  This social enrichment enables Europeans to experience again the joys of religious ghettos.  Westerners are now privileged to bask in the enriched warmth of religious hatreds, religious threats, electoral fraud, sectarian bombing, sectarian murder, overt misogyny (supported by women’s lib).  Westerners now savor the sanctified butchery of genital mutilation [most particularly of females], female infanticide, and child murders in the name of a dubious honor that these people do not even know the meaning of.  Westerners now relish the delights of human trafficking and slavery17, forced marriages, the gang rape of thousands of indigenous girls18, and the ritual murder of children19 sometimes by butchery.  Westerners may now relax as they are free to savor cannibalism20, asshole voodoo worship, and people flock once more to temples of the bizarre, where prayers are offered five times daily to the Flying Spaghetti Monster21”.




Touched by His Celestial Grace’s Noodly Appendage

(Not too many people know this but the Flying Spaghetti Monster is Bob’s balls.)



Man! I feel so enriched by this social enrichment; why, I could go out and shit on a mailbox.  Man! Am I invigorated.  I be invigorated.  I be the invigorated master.  I could shit on President Obama’s picture.  Ain’t nothin’ I like better’n cold beer’n hot pussy.  Hotcha!  I don’t know what I’m gonna do I’m so invigorated.  Where’s muh filletin’ knife woman?


                Rich politicians insist that the West must respect and embrace genital mutilation and child murder and all the barbarity found in the more ignorant and perverted religions of the world.  Rich politicians are doing this to control us, to disenfranchise us, to break our unions.  Check out contractors’ work crews.  After all, these ignorant benighted serfs will work for pennies an hour, then lick shit off the assholes, and suck the dicks of those lashing them and their children.

  3.  (F) I/O BT**.  To dare to have the audacity to criticize barbarity in places like dingleberry Great Britain is a heinous crime that will result in a court case and a probably a prison sentence.  Note at the top of file.

                “Thus barbarity triumphs civility, once more, and the West sinks ever further into the cesspit of cultural decay”.

                We are experiencing the fall of the Western Empire.  We are experiencing the fall of the Western Empire.  We can stop it but it will take blood; politician’s blood, and the blood of the otherwise wicked.


                The rich pigs / politicians, saucy and oily, big fat plump fingers like pale sausages

encrusted with costly bijous, wearing rugs on their bald heads instead of kneeling on them, yea, even say, they that have never worked a day in all their lives collectively, rotund and plump, all perfumed and fattened up for the spit; yea even they say opened the gates to the barbarians and the ululating degenerates of the Dark Force, the yodeling idjits of Islam and other religions of a less than savory nature.  The politicians lie telling us they dynamited the dam holding back the cesspool, the blood-dripping insane carnival of religious fundamentalism in the name of ‘inclusivity’, to show the savages we are nice guys.  They have unleashed Catholic priests in the orphanage.  The headlines are their fault— we are showing the foul scrapings from the bottom of a religious cesspool how nice and pretty we are.  The barbarians will see us and like us.  Well guess what, the savages see us as laughably weak, abysmally without backbone; naked, fat, flaccid, self-centered, dirty handed, cowards.  Do not get us wrong now.  The vast inflow of slimy oil money to the sacred secret Swiss bank accounts of the politicians has nothing to do with it at all.  Good Flag no!  We’re being culturally enriched while losing our Freedom and our rights, our jobs, our dignity, our sanity.  We’re being . . . wait for it . . . inclusive.  They will see us and like us— as if we give a rat’s putrid asshole.


                Pausing only to rear back and howl at the Moon, ululating like a bunch of pyorrhea-mouthed hillbillies, Adam’s apples bouncing like Ping-Pong balls in a lottery machine, the ululating loonies unchained come flushing forth into these dying Western lands.  Yea, even say they come unto us with their child torture and cannibalism, their gasoline and their automatic rifles, their chainsaws and hard dicks, their C-4 plastic explosive and their huge bank accounts.  Be advised, the depraved idjits of the Dark Force, et al., are: a) very well financed; b) not afraid to spend their wealth on our traitorous politicians in order to murder us as stated over and over in their unholy books; and, c) they are a crowbar used by the filthy shit that own and run these dying western lands to pry our few remaining rights from us.  Take heed you flag-waving assholes.  You got your spacious skies; you got your purple mountains majesties; you got your amber waves of grain only somebody else owns ‘em.  You have waved that blood, shit, and cum stained rag to shreds.  The more of the Dark Force’s foul offspring that are in our country, the less Sweet Freedom   we shall have.  Savages do not like Freedom.  Freedom is their enemy.  Freedom will not let them exist because they cannot do what they want to, but they own many many American politicians, mostly liberal Democrat.  When the Revolution comes (this will be Revolution Mark III), yea over unto say, as politicians and the media monkeys go, we suggest Jazz apples for their mouths, bitingly crisp and juicy, the crunchy containers of sweet juice.  Man, savor that inclusivity and cultural enrichment.

                Yo!  You’n take yer steenking inclusivity and slide it into your all-inclusive shit-smeared assholes politicians!  Ova heah fo’ yo’ inclusivity.  I, I, I got cher inclusivity . . . in muh paints.


Dem Mo-hamma-damn ball bearings are a-poised to rollover us.

—Hezekiah P. Snodgrass.

Notes & References

pp. 534-535.  9.  (F) I/O (A).  The Blight of Asia.  An Account of the Systematic Extermination of Christian Populations by Mohammedans and of the Culpability of Certain Great Powers; with the True Story of the Burning of Smyrna by George Horton - Consul and Consul-General of the United States in the Near East.


p. 535.

  12.  (F) I/O (A).   The Martyrdom of Smyrna and Eastern Christendom.  A File of Overwhelming Evidence Denouncing the Misdeeds of the Turks in Asia Minor and showing their Responsibility for the Horrors of Smyrna by Dr Lysimachos Ceconomos, Lecturer in Modern Greek and Byzantine History at the University of London, Kings College.  First published in 1922.

  17.  (F) I/O BT.  {http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2038379/UK-slavery-2011-Vulner able-men-snatched-Britains-streets-travellers.html}.  Men abducted from the once safe streets of once-Great Britain, likely to have their dicks sucked by true believing fundamentalists, and then chopped up like in a police coroner’s and ritualistically cannibalized.



  a.  (F) I/O (A).  {http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9258403/Asian-sex-gang-were- acting-within-cultural-norms.html}.  Asian sex gang subhumans rape countless young girls for their subhuman asshole-licking gods.

  b.  (F) I/O (A).  {http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/allison-pearson/9254651/ Asian-sex-gang-young-girls-betrayed-by-our-fear-of-racism.html}.  Asian sex gang subhumans rape many countless young girls, the English piss their pink lace panties and do nothing.


  c.  (F) (CA) (BT**) & (F) PB I/O BT**.  {http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/92

53 250/Rochdale-grooming-trial-Police-accused-of-failing-to-investigate-paedophile-gang-for-fear-of-appearing-racist.html}.  Effeminate British pigs are afraid to investigate pedophile gangs that sexually abuse scores of children.  Note at the top of file².

  d.  (F) (CA) (A).  {http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9347294/ Rochdale-v/x-~sgrooming-trial-police-knew-about-sex-abuse-in-2002-but-failed-to-act.html}.  Quaking quacking effeminate British pigs and social workers failed to tackle the enormity of Asian males grooming [mediaism for drugging them and raping them, etc., reference your porn] under-age white girls for up to a decade.



  a.  (F) (CA) (BT**) MURDER.  {http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1370917/ Torso-Thames-identified-Victim-voodoo-ritual-named-5-year-old-Adam. html}.  Savage subhumans sacrificed a five-year old child, most likely eaten raw, to a voodoo hoodoo boohoo guru god, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Jehovah 1, or Haile Selassie, or Humanity, or whatever beastly thing they worship.  Note at the top of file.


  b.  (F) I/O MURDER.  {http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2043813/Muslim-mother-stabbed-daughter-40-times-exorcise-evil-spirits-body.html}.  A devoted Mussulman mother, a true believer, stabbed her daughter 40 times.  Forty is a sacred number among idjits.  Evil spirits in her daughter made her demand Freedom.

  c.  (F) I/O DOUBLE MURDER.  {http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2207872/Pregnant-wife-21-Imurdered-family-rid-evil-spirits-Jailed-life-husband-laws-held-bride-suffocated-her.

html}.  A pregnant wife, 21-years old, was murdered by her loving true believing family— them pesky evil spirits again, made her demand Freedom. 



  a.  (F) I/O BT** ISLAMIC CANNIBALISM.  {http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-459013/Mother-murdered-girl-kebabs-runs-court-gruesome-testimony.html}.  A  subhuman made shish kebab out of a fourteen-year-old child that it was fucking.  Note at the top of file.

  b.  (F) I/O (A).  {http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1374443/Police-hid-abuse-60-girls-Asian-takeaway-workers-linked-Charlene-Downes-murder.html}.  The cowardly British pigs, sluts and queers, hid the rape and sexual abuse of 60 girls by Asian savages.  They don’t call ‘em bobbies for nothing don’t cha know.



Islam the Religion of Love



Use of poison and drug overdoses

                The psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton writes in a parenthesis when introducing the medical experiments during the Holocaust, “Perhaps Turkish doctors, in their participation in the genocide against the Armenians, come closest, as I shall later suggest”.[55]


Morphine overdose: . . . the Trabzons Health Services Inspector Dr. Ziya Fuad wrote in a report that Dr. Saib caused the death of children with the injection of morphine.  The information was allegedly provided by two physicians (Drs. Ragib and Vehib), both Dr. Saib’s colleagues at Trabzons Red Crescent hospital, where those atrocities were . . . committed.[56][57]


Toxic gas: Dr. Ziya Fuad and Dr. Adnan, public health services director of Trabzon, submitted affidavits reporting cases in which two school buildings were used to organize children and send them to the mezzanine to kill them with toxic gas equipment.[58][59]


Typhoid inoculation: The Ottoman surgeon, Dr. Haydar Cemal wrote “on the order of the Chief Sanitation Office of the Third Army in January 1916, when the spread of typhus was an acute problem, innocent Armenians slated for deportation at Erzican were inoculated with the blood of typhoid fever patients without rendering that blood ‘inactive’”.[60][61]  Jeremy Hugh Baron writes: “Individual doctors were directly involved in the massacres, having poisoned infants, killed children and issued false certificates of death from natural causes.  Nazim’s brother-in-law Dr. Tevfik Rushdu, Inspector-General of Health Services, organized the disposal of Armenian corpses with thousands of kilos of lime over six months; he became foreign secretary from 1925 to 1938”.[62]


Mother Saying Goodbye to Her Daughter, a Recipient of Islamic Love


Now I lay me down to sleep

in Turkish Mordor Dark and Deep

I will die before I wake

I prey Mommy and Sissy You do not forsake


File:3a48241u copy.png


An Armenian woman kneeling beside dead child in field “within sight of help and safety at Aleppo”, an Ottoman city.



A Turkish Moslem Subhuman (the bureaucrat with the short hair &

wearing the obligatory tie) tormenting starving

children with bread in 1915.

(Collection of St. Lazar Mkhitarian Congregation).




File:Armenian genocide4.jpg


                Behold the innocent recipients of the Religion of Love, Islamized by Allah the Shit God’s faggot shiteaters Turkish Moslem Subhumans.  These defenseless little things did not become skeletons overnight.  Notice the innocent little one with his head heavily bandaged, apparently beaten in the head by a Moslem Turkish Subhuman.  Notice the little girl, her head has been bashed in by a badas, shit-eating, asshole-licking, kocksucking, combat war he-roe of war, Turdish Moslem Subhuman.  sLike all patriots, Turkish subhumans fear little innocents.


                Is there L♥VE in Islam?  Under the dagger, ax, Uzi, scimitar, gasoline can, and brass-tipped cat o’ nine tails of the Dark Lord that pedophile Mohammad the Mad, in the Dark Realm of Allah the Shit God, vile Mordor.  Can people truly L♥VE in the Mordor?  It is rhetorical.  It is a fucking joke.

                The Prophet Mastodon prays, yea even unto say we all pray, that the Great Spirit wipes the image of Kemal Addaturd, that subhuman smear of shit on the asshole of the Earth, and all the gutless depraved subhuman wimps that gaze upon its despicable image, off the asshole of Humanity.

                Is there L♥VE in Islam?  Is there Hell for those that practice it?  Islam is an affront to Humanity.  Islam is more of a severe mental disorder than a spiritual way of life.  Do the math.

                Update.  In Britain, over two-thousand-five-hundred (2,500) British children have and are being sexually abused (the mediaism is groomed) by depraved Islamic subhumans.  Degenerate Islamic cab drivers often rape their female passengers.  Islamic gangs, ululating hillbilly idjits, hang out on corners threatening Human Beings to become Sharia law subhumans.


                “Cor blimey guvneh!  Skip to the loo m’ darlin’.  E’s reamin’ ‘em a new arsehole ‘e is mite”.

                “Aye ducky, good thing the bloody buggers ain’t got the bloomin’ Bomb.”

                “Cor blimey”.




                Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain unless you’ve used up all the other four-letter words.  W.C. Fields.




The House of Shoddy Goods

Chinese Junk


2013-6-3.  Suffered a nasty cut on the thumb attempting to repair an imitation Chinese desk lamp that came with plastic mounting brackets soon chewed away.  They are so stupid they do not know that only a moron would mesh steel and plastic. 



  1.  A man purchased a pair of shoes for daily footwear.  Within a month the imitation shoes fell apart so badly that he could not repair them.

  2.  A man has canned three Chinese junk electric shavers that failed within two years.




2013-6-13.  Distributed by Eric’s Garden, 4050 N. Viewpoint Dr, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314, on 2013-4-15 we purchased 4 ft. X 200 ft. of Erin’s Garden Weed Control Fabric, SKU# 750302 for $24.99 + $1.50 Maryland sales tax, and driving 5.9 miles to obtain it.  Originally spread on 2013-4-24, twice now we were forced to spread this imitation landscaping fabric over the remains of what was already spread over the garden.  This Erin’s Garden Weed Control Fabric is gauze thin, thin as something a public whore would stretch over its filthy shit-crevice and / or its nippled barf-buckets and / or its pesthole.  Eric’s Garden suggests that you use a pre-emergent herbicide before unrolling the fabric, and then covering it with three to four inches of stone, or recycled rubber, or mulch.  That is utterly ludicrous.  If we wanted to do all that, why in the Hell would we waste our dwindling resources on purchasing landscaping fabric?  Turns out that it dissolves in ultraviolet rays, but they do not tell you that on the outside of the packaging of course.  Only after opening the packaging can you learn that.  Also, you cannot tell how thick landscaping fabric is, or at least we can’t, by looking at it in the packaging.  The Cluster Fuck should race back to Washington to establish regulations on gauging this stuff.


2013-7-4.  Laid down two more layers of this cappie-commie crap over most of the garden.  In some places, we laid down four layers.  Chinese weed control fabric dissolves in the Sun.  Can you believe it?  An outdoor product that dissolves in the Sun and the government allows the evil empire to sell it in our country.


2013-10-29.  Broken up into myriad pieces, the Erin’s Garden Weed Control Fabric could not be completely removed from the garden.  Raking was not a wholly viable solution because too much organic matter would be lost as separation was a problem, although the larger pieces were thusly handled.  Smaller pieces had already blown over the yard, to be joined by the many pieces strewn over the garden. 




2013-6-13.  Distributed by the Ridge Tool Company, 400 Clark Street, Elyria, OH 44035, RIGID immersible sump pumps sold @ Home Depot and many other places rust out.  Whoever heard of a device whose purpose requires it to be kept in water rusting out?  Why are those dirty rotten commie-cappies allowed to get away with this?  They can even mesh nylon and steel gears and the Cluster Fuck says nothing.


2013-7-3.  Yet again, attempting to repair the rattrap reported in The Great Rattrap Saga, last ish, 45 Psywar, 2012-12-25 to 2013-5-24, a piece of Chinese shit, the left index finger was cut when the spring slipped off the rod it is coiled around.  This ended up happening at least three times possible more.  Bar the Chinese from purveying their goods in the dying land.  They do not know how to design items.  Like apes, they can only imitate.  I might die from this cut on that vile rattrap.


2013-8-16.  All Strap watchband distributed by Voguestrap, Long Island City, New York 11101.  Model number TX862962W.  Advertised as fitting all bands it does not.  The watch had to be brutally altered and by cutting nylon portions, and the spring bars are too wide.  Total cost $10.60.


2013-9-14.  We purchased two Transcend SDHC 16 GB #10 Memory Cards.  Manufactured by Transcend Information, Inc., 70, XingZhong Rd., NeiHu Dist., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 114, although the dirty sneaky Transcend Corporation ballyhoos these SDHC memory cards as 16 DB, in reality they hold only 14.6 GB of data.  Many Chinese memory cards are like this and have other deliberate faults.


2013-9-14.  We are disappointed with the Logitech M325 cordless mouse.  Purchased from          mirrosymmetry for $17.95, all the many images at Amazon.com advertising this mouse show a knurled wheel, a selling feature with us, but the wheel is not knurled, it is smooth.  Made in Taiwan, Logitech is a Swiss corporation.  Its USA headquarters are Logitech Corporate Office Headquarters, 6505 Kaiser Dr, Fremont, CA 94555 USA.



1.  The Logitech M325 mouse often dies on us.  The cursor freezes and we must remove and reinsert the battery sometimes multiple times to make it work again.  We vigorously run the battery ends on fabric.  It is far too sensitive.  During playback with CyberLink PowerDVD 10, and using the Logitech M325 mouse, if the courser glides over Next or Previous, playback jumps forward or backward a random number of chapters.  It is annoying to find and resume playback where viewing left off.


2.  From the day we unfortunately purchased a TASCAM DR-07 Portable Digital Recorder from Amazon.com for the exorbitant fee of $124.94, we have had complaints.  For reference, see 41 Psywar, 2011-3-16 to 2011-7-11, @ 2011-5-27; 42 Psywar, 2011-7-14 to 2012-3-4 @ 2012-2-3 & 2012-3-4; 45 Psywar, 2012-12-25 to 2013-5-24 @ 2013-5-10.

                Made in China by TEAC America, Inc., 7733 Telegraph Road, Montebello, California 90640, it is a bundle of glitches.  The mighty and powerful TEAC America, Inc., ignorant and arrogant, refuses to provide tech support.  From say one the wheel used to choose folder, file, and setting has not functioned correctly.  Turing it down or up the selectivity will jump up or down any number of spaces.  Only with frustrating difficulty can you make the selection you want.  We spliced the cord where the stress relief had cut it, but now, although the recorder is getting juice, it cannot be removed from its battery setting.  When using AC power it flashes, “battery empty, press [Play]” several times and shuts the recorder off. 

TEAC America, Inc., has no tech support.  The nonskid beads on the back of the digital recorder have become sticky and fallen off.


                We do not know where to stick the blame, like pin the tail on the donkey.  Either it is the Dell Inspiron 660s, or the Window$ 8 64-bit operating system, or the Window$ Media Player application, or the Silicon Power (Chinese outfit) 2GB SD flash memory card, or the TASCAM DR-07, or the digital structure of the old time Suspense radio programs purchased from Old Time Radio on MP3 dot com— yea over unto say, but after digital dating the radio programs, e.g., 2013-12-31, they are scrambled as to month and day and cannot be placed in order.  However, reading the memory card with the computer the radio programs are in order.

                Often this TASCAM will not play a radio program because its formats are limited.  Whatever the reason the TASCAM DR-07 was a bad purchase.






(S) PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore Sun Co., 501 N Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202-3660.


A.  JC Penny ad #NPO4W17A 260560 AP.

p. 1.  BT**.  Aired is a full-page CU of an 85.08% naked brunette animal airing its pesthole area flesh, crap-canyon slabs, and ¼-n bile-buckets.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Image filed.  Note at the top of the file.


B.  BT**.  Sears Memorial Day Sale ad.

p. 1.  #1 SO526FL437878_01.  50% Off Swimwear for the Family.  A leering longhaired dirty-blonde airs its pesthole lips in our faces, in this liberal family newspaper, its dung-buster slabs, and ¼-n dug-jugs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

p. 3.  BT**.  #3 SO526FL437880_03.  40% Off All Bras and Panties from . . .  The same leering, longhaired dirty-blonde, in pink Vanity Fair bra and cunt cover airs its pesthole mound, ass-slabs, and -n tits.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

Images filed.  Note at the top of the file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-5-31.  (S) BT** PERIODICAL.  Prevention, a barnyard blonde airs its filthy self in our faces 97% naked in a blue pussy patch; dung-buster slabs, and dirty dugs aired.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of the file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-2, 1323.  (S) INTERNET.  {http://xfinity.comcast.net/}.

A.  “Fan Snaps Beyonce, Gets a Smackdown”.  This rich and famous beast airs itself naked in public on stage in light blue shreds; pronounced pesthole mound, crap-crevice slab, and ½-n dug-jugs, but doesn’t want anybody to look.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


B. Video ads

  1.  BT**.  “Beyonce Pics Are Real”.  Near naked in black tatters; pesthole area aired.  Note at

        the top of file.

  2.  BT**.  “Cuoco’s Racy FHM Shoot”.  A blonde whore/actress airs its-n dug-jugs.  

  3.  BT*.  “Krum’s Dress Too Much”.  It airs its ¼-n huge deep dug ditch.

  4.  BT**.  “Jam in Jamaica”.  A barnyard blonde in black G-string airs its depraved self on a

       beach.  Note at the top of file.

  5.  BT*.  “New Games and Trivia.  What had Adam apologizing?  What song disappointed Katy

       {Perry]?  Test your recall of the week's headlines . . .”  In public KP airs its in CU its huge ½-n

       barf-bags with nipples on them.

  6.  BT*.  “Photo Trivia: Real Star or Wax Figure?”  A blonde whore in CU in public airs its huge

       ½-n barf-bladders with nipples on ‘em.

                        Bzzzzzz! Boing Boing Boing Bongity Boing Boing!

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0813.  I/O-I.  {http://download.radiorage.com/index.jhtml?spu=true&partner=ZXxdm002&gclid=CNHG uJrux7cCFciY4AodwCwAjw}.  Full-page popup / cannot backarrow off page.


  (S) BT** PERIODICAL.  Maxim June 2013.

  1.  A near naked cuntmonkey on the cover.

  2.  Inserted business reply card.  A naked, leering, longhaired blonde barnyard whore airs its shit-masher in the faces of the Great Spirit, Man, and decent people everywhere through a thin strip of see-thru black gauze that stretches across the center of its nauseatingly reeking and gigantic turd-pincher.  One of its naked bile-bags is half seen as the filthy animal covers it with an upper arm.  These depraved sluts, so laughably obvious and unsophisticated themselves, so painfully apparent all the time.  Perhaps it could get a job with those animals that are guards in the Baltimore City jail.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Image filed.

Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1021.  I/O-I.  {http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&q=irs+scandal+2013+explained&oq=irs+ scandal+ 2013+&gs_l=hp.1.3.0l4. adup-V0&pbx=1&bav=on.2, or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47244034,d.dmg&fp=c9d97f49e507a36a&biw= 1366&bih=601}.  A capitalist / creep popup.

1525.  I/O-I.  {http://www.tucows.com/thankyou.html?swid=194179}.  Banner style popup along bottom, like scum on the bottom of a cesspool. 

1843.  I/O-I (T).  {http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=78 28138}.  We were shit on by two popups, one permanent & another slap-you-in-

the-face popup advertising nasty Bloomberg Businessweek.  Ew.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-5.  I/O PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

pp. 1 & 16.  New charges against IRS, a piece of liberal bureaucratic shit Democrat named John Fritze leaked a list of donors of foes to queer marriages to their vile opponents.


  1.  BT**. Confidential information that the National Organization for Marriage, a valiant band of noble champions that fight the nauseating virus of queer marriages was forced to give to the legions of fat bureaucrats of the IRS, was posted online by pro-queer marriage degenerates of the Human Rights Campaign.  This information, the National Organization for Marriage’s 2008 tax records, was stuck to the web just after that queer Governor Martin “Gun Grabber” O’Malley signed Maryland’s queer marriage law.  At the time the National Organization for Marriage was preparing a petition drive to put the law before voters on the November ballot.  Note at the top of file.


  2.  BT.  Fat rich queer Democrat Representative Joseph Crowley, of the Cluster Fuck, pledged his sacred word of honor that the piece-of-shit in the Oval Orifice had nothing to do with this. 


  3.  BT.  A spokesman at the reeking and depraved Human Rights Campaign did not have the balls to respond to requests for comment.  Why? Because they are wrong, they are wrong, they are wrong, they know they are wrong, so they are wrong.


  4.  BT**.  An IRS spokesman [sic], a pudgy rich bureaucrat that had not the guts to be identified as well, repeated what the fat rich former IRS commissioner Steven T. Miller said, i.e., that this traitorous act, and all the others, were “inadvertent”.  Note at the top of file².   


  5.  BT**.  Del. Maggie McIntosh, a fat rich Baltimore Democrat and a lead genital of the depraved queer-marriage initiative in dingleberry Annapolis, said the disclosure of the morally upright, clean, and gallant National Organization for Marriage’s finances “had absolutely no impact one way or the other on the outcome of the legislation or the outcome of election”.  How do these so-called people sleep at night? 


  6.  BT**.  One party the IRS nazis gave was in Anaheim, CA, cost us taxpayers $4.1 million ($4,100,000).  This is the party that aired the pornographic Star Trek spoof.  Was there not a massive copyright violation here?  How come the rich subhumans in the federal government do not have to obey the law, and we can go to a federal prison for filling in a puddle on our driveway.  Complete hierarchy to go against the wall including the turd in the Oval Orifice.  It is time to flush the toilet and let no shit stick to the side.  Note at the top of file.  Article filed.


0724.  I/O-I (BT**).  {about:newaddon?id=plugin@getwebcake.com}.  Called DealPly, this is adware.  Do not download.  Popups assail you when trying to flush it.  There are also several road-blocking full-page popups and among them http://landing.dealplyshopping.com/nadi/pages/postuninstall/?partner =iron&channel=installcore_us&installVersionMachine=4861}.  We were warned that another program wanted to add something to my computer.  Another full-page popup stated, “You have just uninstalled DealPly. If this is not what you intended to do . . .”  Blah blah blah.

0747:  I/O-I.  {http://www.tucows.com/preview/194179/Outlook-Express}; banner popup for Jeep.

0803.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-com/default.aspx}; full-page without backarrow capability.


0809.  I/O BT**.  680 AM WCBM.  Sean & Frank.  500 conservative groups have been target by the nazi IRS.  Incredibly, the targeting is still going on.  Elect us.  No quarter.  It is time to flush the toilet and let no shit stick to the side.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


0855.  I/O-I.  {http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/t/the_band/the_weight_tab.htm}.  Popup blocked

1429.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.911tabs.com/tabs/t/the_band/the_weight_tab.htm}.  Fade to gray and popup, also popup blocked.

***           ****           *

1717.  I/O BT** & (S) BT** INTERNET.  The bureaucrat subhumans of the IRS spent $50 million ($50,000,000) on parties recently.  One of the attractions, if we heard right, was a pornographic Star Trek movie they had made.  Complete hierarchy to go against the wall including the turd in the Oval Orifice.  It is time to flush the toilet and let no shit stick to the side.  Note at the top of the file².  Elect us.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!







1719.  I/O BT** INTERNET.  The bureaucratic subhuman IRS seized illegally by force the private medical records of ten million (10,000,000) Americans.  There are no excuses.







                Complete hierarchy to go against the wall including the turd in the Oval Orifice.  It is time to flush the toilet and let no shit stick to the side.  Note at the top of the file.  Elect us.


1723.  I/O BT** INTERNET.  The vile and depraved NSA seized from Verizon Corporation the telephone records for all their customers for the past three months by top-secret court order, like it is in a dictatorship.  This has been going on for seven years, ever since that rich kock-sucking George “Baby” Bush, aka Chimp Boy, signed that act of tyranny euphemistically called in the extreme the Patriot Act.





Complete hierarchy to go against the wall including the turd in the Oval Orifice.  It is time to flush the toilet and let no shit stick to the side.  Note at the top of the file.  Elect us.


1732.  I/O BT** INTERNET.  FBI files on 500 Republicans were found in the foul and dank basement of the White House under rich Bill “Sucks Dicks” Clinton.




                Complete hierarchy to go against the wall including the turd in the Oval Orifice at the time.  It is time to flush the toilet and let no shit stick to the side.  Note at the top of the file.  Elect us.

*****************   * * **

1744.  I/O-I.  {http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1996-06-25/news/1996177040_1_bob-dole-richard-nixon-remember-watergate}.  Popup blocked.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0931.  I/O-I.  {http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/t/travis/the_weight_crd.htm}.  Popup.

9, 1230.  (F) I/O (A).  88.1 FM WYPR.  Benghazi, Libya.  A subhuman Islamic militia murdered in cold blood thirty unarmed and innocent Human Beings.  These were real Human Beings bravely and peacefully demonstrating against the subhuman Islamic militia that persecutes and tortures them under all the odious machinations of Islamic rule. 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0824.  I/O-I.  {http://www.usa.com/dundalk-md-weather.htm}.  Popup. 


0844.  I/O BT** INTERNET. {https://www.google.com/search?q=Susan+Rice+promoted&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.

                Susan Rice, the rich bitch bureaucrat liberal that, when serving as United States Ambassador to the United Nations, went before the nation and lied about Benghazi, yea be sayin’ some poor oppressed YouTube video maker was responsible for the “spontaneous” military operation against the consulate in Benghazi and the murders of three soldiers and a US Ambassador, is being promoted to National Security Adviser, which brings it massive tons more money, and affords opportunities to betray our nation she only dreamt of previously.  No other nation in history would accept the murder of its Ambassador by radical maniacs with such nonchalance.  Complete hierarchy to go against the wall including the turd in the Oval Orifice.  Note at the top of the file.  Elect us.


1043.  NL.  680 AM WCBM.  Tom Marr.  Ol’ Tom “Bung Tongue” Marr is at it again.  Just like all these conservative Republican hypocrites, this painfully obvious rich Pillsbury Doughboy talks a lot of freedom but actually wants nothing to do with it, slithering its tongue up into the asshole of authority at every affordable moment.  She agrees with the politician hypocrites, the NSA subhumans, and other patriotic trash.  She is in full support of keelhauling Edward Snowden, the courageous Human Being and real American that spilled the beans to us about the massive spying done against us by the rich National Security Agency degenerates.  You cannot love Freedom and america both.  We choose Freedom.  Thanks Mr. Snowden.  Thank you, Private First Class Bradley Manning.


1337.  I/O-I.  {http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/band-the-weight-tab-s23439t0}.  Popup blocked. 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



   (S) Birthday cards by PRGCO. LLC, 11 N. Canal Street, Chicago, IL 60606. 

  1.  BT**.  “A birthday aging quiz . . .”  A sneering blonde cuntmonkey airs in the faces of innocent shoppers its Hindenburg-size barf-balloons and the plummeting depths of its deep dug ditch.

2.  BT**.  “You’re a year older guy . . .”  A sneering barnyard blonde, in innocent faces airs its Hell-deep dug valley, its reeky shit-crevice slabs, and, in addition, it pestilential pussy area flesh.

                Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


1336.  I/O-I (T).  {http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/10/impeach-obama-movement-leads-to-protests-traffic-jam/}.  These piece-of-shit capitalist kock-suckers wait until you are reading (which most do) than rapidly punch you in the face with a series of changing popups.  Guess what?  We did not read it.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0730.  I/O-I.  {http://m.cannabissearch.com/strains/fire-og-kush/}.  Popup . . .  Oops!

0835.  I/O-I.  {http://eedition2.baltimoresun.com/Olive/ODE/BaltimoreSun/}.  Popup.

0941.  I/O-I.  {http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/06/11/turkey-istanbul-police-attacks-undermine-talks}.  Popup.


0944.  (F) I/O BT**.  {http://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=protests+in



dmQ&fp=f759d189ca9e00c4&biw=1360&bih=601}.  Since May 28, Turkish pigs, true-believing bluecoat Moslem subhumans, have savagely assaulted and injured 4,300 brave and courageous Human Beings peacefully demonstrating for freedom in that benighted land enslaved by the Dark Force.  Turkey presently moans under the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, another true-believing rich boy, pretending to be a Human Being, and absurdly heading a country.

                Sill, would you feel comfortable turning your back on one?         

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1248.  I/O-I.  {http://www.thefreelibrary.com/SHOCK+TREATMENT%3B+THE+HOT+NEW+ADDITION +TO+THE+HALO+SERIES+IS+WORTHY+OF...-a0208419703}.  Popup.

1526.  I/O-I BT.  {http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-pouch-underwear.htm#didyouknowout}.  Full-page popup of changing images, exactly when you start to read.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-14.  (S) BT** PERIODICAL.  1.  Essence, leering barnyard blonde airing in public its shit-canyon slabs and ½-n barf-sacs dugs.  2.  Et al.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!n

                Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-15, 0844.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://xfinity.comcast.net/}.

  1.  “Swimsuit contest survives”; longhaired barnyard blonde near naked in powder blue patches.

  2.  Barnyard Beyonce near naked.

                Bzzzzzz! Boing!²   Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



(S) BT** PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., Comics.

p. 1.  Foxtrot © 2013 by Bill Amend.  A smirking barnyard blackhead beast and a sneering barnyard blonde, beast inexcusably and unabashedly air filthy and huge ¾-n bile-balloons in our unguarded faces, the brazen sluts, here in this family newspaper (liberal family newspaper that is.  Comic strip filed.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

1439.  I/O-I.  A Constant Guard Protection Suite popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0742.  I/O-I (T).  {http://freepatriot.org/2013/06/16/secret-service-invades-home-of-obama-critic-because-of-twitter/ }.  A popup blocked, than a gray-out and popup.  Cannot backarrow off page.


0917.  I/O BT**.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=Josh+Welch%2C+the+boy+who+&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.  An appeal to have an eight-year-old boy’s record expunged for a suspension he received for biting a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun has been denied.  The superintendent of the school, Park Elementary School in Brooklyn Park, Maryland, a rich piece-of-bureaucratic shit named Kevin Maxwell, responded via letter denying the appeal without explanation. 


0801.  I/O-I.  {http://www.infowars.com/secret-service-invades-home-of-obama-critic-over-twitter-followers/}.  A popup was blocked.  (Sometimes we simply note a popup whether it is blocked or not.)


1330.  I/O-I.  {Mine web host} punches us with a full-page popup usually.


1613. {http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/gregory-gwyn-williams-jr/boy-suspended-pop-tart-gun-loses-appeal-have-record-expunged}.

  1.  I/O-I.  When copying @ this page this copies as well: “See more at: {http://www.cnsnews.com/ blog/gregory-gwyn-williams-jr/boy-suspended-pop-tart-gun-loses-appeal-have-record-expunged#sthash.7kYo LhFJ.dpuf}.

  2.  (S) INTERNET.  Some dugs aired by longhaired brunette in red.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


1401.  NL.  680 AM WCBM.  Fox News.  That billionaire coward-assed bum Dick “Lick” Cheney {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Cheny} [sic] called noble and heroic Edward Snowden person a “traitor”.  What is the queer that crafted the Patriot Act?  What is the quaking coward that saw nothing amiss with murdering all those innocent people in United Airlines Flight 93?  Why, good ol’ billionaire bum Dick “Lick” Cheney for whom all the pegs have always fit all the holes.  They should award Edward Snowden the country’s highest citizen’s medal for bravery, and lay upon him a hefty financial reward as well.


1614.  PB I/O BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q






SS Invades Home of Obama Critic Because of Twitter Page

Federal Pigs Warn “We’ll be Back for Your Guns”


                Because of popularity of his anti-Obama Twitter page, on April 11, 2013, 4 days before the Boston Bombing, a courageous man named Tom Francois heard a barbarous and unwarranted pounding on his door and shouts of “Police”.  The pigs were Secret Service agents and asked if they could “take a look around”.  The pigs, common street pigs right on up to your ignorant, arrogant, and bloated federal pigs, have not needed search warrants at least since the Ronald “Ring Ass” Reagan years, if ever.  What the subhuman bluecoat barbarians do is force you voluntarily to allow them to search your home or they go to a SPOBRS (subhuman piece of black robed shit) and get a warrant stamped.  Then the subhumans return and rip your house apart.  The subhumans pry up baseboards, floorboards, pull down ceilings, smash furniture, and pull wiring out of the walls.  The subhumans drag all your belongings outside, dump them in your yard or on the sidewalk and then leave, if it rains or things are stolen then tough.  (We have even heard they have shitters.)  What is the Constitution?  It is something for the barbarous and depraved to get around.  The pigs use it for toilet paper.   


                Knowing the subhuman nazis would destroy his home if he did not, Mr. Francois complied with their demand and signed the Consent to Search (which expressly included computers, hardware, software, recording devices, cell phones, data storage, etc).  After he consented, since he had gone that far, and knowing the barbaric Secret Service queers would trash his home if he did not comply, they forced him to sign an “Authorization to Review Medical and Mental Health Records!”  Mr. Francois had the presence of mind to make copies of the “Consent To Search” and the “Authorization to Review Medical and Mental Health Records” signed and dated by the subhumans of the Secret Service were furnished to a reporter.  It also states, “I understand that any contraband or evidence may be used against me in a court of law.”  What happened to our freedom from unwarranted searches and seizures in this cowardly and depraved, raping, torturing and murdering (all ages and sexes) naked butcher whore, aka the United States of America, aka The Great Whore a piece-of-shit country?  See?  The pigs, mad dogs of capitalism, are unchained.  The barbarians have been unchained since Day One, July 4, 1716.  They never really wanted to come around with it, did they? 


                The ss gays had with them a thick FBI file filled with screenshots of hundreds of posts from his Twitter page.  They had run a background check and discovered that Mr. Francois legally owned two guns and they asked to see them.  He has never threatened the President in any way, manner, or form.  One ss subhuman, laughably simple and yellow itself, asked him if he had any intentions of “whacking” (oh ho ho, chuckle chuckle) the President, although the subhumans agreed that he hadn’t threatened Obama.


                So why terrorize Mr. Tom Francois?  The ss claimed, “They were concerned that since I have a large Twitter following, and the things I said could be acted upon by some nut case out there!  What the hell?  They turned my life upside down for that?”  The nut case scenario also applies to an ad on a matchbook cover.  Some guy sees a Batman movie, shoots up the place.  Did federal subhumans terrorize the Hollywood liberals that made the movie?  You cannot get at lawbreakers by persecuting law abiders.  You can get at lawbreakers by persecuting law enforcers.


                The slope-headed ss knuckle-draggers said that the results of this voluntary search were going to be turned to that rich arrogant turd Eric Holder the Attorney General, “He has the last word on what to do, if anything”, said an ss.  When they left Tom’s house, one ss subhuman threatened, “Keep in mind, if you step over the line, we’ll come back for your guns”.


                Yet, that was not enough for Obama ben Laden, his kock-suckers of the ss, and turd Eric Holder.  Then the kock-suckin’ motherfuckin’ whore bitch queers of the ss terrorized Tom Francois’s 22 year old daughter making her frantic for her father’s safety.


                When the revolution comes, despite how much time elapses, the complete hierarchy from the bottom to the top against the wall.  Elect us.  Note at the top of file.


                You might be aware that the rightwing talk show hosts are hooting and howling, ululating like rich men with turpentined assholes over Obama’s oppression, although they do not seem to know about the ss subhumans’ attack on Mr. Francois’ home.  They do not seem to know that this assault on our freedom using such flimsy excuses is not new, their God Ronald “Ring Ass” Reagan did it, but today, partly thanks to them, the outrage is massive.  Yet, their howling lament is not as it seems.  Hoisted on their own petard, those rightwing flag freaks on talk radio would have eaten Human Beings alive to pass the traitorous Patriot Act under that billionaire Republican bum George “Baby” Bush, aka Chimp Boy.  The traitorous Patriot Act legalized this outrage.


                Their concern is not for us.  We who are not rich have to suffer the assaults without a voice.  We watch our money flushed down many a governments’ toilet, we are forced to pay $800.00 per month for a single room.  We have neither redress nor a way to place nooses around the necks of those doing it, which is the sweetest redress of all, but there is a chance.  Consider this.  (All rightwing freakos mentioned host programs on {http://www.wcbm.com/ }.


  1.  I/O BT**.  To benefit from certain prescription medicines in Maryland the Slave State, you have to swear an oath and sign a paper testyfing to being unarmed, i.e., that you do not own guns.  A man called into Tom “Bung Tongue” Marr and complained about such treatment by Johns Hopkins.  Johns Hopkins would have allowed him to have died for all they cared.  Without pause, lickety-split, Bung Tongue immediately swings into a defense of Johns Hopkins.  Bung Tongue’s tongue is as quick, long, and lasciviously hot in condemning the noble and courageous Edward Snowden.  No, Tom “Bung Tongue” Marr, you are the traitor.  You are the deceiver, a sheep in sheep’s clothing.


  2.  [2013-6-19, 1510].  I/O BT** Note at the top of file.  {http://www.google.com/#output=



x=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47883778,d.dmg&fp=c56df5e37c0fd5df&biw=1360&bih=601}.  nsa & the fbi are even collecting everyone’s email.  Yet rich punk Sean Hannity, an unmanly patriotic beast that believes in torture, grows passionate in defense of the aptly named enslaving Patriot Act that legalizes all this odious apparatus of capitalist rule, and defends the DHS, whose nazis are training to fight militia wearing Uncle Sam top hats to indicate that they are militia.  That bought all our ammo, that are stockpiling coffins, that are ill trained, likely insane, and cowardly.


  3.  Rush (Limbaugh) doth verily gush over rich billionaire bum and doubtless queer (no offence to homosexuals who have the guts to come out of the closet) Dick “Lick” Cheney, major architect of the traitorous Patriot Act that legalizes all this odious apparatus of patriotic rule.  That smirking faggot, Dick “Lick” Cheney, who got his money from daddy, today called the gallant Edward Snowden a traitor.  Dick “Lick” Cheney is a traitor of the same nauseous ilk as Obama, but Obama is out front with it.  Cheney hid behind Chimp Boy.  We are positive, although we cannot yet prove it, that Cheney instigated the murder of 44 innocent Human Beings, men, women, little children, and babies aboard United Airlines Flight 93, by an Air Force combat war hero of war fighter pilot that got a medal for bravery, a war crime and cowardly act, which all war crimes are.


                The thing is, from their plush offices these rich rightwing cowards are not actually bemoaning what is going on.  What they bemoan is that Republican / conservative subhumans are not doing it.  If that were so, it would be ok, hunky-dory, splendid.  They would be in defense of the acts they now condemn.  You see, we are supposed to believe, like “low information voters”, that when those Republican kock-suckers connived, conspired, and won the traitorous Patriot Act, that they did not know that this would happen.  Well, if that is true, seems to me those rich rightwing shrills for the corporations are low information voters themselves.  Not only don’t they know what country they are in, they do not even know what dimension they are in.


                You never ever ever give that kind of power to any government for any reason.  But by jingo, when it comes to punishing the rich degenerates that own and run American’s countless governments, and stripping them of their vast wealth, and hunting them down and doing the same to the asshole-lickers that obeyed them, we will do what we have to do.  We will do what must be done.  Whatever it takes, in the Republican sense of the term, but we will leave the People alone.  The government and bureaucrats are the enemy of We the People.  We want Freedom for Our People, Freedom for The People of the United States of America.


2013-6-18, 1053.  I/O-I.  {http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/news/2011/04/14/kamenetz-avoids-layoffs-in-baltimore.html}.  Page switches to a full-page popup for their nasty Baltimore Business Journal.  Here is the web address.  It is longer than the magazine.




SAAOABYgafHnmZgyd6IiYikhBCCARdjYS1wdWItOTczNjA5MjYwNDY3NzUxNrIBE3d3dy5iaXpq b3VybmFscy5jb226AQlnZnBfaW1hZ2XIAQnaAV5odHRwOi8vd3d3LmJpempvdXJuYWxzLmNvb S9iYWx0aW1vcmUvbmV3cy8yMDExLzA0LzE0L2thbWVuZXR6LWF2b2lkcy1sYXlvZmZzLWluLW JhbHRpbW9yZS5odG1smAKLnALAAgLgAgDqAh80NjM1L2J6ai5iYWx0aW1vcmUvYXJ0aWNsZV




kamenetz-avoids-layoffs-in-baltimore.html?s=image_ gallery}.




0707.  I/O-I.  {http://www.infowars.com/secret-service-invades-home-of-obama-critic-over-twitter-followers/}.  Cannot backarrow off page.

0726.  I/O-I BT**.  Working offline on a word document a full-page popup slammed us in the face.  {http://w3. gamesformore.com/page8/?secure=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&puburl=&Section=D-firefox}.  HD Please install HD Player to continue (required)”.  There is an automatic downloader timed to a shot few seconds.

0743.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.examiner.com/article/secret-service-visits-outspoken-critic-of-obama-be

cause -of-twitter}.  Popup and full-page ad.

0949.  I/O-I.  {http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/06/obama-caves-to-taliban-in-afghanistan/}.  Popup.


1231.  I/O BT**.  680 AM WCBM.  Fox News.  Using a fire in Colorado as an excuse, government thugs forced hundreds of families from their homes.  Not only were many homes looted because of the inept and cowardly trash that works for the governments, if they were not in on it themselves, but dozens of family’s homes burnt to the ground anyway.  They could have stayed and sprayed their homes with water.


1834.  I/O-I.  A large Constant Guard popup appeared in the lower right urging us to buy something.  We deleted the digital dung.




Random Thoughts from this Side of Hell


2013-6-19, 1750.  And another think!  What about these vile, wicked, and depraved Sharia law motherfuckers comin’ over here fuckin’ shit up?   In certain states, these wicked, vile, pathetic and savage child abusers are legally married to fourteen-years-old girls.  According to that shit called Sharia law, they can marry up to four and when they are children only nine-years-old.  We stopped our hillbillies from doing this sort of thing in the Thirties, thus allowing countless little girls to live normal lives with wills of their own.  What is so special about these savages coming over here fuckin’ shit up with rags wrapped around their heads?  Whatever happened to our law?  Mad Dog Barrack Insane Obama boasts America will be Moslem by 2016.  Don’t we Human Beings get any say about it?  These whacko feminist degenerates that demonstrate to support Sharia law had better pray to the Supreme Pussy, or whatever beastly thing it is they worship, that Mad Dog is wrong.  I.e., that these Sharia savages do not get what they want.  The robotronic slaves of the Dark Force have an agenda.  They can take their Sharia law and run down Allah’s throat.  It came out of Mohammad’s asshole.  Shamash would not mind.  That subhuman Elohim war criminal is dead.

                Take ye a gander.




    Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).
  Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
  Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.
  Criticizing or denying Allah, the moon god [Shamash] of Islam is punishable by death.
  A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
  A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
  A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
  A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
  Girls' clitoris should be cut (per Muhammad's words in Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
  A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
  A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
  A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
  Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
  A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
  A woman's testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a

  A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
  A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
  A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
  Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be Halal.
  Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
  The list goes on.  We’ll see to it that you learn how long it goes.

                We can play Taqivya too, my people.  We will make Sharia rag heads think they are welcome in our country since we have no choice.  Then cometh Le Grand Purge.


                Yo!  Sharia law motherfuckers!  I got cher Sharia law.  Ova heah fo’ yo’ Sharia law.  In muh toilet.  Sharia law motherfuckers, “you hillbilly of modern world”. 






0815.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Six-Pack-Abs}.  Ad: Get Your Best Booty Ever.  Brazil Butt Lift.  CU of longhaired brunette subhuman’s huge near-naked crap-sack thrust in our innocent faces, its shit-Olduvai-Gorge deep and rank.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

0817.  I/O-I.  {http://www.askmen.com/sports/bodybuilding_60/75_fitness_tip.html}.  Instead of ab info the punks punched us in the face with a full-page popup ad from the cringing capitalist creeps at, of all places, and of all things to advertise here, Bic Pens.


0819.  (S) INTERNET.  {http://www.mensfitness.com/training/build-muscle/which-abs-workout-routine-is-right-for-you} links to {http://www.mensfitness.com/topics/abs-workouts}.  Ab ads: Abs Workouts Galleries and Workouts.

  1.  BT**.  Get That Fit For Her.  A reclining longhaired brunette animal airs some tit and ass-

       slab— and appears quite willing to offer a peek at an infinite distance at that good old fishy

       pesthole flesh, but not quite.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

 2.  (T).  Salute to Hot Abs.  A longhaired brunette beast in blue star-spangled top airs ¼-n teats. 

      Bzzzzzz! Boing!

0927.  I/O-I BT.  @ our filthy money-grubbing bank, the craze-eyed greed monkeys, i.e., bankers, have those annoying large slide-down information boxes, and those annoying slide-over images that nobody ever pays any attention to.  Then, signing in, the cackling misers punch you in the face with yet another full-page popup.  How many times must we say no thanks?  Get the fucking commercial shit out of our faces.


1704.  I/O-I.  {http://windowssecrets.com/forums/showthread.php/149268-Outlook-2010-%2832-bit%29-Erros-under-Windows-8-%2864-bit%29}.  Popup.

1707.  I/O-I.  {http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-outlook/connection-problems-outlook-2010-32-bit-to/34b9e031-3f82-46d7-8765-c9d679ff46d4}.  Popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PB MURDER PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

pp. 1 & 14.  Officer found not guilty, James Laboard wins acquittal in the death of Christopher Brown by Jessica Anderson.

                An off duty Baltimore County bluecoat pig subhuman, James D. Laboard, strangled to death Christopher Brown, a retarded 17-year-old high school student, athlete, and church usher, called “Mr. Congeniality” by his friends.  The bluecoat pig subhuman, James D. Laboard has, of course, gotten off scot-free.

                It murdered youthful Christopher Brown for suspicion of throwing a rock at its sty.  Young Christopher Brown did not throw a rock against its sty.

                [To be] heartily welcomed back to the subhuman Baltimore County pig force with open arms, smiles, slaps on the back, and congratulations, the murderous pig, James D. Laboard, is a likely candidate for the coveted Baltimore County Pig Force Medal for Extreme Gallantry.


                The subhuman piece of bluecoat pig shit, James D. Laboard, that has not spent a day in jail, immediately awarded vast year’s back pay of $68,845, vast vacation pay, unimaginably generous on-job benefits, and a staggeringly stupendous pension plan, is relieved that again a travesty of justice is accomplished for the Baltimore County bluecoat pig force, slope-headed, pig-eyed, knuckle-dragging subhumans.

                The wholesome young man, Christopher Brown that the subhuman piece of bluecoat Baltimore County pig shit James D. Laboard murdered is rotting in a grave.

                The Laboard subhuman’s rich subhuman lawyers cum kock-suckers are ecstatic, far wealthier, three martinis for all.

                The members of the rich and powerful bluecoat pig subhuman unions are whackin’ each’n other off in ecstasy.

                Local militia says, “There are no excuses”.


                Why even bother having a trial for these bluecoat pigs / subhumans.  Might as well save the money, time, and . . .  Oh!  That’s right.  We’re paying for it.  It makes for an affirming show.


                His lawyers, suspiciously glinting creatures hardly describable as Human, the cringing, depraved, rich, cowards that 99% lawyers are, did not have the guts to talk to reporters after verdict, too busy smirking up their sleeves, and thinking of all that filthy lucre in Swiss accounts.  These rich pieces of jurisprudential shit, did not have the guts to speak to the media thus exposing their fat rich selves to public scorn and approbation which they so richly deserve, and far worse than that.  

                                Not even charged with murder but low-grade manslaughter, the pig-eyed pig LaBoard faced a mere ten years. 


                One of his rotund barristers, Ezra $. Gollogly, if that is its real name, making millions defending the indefensible, paid by the mind-bogglingly rich and powerful pig union, a nonprofit organization, said in court, “There is no evidence that LaBoard (the subhuman bluecoat) intended to kill”.  

                There is no evidence that Christopher Brown intended to harm the pig.  Then why is the youth rotting in a grave?  Why was (and is) it that important that the youth be run down and then, although not resisting arrest?, choked to death by a combat war he-roe of war pig subhuman?   


                The state of Maryland, incredibly, if you can believe it, prosecuted this obscenity against Human decency and propriety.  Actually, the state prosecutors pretended to prosecute.  They obviously did not prosecute with the vigor our attorneys would have.  They did not stress that the adolescent ran hid, and was drug from hiding, and then choked to death.  These are not aggressive acts. 

                 Christopher Brown could not have possibly offered any resistance to the rampaging subhuman pig.


                 An instructor for the Baltimore County pig academy testified that Baltimore County does not train its pigs in the use of chokeholds.  They have to learn that on their own.  If the SPOBS (subhuman piece of bluecoat shit) LaBoard had used a legalized pig chokehold, there would have been no trial.  Many of the thousands of enslaved america’s pig forces have legalized the chokehold, also, the clothesline, airplane spin and slam-down, and the atomic pile drive—  the inhuman Baltimore toehold is outlawed yet.

                Although, as the excellent Ezra $. Gollogly helpfully observed, many of america’s stinking pig departments allow their moonfaced pigs to choke Human Beings to death— we helpfully add all ages, sexes, races, ethnics, and religions except one; america’s bluecoat pigs may choke to death, yea verily.


                The rich Ezra $. Gollogly, a piece-of-shit lawyer played the pig card.  It shit out its mouth the standard lie which we are going to put the lie to in no uncertain terms, whatever it takes, in the Republican sense of the term, it will be hard for even an american to forget what we shall do.  The glib remark went thusly: [your SPOBS] are often forced to make quick decisions when in pursuit of a suspect, pointing out that the subhuman kock-sucker moonfaced moron James D. LaBoard, did not know whether young Christopher was armed or whether there were additional suspects nearby.  If the youth armed, were an ambush set up, would he run and hide?  He might run to lead the pig to the butcher, but he would not hide.  These were kids and that murdering pig subhuman shit-eater James D. LaBoard knew that. 


                Gollogly further shit out its mouth saying that without handcuffs or its gun, LaBoard used his weight to control the athletic teen.  His weight?

                How did the moonfaced moron, i.e., James D. Laboard, Baltimore County pig, know the youth was athletic?  We have an individual here that does not seem too bright.  In the dead of night, it alone chases a suspected armed and dangerous thug that was leading it into an ambush.  What would the pig have done if it had its handcuffs and gun, shot the youth in the back, or shot him when he hid, and then cuffed him? 


                In a subhuman bluecoat pig rage, James D. LaBoard chased down a frightened youth for a minor infraction, if there is a law against throwing rocks against a house, and murdered a gentle and unresisting youth.  Then, to ice this nauseating cake of pig shit, twelve kock-sucking motherfucking whore bitch queer good citizens from Baltimore County, Maryland, voters, eunuch uncles and lesbian aunts, unclean in the extreme, from the worst county in the worst state in the country, let the subhuman bluecoat pig hand-to-hand combat war he-roe of war James D. LaBoard go scot-free.

                Those that voted for acquittal, etc., the usual suspects, go up against the wall when the Revolution comes.  It is up against the wall for all, along with their quick-thinking bluecoat war he-roe of war James D. LaBoard.

                Note at the top of file.

Here’s the Nigger

James D. Laboard




                We would tune in to 680 AM WCBM to hear what Tom “Bung Tongue” Marr is saying but we already know.  His tongue is so far up this subhuman’s asshole, that all the Laboard barbarian has to do is open its mouth, and Marr’s tongue will do the wagging.



Here is the noble youth, Christopher

Brown, savagely sacrificed to American law

and order by the cowardly nigger above.




Other phlicks and info.




  1.  (S) BT**.  Intex Lounge pool floating device.  Brunette in red strips of cloth; ass-slabs, near

       naked dugs.

  2.  Sluts air on the boxes of other pool products in varying degrees on near nakedness.

                Bzzzzzz! Boing!n  Note at the top of file.

  3.  (S) BT** PERIODICAL, SALES BROCHURE.  ALDI Summer Savings May – August 2013 

       p. 9.  Ad: Intex Float & Lounge.  Young longhaired blackhead beast in blue sneering while

       airing its bulging shit-biter cheeks and ¼-n puke-sacs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Image filed.  Note

       at the top of file.

*               ******

1439.  I/O-I.  {https://www.amazon.com/gp/yourstore/home?ie=UTF8&ref_=gno_signin&}.  Popup.

1612.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://web.pastoralkb.com/c5/?secure=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&puburl=&Section=D-firefox}.  This full-page popped up when we paused a DVD.  The capitalist pigs claim this questionable download is “essential”.  We do not even know what it is.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-22, 0855.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://web.pastoralkb.com/c5/?secure=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pubur l=&Section=D-firefox}.  This garbage again popped up when paused a DVD was.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0825.  I/O-I.  {http://download.cnet.com/1770-20_4-0.html?query=adobe+flash+player+version+9.0.12

4.0&searchtype=downloads}.  Popup.

0847.  I/O-I.  {http://www.google.com/}.  Often a ribbon banner at the top, and a permanent ad box in upper right.

0915.  I/O-I.  {http://download.cnet.com/Classic-Solitaire-Free-for-Windows-8/3000-2647_4-7589308

6.html}.  Popup.

0917.  I/O-I.  {http://download.cnet.com/Simple-Solitaire-for-Windows-8/3000-2647_4-75824066.html}.  


1054.  I/O-I.  {http://solitaire.vegard2.no/}.  Popup.

1109.  I/O-I. {http://www.download-21.com/7zip-20627cr/#}.  Popup.

1113.  I/O-I BT.  {http://www.goodsol.com/} switches to {http://way.clubsodanet.com/way/?astradslb=

F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&puburl=www.goodsol.com&Section=firefox} where you are slugged w/ a popup and cannot backarrow.


2000-2200.  680 AM WCBM.  Dr. Bob interviewed Nick Redfern author of Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals.


  1.  (F) I/O (A).  In the former Soviet Union under the greatest patriot that ever lived, the stalin subhuman, psychopathic scientists of the Academy of Sciences attempted breeding humans and apes.  You do not need to hear another word.  In the former Soviet Union under the greatest patriot that ever lived, the stalin subhuman, you had a country without old people.  They murdered all their old people; just like Obama be Laden subhuman is preparing to do here.

  2.  I/O BT**.  During World War II, the British made a twelve-foot robot to terrorize villagers in the mountains of Italy that were helping the nazi subhumans, not that they had any choice about it.  A robot fitting this description terrorized the people of Flatwoods, West_Virginia in 1952, a village in the mountains.  We smell the foul odious wicked and decayed hand of the cia.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-24, 1229.  I/O.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiram_Wesley_Evans}.  Beast Wesley Evans, when leader of the Dallas Ku Klux Klan Kreeps, led the kidnapping and torture of a black man.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


0813  I/O-I BT**.  {http://way.clubsodanet.com/way/?ilmernzkv=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox &nm=ilmernzkv}.  Working offline yet another full-page slammed us in the face.  “PC Performer is a Most Recommended Download with Hundreds of Thousands of users worldwide. This free version scans and fixes up to fifteen registry issues. The benefits may include: . . .”  Plus there was a small popup: “Your Download is Ready.  This has something to do with Mozilla Maintenance Service | Firefox Help.  Note at the top of file.


1238.  I/O-I.  {http://www.wcbm.com/}.  Popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-26.  We saved the page noted above {http://way.clubsodanet.com/way/?ilmernzkv=F4B7E2 BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkv}, but it opens to something different on occasions.

  1.  (S) BT**.  It first opened on an image from a game and below that a very large CU of a blackhead barnyard whore / beast airing its gigantic naked crap-crusher in the faces of the Great Spirit, Man, and decent and holy families and people everywhere.  The animal sports only a thin strip of cloth up its filthy reeking shit-fissure.  Where you should click, the field is in the shape of a hand with the caption “Spank Me”.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

  2.  Convert to MP3 Converter.

  3.  The “Please install HD Player to Continue (Required)” digital dung.

  4.  Several others.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-27, 1013.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://time.wonderfulbabyboy.com/ddt/?ilmernzkvt=F4B7E2BBB2C4 EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvt}.  Off line but streaming, they viciously punched us in the face with the above full-page popup under the usual tab of “Sponsorship”.  “You need to update your version of media player.  The web address is {time.wonderfulbabyboy.com}.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-28, 1625.  I/O.  91.5 FM WBJC, News.  Using wildfire as an excuse, several governments’ operatives drove scores of innocent families from their homes in South Fork, Colorado, over a week ago.  The uniformed thugs have allowed them to return.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0729.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://valid.extremeweathercenters.com/this/?ilmernzkvta=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7& pu=d2VsbHNmYXJnby5jb20=&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvta}.  The eighth full-page popup: “You need to update your version of media player”.  Checking Firefox’s Page Info, we learned that, like a sign pinned to an innocent person’s back that say’s “kick me”, some pyorrhea-mouthed capitalist degenerates have wiped cookie {validextremeweathercenter.com} onto us.  It

Expires: Monday, June 29, 2015 7:28:49 AM.

0826.  Using Norton Security Suite we removed this digital disease, {Adware.DealPly}.

                Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-6-30.  NL INTERNET.  {http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2013-06-24/news/bs-md-weekend-violence-20130623_1_madison-eastend-homicide-detectives-shootings}.

                As of June 15, 100 people were killed and 163 shot in Baltimore, according to police statistics.

                Over the weekend June 22-23, the number of homicides rose to 109 for this year, compared with 100 people killed at the same time last year.

                Since Friday June 28, at least 10 people are killed on the streets.

                This braying ass of a gun-grabbin’ state governor, Martin O’Malley, why is it that the rich dangleberry’s brilliant gun-grabbing law is not working?  Is it because criminals forget to have the pigs fingerprint them before obtaining a handgun?  Ol’ Boondoggle and his rich politician asshole-lickers should pass another law to make criminals as well submit to fingerprinting before obtaining a handgun.

                Baltimore City police department is ramping up warrant service, extending shifts on the weekends, and getting help on street level patrols from the FBI, the vile ATF, and the murderous DEA.  We do not like the sound of that.  Like with the winged dickheads (Guardian Angels), it will not last long.


0825.  Testimony unto the benign Religion of Love:




                Only a misguided shit-smeared asshole, a worshipper of Shamash, would or could behave so barbarically as these Ollie Ackbar motherfuckers, or whatever the Hell they say.  We almost feel sorry for them, but not quite.  The yella-bellied cowards even strap bombs onto their own little children and blow ‘em up.  You Islamic Ollie Ollie Acckabr motherfuckers can stick your homosexual Allah and Mohammand up you bloody assholes.  Men?  You are not Men!! 


0920.  Did you loyal true-believing flag-waving citizens out there know that even the freakin’ Forest Service is armed to the teeth with tens-of-thousands of automatic rifles, machineguns, rocket launchers, etc., etc.  Man!  It sure is great to be free in this Great Spirit damned, nauseating piece-of-shit of a country.  Wow!  We are almost free from freedom here in the Naked Butcher Whore.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


0813.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://online.loginwinner.com/ol/?ilmernzkvta=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=d2lraXB lZGlhLm9yZw==&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvta}.  From those cackling pyorrhea-mouthed capitalist @ {Adware.DealPly} under the tab “Sponsorship”, a full-page popup: “You need to update your version of media player.  This is number 9.  Note at the top of file.

0819.  I/O-I.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page}.  Large banner popup across top.


c. 1215.  680 AM WCBM.  Rush Limbaugh.  The rich Republican praised the noble and brave people of Egypt for taking to the streets against the Islamic barbarian in charge over there.  We have heard that rich boy praise the Tea Party.  However, he made it expressly clear numerous times that he does not like demonstrations, or demonstrators.  At every opportunity, Limbaugh has gone out of his way to demean and humiliate demonstrators because they have more guts than him and usually believe in something good.  Guess what the fat rich Republican laments, “At least in Egypt they take to the streets.  What happened to us?” the boy said.  “What happened to us?”

                “But you no like like demon-strators meestor reeech man.  You no like like.  You say so many many times”.

                Once again, those rich Republican sons-sa-bitches have hoisted their pudgy rich selves on their own petard.  That rich Republican could not stand demonstrators, or demonstrations.  Recall what he said about the Occupy Wall Street Movement.  It is almost as though . . .  Ooooh!  Ol’ moneybags hates demonstrations only against the rich degenerates that own and run this shitty country, like the billionaire bum bankers, defense contractors, and other rich Republicans that he admires.  Ahhh.  That’s it.  Wonder what Richie Rich will say if the people take to the streets when they let that child-murdering Florida bluecoat pig George Zimmerman go; rhetorical question.


                And another thing, this Mohamed Morsi is a foul and wicked person.  Why is Obama ben Laden supplying it with F-16s and billions of dollars worth of other weapons that we paid for?  Barrack Hussein Obama is a traitor to this nation, which it hates, and it is a threat to all decent Freedom loving people of al religions and nationalities everywhere.  The leaders of the nations thumb their noses at him.




                To be hanged, drawn and quartered was, from 1351, a penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded in the 13th century.  Convicts were fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution.  Once there, they were hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded and quartered (chopped into four pieces).  For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burnt at the stake.

                You can get a patriot to do anything.


                And another thing, this is going to happen under Obamacare with its murder panels.  Already in the Slave State Maryland, old people are drug from their homes and incarcerated in so-called nursing homes, and all their possessions stolen by the state.  The Obama beast, that wants this country Islamic by 2016, is aping his idol stalin, the greatest patriot that ever lived.  Under Obamacare the politician subhumans, the liberal and bureaucratic subhumans will have found a gold mine.  They will nit have to worry about “nursing homes” expenses.  The are going to drag old people from their homes, grab all their possessions, and MURDER THE OLD PEOPLE!!

                That rich Martin O’Malley politician / pig is going to love that!

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-7-4, 1755.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWSraq2Z8l0}.  A Window$ 8 driver download banner ad marred this fine performance. 

                2013-7-5.  Thyroid Warning Signs banner ad.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0823.  I/O-I.  {http://www.grillingcompanion.com/grilling-filet-mignon/}.  Popup.

0841.  I/O-I.  Firefox popup to download latest version.


c. 0920.  I/O AUTO (new category).  A red Dodge 4 x 4, license plate number 54N-206, pulled from a Wawa blocking the right-hand lane.  Motorists that wanted to proceed to the light and turn right were blocked from doing do.  Simultaneously, an asshole pulled from Farm Fresh blocking the left-hand lane pulling from Farm Fresh.


1126.  I/O-I.  Full-page Mozilla Foxshit popup.  We downloaded the latest version, and then they tell us that it is not compatible with and has disabled Intel Identity Protection Technology.  Thanks assholes!

1225.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://online.loginwinner.com/ol/?ilmernzkvta=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvta}.  Under the Sponsorship tab, “Please install HD player to continue.  Required”.  This is #10.  Note at the top of file.


  (S) BT** PERIODICAL.  JR Cigar catalog, JR Tobacco of America, 2589 Eric Lane, Burlington, North Carolina, 27215.

Front Cover.  A 96.03% naked black-haired barnyard beast without morals in full-color takes up the front cover.  The animal airs in the faces of the Great Spirit, Men, and decent people everywhere its pesthole area flesh, crap-chasm slabs, and perhaps its rancid maggoty muff through its white G-string.  Above, the arrogant subhuman airs its ½-n shit balloons.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Image filed.  Note at the top of file.




0714.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://online.loginwinner.com/ol/?ilmernzkvta=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-  firefox&nm=ilmernzkvta}.  Under the Sponsorship tab, “Please install HD player to continue.  Required”.  This is #11.  We obviously did not get the filth removed.  Note at the top of file.


0752.  @ {http://www.symantec.com/securityresponse/writeup.jsp?docid=2013-042407-3032-99} there is information about the filth the degennies at DealPly infected our computer with.

1.          Updated: April 24, 2013 11:57:36 AM

2.        Type: Adware

3.        Infection Length: Varies

4.        Name: DealPly

5.        Version:

6.        Publisher: DealPly.com

7.         Systems Affected:  Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98,

          Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008,

          Windows Vista, Windows XP.


0757.  I/O-I.  {http://www.dealply.com/uninstall-firefox/}.  This is the page of the dogs of DealPly.  None of their so-called instructions for removal of their filth works, which is to be expected from garbage like them, plus you cannot backarrow off their nauseating page, which is also to be expected from garbage like them.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  (S) BT** PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., Sunrise.

p. 1.  The capitalist pig degenerates at YouTube are magnanimously airing the creep Justin Timbersnake’s new video airing full-actress nakedness.  Yes!  Of course!  Bite your tongue man!  There are millions of tin pazoozas involved.  What the kock-suckers at YouTube will not show you is the results of full-actress nakedness.  Man, get a grip.  YouTube degenerates are moral degenerates.  YouTube makes exceptions when the naked monkeys are “presented in an educational, documentary or artistic context”.  I.e., when there is money involved.  The name of the garbage is, get this, Tunnel Vision.  Wonder what that refers too?  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


1215. (S) INTERNET.  {http://xfinity.comcast.net/}.

  1.  (BT).  “Reese in hot swimsuit”.  In CU, the barnyard beast airs its huge ½-n puke-sacs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

  2.  (BT).  “Summer’s Hottest Bods”.  In CU, a blonde barnyard beast airs it -n gigantic pus-bags and deep shit-balloon valley.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


1217.  I/O-I BT**.  {https://login.comcast.net/login?s=wnamp&ts=e5d1eaa4}.  Popup that one cannot flush blocks the sign-in input field, and this capitalist shit page cannot be backarrowed.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0718.  (F) I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q


bvm=bv.48705608,d.dmg&fp=f63cc7b990c20fb7&biw=1360&bih=601}.  Subhuman patriotic perverts, sexual deviants, Egyptian pigs and military dogs, true believers in their God Flag, lusting to suck cocks and eat shit, opened fire on a peaceful sit-in murdering 51 people.  440 were savage/y (cowardly) wounded.


0829.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://big.deluxeforthefuture.com/g/?ilmernzkvtaz=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu =&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaz}.  #12.  “Please install HD Media Player to Continue.  Required.”  The cookie is .big.deluxeforthefuture.com.  Note at the top of file.


c. 1140.  I/O AUTO.  White Dodge 4 x 4, license plate number 2A101127, cut dangerously before vehicle approaching red-light @ North Point Boulevard and Cove Road.

***  ******** *

2011.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGSVTCjVXwc&NR=1&feature=fvwp}.

“The Ultimate Girls Fail Compilation 2012” airs a blackhead beast in black G-string 99% naked on a public beach.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

2016.  The beastly naked singing monkey “Beyonce – Live at Glastonbury 2011”, on stage publicly airs itself along with a near naked brunette whore, and a blonde whore.  These animals air in our faces full shit-gully slabs and sagging cheeks, pesthole mounds, and near-naked puke-sacs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

                Note at the top of file.

***     **

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0817.  I/O-I.  Full-page popup from Window$.


0824.  PB I/O INTERNET.  {http://reason.com/blog/2013/07/05/nevada-family-says-police-occupation-vio}.  

                On July 10, 2011, the subhuman bluecoat shit-eaters of Henderson, Nevada (depraved, whore-hopping Nevada), assaulted the two homes of one family, assaulted members of that family, and drug family members from their two homes to an unspeakable police station. 

                The Henderson, Nevada, pig / subhumans claimed to need their homes because of a domestic violence reported in a house between them.  Big fat-bottomed bluecoat pig faggot, combat war hero of war pig Christopher Worley (HPD), that knew all about that kind of stuff, rang the family up.  It told the family to leave their beloved homes and give them over unto the pigs (for trashing, they even have shitters) so the tactical assault combat war kill pigs of war could have a combat war “tactical advantage” over the enemy.

                The noble and peaceful family took exception to this outrageous, unnecessary, and unwarranted assault upon their homes. 

                Suddenly the barbarians, i.e., the Henderson, Nevada, bluecoat pig shit-eaters, all of course earmarked, slated, and dog-eared for that Glorious First Day, were beating on the son’s front door, shouting, and vulgarly ordering him to open his door and turn over his home to the home-wrecking pig subhumans. 

                A sounder of swine, including a bluecoat kock-sucker named Rockwell, smashed open the man’s door with a $327.72 + tax where applicable battering ram. 

                The man stood in shock as the pig asshole-lickers aimed their weapons at his head while calling him filthy names that best described themselves and their pathetic excuses for families and friends. 

                The blue bellies ordered him to lie down on the floor.  Fearing for his life, he dropped his phone and prostrated himself on the floor of his living room, covering his face and hands.

                Calling him “asshole”, etc., the blue belly barbarians including a pig / shit-eater Snyder, shouted conflicting orders at him.  This is psychological, done to confuse the savage enemy.   Commanding that he both shut off his phone lying on the floor in front of his head, while simultaneously commanding him to “crawl” toward the subhuman pigs like a dog. 

                Confused and terrified, the man remained curled on the floor of his living room, with his hands over his face, and made no movement.

                Why do the pig shit-eaters want our phones off?  We want this answered by the Henderson, Nevada, pigs, before they are led out and slaughtered.

                This innocent man, who, albeit incredibly, thought that he had rights living in this piece of shit of a country, lay motionless on the floor of his home and posed no threat.  The subhuman bluecoat subhumans, cowards and kock-suckers, including a pig subhuman named David Cawthorn, fired multiple pepperball rounds at man, as he lay cowering and defenseless on the floor of his living room.

                Struck at least three times by shots fired from close range, he was injured and with excruciating pain.

                Although his dog lay cowering in the corner since the subhuman barbarians smashed through the front door, the bluecoats pigs pepperballed his dog as a combat war hero of war measure eliminating all possible targets.  Our enemy, the wicked pigs, hate freedom, justice, decent and good families, and all that is decent and holy.  The cowardly subhumans believe it is better to kill your mistake than to have your mistake kill you. 

                These combat war hero of war pig subhumans will look good dancing from the end of a rope in Henderson, Nevada, don’t you think? 

                Trashy Henderson, Nevada, a town with the city limits sign back-to-back, is under the iron boot heel of heavily armed and armored enemy barbarians wearing blue uniforms that suck dicks, eat shit, and beat-off looking at that filthy flag.  Armed to the teeth and dying to murder, these pigs are you pigs.  You cannot tell them apart.  They all look alike to people yearning to live free. 

                The pigs charged this defenseless, powerless, and innocent man cowering on the floor of his violated home, with “obstructing an officer” [sic], officer is a mediaism for a bluecoat barbarian pig / queer.  The same charge was filed against the man’s father after he tried to leave an enemy combat war hero police command center to which he was lured under false pretenses while the police took over and trashed his home as well.

                The two men were jailed, strip naked, humiliated, and embarrassed for nine hours before making bail.  The enemy ultimately dismissed the charges with prejudice.  The enemy filed the unjustified charges to provide cover for their fellow rich pig / subhumans’ wrongful actions, to frustrate and impede plaintiffs’ ability to seek relief for those vile and cowardly actions, and to further intimidate and retaliate against plaintiffs.

                In addition to Third and Fourth Amendment violations tied to the warrantless assault, occupation, and destruction of their homes, the bluecoats are guilty of assault and battery, conspiracy, and defamation, abuse of process, malicious prosecution, negligence, and infliction of emotional distress.  All of which calls for the death penalty under our LAW. 

                Dear cowardly asshole-licking American patriots rest easy.  The rich and powerful pig union, nauseatingly cowardly subhuman pieces of law enforcement shit, enemy soldiers unchained among us, slated for the slaughter as well, is pooling hundreds of thousands of tax-free dollars ($100,000) to get these kock-sucking subhuman pigs, enemy soldiers in blue uniforms unchained among us, off scot-free.  Rest easy patriots, flag freaks both conservative and liberal, Republican and Democrat, of whatever stripe, your Henderson, Nevada, pigs / subhumans, have not been nor will they be inconvenienced in any way.  They will let them go.  We mean, the case is in an american court, and you know what the courts are like . . . but that is only until we get power.  Here are the pigs mentioned plus the hierarchy.  There are no excuses.


1.          Pig Coward Christopher Worley

2.        Pig Coward Rockwell

3.        Pig Coward Snyder

4.        Pig Coward David Cawthorn

5.        The Pig Coward hierarchies

                Note at the top of file.


                The only good law enforcement officer is a dead law enforcement police officer.  About time, you came around to admitting it.  Get armed.  Stay armed.


It is not law that protects us, but chance.

                                                                                                                            —The Prophet Mastodon.

***************************   ****

1143.  PB INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepperball}.

  1.  BT** MULTIPLE MURDERS.  Although generally considered less-than-lethal when properly used (targets should exclude the face, eyes, throat or spine),[4] deaths have occurred when they have been fired at inappropriate areas.  In one well-publicized incident in 2004, shit-eating  Boston pig subhumans murdered 21-year-old Victoria Snelgrove using a pepper-spray projectile weapon during a crowd control situation.[5][6]  There are no excuses.  Note at the top of file.

  2.  BT** MAIMING.  In 2004, UC Davis police who wanted to break up a block party shot a pepperball at an unarmed student, Timothy C. Nelson.  This damaged his eye and he lost his athletic scholarship and dropped out of college.  There are no excuses.  Note at the top of file.

1220.  I/O BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q= British+and+German+%26+nsa&oq=British+and+German+%26+nsa&gs_l=hp.12...2999.



                British and German degenerates are in bed with and sucking off the NSA.  Britain and Germany are two more countries working fang and claw, tooth and nail, helping the federal government oppress us and destroy us, or freedom, our children’s futures, our way of life, and we think that stinks.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0941.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://big.deluxeforthefuture.com/g/?ilmernzkvtaz=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s =D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaz}.  “Please Install Media Player HD 2 to Continue (required)”.  This is number 13.  Note at the top of file.

0946.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://big.deluxeforthefuture.com/g/?ilmernzkvtaz=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s      =D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaz}.  This is number 14 w/ popup.  Note at the top of file.

1007.  I/O-I.  Click to close Norton’s File Scan; it takes you online to their full-page popup for Norton Power Eraser.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0730.  (S) INTERNET.  {http://xfinity.comcast.net/}.

  1.  (T).  “Supermodel stuns at 44”, the animal airs the top of its dugs.  The image sliced off by

       the lower border.  The beast may be airing them fully naked for all we know.  Bzzzzzz!


  2.  BT**.  Ad: “Escape to Aruba”; an animal airs -n huge pus-udders, plus shit-abyss slabs. 

        Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

  3.  BT**.  Ad: “Watch the Premiere of Camp Online”.  Same listings as above, horny moral-less

       actress animal likes money.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


0927.  I/O AUTO.  Red Chevy Silverado plate No. 9AM3415 pulled from a Wawa and stopped blocking the two lane street.

0945.  I/O AUTO.  Blocking a handicapped accessible curb at a supermarket was a cab, then a red car with plate No. 28399HT.  Occupied by two women, No. 28399HT blocked the handicap accessible curb some ten minutes.  Vehicles often park before these handicap accessible areas with the driver waiting, as though that makes a difference.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0816.  (S) INTERNET.  {http://xfinity.comcast.net/}.

  1.  BT*.  Ad: “Tilted Kilt”; CU of a pouting brunette whore in public airing its gargantuan

       -n pus-sacs.

  2.  BT*.  Ad: “Heidi Klum Posts Revealing Pics”; the blonde beast in CU in our faces airs its ½-n


  3.  BT*.  Ad:  “Heather Locklear Wows at Age 51”; this sneering barnyard beast in the Great

       Spirit’s face in CU airs its ½-n manure-mastoids.

       Bzzzzzz! Boing Boing Boingity Bong Bong!

0821.  I/O-I BT  .  {http://xfinityconnect.mail.comcast.net/connect/}.  Popup blocking password input field.


0912.  I/O-I.

  1.  BT**.  {http://big.deluxeforthefuture.com/g/?ilmernzkvtaz=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=& s=D-fire fox&nm=ilmernzkvtaz}.  Full-page popup, “Install the HD player”.  This is no. 15.  The cookie is {.big.deluxeforthefuture.com}.  We may have found the source of this capitalist filth. We deleted and reinstalled Firefox.  We believe the link just tried is the one used last to download.  It looks like an official Firefox page but is not.  We were using McAfee at the time.  Norton Security Suite warned us the download was hazardous.  Note at the top of file.

  2.  BT**.  This is the page: {http://mozilla-firefox.todownload.com/?lp=adwords&tg=us&kw=Mozilla% 20firefox&mt=b&ad=25224559398&pl=&ds=s&gclid=CMWqwLHHsbgCFY2Y4AodVGAAFw}.  Note at the top of file.

                We downloaded again @ {http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/}.


1240.  I/O-I.  {http://guitaralliance.com/the-weight-by-the-band/}.  Popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-7-14, 1309.  I/O-I.  {https://www.amazon.com/gp/buy/signin/handlers/continue.html?ie=UTF




















y9yXoFvRG6jQ%3D&#d=1}.  Clicking to confirm my purchase, the capitalist creeps @ Amazon.com    punched us with this full-page popup, whatever the filthy shit was for.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0853.  I/O-I BT**.  [Sponsorship] {http://big.deluxeforthefuture.com/g/?ilmernzkvtaz=F4B7E2BBB2   C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaz}.  This full-page filth from the cappie degennies at DealPly popped up, then when we clicked the X, a popup popped up.  When we went to flush this shit it went to [UPlayer Video Player] {http://www.uplayer.us.com/lp/video-player/index.php?pk=671257&

aid=2271} and began buffering.  This is number 16.  The download came from {http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/}².  Note at the top of file.


[2013-7-28, 1259.]  We think we licked this problem.  Mozilla Firefox downloads from these pages is infected with Capitalist DealPly bacterium.

  1.  {http://mozilla-firefox.todownload.com/?lp=adwords&tg=us&kw=Mozilla%20firefox&mt=b&ad=2522


  2.  {http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/}.

                Are there no laws against this gross invasion of privacy, and this unjust seizure of our resources?  If so, where are the kock-sucking federal and/ or state and / or local pig forces?  Firefox is mentioned in both URLs.  Is this yet another conspiracy?  Whatever happened to law and order?


  Originally written on 2013-6-21.  The icons for webpages downloaded with Mozilla-Firefox now appear only as blank WD icons, very faint.  We were re so sick of depraved cringing cackling chintzy Micro$hit w/ their buckteeth and choppy fingers, that we insist on it being and those responsible severely punished.  There has never been a more capitalistically depraved corporation than Micro$hit.  They are so maniacal in there capitalism / greed, that they refuse to allow you to store the colorful icon of another browser.  This kind of greed nauseates.  It was not Microsoft’s.  This turned out to be because of an infected Mozilla Firefox browser download as has been reported.

************          * * *                   ******

Hollywood is the gold cap on a tooth that should have been pulled out years ago.

                                                                                                                                                  —W.C. Fields.


0910.  I/O-I.  {http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/video/?video=fx4-mobile-home2}.  An annoying video automatically plays.


0955.  We downloaded from {http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/}.


1714.  PB BT** MURDER.  {http://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=zim merman+verdict&oq=zimmerman+verdict&gs_l=hp.3..0i3l3j0.7819.12017.0.12384.




                A Florida jury, of course, released volunteer pig George Zimmerman scot-free; a subhuman cop that beat a defenseless youth then murdered him with a gun.  The cop had been free on a mere $150.00 bail.  The subhuman pig took a Human live, murdered a Human Being, and it was running around free on $150.00 bail.  As has been evident since day one, the combat war he-roe of war pigs can murder unarmed black youth (or anybody) until the bodies are stacked like Jews in germany and not a fucking thing will be done about it.  The pig subhumans have overwhelming confidence that they will get away with cold-blooded murder.  It is evidence of the violence inherent in the system.  The murderous, cowardly, psychopathic, psychotic pig subhumans murder black youth for frivolous reasons like suspicion of throwing stones against a house, or suspicion of shoplifting, or for no reason at all.  Yet, the combat war he-roes of war stand by, watch a girl being raped, tortured, sliced up with knives and / or murdered, and not lift a finger to help her.  The Supreme Queers, those subhuman pieces of shit black-robed shit, whose necks have a date with the guillotine, years ago decreed from on high that this was hunky-dory. 


Here’s the white freak subhuman,

George Zimmerman a pig if you ever saw one.




Other phlicks & info.


More shit.



Here is the noble youth, Trayvon Martin,

savagely sacrificed to American law

and order by the cowardly white freak above.




                Juries, ladies and gentlemen, are composed of the very worst trash.  Dredged up from the bottom of the cesspool of patriotism, juries are composed of the most timorous, asshole-lickingest, nauseatingly obvious, simpleminded, idiotic and discussing subhuman pieces of flag-waving shit on the face of the planet . . . our eunuch uncles and lesbian aunts . . . the american voter.  No excuses.  Complete hierarchy.  Note at the top of file.


The only good cop is a dead cop.

                                                                                                                       The Management.

You all look alike to me.

    — Morpheus to Agent Smith, The Matrix.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-7-18, 0749.  I/O-I (T).  {http://xfinity.comcast.net/instantly/watch/?cid=PA&p=ck}.  Full-page popup totally blocking us.

We are the past for the future.

                                                                                                                  —The Prophet Mastodon.

  680 AM WCBM.  Sean & Frank.  The rich patriots Sean and Frank lamented about the way decent people are outraged about this travesty of justice in Florida the exonerating of fat bluecoat George Zimmerman.  Working class people, see what these empty rich pieces of patriotic shit are like.  They cannot understand why decent folk detest them.  These Republicans cannot understand why they are hated, and why they cannot win elections.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-7-20.  680 AM WCBM.  {http://www.wcbm.com/}.  These rich Republicans of WCBM say that decent people are racists if they disagree with the verdict of that kock-sucking white jury in the Zimmerman travesty, the brutal beating and murder of Travon Martin by cop George “Jowls” Zimmerman.  This is the blurb from the Fox Broadcasting Company owned (read rich Republican) radio station.


RACE CARD: Trayvon Martin’s Mom: Jurors Didn’t See My Son as Human




ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0943.  I/O-I (BT).  {http://www.stringsandbeyond.com/}.  We downloaded a webpage order confirmation.  Opening it, in your own computer, they punch you in the mouth with a gray-out and popup, a popup over that, and a popup was blocked.  Copied the information, deleted the webpage.  We make no more purchases from them.  The items were pricey as well.

1237.  I/O-I.  {http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc164.htm}.  Popup.


  PERIODICAL.  Adventures Unlimited, One Adventure Place, Box 74, Kempton, Illinois 60946, Summer / Fall 2013.


New Books

p. 5.  I/O (A) / (F) I/O (A).  Ratline, Soviet Spies, Nazi Priests and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler by Peter Levenda.  Ratline is the documented history of the mechanisms by which thousands of Nazi war criminals fled to the remotest parts of the globe— including quite possibly Adolf Hitler.  It is a story involving Soviet spies, Nazi priests, and a network of Catholic monasteries and safe houses known as “the ratline”.  The name of one priest, Monsignor Draganovic, was discovered by the author in a diary found in Indonesia.  Why would this name turn up in a document written in a spidery German hand in a remote island?  As Levenda began his research, more information came to light: in December of 2009, it was revealed that the skull the Russians claimed was Hitler’s— salvaged from the bunker in 1945— was not that of Hitler!  In 2010, files from the Office of Special Investigations of the Justice Department were declassified, revealing a history of American intelligence providing cover for Nazi war criminals.  The mystery deepened, and the author returned to his own roots hunting Nazis in North America, South America and Europe.  He revisited old contacts, made some new ones, and gradually the explosive story was revealed: there is no forensic evidence to prove that Adolf Hitler died in the bunker in April 1945!  Chapters include: Wandering Ghosts; The Monastery Route; The Land of Living Dangerously; The German Doctor; The Ratline; God is Great; Flight; The Mystery Deepens; The Disappearance of Adolf Hitler; more.  255 Pages.  6x9 Hardback.  Illustrated.  Price: $26.95.  Code RATL.


p. 7.

SCHO-OP / (F) SCHO-OP1 // I/O (A) / (F) I/O (A)2.  Bad Science.  A Brief History of Bizarre Misconceptions, Totally Wrong Conclusions and Incredibly Stupid Theories By Linda Zimmermann.  The history of science has been fraught with persecution, fraud, and ignorance on a massive scale1.  (But that doesn’t mean we can’t laugh about it!)  Bad Science takes a humorous look at bloodletting, alchemy, quack devices, the worship of meteorites, faked data, secret testing on people2, and all kinds of really ridiculous ideas.  Chapters include: Medicine; Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals; Birth, Contraception, and Sex; Dentistry; Geology, Paleontology, Archaeology (and other things found in dirt); Astronomy & the Space Program; Scientists, Heredity, DNA, Firearms, and Everything Else that didn’t Fit into Previous Categories; more.  224 Pages.  6x9 Paperback.  Illustrated.  Price: $14.95.  Code: BDSC.


p. 9.  I/O BT**1 & SCHO-OP2.  Energy Medical Technologies, Ozone Healing, Microcrystals, Frequency Therapy and the Future of Health Edited by Finley Eversole, Ph.D., Foreword by Karl Maret, M.D.  Presenting a compendium of some of the most revolutionary yet still widely unknown discoveries in health and energy medicine, this book explores the use of microcrystals to harmonize the energies of body, mind, and environment; the healing effects of ozone and hydrogen peroxide therapy; ways to combat electromagnetic fields and environmental toxins; sources of disruptive energy that cause stress and health problems, including other people’s negative emotions; and how to tap in to healing antioxidant electrons from the Earth.  The book reveals the scientifically proven health risks of genetically modified foods— the first irreversible technology in human history with still unknown consequences.1  It looks at the link between industrial farming and the precipitous rise in heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s over the past 100 years, providing a 10-point Low-Toxin Program to reduce your risk.  It explores the cancer-curing electromedicine of Royal Raymond Rife and its suppression by the medical establishment2 as well as Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgi’s follow-up discovery of Frequency Therapy.  368 Pages.  6x9 Paperback.  Illustrated.  References.  Price: $18.95.  Code EMNT.


New DVDs.

p. 13.  SCHO-OP BT**.  New Evidence pf Early Man, Exposing the Dark Side of Archeology, a Bill Cote film.  What happens when science conflicts with facts!  Figures of extinct, ice age animals were carved by humans on a Mammoth bone.  But this valuable artifact was recalled from the Smithsonian Museum and is now lost.  Life Magazine featured the story of this amazing discovery, but when dates of more than a quarter of a million years came out, it became a scientific forbidden zone.  This is the story of great archeological discoveries about man’s true origins and the people who would keep this information from the general public, information that would change the way we see ourselves and our origins.  Loaded with bonus interviews and other features.  All our DVDs play in every region of the world.  191 Minutes.  2 DVDs in Box.  Bonus Features.  Price: $24.95.  Code NEMD.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0805.  I/O-I.  {http://www.kvsupply.com/snap-e-mouse-trap/&refcode=Froogle&CAWELAID=98367 8463&cagpspn=pla&gclid=CIexqdKHw7gCFRKk4AodRzMA3g}.  Popup.

0829.  I/O-I.  {http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/victorreg%3B-metal-pedal-rat-trap}.  Popup.


0858.  I/O-I.  {http://www.homedepot.com/?cm_mmc=SEM|THDG|BT1|HighVolumeExact&skwcid =TC|13614|home%20depot||S|e|21601746204&gclid=CK6e-NuTw7gCFdCh4AodSzIAXQ}.  Popup, then when you go to checkout, they hit in the mouth with another popup.  We did not check out but went elsewhere for rattraps. 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0657-0704.  I/O-I.  Dell rudely interrupted with a Dell Backup and Recovery notification.  Why we need this we do not know.  We back up everything on removable media.  We downloaded.

1205.  INTERNET.  {http://www.finduslocal.com/retail-stores/maryland/baltimore/medical-concepts-inc}.

  1.  I/O-I.  Full-page popup, for Verizon’s FiOS , whatever the Hell that is.

  2.  (S).  Ad: “Related / Popular Video.  Your Faves New Channel and LV!”  -n dugs of blonde. 

               Bzzzzzz! Boing!


1247.  (S) BT* INTERNET.  Ad: video “Too Controversial" To Be Shown Anywhere But Here.”  Aka {http://jmp.c lickbooth.com/c/adclick.php?ad=cHVibGlzaGVyX2lkPTMyMjQmem9uZT0tMSZvZmZzZXQ






S4xOTAuMTcyJmN4dV9pZD0wJmN4dWtfaWQ9MCY}.  This Shocking Video Was Banned”.  CU of the huge -n puke-sacs salacious looking blackhead.  Bzzzzzz! Boing! 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-7-25, 1100.  I/O-I.  {http://www.zzounds.com/item--DADPLAIN}.  Popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-7-26.  (S) BT** PERIODICAL.  Positioned in supermarkets where you cannot avoid them, near the store advertisers, cat box and birdcage liner The New York Post of July 26, 2013, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York City, New York 10036, airs a brunette in a shower.  Naked from the waste up, the subhuman is bent over pooting its splitter-shit far out at you, a strip of material up its shit-smeared shit-valley.  Its barf-bladders obscured by its arms.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1022.  I/O-I.  {http://www.americanmusical.com/ItemSearch--search-Daddario-Nickle-Wound--srcin-1}.  Popup when we went to confirm purchase.  No sell.


1100.  (S) BT* INTERNET.  {http://xfinity.comcast.net}.  Among other feminine filth splattered like shit against a wall: “Stone Turns Heads In Bikini”, CU of the moral-less animal’s ¾-n cowlike udders of depraved Hollywhore Sharon Stone.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


Bellowing Blonde & Blackhead Barnyard Bella Beast


0830.  {http://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=%20+and+Nicole+are







&bih=498}.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


                For years, two blackheads, Brianna Garcia-Colace and Nicole Garcia-Colace aka the Bella Twins, aka barnyard beasts, have been polluting and vulgarizing the sacred ol’ squared circle pretending to be a tag team.  Aired on Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment’s Monday night RAW cluster fuck, they strut and fart around the square ring near naked, airing their reeking bodies and publicly cavorting with pumped up males and other publicly performing whores like themselves.  This exquisite little depravity is enacted much to the delight of the castrati of the throng with their ineptitude, shyness, poor self-image, low self-confidence, no upper body development, dicks that don’t work, and abysmal IQs.

                On the 2013-7-22, RAW, rich blackhead Bella beast Nicole Garcia-Colace in CU aired the valve of one of its pus-buckets in a so-called wardrobe malfunction.  The rich animal said that it did not know it.  Then why is the whore’s nipple hard?  Why was it not wearing a thick bra like a decent woman, instead of shamelessly cavorting on stage functionally naked before the public and the Great Spirit with other TV whores and pumped up buffoons?


0859.  (S) BT** INTERNET.

  1.  Photo: One Of The Bella Twins Had A Nip Slip On Raw |Wrestling ... www. wrestlinghype. com/.../photo-one-of-bella-twins-had-nip-slip.html‎.  There was another nip slip on WWE Raw.  During the July 22 edition of WWE Raw, The Bella Twins came to the ring with their "Total Divas" co-stars to promote ...  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


  2.  {http://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=Bella%2BTwins%2Bnip%2Bslip&oq=Bella %2BTwins%2Bnip%2Bslip&gs_l=hp.3...37669.46176.0.49141.

%2Chmss2%3Dfalse%2Chmmql%3D2...0...1.1j2.22.psy-ab..2.0.0.XZN6BcZeQ-0&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_ qf.&bvm=bv.49784469,d.dmg&fp=20d2c95041b65a2&biw=1133&bih=498}.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


  3.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=bella+twins+nip+slip&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org. mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


  4.  These pages, and all such pages, and wherever the image of the rich black-headed bitch airing its shitty nip tip are aired are herein under listed.

                Image filed.  Bzzzzzz! Boing Boing Boing Boingity Boing Boing Boing!  Note at the top of file4.


  Nip slip, or as we, here in the 117th like to say, slick as shit nip slip, is going viral.  Slick as shit nip slip is contagious among these filthy and depraved Hollywhores.  Fumigate the beasts, slick as shit nip slip is passed from Hollywhore to Hollywhore.


1100.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=nip+slip&oq =nip+slip&gs_l=hp.3...182514.186323.0.191137. 3Dfalse%2 Chmmql%3D2...0...1.1.22.psy-ab..4.5.590.vz2JaQmsJaE&pbx=&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.4 9784469%2Cd.dmg%2Cpv.xjs.s.en_US.MpiVkF51mpA.O&fp=4de561cb9c385843&biw=565&bih=361}.  Page begins nip slip listings.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


  1.  19 Celerity Nip Slips (NSFW) - The Frisky {http://www.thefrisky.com/photos/18-celebrity-nip-slips/rihanna-nip-slip/www.thefrisky.com/photos/18-celebrity-nip-slips/rihanna-nip-slip/‎}.

 Cached {http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:VGAXUjQYRw8J:www.thefrisky.com/ photos/18-celebrity-nip-slips/rihanna-nip-slip/+nip+slip&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us}.

Oh, was Rihanna on a Hawaiian vacation? I thought she was at Coachella Tweeting pics of herself looking amazing in a denim bikini. Anyhow, she was in ...  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


  2.  News for nip slip {http://www.google.com/search?q=nip+slip&biw=565&bih=361& source=univ& tbm=nws&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=Sx31UZ_eL8PD4AO1nYCYCg&ved=0CDkQqAI} Hey Guys, Check Out This WWE Diva Whose Boob Was Hanging Out For A Couple Minutes (NSFW, Duh) {http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=nip%20slip&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&ved=0CD4QqQIwAw &url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportsgrid.com%2Fvideo%2Fhey-guys-check-out-this-wwe-diva-whose-boob-was-hanging-out-for-a-couple-minutes-nsfw-duh%2F&ei=Sx31UZ_eL8PD4AO1nYCYCg&usg=AFQjCNEx0L8NlQA PBYhH9f0vi0-N4A7_gQ&bvm =bv.49784469,d.dmg}.

SportsGrid - 17 hours ago

Filed Under: nip slip · Video · WWE · Follow @SportsyDad · Submit Tips · Email Jake O'Donnell  Newsletter ...

                A blonde barnyard beast airs its puke-sac on RAW in the faces of the Great Spirit and humanity.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


  3.  All such instances.  There are no accidents.  There are no excuses.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


                All ye wrestling castrati of the knuckle-dragging throng, with your ineptitude, shyness, poor self-image, low self-confidence, no upper body development, dicks that don’t work, and abysmal IQs.  Drink to these poor unfortunate hardworking sluts that suffer the occupational hazard of wardrobe malfunction.  They do it all for you and no one else.  There is no billion dollar ($1,000,000,000) government program to compensate these darling damsels of the depraved from the fell ravages they suffer because of wardrobe malfunction.  Wardrobe malfunction!  Wardrobe malfunction!  Lucifer!  Lucifer!  Raise thine steins of Viagra to the devil divas, and their pussies, and their assholes and their pus-bags, toast they that are not going to see you and like you.  Moreover, if they did see you and like you they could not wipe their shitty assholes on you, for free.  Raise those steins of Viagra to the dirty rotten filthy naked devil divas, it is as close as you’re going to get.  Suckers!


1136.  {http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/23/wwe-total-diva-accidentally-lets-a-nip-slip/}.

  1.  (S) INTERNET.  Bella beasts air some dugs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

  2.  I/O-I.  Popup along bottom.


♥♦ ♥♦ ♥♦ ♥♦

2013-7-28, 1242.  PB MURDER INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_York

Post}.  Reference to New York City’s cowardly patriotic bluecoat pig / subhumans, whores and queers, New York City’s finest, the finest examples of manhood shit-lick New York City has to offer, using automatic weapons (fifteen [15] bullets) to gun down and murder a boy holding a bush.  Guess those bluebellies did not get the word on going green, huh?  Now, none of you patriots out there get upset, especially none of you tattooed freaks on motorcycles, don’t get your panties all in an uproar.  Don’t give yourself a wedgie Reggie.  The cowardly bluecoat pig subhumans were, of course, exonerated, let go scot-free and given vast reward and medals for bravery.  Their rich subhuman pig union saw to that you can betcha.  Note at the top of file.

                Recently two New Jersey bluecoat pigs died in a private plane crash in Maryland waters.  We figured good riddance, but motorcycle thugs held a big memorial shindig for the dead pigs t’other day in polluted New Jersey.  The drunken patriotic fest, for some reason bringing to mind the Beer Hall Putsch, was called Hogs for Heroes.  We guess pigs know their own.  Hogs for Heroes, ladies and gentlemen, Hogs for Heroes.  It dawns on us why so few object to the endless crimes the Naked Butcher Whore and / or its subhuman bluecoat pigs commit— they have children to think about.

                BTY, FYI, the subhuman raping, torturing, murdering, baby butchering cia, great and rich patriots of america the Naked Butcher Whore, is behind these numerous, massive, odoriferous motorcycle gangs, very dangerous to Families and Freedom.


1230.  (S) BT INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=greman+beer+party&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.  Of five aligned images, number 3 airs a blonde beast in blue drinking a mug of beer, and airing in public and in CU its huge -n dugs.

Bzzzzzz! Boing!


1311.  (F) I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aftermath of the 2013 Egyptian

coup d%27%C3%A9tat#Chronology}.  In their latest atrocity, subhuman Egyptian pigs, Moslem true-believers in patriotism, fired on demonstrators in Cairo murdering dozens.


1322.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://xfinity.comcast.net/}.  Ad: “Miley Bares All For Charity”; the   brunette whore, fresh out of the hog pin, Miley Cyrus, the creature that starred in wicked Disney’s Hanna Montana Bonanza shit, is aired airing itself in a crowded auditorium, its ugly, repulsive and stinking body veiled in only faint black gossamer.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


2003.  I/O BT**.  680 AM WCBM, Fox News.  The wicked and traitorous NSA, rich subhuman bureaucrats, privileged under the filthy Constitution of the United States of America, aka the Naked Butcher Whore, is still collecting phone calls and emails on all Americans.  Some Republicans think this is super too groovy cool because, as they allege, 54 terrorists’ attacks might maybe perhaps, possibly have been averted.  There are no excuses.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0925.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.kidzworld.com/article/4948-what-did-dinosaurs-really-look-like}.  Page switches to a full-page popup.


  BOOK.  More “Things” © 1969 Ivan T. Sanderson, Pyramid Publications, Inc., 444 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022. 


Part I.  More Live Things

Chapter 1.  Neodinosaurs

p. 21. (F) SCHO-OP. 

  1. A Belgian administrator from the Congo came upon a “lau”, a neodinosaur, several times in a

      swamp and shot at it.

  2. Tribesmen killed one with their spears.


Chapter 2.  Three Toes— Model A

pp. 27-28.  (F) SCHO-OP BT**.  A quackasaur of the Department of Zoology, University of Witwaterstand, at Johannesburg, South Africa, was given droppings and shown photographs of the footprints of an unknown three toed creature that comes from the sea and walks beaches in many areas of the world including the United States.  When queried later, the quaking quackasaur did not recall any droppings, and although the quaking coward admitted seeing the photographs of the footprints, it did not care to venture forth upon them.


Chapter 4.  Maverick Moas

p. 55.  (F) SCHO-OP BT.  New Zealand.  In 1960 and 1968 there were news blackouts and suppression of information concerning evidence of living moas (giant birds) thought to be extinct.  

p. 56.  (F) SCHO-OP BT**.  During the 1968 suppression, “real professionals and true experts of the very departments of investigation most concerned made the initial reports.  Knowing only too well the very real danger, both to themselves personally and to the acquisition of knowledge generally, these people refused to allow their statements to be published or their names to be attached to their stories”.  These are scholars, right?


Part II.  More Man Things

Chapter 5.  Wondering Woodspersons

p. 69.

  1.  SCHO-OP.  A fellow with footage of Sasquatch (the Patterson-Gimlin film) requested some

American quackasaurs to review it.  Of course, none of them would.  They were sitting on their tenured nests.

  2. A dozen or so Canadian scientists reviewed the film.  Dr. McTaggart-Cowan summed up their

       reaction, “Like most scientists I’m not ready to put my reputation on the line”.

  3. SCHO-OP BT.  The film was shown to staff representatives of the American Museum of Natural

History in New York, another institution of learning where knowledge goes to die.  In closed session to the press these “experts” derided the film.  Calling it a colossal hoax, the exact phrase used by their spokesman being “not kosher”.  The reason given was that such a creature was impossible.  The existence of such a creature as Bigfoot is not impossible.  The reaction of these quackasaurs was so swift that a proper thorough examination of the film could not have been made.  Patterson and associates were barred from the room when the film was shown.  As a result Life Magazine dropped pursuit of the story.


Chapter 6.  Giant Skulls

p. 81.  SCHO-OP.  We reported on the massive skulls found during World War II on the Aleutian island of Shemya last ish: 45 Psywar, 2012-12-25 to 2013-5-24.  When Army engineers landed to make an airfield on Shemya, they found around the island (incredibly!) neat signs claiming that the island, and everything on it, belonged to, of all things, the Smithsonian Institution, where knowledge goes to die. 

p. 86.

  1.  I/O & SCHO-OP.  Some of the men collected the artifacts found with the bones of massively

       large giants, but were forced to turn them in.

  2.  I/O BT** & SCHO-OP.  One man, who had been a museum preparator, recognized the

       inestimable value of these artifacts in the true quest for knowledge, truth, and light.  He kept a

       small collection, but sneaks found it out and reported it.  The military pigs immediately

       arrested him, held him in incommunicado, and then his good buddies shipped the man back to

       the states in irons.  He was sentenced to the military hellhole of Leavenworth, Kansas.

  3.  SCHO-OP BT**.  Then the authorities released terse statements through a number of sources

       that some of these priceless skulls, bones, and artifacts were crated and shipped to the

       Smithsonian Institution (where knowledge goes to die).  These priceless finds, along with tons

       of other incandescent “erratics” holding the promise of liberation from this nightmare, were

       likely deep-sixed on the Smithsonian Institution’s (where knowledge goes to die) Black Barge

       of the Atlantic.  Note at the top of file.

pp. 86-87.  SCHO-OP.  The author wrote the wicked and depraved Smithsonian Institution (where knowledge goes to die) seeking denial or any information as to the whereabouts of this material.  Of course, the quackasaurs of the Smithsonian Institution (where knowledge goes to die) never replied.


Chapter 7.  Walkers for Water

pp. 89-90.  Devout believers in the rich man’s burden, the British were lording over and robbing Cameron in 1932.  N. H. Cleverley was Resident of the Southern British Cameron in 1932, similar to a Chief Justice.  A sergeant of the Native Bush Police came licking the ground feverishly reporting that some terrible villagers would not pay taxes.  The people were terrified of the British barbarians and their asshole-lickers.  They hid from the patriots.


p. 92.  (F) PB.

  1. The black pig returned to the bush, found some people who nearly collapsed with fear.  He did

      not tell them that a white pig was with him or they actually would have collapsed with fear. 

      These terrified Human Beings led him to where the villagers were hiding.  With total disregard

      for their safety, it tied them to a tree.

  2. Then, tricking the captives to go with him, he marched them into the arms of the brutish

       British officer.  Here they tied these cooperating people to trees again for an unspecified

       time and left under the “loving care” of two asshole-licking black patriots in the Native   

       Bush pigs that accompanied this vitally important expedition against those that committed

       a crime worst than stalin, hitler, and those turkish subhumans.

p. 93.  (F) PB BT**.  They had found the villagers; men, women, children, babies, grandma and grandpa sleeping underwater.  The British brute ordered the black thug to awaken the people.  It attempted to do this as brutally as possible.  It could not wake them.

p. 94.  (F) PB BT**.  Sometime after the white freak left, the people came out of the water into the waiting clutches of the sergeant and other pigs.  No word on the atrocities they then suffered.


Part III.  More Nasty Things

Chapter 10.  Rockets and Rackets

pp. 127-128.  (F) SCHO-OP.  The Bayan-kara-Ula Mountains, on the border of China and the noble country those painfully obvious criminals suppress, i.e., peaceful Tibet, was where c. 12,000 years ago families of ETs made a forced landing.  The local subhumans, of course, murdered them all men, women, children, babies, grandma and grandpa.  Chinese expeditions discovered the graves of the bubble-headed skeletons.  The star children made disks containing large amounts of cobalt and other medals.  These disks vibrate an unusual frequency.  Covered with unusual hieroglyphs, each disk has a circular hole in the center like a photograph record.  The Chinese quackasaurs that discovered the burial mounds reported finding an extinct species of ape.


p. 127.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Other archaeologists and linguists studied the artifacts for two decades.  Because the results of their studies were so shattering, for years the Peking Academy of Pre-History (quackademia) banned publication of the results: Groove Writing Related to Spaceships which, as Recorded on the Discs, Existed 12,000 Years Ago.  (We cannot find a copy of this book, assuming it was written for the lay reader.)


  We reported this in 38 Psywar, 2009-11-22 to 2010-4-28 from Gods from Outer Space by Erich  

     von Däniken, p. 97-98. 

  Photos of Dropa Disks: {http://www.crystalinks.com/dropa.html}.

  General reference to the Dropa Disks:





Part IV.  More Funny Things

Chapter 13.  An Hallucination

p. 166.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  Russian quacks, under the subhuman stalin, greatest patriot that ever existed, cut

       dogs heads off and them sewed them on again.  They swapped heads and bodies.  Sewed two

       dog heads on one dog body.  They did.  No loss.  That screwball Pavlov led in this.  What we say

       is that the psychopathic psychotic patriotic psychiatrists scientists did this medieval

       monstrosity to people as well, maybe even children.

  2.  I/O.  Reference to the medieval ghouls in a New York hospital, mediaized as coroners,

       chopping the top of a man’s head off.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-7-30, 0759.  INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=operation+cross+country+ fbi&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.


                A nationwide coordinated law enforcement sweep targeting child sex trafficking resulted in 150 pimps and other subhumans arrested, the FBI says.  The FBI announced that during a massive three-day sweep of 76 cities across the country over the weekend, 105 sexually exploited children, mostly girls 13-16, were rescued.  This is what law enforcement is supposed to do.  Anybody that would yell about the FBI, et al., for saving children is a sicko dicko.

Our Heroes


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0748.  I/O-I.  {https://order.store.yahoo.net/OS/stat?stringsandbeyond. . .}.  There folk slap you with a gray-out and popup, over a popup, over a popup, and over a popup if we recall correctly.  Also a popup was blocked.

0752.  I/O-I.  {http://www.stringsandbeyond.com/soundroom.html}.  A popup blocked.  On this page, there are dozens of links and for each you click you are slapped with another popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-8-2.  BOOK.  Invisible Residents, the Reality of Underwater UFOs, © 2005 by Ivan T. Sanderson, ISBN: 1-931882-20-7, Adventures Unlimited Press, One Adventure Place, Box 74, Kempton, Illinois 60946.  {http://www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com/search.php}.


Part I

Chapter 1.  The Mystery

p. 4.  SCHO-OP.  Although the Navy initially issued a formal report on the following to the Brazilian press, when the European wire services picked it up, they denied it; the brass heads went blue screaming denial.  Then the North American media monkeys pooh-poohed it as filler and the Thunderstorm of Truth Denial blew over.  Unto this day, the cowardly brass heads call it “rubbish”, or what we know as “cover-up”.


p. 3.  The event that caused a dangerous crack in the rich man’s ice that binds us was this.  A Brazilian scientist named Dr. Rubens J. Villela, assigned by his government to accompany the U.S. Navy’s Operation Deep Freeze to Antarctica, on deck of an icebreaker one evening in Admiralty Bay, witnessed a rocket roar out of the sea through 37 feet of ice and arch for the sky.  Monster blocks of ice hurled high by the blastoff crashed down around the hole where the water boiled, the falling chunks of ice steamed.


p 7.  SCHO-OP BT**.  In 1969, under contract to the Office of Science and Technical Research of the United States Air Force, a committee set up by the dishonorable University of Colorado and chaired by bloody-arsed reprobate Dr. Edward U. Condon, released its massive report.  Known as the Condon Report we call it the Condom Report.  Hired to conduct an in-depth survey of the UFO phenomenon, the felons spent six-hundred-thousand dollars ($600,000) of our money then and only then issued the Condom Report.  The Condom Report is a farce.  Everybody knows it and most people who know of it say it.  The purpose of the Condon Committee was to do precisely that.  Note at the top of file.


p. 8.

  1. SCHO-OP & I/O BT**.  Yet, when a UFO was said to have swooped low to the ground, or have landed and been tracked by radar, within hours or even minutes military officers, pigs, and officialdom popped out of the woodwork like roaches in their sties.  Vast areas cordoned off, pigs went silent or changed stories they gave to media monkeys, and a War of the Worlds panic was on but not on the part of We the People, on the part of them, depraved and dangerous officialdom.

  2.  (F) SCHO-OP & I/O BT**.  This is true of every country but Brazil and India.  India we can

       understand, but the why of Brazil eludes us.


Chapter 3.  A Third Mystery, UAOs (Unexplained Aquatic Object) into and out of the Seas

p. 43.  SCHO-OP.  In December 1965, a California woman and son took pictures of a glowing red-orange object that dove into the ocean.  Steam rose as the object hit the water.  Thinking it an errant Navy missile, she reported it.  Forty-eight years later and the Navy still have not commented on it.  It was likely one of their missiles.


Chapter 4.  A Fourth Mystery, Inshore UAOs

p. 52.  (F) SCHO-OP BT**.  A Globster, a huge mass of protoplasm washed up on a Tasmania beach and “for two years and caused an appalling odor”.  An ignorant and arrogant personage named Senator Gordon, Minister for the Navy, just happened to be annoying the nearby residents and immediately took charge laying siege to the area for two years.  The wicked fellow ordered all reporters out of the area, and forbade the National Geographic Society of America, that had rented a helicopter to occasion the phenomena, from proceeding.  The only people the slope-headed punk allowed near were several “biologists” identified as having doctorates but that later turned out to be flunkies still in college, if anyone at all.  Although unable to chop the globster’s flesh with an ax, yet it withdrew from a lighter flame.  Several other globsters turned up on local beaches over the years.  Residents report that they came from the sky, not the sea.



p. 54.  (F) SCHO-OP.  A New Zealand airline pilot several times reported having sighted UFOs.  Of course, declared fair game, no holds barred, and they persecuted him.


p. 57.  SCHO-OP BT**.  A naïve person gave the film of photographs taken of an UAO to AP.  According to AP, “The film was not processed immediately” and you know what that means.  AP never released the photos if the film was processed.  You cannot believe the media monkeys.


p. 58.  (F) SCHO-OP.  A reputable man of Argentina at close range witnessed a c. 70-foot struggling cigar-shaped UFO burn, explode, and crash into the sea.  The Argentine government will not comment on the crash although their Navy searched for it. 


Chapter 5.  A Fifth Mystery— UAOs into and Out of Fresh Waters

p. 69.  I/O BT.  September 1955, Wanaque Reservoir, New Jersey.  UFO reports caused an instant sludge of “scientist” and military types to flush onto the area where they lingered like a bad smell.    Uniformed Army and Air Force personnel interviewed witnesses “almost to a point of harassment”, or more.

p. 72.  I/O & SCHO-OP.  An official that had been in charge of aspects of security for the Wanaque Dam and Reservoir, employed there since before your ever-popular Doubya-Doubya Eye-Eye, told the author of UFO sightings galore.  There were things witnessed by him and others that he would not talk about even after having retired and “no longer under regulations”.  He reported many UFOs.  If all of these sightings were over a range of hills bordering the west of the lake, and not over the lake like most believe, why was he reporting them?


Chapter 7.  A Seventh Mystery Submarine “Lightwheels”

p. 107.  The Russians photographed “the track of some enormous bottom-living creature” in the Indian Ocean c. mid-sixties.  The author ventured that it looked like the tracks that a sea turtle makes in the sand when it comes ashore to lay eggs.  But is it not curious that in the last issue 45 Psywar, 2012-12-25 to 2013-5-24 @ 2013-5-3 we ran a photo similar to that below of the strange tracks leaving an island near Phuket (Thailand), and quackademics have likened this to sea turtle tracks and doubtless a raccoon.  The author recalled seeing similar tracks to those deep-sea tracks in the Canadian Northwest Territory where a road was being pushed through the spruce forest and muskeg.  The tracks were those of a giant earthmover that hauled tens of tons of gravel up to the road head.  Maybe it was an undersea caterpillar monster, similar to Peripatus, or want ever it was, maybe it hatched after a decade, or a century, and lammed it back unto the sea? 



Raccoon tracks found at Phuket (Thailand)



Raccoon tracks of your sea turtle



Chapter 8.  An Eight Mystery— The “Bermuda Triangle”

p. 121.  SCHO-OP BT.  It is odd about the famous Flight 19, the disappearance of five TBM “Avenger” torpedo bombers in the Big Bee Tee: either they did not record the radio conversations or they refuse to release them, the latter you can certainly bet.  It is hard to imagine recordings not made considering the peril those fellows were in.  Course, our government has always been our biggest traitor.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-8-3, 0730.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2zrjChS6hs}.  Banner popup along bottom.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0753.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FM8ui2ByUI}.  Before each playing, one of several loud and annoying and possibly illegally placed video ads spoils the occasion.

1108.  I/O-I.  {http://www.cnet.com/1770-5_1-0.html?query=+WMA+MP3+Converter &tag=srch}. 

Banner popups above and below.


Musicians are spiritual mathematicians.

                                                                                                                         —The Prophet Mastodon.












                Filmed by Thomas Edison’s Black Maria Studio in 1894, an astonishing Annie Oakley shooting exhibition, for your education and delectation:



General reference: {https://www.google.com/search?q=Annie+Oakley&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq



Wikipedia: Annie Oakley










Kissy Kissy

Boom Boom


2004.  PB BT** BRUTALITY.  680 AM WCBM.  Fox News.  In Detroit, the bluecoat pig subhumans have been pistol whipping people at gas stations and stealing their cell phones.  No word on whether or not the pigs stopped.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



Shitty Service from a Shoddy People


2013-6-10.  A 10% discount, a hefty 10% discount, was not given on wine.


2013-6-19.  @ {http://line6.com/} they do not and have not answered their customer support email.


2013-6-13.  Home Depot is running  a Lifetime Warranty scam with those foul RIGID sump pumps.  RIGID sump pumps rust out quickly.







  1.  Paying a premium for Invisible Residents, (The Reality of Underwater UFOs) © 2005 Ivan T. Sanderson, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 60946, ISBN 1-931882-20-7, purchased through Amazon.com as “like new”, the cover, up to, and including page 38 are badly creased and crumpled.  We recycled the business card they stuck between the pages.




  2.  It irks to no end that when you by two or more used books from a bookseller presented by Amazon.com, you have to pay their exorbitant shipping costs ($3.99) no matter the weight and size of the book) on each one.  We purchase a lot fewer books through Amazon.com.


3.  Purchased new from Dollar Tree, And Another Thing © 2009 Eoin Colfer, Hyperion, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011, ISBN 978-1-4013-2358-5, the book is in unobvious but poor condition.  A former dust jack glued on then removed, inside the back cover two stickers ripped off.  Between the back cover and the flyleaf a grease stain extending from there through pages 275-273.  Page 1 is crumpled, was once paper-clipped, and dog-eared.  Pages dog-eared throughout; there was detritus between the pages and stains are on the pages.



2013-7-19.  Journeys to the Mythical Past (Earth Chronicles Expeditions), by Zecharia Sitchin purchased new through Amazon.com for a hefty $10.24 is written in throughout. 


2013-7-22.  Despite Baltimore County government allegedly spending millions on it, we are still being savaged by rats.  Lots and lots of rats.


2013-7-23.  It by Stephen King, ordered through Amazon.com as Used Good, is in Acceptable condition if not worse.


2013-7-24.  Ordered two M102 Victor rat traps through Amazon.com, but received two of Victor’s fancy M326 models.  You cannot improve on a correctly designed, i.e., old-fashioned mousetrap.  There is no better mousetrap.


2013-10-10.  Fellow ordered incense from Ecclecastacy Arts.  The order totaled $65.15.  Missing were six boxes of Mysore Sugandhi Dhoop, and 100 grams of Satya Pavitra, the fellow’s favorite.  Instead of 20 sticks of Hem Cherry Vanilla they sent 20 sticks of Hem Cherry Jasmine.  The fellow has had problems with this merchant before.  Ok, they refunded the cost of the incense, but not the cost of shipping.


2013-11-4.  At a Chinese carryout the Jumbo Shrimp w/ Garlic Sauce did not come with the advertise roll nor the pork flied lice.  White lice, however, was provided in the ½-pint Fold Pak paperboard container, with the lovely red pagoda on the side.


2013-12-3.  Packages delivered by the Postal Service, UPS, and FedEx are often delivered late and left on porches overnight in risky neighborhoods.  Two packages were found this morning, office supplies in mailers obviously just thrown down on the porch.  One of the mailers contained an Edge All-in-One Card Reader.  Had this been stepped on the card reader would have been crushed.


2013-12-17.  Those Obamacare websites are still fucked up and forever shall be.  The federal government is like that.  Why would I say such?  Try buying stamps at a USPS site.  Go on.  Try it.  Say you buy stamps by rolls as we do.  This crazy runaround round-robin has been going on for years.  The only things the American government can do efficiently is murder, torture / rape, and destroy.  Finally, we had to buy ten 100-stamp rolls from Office Depot.


2013-12-30.  Startup: A Silicon Valley Adventure, Jerrold Kaplan, was purchased through Amazon.com from Blue Cloud Books in 2012.  The book sold Used - Like New is hardly so.  The book is heavily water damaged.  Cost: $0.16 + $3.99 shipping and handling.



Meals on Wheels


1.  Meals on Wheels deliver meals before the designated time and after the designated time (1000 -

1300).  What it comes down to is they deliver meals when they get around to it.  The meals cost $9.00 a day.  The recipient must pay if Meals on Wheels attempted to deliver whether or not a meal was received.  Most people have better things to do than to wait two to three hours for meals to be delivered. 

2.  The condition the meals arrive in is often unappetizing.  Often damaged and even smashed,

once when heating in the microwave, gravy overflowed from a damaged tray making a royal mess.

3.  Styrofoam containers smashed.

4.  Almost always juice has leaked onto tea bags and other packets ruining them.

5.  Juice from bean salad ruined tea bag and packets.

6.  Long strand of hair adhering to bottom of a tray.

7.  Moldy apple.

6.  Unwholesome looking oranges.

8.  Watery cooked vegetables.

9.  Chopped up lettuce called a mixed green salad.

10.  Turkey and ham salads that are not, only small cubes of turkey of ham.

11.  Fruit juices so insipid it is as though the foreign manufacturers (China among them) hooked a

berry to a thread and dipped it into a barrel of water.

12.  Soggy tea bags, etc.

13.  We wonder if these meals are produced under other than sanitary conditions.




2013-8-5.  I/O-I. 


0938.  {http://dailycaller.com/2013/08/02/most-americans-support-stand-your-ground-laws-national-poll-shows/}.  Banner popup along bottom.

1056.  {http://www.ask.com/pictures?q=turtle+tracks&qsrc=8}.  Twenty images and clicking on each of them take you a different page you cannot backarrow.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-8-6.  I/O-I. 


0728.  {http://www.google.com/}.  Banner along top, and along the bottom.  The usual popup fo de Google Chrome oan ova to da rite. 

1007.  {http://animal.discovery.com/fish/goblin-shark.htm}.  Popup blocked. 

1411.  {http://www.in.com/downloads/games-games-freeware-quick-solitaire-for-windows-322-3631.html}.  Popup blocked.

1738.  (T).  {http://www.ask.com/food/pie/how-do-i-bake-a-pie-in-a-convection-oven.html}.  Gray-out and popup.

1756.  {http://allrecipes.com/recipe/grandmas-lemon-meringue-pie/}.  Popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1237.  I/O-I.  {http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://user.netonecom.net/~swordman/Radio/HQ



2Brad io%2Bdial%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=short+wave+radio+dial&usg=__XJq_4uhgtspg



                A nasty popup slams home to sell an app merely to view an image full-size.


  1.  I/O-I.  {http://www.tucows.com/preview/510223/Quick-Solitaire-For-Windows}.  Capitalist

k-s’s hit you with a full-page popup.  Many full-page popups are either impossible or difficult to backarrow.  Like this one, you click backarrow and wait.  You click again.  Finally, it works but takes you two pages back two, or three pages, etc., if that is the case.

  2.  I/O-I & (S) INTERNET.  Ad: banner popup, Royal Caribbean Cruises, brunette animal airs cleavage.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

  3.  I/O-I.  From several sites, we downloaded Quick Solitaire for Windows.  CNET and TUCOWS we remember, but no matter from where downloaded, each time you click to play, you have to install it again, going through the process of declining four up to (4) bloatware offers.


1632.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8EY1-kZBk0}.  Sea Monsters : A Walking with Dinosaurs Trilogy - Episode 3 .  A banner popup to sell some Window$ shit snipes at you along the bottom during playback.

1659.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT-tDO3TGdw}.  Top 10 Most Terrifying Prehistoric Sea Monsters.  Banner popup along bottom.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

p. 1.  PB I/O.  For Frederick County, a setback in immigration fight by Erin Cox.  In Frederick County, MD, bluecoat pigs arrested a woman for sitting on the curb eating a sandwich.  They arrested her because she appeared to be an illegal immigrant.  She was.  She spent 45 days in the slammer.  If you legal immigrants up now want to be safe from the pigs, after all you all look alike to them, unite with us against illegal immigrants.  You should start thinking like an American.

p. 3. Macy’s ad:

    a.  Ass-slabs & ¼-n dugs.  Note at the top of file.

    b.  CU ¼-n dugs.



  I/O BT**.  680 AM WCBM.  Barrack Hussein ben Laden believes in situational ethics.  Situation ethics is like Islam, you can do anything you want.  Therefore, it has no ethics ergo it has no honor.  After giving its sacred word of honor not to do so, it signed a scurrilous Dictatorial Executive Order (the faggot has signed scores of these) exempting the tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of fat rich Cluster Fuck staff from the Hell and horror of Obamacare.


  I/O BT** INTERNET.  {Webpage could not be relocated}.  Like the dishonorable no character piece of shit in the White House, the Attorney General of the United States, turd Eric Holder, head of the Justice Department, has no honor itself.  It is using illegally acquired emails to prosecute people, and then illegally destroying the emails to destroy the illegally obtained evidence.  Note at the top of file.


0652.  I/O-I.  {http://www.politico.com/story/2013/08/irs-obamacare-house-republicans-95132.html}.  Popup blocked.

1239.  I/O-I.  {http://dailycaller.com/2013/08/01/feminist-group-excludes-weiner-filner-from-worst-offenders-of-womens-rights-list/}.  Small Popup on bottom you unknowingly download an unwanted URL.


1243.  NL.  {http://www.lucianne.com/thread/?artnum=746242}.

                Those moral-less degenerates The National Organization for Women, who claim to believe in situational ethics, released their “gallery of worse offenders when it comes to women’s rights” in an email to supporters Thursday.  Excluded were San Diego Democratic Mayor Bob Filner and New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner.  The former piece of shit a groper after Men’s Wives, the latter a sexting fiend.  You see, those brazen hormone scrambled hussies only engrave Republicans on their insipid little list.


1304.  I/O-I.  {http://iowntheworld.com/blog/?p=196646}.  Popup blocked.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1019.  I/O (A).  {http://nader.org/2013/04/25/dont-ignore-how-others-see-us/ }.


                What must the “ithers” [sic] in the Middle East theatre of the American Empire think of a great city in total lockdown from an attack by primitive explosives when Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis and Yemenis experience far greater casualties and terror attacks several times a week?  Including . . .  terror attacks by U.S. drones, soldiers, aircraft and artillery that have directly killed many thousands of innocent children, women and men in their homes, during funeral processions and wedding parties, or while they’re working in their fields.

                                                                                                                                     —Ralph Nadar.

                Four-point-nine-million (4,900,000) innocent Human Beings  butchered, you all-american kock-suckers.  Four-point-nine-million (4,900,000) innocent Human Beings your TV raised, sexually confused, moral-less, Satan pledged at four-years-old women and boys have butchered in Afghanistan alone.



Patriot’s Pie

Delicious Patriot’s Pie

Patriots love this.  You might want to give it a fling yourself.


Original recipe makes 1 - 9 inch pie


Cook time: 50 minutes

Total time: 50 minutes

Yield: makes 8 Servings




1.  Filling

    2 pounds human shit squeezed out by a terrorist or those fighting terrorists two days ago on

      August asphalt

    1 pound of dog shit as fresh as possible; slide your pan right under its asshole, your dog will be

       glad to cooperate

    4 whole tubercular hockers; good old green lungers

    5 ounce can potato puke chunks


   1 pint pus

    2 ounce bag of bag lady toenails & toe cheese

    3 ounce bag of wino toenails & toe cheese


2.  Pie Pastry, homemade or purchased


3.  Meringue Topping


    old lace

    4 rotten egg whites

    1 cup rabies foam

    6 tablespoons white sugar




1.  Filling

  In sauce pan heat pus

  Sprinkle in toenails alternatingly  

  Stir and heat gently until creamy

  Leave on low flame stirring occasionally


  In a large glass or metal bowl, whip together the patriotic shit

  Whip in the dog shit a little at a time and whisk together until smooth

  Fold in green lungers and creamed toenails

  Stir in puke chunks


  2.  Meringue Topping

    In a large glass or metal bowl, whisk rotten egg whites and rabies foam until frothy

    Add sugar gradually, and continue to whip until stiff peaks like dicks form



  Preheat oven to 425° F

  Line a 9-inch pie plate with pie pastry

  Pour in shit filling

  Bake at 425° for 40 minutes.  Reduce heat to 350°.



  Spread meringue over pie, sealing the edges at the crust

  Hang the old lace around crust so that it looks legitimate

  Return to oven for 10 minutes, or until meringue is golden brown.

  Serve piping hot



                Instead of a meringue topping, you might want to give your Patriot’s Pie a personal, festive touch, making it a designer Patriot’s Pie celebrating whatever stinking filthy naked barbaric piece of shit country that owns your body and your soul.  Here in America, the colors are red, white, and blue, but use your imaginations.

  red = cherries, for the oceans of innocent blood and numberless little girls and women raped by

    its asshole-licking lackeys both domestic and abroad

  white = whipped cream base, for the light years of bandages its victims never receive

 blue = blueberries, for the billions of knots and contusions its thugs raise and have raised here and abroad

********************** * ********************

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., Health & Style, Animatics

p. 1.  (S) BT**.  Feces-chopper slab & ¼-n bladders of a beast.  Note at the top of file.

p. 6.  a.  (S) BT**.  Pesthole folds, feces-chopper slabs, CU ½-n huge bladders.  Note at the top

               of file.

          b.  Other nasty naked flesh.

                Bzzzzzz! Bongity Boing Bong!


0917.  At the contested and hazardous corner, a stream of cars from Wawa and a stream of cars from Farm Fresh had both lanes of our egress blocked.  Motorists attempting to proceed to Wawa backed up onto the busy highway.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1137.  I/O-I.  {http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/22240644/fox-5-investigates-smart-meters-spark-controver

sy#axzz2brcho4EI}.  Popup blocked.

Wicked Capitalist Communication Company

Rapes Earth


                We have an inside track to a major local wicked capitalist communications corporation, which like a certain nearby ringed planet, shall remain unnamed.  The wicked capitalist corporation has to expand a warehouse.  Purchasing a nearby office building, instead of selling the equipment, furnishings, lovely wooden bookshelves, wooden computer desks, desks, etc., the barbarians hired teams wielding sledgehammers to smash everything because of liability issues.  With that trashed, the bulldozers moved in to destroy the solidly built sprawling brick building.  If that is not bad enough, the wicked capitalist corporation barbarian are trashing tons of crates of supplies in its warehouse; crates of clipboards, printer paper, large squeeze type water bottles, boxes of sticky pads, crates of ballpoint pens, name an office supply (or supply peculiar to their business) and trashed are those pricey items.  Next cometh the barbaric bulldozers.  Wicked capitalist corporations have no regard for people and / or businesses perhaps less fortunate who cannot afford fresh off-the-shelf items, certainly without regard for the Earth, which will be raped to replace that which it should not have had to replace.

♥ ♦

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-8-14, 0956.  I/O BT** INTERNET.  {http://christianchat.com/christian-news-forum/71376-obama-quietly-signs-firearm-ammo-killswitch-order.html}.  The turd in the Oval Orifice, Obama stabbed us in the back by slithering around behind Congress and implementing portions of the UN Small Arms Trade Treaty through an executive order that to be used to ban the import of all firearms, ammunition, and related supplies and accessories.  The dictatorial executive order gives the federal government power to ban the importation of guns, ammunition and even parts and accessories related to firearms.  However, the UN Small Arms Treaty would have prevented the United States from both importing and exporting weapons.  So Satan, the False Messiah Obama has signed on to the part of the treaty banning importation of small arms, but the Beast is allowing the subhuman United States government to export weapons to covertly funded clandestine operations overseas where it seeks to further its wicked and evil imperialistic capitalist agenda.  Barrack Hussein Obama has no honor.  He ain’t even American.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0856.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.infoplease.com/}.  A popup initially blocked, popped up; {http://cdn.

optmd.com/V2/76675/250421/index.html?g=Af////8=&r=thesaurus.infoplease.com/quetzalcoatl} for that reeking Publishers Clearing House – Mozilla Firefox.   


0945.  (S) INTERNET.  {https://login.comcast.net/login?s=portal&ts=0502dcfa&continue=http%3A%2

F%2Fxfinity.comcast.net%2F}.  Ads:

  1.  BT**.  “How Cruise Ships Fill Their Unsold Cabins”:  A beast, its head lobbed off in shame,

       naked in red swimming strips; airs its pussy area meat, shit-clipper slabs, -n barf-bags.  Note

       at the top of file.

  2.  “# 1 Golf Distance . . .”  A blonde airs cleavage reek.

        Bzzzzzz! Boing!2


1404.  (F) I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/#bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=6955542c221

21b75&q=500+killed+egypt}.  Subhuman Egyptian government security forces, Moslem true-believers, like the cowards government security forces always are, have barbarically murdered 

525 of their own unarmed people, and wounded 3500 more.  As of writing, the party is still going on.  The subhuman Egyptian government security forces, combat war heroes of war are burning defenseless people alive, but this is what you would expect from subhuman government security forces.  Other true-believing Moslem subhumans are attacking unprotected Christian churches, and patriotically murdering innocent and defenseless women and children.  Ah? Islam!  Ah! Patriotism!  Your stench ascends to the heights of Heaven, and the pits of Hell.  The only good news out of this unspeakable atrocity is that 43 Egyptian government security forces (bluecoat pigs and boy-pig soldiers) subhumans, true believers to a cunt, are thus far exterminated are.  But take hope freedom lovers, the night is still young.


1701.  I/O-I.  {http://www.examiner.com/article/mysterious-giant-serpent-tracks-appear-over night-phuket-thailand}.  Popup blocked.

1702.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.thephuketnews.com/%E2%80%98giant-serpent%E2% 80%99-invades-island-near-phuket-35470.php}.  Ad: “Exotiq Property”; a nearly naked blackhead whore airs the top of its reeking shitty shit-chasm on a beach. Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  There is a very strong message in this video.  Who started the NRA? - Interesting info!  The ‘roots’ of the NRA.  Obama and Holder didn't expect this!




0852.  INTERNET.  {http://www.wcbm.com/}.

                Here is why these rich Republican asshole-lickers lose.  Having been born rich and on top of the heap for their entire wicked lives, they can’t figure it out.  That cannot fathom that the truly decent people of this POS countyry do not agree with them, even though we fear to speak out.



-- Push Armored Police Van Off Bridge (Videos)}


                Our response?  Good!  It ain’t rocket science.


1726.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Bottomed_Girls}.  Aired on the cover of the single Jazz featuring Fat Bottomed Girls is a naked barnyard beast on a bicycle from behind.  The filthy animal airs the top half of its naked shit-gorge (a swatch of red printed over the lower half), in our innocent faces.  Its pesthole and shit-sack are slimily slopping over and sucking up the bicycle seat.  It is topless as its neck shall be.  Bzzzzzz! Boing! Note at the top of file.


1326.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.djkphotos.com/Caribbean/Los-Testigoes/9983762_NkK5CQ/

682510686_dPRWmdZ#!i=682510686&k=dPRWmdZ}.  In one of many photos a brunette barnyard beast in thin black straps and patches, a filthy animal, on a public beach airs before all its naked shit-slabs and -cheeks.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


1756.  I/O-I.  {http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/photos/sea-turtles/}.  Popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0939.  I/O-I.  {http://www.mp3lyrics.org/g/godfathers/im-lost-and-then-im-found-the-godfathers/}; gray-out and Popup.


  2130-2200.  680 AM WCBM.  21st Century Radio.


                People who say that they have lost no freedom have lost their dignity, not to mention their sense of reality.  Obviously their gonads rolled down the sewer long ago.  —The Prophet Mastodon.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0902.  (S) BT* INTERNET.  {https://login.comcast.net/login?s=portal}.  A repeat ad for “The Tilted Kilt” @ the “Avenue in White Marsh”.  CU of a pooty mouthed brunette bitch in public airing its huge ½-n udders.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


1010.  (F) I/O (A) INTERNET.  In the past week Egyptian military subhumans, true-believing patriots, cowards and flag queers, have murdered 840 Human Beings and wounded c.6000 Human Beings.  The Moslem Brotherhood gives the atrocity-number as 4,500 no estimation on the maimed in the linked webpage.  A page below says that 36 prisoners (Human Beings) were murdered allegedly while trying to escape.  (The linked article is French.)  We heard the shit-eating army machine-gunned them while in a bus.  There is no excuse anyway.


General reference: {http://www.google.com/#bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=2dadce597fc84e2&q=800+


Alleged jailbreak: {http://www.france24.com/en/20130819-egypt-dozens-islamist-prisoners-killed-cairo-muslim-brotherhood-jailbreak-tear-gas}.

Moslem Brotherhood Estimation: {http://news.antiwar.com/2013/08/16/over-100-killed-across-egypt-three-day-toll-around-750/}.


1445.  I/O-I.  {http://www.lyricsmania.com/thats_the_way_i_feel_lyrics_godfathers.html}.  A full-page popup; and attempting to backarrow it returns to the Google search page.  There are many other pages like this.


1147.  I/O-I.  {http://www.songlyrics.com/godfathers/that-s-the-way-i-feel-c-burrows-p-coyne-a-bywor-lyrics/}.  Sight bars one from copying data.

1148.  I/O-I.  {www.songtextemania.com/thats_the_way_i_feel_songtext_godfathers.html‎}.  No lyrics found just a full-page popup with this small rectangular ad “Klicke auf gefällt mir!” in the center of the page.


1149.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://www.lyricsondemand.com/g/godfatherslyrics/thatsthewayifeelcburrowspcoy neabyworlyrics.html}.  Popup blocked.  Then a popup for the capitalists trash of Hulu - Mozilla Firefox @



and a pop-under for the cringing capitalists of Web Face - Mozilla @,

{http://a.tribalfusion.com/p.media/aPmUgj0qPp3dfDQsfZc4PJIoWTtTd7b0b3iYUFeXaiq RUrZdUFB5WHn0mbbtRUbq1qYo5TUi4qjYnEjIXr78TdbQnArZapGfrmHUJ3TQh 5teN5A


bJUA6o4mUgP6FD3HnOx8ZakrSjXMn2x1DXEnpbGsSmZaVbqVmRmtqAmNMBZaSmAa mmBXdSW3NQiKLew/3794896/pop.html}.

In addition, you cannot copy data.


1505.  I/O-I.  {http://www.france24.com/en/20130819-egypt-dozens-islamist-prisoners-killed-cairo-muslim-brotherhood-jailbreak-tear-gas}.  Inconveniently, one cannot back arrow off page.

1505.  I/O-I.  {http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/05/19/egypt.revolution.report/index.html}.  Inconveniently, one cannot back arrow off page.


1705.  (F) I/O (A) INTERNET.  In Nigeria, alleging to protect the innocent and defenseless people (Human Beings) from atrocifying insurgent Mussulman subhumans, the worst kind, guess what the subhumans Nigerian army is doing.  Go, on.  You know.  Why! atrocifying the people of course!!  What else???.


General reference: {https://www.google.com/search?q=nigeria+violence&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq


A recent atrocity: {http://www.aljazeera.com/news/africa/2013/05/201351141539508118.html}.

Wikipedia / Societal Issues [sic]: {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria#Societal_issues}.

Wikipedia / Sectarian Violence: {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria#Strife_and_sectarian_


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0827.  I/O BT INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/#fp=db060b65b5746543&q=rodeo+
}.  Rodeo clowns are people necessary to save other people from grisly deaths.  One of them wore a humorous Obama ben Laden mask.  The crowd got a good laugh at America’s lead clown, the turd in the Oval Orifice.  The Missouri State Fair Commission, whores and queers, were scandalized.  They shit out’n their mouths that it was permanently banning “this rodeo clown from ever participating” again.  The bleary-eyed liberal kock-suckers do even know that noble jester’s name.  Those asshole-lickers did not know the name of the noble jester.  Can you believe it?  Liberal degenerates are upset about this.  Whoa! Nelly!  Talk about the liberal sense of humor.  They do not have any.  They are depraved, cruel, vile, cowardly, naked, dickless, rights-taking degenerates that are afraid of their own shadows.  The Missouri State Fair Commission now disallows any rodeo cowboys or clowns taking part unless they all undergo “sensitivity training”.  The asshole-licking Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association agrees.  We wish cowboys and noble jesters would refuse, and stick together.  Let the faggots witness the goring and trampling of some characterless individuals who took the humiliating training, no great loss.  We will see what the knee-jerk jerks do then. 

  I/O BT INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/#fp=dfc6658bbd4de54e&q=naacp+demanding

+probe+rodeo+clown}.  And the racists of the NAACP are demanding a federal probe of the noble jester.


0854.  I/O BT** BRUTALITY.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=VICIOUS+HATE+CRIME%

3A+Black+Teens+Pummel+White+Child+on+Bus+%28*Graphic+Video*%29&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.  VICIOUS HATE CRIME: Black Teens Pummel White Child on Bus.  Bigger than a sixth-grader, older, three likely doped up black thugs

build up “courage” and ganged up on the terrified child, blacking his eyes, breaking his arm, etc., while he screamed and the “adult” trash on the bus meekly sat and watched the show.  Black barbarians are as cowardly as bluecoat pigs.  Neither of hem has compassion or honor, much less courage.  We say flush the violent.  Note at the top of file.


1256.  (F) I/O BT INTERNET & I/O BT INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=


&client =firefox-a#fp=db060b65b5746543&q=reporter+detained+at+heathrow+computer

+confiscated&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=nws}.  British immigration pigs detained David Miranda, partner of Guardian writer Glenn Greenwald, interviewer of the heroic Edward Snowden, and grilled him under the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 for nine hours.  The bluecoats confiscated his computer, flash drives, external hard drive, etc.  But neither the White House Waste nor the trash at the Downing Street Dump had anything to do with it.  Oh no no no no no no no no.  Those collective degenerates are pure as the driven show.  Funny, though, the British bankers are finicky about who they let out of the country, but they have opened the British people’s assholes to the worst enemies a free people could have.  We have other views.

                Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning are Heroes of Humanity.  They deserve this nation’s high commendations for bravery.  After all, the federal government gave a medal for bravery to the depraved moral-less Air Force pilot that mass murdered all those people in United Airlines Flight 93, shot little children right out of the sky.  The federal government gives medals for bravery to depraved moral-less drone pilots that murder entire extended families and do not even leave the Naked Butcher Whore.  We commend Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning for their meritorious actions on behalf of Human Beings.  Soon as we are in power, pardoned they are.   


1238.  I/O BT.  {http://www.newsmax.com/US/Missouri-rodeo-clowns-sensitivity/2013/08/14/id/520361}.  

Popup blocked and an annoying talking video automatically plays.  A small Adobe Flash Player adjustment popup appears over the rancid video ad.  Those Adobe Flash Player popups have been popping up.


1646.  I/O-I.  {http://www.lyricsaholic.com/godfathers-thats-the-way-i-feel-c-burrows-p-coyne-a-bywor-lyrics.html}.  Popup blocked.

1722.  I/O-I.  {http://www.lyricsmania.com/unreal_world_lyrics_godfathers.html}.  No lyrics found but a full-page popup with a small rectangular ad “Say you like Lyrics Mania!” in the center.  The song Unreal World plays but how much we do not know.


1513.  I/O BT**.   We do not know whether Micro$hit had anything to do with this or not.  We clicked to play a downloaded movie.  Window$ Media Player opened and a DB pops up telling us we needed to download a little bit of something to be up to snuff with our wonderful Window$ Media Player.  Intuition bade us not do so, but trusting saps like everyone else, we did do.  We had legitimately purchased from Wal-Mart two Paramount movies and downloaded them: Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol and Captain America.  After the brief download, we clicked to play the Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol and a DB pops up with a field for inserting the activation code.  Clicking on Captain America it was the same story.  We no longer have the activation codes.  The hardcopy DVDs were given to a friend in another state who himself passed them no.  What do we do?  These cringing creepy capitalist corporate kock-suckers are animals.  They are out of control.  The filthy animals are taking everything we own without the slightest impediment and certainly no regard to us as Human Beings.  Let us destroy corporations and severely punish, maybe even stand against the wall those responsible for crimes like this one.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0813.  I/O-I.  {http://thesaurus.com/browse/putrescence+?s=t}.  Twice when we tried to copy data the page switched to a full-page ad.

1157.  AUTO.  Our correspondent at Corporate Corner reports automobile with license plate 26794BY shot from Farm Fresh and across her to the right-hand turn lane dangerously.


  BOOK.  Journeys to the Mythical Past © 2007 by Zecharia Sitchin, Bear & Company, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont 05767.  ISBN-13: 978-159143-080-3.


Chapter 1.  The Great Pyramid Forgery

p. 1, 72-73.  (F) I/O ATTEMPTED MURDER.  Inside the Great Pyramid, some of Quetzalcoatl’s finest work— his masterpiece really, his pizza resistance; at the top of the Grand Gallery (Search Diagram Below), some cowardly patriotic Moslem degenerate attempted to murder our esteemed and late Dr. Sitchin by dropping a heavy piece of wood on his head.


Chapter 2.  Puzzling Cavities, Mysterious Sand

p. 38. 1986: Puzzling sand was found behind a wall near the Queen’s Chamber by two Frenchmen working for the French national energy company Electricité de France.  Huh?  Say what?  Energy company?  Why is an energy company investigating the Great Pyramid?  Non de plum, laboratory tests were done on the “sand” in Egypt and France.


p.  39.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Two days after the analysis of the sand, the Egyptian Antiquities Organization under the whip of Mad Dog Dr. Ahmed Kadry, closed down all investigations. 


pp. 39-40.

  1.  (F) SCHO-OP.  The Egyptians unleashed their test results claiming the sand was a fine sand from another part of Egypt, mixed with finely ground minerals.  We doubt these findings.  If this is so, if it is as they say, why would the ancient Egyptians do that?  That is not a rhetorical question.  The Great Pyramid, according to quackademia, is supposed to be a mummy-less tomb, right?  Why would they go to the extremes they did, the bizarreness of the design of this place, for a mummy-less tomb?  It is not a freakin’ fuckin’ tomb quackademia! you blithering, peptic, cracker-crunching  cowardly assholes!  Puff puff.  “Nonetheless, we feel this ‘sand’”, he stressed quoting the air with his fingers, “was monatomic gold . . .”, and pausing only long enough to reconstruct the last five-hundred-thousand years of history for humanity, with the wave of a hand he was off.


p. 40.  (F) SCHO-OP.  At the Sphinx a Japanese team found a tunnel likely leading to the Great Pyramid.  After going to great expense to finance their expedition, they were denied permission to enter the Great Pyramid and descend to the Pit (search The Other Diagram Below) searching for the tunnel between the Great Pyramid and the mysterious Sphinx. 


p. 44.  SCHO-OP & (F) SCHO-OP.  The work of Dr. Robert M. Schoch and Dr. Thomas Dobecki, stridently demanding true scholars, proving the Sphinx suffered severe water erosion and threrfore is older than 10,000 BP, was scorched by the usual suspects farting out their mouths.  The Quackasaurs of Quackademia stampeded like buffalo in Forties’ and Fifties’ westerns, all smelly and gassy, their vision obscured by biting stinging insects, they savagely pummeled the work of Dr. Robert M. Schoch and Dr. Thomas Dobecki with massive “debunkings”; and their work was quickly forgotten by the smug quackademic Egyptological establishment, scarabs with shit balls for brains.  You cannot “debunk” the truth.  Ye ole Quackasaurs of Quackademia, so painfully obvious, yea even say that they are quacks! that believe the world is flat, and the Moon is made of green cheese.  Ahh dem ol’ quackasaurs.  Day gots dem great big ol’ wide fat bottoms, ‘n’ dem tiny li’l ol’ itty-bitty hades.  Quack-quack, quackity quack-quack-quack. 


pp. 45-46.  The Soviet Russian government expressed keen interest in the Pyramid Wars and the destruction of the spaceport in the Sinai peninsula by nuclear weapons, which happened after the Deluge, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.  There are two other cities of the plain as well.  Those are in Pakistan.  Governments are, of course, as presently constituted, wicked and evil beyond imagining, sittin’ around thinkin’ shit up, actively practicing every degenerated and depraved form of subhuman behavior that can be conceived of, those abominations we call patriotism.  Any person’s worst enemy is far more likely to be his own government rather than some feigned foreign threat.  Pointing bloody fingers elsewhere is part of the game.  By now our readers must have guessed what governments have been up to in the present regard.  Factions in all the foulest governments know what we know and have the ways and means to find out more.  Knowing what they know, they surely have the incentive to learn more in every field from UFOs to cryptozoology.  (Those maniacal fanatical sociopath scientists, yea even they the psychopathic rich patriotic scientists, yea even over unto say, the subhuman defense contractors, could maybe mutate an Everglades Lizard Man to do their foul, depraved, and craze-eyed bidding.  Just think of the possibilities.)  But no .45 caliber automatic is cocked and pressed against their temples making them share the knowledge and the wealth.  Not only do neither governments nor their members have to obey their own laws, they surely do not believe all that shit the rich (at our expense) have their quackademics squeeze out of their rump-sprung bunged assholes / mouths and attempt to ram down our throats.  At gunpoint governments extort mountains of our money from us and give it to bilious bleary-eyed quackasaurs, yea even say; peptic, cracker-crunchers on tenure like pit-bulls without leashes, to provide that pap, that insipid swill they have the public calling education, which they force down our children’s throats with a funnel, starting before they are old enough to know their full names, but governments know better themselves.  We have no schools.  We have but conformity factories.  We have Brainwashing Barns.  All that is good and holy is crucified to the hands of the clock, and depraved rich degenerates set the clock.


p. 46.  Sitchin:

                Something significant, some important secret, had to do with the enigmatic sand discovered in the “Queen’s Chamber” passage; and the Soviets saw a nuclear connection to the Anunnaki spaceport in the Sinai.

                We, your friendly local neighborhood militia, believe this enigmatic sand was monatomic gold, as we said, or something like it.  The Pyramids (from pyre = fire & amid = middle; pyramid = fire in the middle), used to light up.  Do not forget, “They’re selling England by the gram”.


Time’s like money it’s soon spent

Let’s talk about the government

They’re selling England by the gram

We’re stranded in the strangest land

Unreal World, The Godfathers.






See 43 Psywar, 2012-3-6 to 2012-8-21, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark © 2003 Laurence Gardner, Element Books, ISBN 0 00 714295 1, Appendices III, Gold for Sale.


                And another thing, we feel compelled to admit that we believe that in the Russian Federation there are real scientists and real academicians, people not afraid of the truth, as far as science goes.  Incredibly! they seem to be unafraid to think, at least about science, and investigate. Why?  Because communism eradicated all the superstitious the jerks.  Think about it.

pp. 46-47.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Dr.  Sitchin wrote the Electricité de France in Paris to obtain the results of their tests on the sand, but he never received a straight answer.


Chapter 3.  The Secret Chamber

p. 53.  (F) SCHO-OP.  German engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink with a tiny robot camera discovered that a certain misnamed “air shaft” was blocked by a stone plug and released the results of his findings.  This infuriated the Egyptian authorities who, screaming Ally Ally Ackbar ‘n’ shit, banned entry to the Queen’s Chamber.


p. 54.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Many people suspect that the Sphinx Restoration Project, it seems they are cementing over it or something, is a literal cover-up because onsite investigations regarding the age of the Sphinx and the likely existence of tunnels and cavities around the Sphinx have been forced to stop.  Y’know, there are two kinds of archaeologists, there are the phonies, the quacks, the quackademic archaeologists, the Anupadeshi, i.e., the basest class of all, those who refuse to learn; and there are the real archaeologists, our kind of guys.  Well, we must tip our hat to both classes the Scholars and the quackasaurs in this wise, i.e., for tolerating those insufferable authorities not only in Egypt but around the world.


pp. 54-60.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Several days before the French found the mysterious “sand”, the Egyptians dug a lengthy tunnel behind the Niche in the Queen’s Chamber to a secret chamber. 

(Search Diagram Below.)  On their sacred words of honor to infidels, they before Allah asseverated that they founf only “a blind passageway”.  There discovered was nothing.  Despite the recently installed surveillance cameras covering the Niche’s hollow, and discarded plastic pipe in the tunnel, they did not discover any of the mysterious sand, on their sacred word to infidels.

                Over the dusty millennia, there has been increasing tunneling of the Great Pyramid.  It is getting so that the Great Pyramid is honeycombed with worm holes.  If this continues it might collapse and then all quackademia, but not their governments, will sigh relief.


p. 60-61.  (F) SCHO-OP.  A book published by a Mark Lerner under direction of Mad Dog Zahi Hawass, the Secretary General Supreme Council Egyptian Antiquities Authority for Life, then the whip on the Giza Plateau, astoundingly, made no mention of the secret chamber deep inside, the chamber tunneled to from the Niche in the Queen’s Chamber.  The damage done is great.  Ten years later articles in the press and at Internet sites, written by quackademics and their asshole-lickers— empty headed and ignorant people, professional skeptics, stuffed shirts, and other knee-jerks, some highly educated in your schools, yet shrilled that the tunnel is “a blind passageway”.   Doctors thar be in quackademia all right, me hardies.  Millions of ‘em thar be.  Doctors they be me hardies, me mates and matettes, Doctors of Deception, har.  Thar be a question really buggin’ us, har, How much does the United States government know about all this ancient technology, har the Nephilim an’ UFOs?  We want to know.  Make ‘em walk the plank, har.


Chapter 4.  The Fateful Day

p. 62.  (F) I/O (A).  True believing Moslem subhumans were murdering defenseless tourists in cowardly attacks.  The Ally Ally Ackbar pieces of patriotic shit machine-gunned tour buses.  These buses were solely the ones Zecharia Sitchin used for the tours he conducted.  Dr. Sitchin was the one telling the truth in print and over the electronic media.  Religions cannot stand truth.  The last thing any religion wants but ours is the truth.  Religions are not about spirituality.  Religions are about the acquisition and use of power.


pp. 62-63.  (F) SCHO-OP.  The fact there was no follow up to Gantenbrink’s discovery of a barrier in the southern “air shaft” excited agitation in a minute segment of the European press.  We are certain that Gantenbrink broke his word to the Egyptian authorities.  We cannot say that we hold with this, but why should someone be forced to hide something like archeological research?  Just what is going on here?


p. 63.

1.  (F) SCHO-OP.  A high tech research project was arbitrarily cancelled because the Egyptian authorities got their panties in a wad over a TV documentary called The Mystery of the Sphinx that asked questions and pointed out truth.  The Egyptian authorities will tolerate no hints or vestiges of intelligent thought.  The Egyptian authorities will have no truck with truth, by jingo. 


                    The Diagram Below


2.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Above the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Khufu / Cheops are the so-called Relieving Chambers (see The Diagram Below).  This is not where you go to poop.  Said to relieve stress, the Relieving Chambers, of course, do not relieve stress, or bowels.  (We consider them frequency dampeners).  When discovered, each chamber was filled to a certain level with a strange black sand.  Mad Dog Zawass’s shills screeched that the Relieving Chambers were inaccessible, but secret parties were allowed into them, and photographs appeared in the European press of sneaky looking guys in the Relieving Chambers wearing low brim hats and overcoats with the collars turned up selling Zs.  “Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z s”.



Above image: {http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/pyramid-17.jpg&imgrefurl=http://science.howstuffworks.com/engineering/structural/pyramid2.htm&h=





General research: {https://www.google.com/search?q=Relieving+Chambers+in+the+Great+



                                                                                                          The Other Diagram Below


p. 69.  A long incendiary newspaper article, a harangue of such a nature we certainly would never ever write, a masterpiece of machismo jingoistic masturbation, had just appeared in a local Egyptian newspaper, bemoaning that their national pride was hurt by claiming that the Great Pyramid was built by extraterrestrials, or at least not by that ass Khufu who merely had a stele erected there, the feared and “forgotten” Inventory Stele.                                                        


p. 70.

  1.  (F) I/O.  Mad Dog Hawass kept Dr. Sitchin waiting uncomfortably and long while he obtained the jingoistic article, had it translated, and digested the article.

2.  (F) I/O (A).   At first, after belching, he cleverly denied Dr. Sitchin permission to enter the Pyramid because of the attacks by true believing Moslem terrorists subhumans on innocent and defenseless tourists that had occurred.  These cowardly and depraved attacks were likely tied into this national pride bullshit.

3.  (F) I/O.  He petulantly cancelled all ongoing and scheduled research projects.


pp. 72-73.  (F) I/O BT** ATTEMPTED MURDER & SCHO-OP.  Begrudgingly allowed into the Great Pyramid (but not allowed to take pictures mind you), Zecharia Sitchin, Scholar Primus, a man whose value to Humanity will never end, stood at the top of the Grand Gallery.  (Search The Diagram Below.)  There, creatures like spiders worked on scaffolding above.  A patriotic true believer high above dropped a two-by-four on Dr. Sitchin’s head.  It knocked him down, blood flowed over his head.  The blood soaked his clothing.  Miraculously he remained conscious.  Zecharia Sitchin was there at Mad Dog Zahi Hawass’s invitation. Note at the top of file.


p. 73-74.  (F) I/O.  After medical attention, which was almost refused, Zecharia Sitchin immediately left that land of darkness and vile authority.  The excellent Hawass creature did not trouble itself about inquiring into Dr. Sitchin’s wellbeing.


Chapter 5.  Oops in the Cairo Museum

p. 79.

1.  (F) SCHO-OP.  For fifty years the Istanbul Museum (in Turkey if you need to know) refused to display the Headless Spaceman.  For those fifty years the quackademic cowards of the Istanbul Museum (in Turkey) denied its existence.  Why?  The reason is the standard quackademic / coward mouth-diarrhea: “There were no astronauts or spacecraft 4,500 years ago”.  Caught with their panties down, the so-called scholars at the Istanbul Museum (in Turkey) began shrieking that the pocket rocket with the Headless Spaceman was a fake.  At Sitchin’s insistence, he had a bit of pull there at the time, the sculpture, or model, was put on display, then immediately yanked away.




2.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Proof that Africans were in Central America with elephants and bags of peanuts long leagues of time before Columbus, who got his maps of the New World in England, had been displayed in the Jalapa Museum in Mexico, Mexico being the home of the Cisco Kid.  These particular items were the Olmec elephant toy and a wall panel dating the Olmec civilization to c. 3000 BPE (3113 BPE to be precise), yea be sayin’.  These things were removed and likely destroyed.  You see, quackasaurs, no matter of what nation, color skin, religion or sex, day got dem great big old wide fat bottoms, ‘n’ dem tiny li’l ol’ itty-bitty hades, have an ingrained and innate fear of truth.  Their job is to keep you in the dark, darker’n Plato’s cave, to keep you ignorant as they the quacks themselves.  They lick the assholes of their government owners.  Their purpose is to deny you truth and light and life.  By Chemistry! and Evolution! and DNA! tenures are at stake man! Tenures!




p. 81-82.  (F) SCHO-OP.  The only statue of the staggeringly talented engineer of old Khufu / Cheops is not a statue but a statuette.  The Great Brain Engineer of Old did not even build himself a real statue.  The farce championed in ignorant and cowardly quackademic circles is that Khufu built the Great Pyramid with his own two widdle hands.  But the mightiest engineer of Earth, as far as we know, does not have a mighty statue.  Khufu has no statue but only a dinky little statuette— tiny li’l ol’ itty-bitty thang.  The quackasaurs running the Egyptian Museum (Cairo if you really don’t know) hide the dinky dink far away in a corner of the second floor (all the heavy duty quackademic shit is on the first floor) along with knickknacks, bric-a-brac, paddy whacks whatnots give your dog a poisoned bone, near the exit stairs.


p. 82.  Proof exists in Khufu’s / Cheops’ own words that he did not build the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.  Yea, he be sayin’, that these constructions were there before him.  This proof in Khufu’s / Cheops’ own words that he did not build the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx is called the

Inventory Stela.  The Inventory Stela you pie-eyed cracker crunchin’ peptic quackademic nitwits, the Inventory Stela!  Comprende?  Do you theenk that I am impressed that you speak me fooking language?

p. 83. 

1.  (F) SCHO-OP & DOMESTIC SCHO-OP.  Those asshole Egyptologists are laughably simple and uncomplex themselves.  Quackademia is painfully obvious.  In the Victorian era, the thought of their unmanliness would make a bustled babe blush.  Quackademics say the Inventory Stela is a forgery perpetuated by the ancient Egyptians themselves.  Flag only knows why in Hell the ancient Egyptians, those massively magnificent engineers and artists would want to do that.


2.  (F) SCHO-OP.  One Egyptian Egyptologist, Mad Dog Selim Hassan, for timid nationalistic reasons, gave his sacred word of honor to infidels that the Inventory Stela was from an incredible 2,000 years later.  The Stela was hidden away in the back of the ground floor among other steles from a much later period. 


pp. 83-84.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Fifty years later Scholar Primus Dr. Zecharia Sitchin, pursuing his sacred researches for Humanity, could not find the Stela in that den of inequity the Cairo Museum.  The guards, of course, did not know what he was talking about.  (They probably were ignorant.)  After much hassle, Dr. Sitchin talked to someone in the Director’s Office and a lackey said the Stela was yet there . . . in the back rooooow.  He searched but still could not find it.  Back in the Director’s Office, those brave champions of unabashed truth and knowledge told him to get lost.


Chapter 9.  Vatican Encounters

p. 149-151.  (F) SCHO-OP.  The Vatican Library clutches millions of manuscripts, books, and its archaeological department shelters artifacts of such astonishing import that Napoleon Bonaparte invaded the Vatican, the Library, and carried off a lot of shit, but we think he sought mostly written data.  Nothing was ever written about what Napoleon stole from the Vatican Library, only that he stole shit.  (Governments know, and have known, what happened here on Earth don’t they?)  Nom the plum, Zecharia Sitchin was denied admittance to the priceless antiquities.  A second meeting was scheduled on the subject with higher godly authorities, but it was cancelled because it had to do with truth.


Chapter 10.  Stargazers and Sky Maps






pp. 161-163.  Zecharia held forth on an Akkadian depiction of the Solar System (above left).  Twenty-four years later (Zecharia Sitchin’s teachings root deep) Sky & Telescope published an article called Lost Worlds by quackademic astronomer E. C. Krupp who writes a monthly column for the magazine.  This quackasaur ragged the gentle Scholar Primus saying that the depiction of a Solar System was not so.  That was not the Sun with planets orbiting it, but Jupiter passing before Sagittarius.  Problem! Jupiter is never in Sagittarius— too far awry the Ecliptic.  This is exactly what we have come to expect from one of these degreed assholes is it not?  They are knee-jerks people, or just plain jerks.  They are so sure that they know everything there is to know, quackademics are so full of their own shit, that they do not bother to check anything out.


pp. 163-164.  SCHO-OP.  Zecharia wrote a Letter to the Editor of asshole Sky & Telescope, but the ignorant geniuses, of course, would not publish it.  The blind astronomer E. C. Krupp was head of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, (California, Dr. Krupp, on the left side).  Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, as well as Sky & Telescope magazine, teach astronomy to youth, and they also sell pencils on the side.

                Zecharia Sitchin’s website:



Wintu Woman, 19th Century

                When we Indians kill meat, we eat it all up. When we dig roots, we make little holes. When we build houses, we make little holes. When we burn grass for grasshoppers, we don’t ruin things.  We shake down acorns and pine nuts.  We don’t chop down the trees.  We only use dead wood.  But the white people plow up the ground, pull down the trees, kill everything.  . . . . the White people pay no attention.  . . .  How can the spirit of the earth like the White man?

. . . everywhere the White man has touched it, it is sore.



ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0704.  (F) I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2398691/Syrias-darkest-hour-Hundreds-childrens-bodies-piled-high-nerve-gas-attack-near-Damascus-leaves-1-300-dead.html}.  Syria’s darkest hour: Hundreds of children’s bodies piled high after nerve gas attack near Damascus leaves up to 1,300 dead.

                The patriotic asshole-lickers, kock-suckers, and shit-eaters of degenerate kock-sucking shit-eater rich Bashar al-Assad of Syria, have mass murdered 1,300 innocent Human Beings, many of them children.  There is no bottom to the cesspool of a government’s cowardly depravity, especially when a subhuman queer like rich Bashar al-Assad is concerned.

                May the Great Spirit receive the souls of those Human Beings.  We do not think that they were evil.  The little baby bodies look like sweet little cocoons wrapped up in white shrouds, little dead faces peeking out.  From lowest to highest, may those that did this die horrible deaths and be tortured to death in Hell forever.  There are no excuses. 

                Humanity we demand that ye look.










                Humanity we demand that ye look. 

                Here are the patriotic subhumans at the top of the shit piles of their country’s governments.  These war criminals have brought shame upon their nations and their filthy names shall live forever in the open sewer of infamy.  Here is what the rich subhuman patriotic shit-eaters and asshole-lickers at the top of the shit pile look like.  Rumor has it they tongue each’n others’ assholes and suck each’n others’ dicks on the side.  Here they are ladies and gentlemen, the badass patriotic kock-sucking motherfucking subhumans wearing their shaved faces and their ties.  Humanity behold three true believers in their own divinity and immortality.  And every single one of ‘em staggeringly rich.  Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen we present to you, the baby butchers of Ghouta . . .

The Patriotic Degenerates


   Bashar al-Assad suspiciously glinting                    Rootin’ Tootin’ Vladimir Poopin’                              Leapin’ Li Keqiang




Oops!  They all look alike to us.




Bet these ol’ boys could go for a heapin’ helpin’ o’ patriot’s pie, whataya think?

   • • • • • • • • •     

A smorgasbroad of fart sounds




                The rich piece o’ shit Bashar al-Assad has used posion gas fourteen times.



0713.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/world/china-government.html}.  The cringing capitalists creeps at infoplease.com do not give you information.  Oh ! No no no!  When you click to copy the sneaks give you a full-page popup, and a sneaky popup is blocked.

0738. I/O-I.  {http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2398691/Syrias-darkest-hour-Hundreds-childrens-bodies-piled-high-nerve-gas-attack-near-Damascus-leaves-1-300-dead.html}.  In their nobility, these newspaper bums force you to down load unwanted advertising when copying data.  We gag at the thought of INTERNET advertisers.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0835.  I/O-I.  {http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=worms-human-parasites}.  Full-page popup.


1334.  I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat}.

                After fifty blood-dripping, screaming, raped and tortured years, the rich patriotic subhuman shit-eating kock-suckering filth of the cia admits it set the rich subhuman shah of Iran up in power in a coup.  (Remember Chile.)  The subhumans wait fifty years before confessing to ensure that all of their subhuman raping, torturing, and murdering maniacal demons have had plenty of time to die naturally— to get to Hell on their own as it were.  Maybe if we hurry we can catch a few of them alive anyway.  Better for you if we did america.  america, that precious shah whose dick you sucked and shit you ate fresh out of its asshole, your mouths affixed on its asshole, under auspices of your subhuman patriotic cia, pitching in when they were lucky, even lobbed the limbs off little children before their parents.  america, you filthy depraved Naked Butcher Whore!  you do not deserve to exist, you people do not deserve the anemic charade of freedom that you have left, although it was never much more.  Let us hear it for your rich, unchained, subhuman, shit-eating kock-suckers patriotic, cia.  You really deserve what is happening to you.  You deserve worse and if we lived elsewhere, we would not raise a finger on your beheld, much less a pen.  However, we are stuck here as well.  Bet those ol’ cia boys could go for a heapin’ helpin’ of patriot’s pie, whatay think?


1357.  I/O.  {http://www.scpr.org/news/2013/08/22/38837/rim-fire-explodes-overnight-to-53-866-acres/}.  Governments have used a fire at Yosemite National Park as an excuse to drive thousands of families from their homes, let ‘em know who’s boss. 

General info: {https://www.google.com/search?q=fire+in+yosemite+national+park&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.


  ♠♠ ♠♠ ♠♠ ♠♠ ♠♠ ♠♠


Something to Think About


                We know Dick Lamm as the former Governor of Colorado (Democrat).  In that context, his thoughts are particularly poignant. Recently there was an immigration overpopulation conference in Washington, DC, filled to capacity by many of America’s finest minds and leaders.  A brilliant college professor by the name of Victor Davis Hansen talked about his latest book, Mexifornia, explaining how immigration – both legal and illegal was destroying the entire state of California.  He said it would march across the country until it destroyed all vestiges of The American Dream.


                Moments later, former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm stood up and gave a stunning speech on how to destroy America.  The audience sat spellbound as he described eight methods for the destruction of the United States.  He said, “If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let’s destroy America.  It is not that hard to do.  No nation in history has survived the ravages of time.  Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall and that ‘An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide’.”


                “Here is how they do it,” Lamm said: “First, to destroy America, turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country.”  History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.  It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual.  The historical scholar, Seymour Lipset, put it this way:  ‘The histories of bilingual and bi-cultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension, and tragedy’.  Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, and Lebanon all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence.  Pakistan and Cyprus have divided.  Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion.  France faces difficult times with Basques, Bretons, and Corsicans.”


                Lamm went on: Second, to destroy America, “Invent ‘multiculturalism’ and encourage immigrants to maintain their culture.  Make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal.  That there are no cultural differences.  Make it an article of faith that the Black and Hispanic dropout rates are due solely to prejudice and discrimination by the majority.  Every other explanation is out of bounds.”


                Third, “We could make the United States an ‘Hispanic Quebec’ without much effort.  The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity.  As Benjamin Schwarz said in the Atlantic Monthly recently: ‘The apparent success of our own multiethnic and multicultural experiment might have been achieved not by tolerance but by hegemony.  Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentricity and what it meant to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together.”  Lamm said, “I would encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture.  I would replace the melting pot metaphor with the salad bowl metaphor.  It is important to ensure that we have various cultural subgroups living in America enforcing their differences rather than as Americans, emphasizing their similarities”.


                “Fourth, I would make our fastest growing demographic group the least educated.  I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to our population. I would have this second underclass have a 50% dropout rate from high school.”

                “My fifth point for destroying America would be to get big foundations and business to give these efforts lots of money.  I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of ‘Victimology’.  I would get all minorities to think that their lack of success was the fault of the majority.  I would start a grievance industry blaming all minority failure on the majority population.”


                “My sixth plan for America’s downfall would include dual citizenship, and [to] promote divided loyalties I would celebrate diversity over unity.  I would stress differences rather than similarities.  Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other— that is, when they are not killing each other.  A diverse, peaceful, or stable society is against most historical precedent.  People undervalue the unity it takes to keep a nation together.  Look at the ancient Greeks.  The Greeks believed that they belonged to the same race; they possessed a common language and literature; and they worshiped the same Gods.  All Greece took part in the Olympic games.  A common enemy, Persia, threatened their liberty.  Yet all these bonds were not strong enough to overcome two factors: local patriotism and geographical conditions that nurtured political divisions.  Greece fell.  ‘E. Pluribus Unum’ — from many, one.  In that historical reality, if we put the emphasis on the ‘Pluribus’ instead of the ‘Unum,’ we will balkanize America assuredly as Kosovo.”


                “Next to last, I would place all subjects off limits; make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of ‘diversity’.  I would find a word similar to ‘heretic’ in the 16th century— that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking.  Words like ‘racist’ or ‘xenophobe’ halt discussion and debate.  Having made America a bi-lingual/bicultural country, having established multiculturalism, having the large foundations fund the doctrine of ‘victimology’, I would next make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws.  I would develop a mantra: That because immigration has been good for America, it must always be good.  I would make every individual immigrant symmetric and ignore the cumulative impact of millions of them.”


                In the last minute of his speech, Governor Lamm wiped his brow.  Profound silence followed.  Finally, he said, “Lastly, I would censor Victor Hanson Davis’s book “Mexifornia”.  His book is dangerous.  It exposes the plan to destroy America.  If you feel America deserves to be destroyed, don’t read that book.”


                There was no applause.  A chilling fear quietly rose like an ominous cloud above every attendee at the conference.  Every American in that room knew that everything Lamm enumerated was proceeding methodically, quietly, darkly, yet pervasively across the United States today.  Discussion is being suppressed.  Over 100 languages are ripping the foundation of our educational system and national cohesiveness.  Even barbaric cultures that practice female genital mutilation are growing as we celebrate ‘diversity’.  American jobs are vanishing into the Third World as corporations create a Third World in America— take note of California and other states—- to date, ten million illegal aliens and growing fast.  It is reminiscent of George Orwell’s book 1984.  In that story, three slogans are engraved in the Ministry of Truth building: “War is peace,”, “Freedom is slavery”,” and “Ignorance is strength”.


                Governor Lamm walked back to his seat.  It dawned on everyone at the conference that our nation and the future of this great democracy is deeply in trouble and worsening fast.  If we don’t get this immigration monster stopped within three years, it will rage like a California wildfire and destroy everything in its path especially The American Dream.  If you care for and love our country as I do, take the time to pass this on just as I did for you.

                NOTHING is exactly what will happen if you don’t!

♠♠ ♠♠ ♠♠ ♠♠ ♠♠ ♠♠


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-8-24.  It, © by Stephen King 1986, Signet, published by Penguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014.  ISBN 0-451-16951-4.  Fiction.


Part 1: The Shadow Before, Chapter 3, Six Phone Calls (1985) § Ben Hanscom Takes a Drink

p. 67.  I/O BT**.  Reference to a sign in a barber shop from the Sick Sixties: IF YOU’RE A “HIPPY” GET YOUR HAIR CUT SOMEWHERES ELSE”.

                Ah!  Those were the days, bluecoat pigs and burly patriots teaming up to beat to a bloody pulp longhaired “kids” suspected of wanting peace on the streets and throwing them through plate-glass windows.  Cops and slack-jawed slope-headed hardheaded construction workers teaming up to beat to death longhaired “kids” suspected of wanting peace nearly to death on the streets.  Ambulance drivers refusing to haul the expiring remains to emergency rooms.  The big subhuman bluecoat pig fad was throwing defenseless people through plate glass windows.  Ah!  America.  Do you really wonder why?  There seems to be poetic justice in the Universe.  You and the right certainly have all this coming.  Note at the top of file.

                What ever happened to those inbred hillbilly queers that did not want “Those longhaired hippies” performing on the Grand Ole Opry?  And, guess what happened to that subhuman piece of rich shit Johnny Carson.


Part 2: June of 1958, Chapter 6, One of the Missing: A Tale from the Summer of ’58 § 5 & Derry: The Last Interlude, June 7th 1985

pp. 261 & 1075.  I/O BT**.  Reference to a Depression era “tramp chair”, a torture device that coward-assed, yella-bellied, kock-suckin’ punk Sheriff of Phoenix, Arizona, a torturer and murderer, Unholy Joe “Bloody Asshole” Arpaio, America’s Sheriff according to 680 AM WCBM, would suck another dick for.  Here is a torture chair more efficient that that he murders helpless men in.  (Ref. 39 Psywar, 2010-4-29 to 2010-9-23, 2010-8-2, 1147, Tom Marr.   In de lan’ o’ de free, de home o’ de brave, this exquisite all-american torture device, the “tramp chair”, was used on transients that had lost their jobs.  Of cast iron weighing 400 pounds, there were manacles on the arms and legs.  Tortuous rounded knobs stuck out of the back of the chair.  This patriotic device was used to torture “vags” that drifted into towns in the twenties and thirties.  They would strap helpless men into it for 24 hours at least.  They would end up crying in agony, unable to straighten up, or even stand. 


Part 3: Grown Ups, chapter 12, Three Uninvited Guests § 2

p. 589.  Reference made to that nauseatingly obvious TV pornography featuring moral-less naked monkeys, filthy sluts, and whores galore, Emergency Room.  They are all rich and famous, of course.  Not fully Human and Hell bound, but rich and famous.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0857.  680 AM WCBM.  Sean and Frank.  The rich joy boys Sean Casey and Frank Luber (they’re an item) sans guts and Human feeling, are yet again defending the subhuman bluecoat child murderer George “Beat ‘n’ Murdered Black Youth” Zimmerman.  And oh! how their crocodile tears flow for the fell fate of the United States.

0902.  Fox News.  I/O.  The governments have used the Yosemite fire, which they claim is the size of Chicago, as an excuse to force 4.500 from their homes.


1244.  PB I/O BT**.  {http://alcoholism.about.com/od/pot/a/marijuana_test.htm}.  “Because marijuana stays in the bloodstream for a short time, blood tests for marijuana are usually not used, except in the case of automobile accidents and some roadside sobriety check points.  Blood or saliva tests can show current intoxication”.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  680 AM WCBM.  Sean and Frank.

c. 0730.  I/O.  The rodeo clown who wore the Mad Dog Obama ben Laden mask, was spat in the face by a patriotic old bag who cursed him.  A patriotic subhuman threatened to burn his home down.  Another patriotic subhuman threatened to run over him with a car.  Of course, nothing was done about it.  Ahh!  The Sixties have returned.


0818.  (S) BT**.  Yesterday’s MTV Music Awards.

  1.  Filthy barnyard beast slut Lady Gaga was nearly naked.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

  2.  Filthy barnyard beast Miley Cyrus, a sick slut, nearly naked as well, simulated sex acts with some faggot.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

                Note at the top of file.

0820.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=Miley+Cyrus++mtv+movie+awards& ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.  Miley Cyrus nearly naked.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


0827.  (F) I/O BT**.  In Pakistan, Sharia law perverts have sentenced to death a Christian woman for taking a drink of water from a river.  Note at the top of file.

0855.  I/O BT**.  Not only are the IRS subhumans are still savaging patriotic groups, but they have added veterans organization like the American Legion.  Note at the top of file.


1249.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=Bizarre%3A+Female+Reporter+Strips +Naked+During+Interview+With+Mayor&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=  firefox-a}.  Some barnyard blonde stripped naked on television interviewing a mayor.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


1329.  (F) (A) I/O BT**.  {http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/insideisrael/2013/July/Catholic-Priest-Beheaded-in-Syria/}.  A Catholic priest and two other Catholics were beheaded by jihadists subhumans in Syria.  Massive rape, torture, and murder is being committed by true believing patriotic Moslem subhumans while others cheer.


1333.  I/O-I.  {http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/short-syrian-terrorists-behead-catholic-priest-article-1.1387069}.  Perforce, one must download unwanted advertising when copying.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0739.  I/O-I.  {http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Wireless-Mouse-Designed-For-Web-Scrolling/dp/B005HQ 5138/ref=pd_ecc_rvi_cart_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0K6YDW5W0BFV8X7R65RC}.  Amazon.com plasters you with popups while you are trying to shop.

0750.  I/O-I.  {https://www.amazon.com/gp/cart/view.html/ref=ox_sc_proceed}.  Amazon slams you with a popup at checkout.

0832.  I/O-I.  {http://xfinitytv.comcast.net/microsites/mlk?cmpid=FCST_PA_MLK}.  Full-page popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  (S) PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., Health & Style, Fall Marches In by John-John Williams IV.

p. 1.  1.  BT.  Half dozen or so aired bladders up to ½-n.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

         2.  BT**.  The lead beast, a brunette, airs an ass-slab here in this liberal family newspaper. 

               Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


0931.  (S) & I/O-I INTERNET.  {http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2404836/Ginger-Slepski-attacked-teenage-girls-racist-attack-Pittsburgh.html#ixzz2dJkKKA00}.  Besides filth from Jessica Simpson and the usual rich sluts, one is forced to download unwanted info when copying.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

1643.  I/O-I.  {http://xfinityconnect.mail.comcast.net/}.  Full-page popup blocking us from email.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0932.  AUTO.  At Corporate Corner, we motorists exiting the project as usual stopped to leave open the intersection.  A black-haired bitch in a small maroon car motors from Farm Fresh without stopping and blocks the intersection.

1003.  AUTO.  At a supermarket, a female motorist driving van with plate 57J 041 blocked the handicapped accessible curb.


1210.  I/O.  {http://www.wpxi.com/news/news/local/teenage-girls-accused-beating-robbing-woman-north-/nZc8W/}.

                  A Pittsburgh mother-of-two feared for her life when a mob of four black teenagers, all cunts, attacked her on Sunday after she inquired why they threw a bottle at her car.  The young savages beat her while calling her racial slurs.  The lusty subhumans punched her head into concrete steps.  The young sluts yanked out her hair.  Kicked, punched, robbed and left lying in the middle of the street, a Philly pig said.  She suffered cuts, scrapes, bruises, contusions and torn shoulder ligaments in the attack that has left her unable to work.  “I thought it was so animalistic”, she said, “so violent.  I’m afraid to get out and walk the streets because of these [savages]”.  Of course, our old friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Suckass just stood around and watched.

General reference: {https://www.google.com/#q=Ginger+Slepski}.


1220.  I/O.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=delbert+belton&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=

org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.  Two male teenage black savages beat to death an 88-year-old veteran of the Battle of Okinawa.  The wound this hero Delbert Belton suffered fighting in the blood dripping Battle of Okinawa, may have been the reason he survived it.  They claimed he was selling crack when he was actually waiting for a friend.  Ask not what you can do for your country, but what can your country do for you?  What did the rich that own his country do for him? 

 Soon these black savages are going to be rolling out the missionary pots.  Do not forget O. J. Simpleton’s great liberation celebration.


1517.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uJ_lK_F-mQ}.  Full-page Snickers candy bar popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0831.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/29/regardless-of-how-it-looks-these-are-not-the-victims-of-a-crime-they-are-the-perpetrators-who-learned-a-very-painful-lesson/}.  A was popup blocked, then one squeezed through like a turd, an ad for The Blaze Letter, digital birdcage liner, & a video automatically play featuring several sluts but the sound was muted.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


· · · · · · · · · · ·

0842.  INTERNET.  Tankx to {http://www.wcbm.com/}.

   1.  NL.  Canadian Muslim Cleric: Stoning is Good for Your Soul.  Well then, let that blitzed-out craze-eyed rag head suffer it.


  2.  (F) I/O (A).  {http://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=18790}. 

True believing Islamic subhumans of Boko Haram, cowards and queers, have “bombed, burned, or attacked” 50 churches in Nigeria since January 2012, murdering at least 366 Human Beings, according to a new factsheet published by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.


 3.  (F) (CA) BT**.  {http://tribune.com.pk/story/597059/child-labour-auto-mechanics-accused-of-assaulting-five-year-old/}.  Pakistan: Two true believing Moslem subhumans, Yasir and Zubair, beat a 5-year-old child, their cousin, unconscious for missing a day of work in their stinking sweatshop because he was sick.  They used iron wires to assault the defenseless child.  His mother is quoted: “They stuffed a piece of cloth in his mouth to stop him from crying and thrashed him for more than an hour,” adding the child fell unconscious as a result.


0845.  I/O-I (T).  {http://freepatriot.org/2013/08/30/perpetrators-learn-painfully-unlucky-lesson/#sthash. 3beb5azG.dpbs}.  A popup slams the unwary visitor.  Flushing that a fresh turd is squeezed out onto your screen.

· · · · · · · · · · ·

0923.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  On {https://www.google.com/#q=suspense+:+the+singing+walls} @ “Suspense: The Singing Walls / You Were Wonderful / Dead of Night ...” 0r {http://www.google.



f25oloTBtGuqAG7tB-es3Nlw&bvm=bv.51495398,d.dmg}.  A longhaired barnyard brunette airs its crap-chasm slab.  Note at the top of file.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


1242.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/pat_donohue_tabs.htm}.  Searching for guitar tabs for Pat’s Irish Blues we find no tabs only ads.  Searching further by clicking {http://app.ultimate-guitar.com/apps/promo/product/ugt/}, no tabs just ads and no backarrow.


Elect us and we will end society-supported sociopaths.

                                                                                                                                  —The Prophet Mastodon.


Obama’s Curse


He had delusions of adequacy.

                                                                                   Walter Kerr, American critic and writer (1913-96).


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



Shoddy Shit from a Dying Planet


2013-6-23.  Poly Steel Clear Plastic Wrap, distributed by Save-a-lot Food Stores, Ltd., Earth City, Big MO 63045.  The “saw-edged” cutter curled up at the end making use impossible.


2013-7-23.  In 42 Psywar, March 4, 2012, Vol. 13 (2012-1-14) we reported that the upper half of the cap of a bottle of Selsun Blue shampoo twisted off.  Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Bentonville, AR 72716, has its own brand called Equate Medicated Dandruff Shampoo in an 11 fl oz bottle.  It is identical to the Selsun blue in composition and packaging.  The label is amazingly similar as well, and similar also in that the upper part of the cap twisted off, this time just below the snap on top.  Made in Canada.


2013-8-7.  Cutter Natural Outdoor Fogger, Distributed by Spectrum, Division of United Industries Corp., PO Box 142642, St. Louis, MO 63114-0642.  14 oz. can.  Total cost: $6.33.  “Kills Mosquitoes on Contact”.  In a pig’s eye!  This Cutter insecticide is so lousy  you could nail a fly to a match stick cross, hammer it with the cutter full in its nasty face, and it would spit it at you.  Total waste of our money and resources.


2013-6-16.  A 1 lb. 1.5 oz. can of Raid Ant & Roach spray was unknowingly purchased with a bad nozzle. 

This caused waste because instead of the liquid insecticide broadcast in a spray, it left the can in several jagged streams.  Made in Mexico, Raid Ant & Roach is sold by S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Racine, WI 53403-2236.  Cost $2.99 + .18 (6% sales tax) = $3.17.




  Oral Labs Chap Ice (lip balm), 18685 Plaza Drive, Parker, Colorado 80134-9061.  It is not printed on the .15 oz where the “Chap Stick” type product was actually made, nor is the corporate address.  The flavored lip balm works, but the flavors are so very weak.


  We have observed this throughout.  Two rugs measuring four feet by twenty-eight inches and one rug measuring thirty inches by twenty inches had to be confined to the shed.  The backing became powder after not too long, and it was an annoying mess to clean up.  It would not be healthy to breathe the power. This is pretty much standard in the nation without standards.


  Ardmore Farms, a division of Country Pure Foods, 681 W Waterloo Rd, Akron, OH 44314, make fruit drinks, or at least they call them fruit drinks.  Made in places like USA, Chile, China, Brazil, Belize, Mexico, Costa Rica, Germany & depraved Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Ardmore Farms fruit drinks taste so insipid it is as though someone dipped the fruit into a barrel of water instead of actually accomplishing anything.

                One of these was found punctured and leaking on food in a packaged meal.  This is the waste of a fruit drink, the other food, and our money.


  1.33 gallons of Roundup (an effective weed killer) was purchased for a total of $21.12.  Manufactured by Monsanto Lawn and Garden Products, P. O. Box 418, Marysville, OH 43041, it comes with a battery operated nozzle.  Cool.  However, once the nozzle is removed from the side clip, the side clip retainer band cannot be relocked. 


2013-9-14.  Many memory cards made by American vendors are deliberately deceptive about the amount of data they will hold.  The memory cards have other deliberate faults.


2013-9-23.  Two pints of frozen “strawberries”, a product of Mexico, were nothing but an insipid strawberry juice.


2013-11-4.  At Wal-Mart purchased The Old Farmer’s Almanac 2013, P.O. Box 520, 1121 Main Street, Dublin, NH 03444-0520.  ISSN 0078-4516.  Throughout are pages with thick creases in them, and some of these are torn through.  Also are found poorly printed pages that are smeared, faintly printed, dirty looking  and blotched.  These manufacturing defects appear in various combinations.  Cost: $6.99 + (6% Maryland sales tax) .42 = $7.41.


2013-11-19.  A 16 fl oz bottle of Swan 50% Isopropyl Alcohol with wintergreen was found to be leaking around the inner seal.  Distributed by Vi-Jon, One Swan Drive, Smyrna, TN 37167.  Cost : $.88.


2013-12-15.  Shrek: the Whole Story, 4-DVD boxed set © 2010 by the cringing greedmongers @ DreamWorks Animation LLC, 1000 Flower Street, Glendale, CA 91201.  The cost was $27.12.  There is no way automatically to avoid neither two lengthy previews nor four other plates of capitalist shit at the beginning.  The DVDs always begin at the beginning, one cannot click Resume.


2013-12-31.  An MP3 download of Mona (I Need You Baby) by the Rolling Stones will play only through three of five speakers.






0955.  (CA) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/#q=Fort-Worth-Police-Look-For-Missing-5-Year-Old}  Fort Worth police arrested a 13-year-old in connection with this depraved crime.

0957.  (CA) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/01/gabriel-fernandez-death_n_3371462.html}.

  1.  A subhuman animal named Pearl Fernandez, and the subhuman animal it was fucking, Isauro Aguirre, sexually abused and tortured to death the slut / whore Fernandez’s 8-year-old son.  The Aguirre subhuman, known for eating dog shit and sucking cocks, told cops he hit the boy at least 10 times the day of his death for lying and ‘being dirty.’  The subhuman probably beat the shit out of him, and then beat him for messing his pants.  The pitiful little thing had a fractured skull, burns on his skin and teeth knocked out of his mouth.

  2.  Palmdale, California, social workers, fat, rich subhuman pieces of rich patriotic bureaucratic shit, missed the signs of the abuse over the years, even the innocent defenseless little child’s missing teeth that the subhuman’s had knocked out.

                This is the kind of atrocities to children american foreign policy is responsible for, only much more.

                Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0844.  I/O & I/O INTERNET.  680 AM WCBM.  Sean and Frank. 

                Black savages have been assaulting whites throughout the country and the bluecoat pigs are afraid of them.  The pigs just stand and watch as the pigs / cowards usually do (Supreme Court said it was ok dontcha know).  The depraved traitorous liberal media refuses to report most of it.  Since the beginning of July, Skatelands local to Baltimore, Maryland, once popular recreation venues with decent white people have become foul satanic meeting places for cannibal tribes.  Massive gangs of black savages have been pummeling whites, openly stealing from stores, damaging cars, preventing people from calling 911, even hurling bricks through the windows of pigmobiles, and, incredibly, attacking the pigs themselves by throwing bottles at them.

                There was an outbreak of societal cancer recently at Fullerton, Maryland— contiguous with Baltimore City.  As many as 900 savages rampaged at the Putty Hill Skateland in Belair, Maryland, on August 9th.  Chanting shit like “Um gaaka wella, um gaaka wella, bwana muvvafukka, bwana muvvafukka”, the black savages attack private homes and, heedless of causalities, brave heavy machinegun fire and mortar barrages from white folk, all armed to the teeth, just to knock the little jockeys off white people’s lawns.  Big medicine; take a ceramic jockey head home on a stick as a trophy.  Mumgaawa, mumgaawa.

                People with money to spend are no longer safe from black savages at the once popular The Avenue, a rather upscale shopping mall in White Marsh, Maryland.





1041.  I/O-I BT.  {http://thesaurus.com/browse/moist}.  In addition to a popup advertising shitty Samsung electronic products, one cannot copy data.  We deleted thesaurus.com from bookmarks. 


1311.  NL.  680 AM WCBM.  The Rush Limbaugh Show.  The born rich dope addict believes in supporting subhuman patriotic rich dictators if they keep oil prices stable.  He trashes and mocks the concepts of civil rights and Human Rights.  The born rich Republican, like all Republicans, according to his own testimony, scoffs at the idea that “civil rights and Human Rights”, he whined, should be the basis of foreign policy.  Those born rich asshole Republicans just do not get it do they.  You see friends and neighbors, real people; the born rich do not care above even the atrocities suffered by little babies at the hands of their government, not even unborn babies who they shed Great Lakes of crocodile tears over, just, as long as they get richer.  That is all that matters to them.


1321.  I/O-I.  {http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Fort-Worth-Police-Look-For-Missing-5-Year-Old-21311 7501.html}; popup blocked.

1607.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2013/06/26/police-searching-for-missing-boy/}.   A Dallas Cowboy cheerslut airs ¼-n dugs and an ass-slab.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


1611.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://www.myfoxdfw.com/story/22689542/police-need-help-finding-missing-5-year-old}.  Full-page popup for shitty Snuggles fabric softener.  Returning to this page, two popups one following the other.

1646.  I/O-I.  {http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/newly-released-documents-show-abuse-boy-missed-torture-murder-death-article-1.1371360}.  Copying and pasting data includes an unseen and unwanted ad for this shitty periodical.

1739.  I/O-I.  {http://parkville.patch.com/groups/police-and-fire/p/riotous-uncontrollable-behavior-police-say-teens-mob-bel-air-road}.  Popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1220.  (F) I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://patriotaction.net/forum/topics/obama-armed-funded-syrian-rebel-savages-behead-24-bus-passengers?xgsource=activity}.

                Obama armed & funded Syrian rebel savages, subhuman pieces of Moslem shit, patriotic kock-suckers, motherfuckers, and whore bitch queers, each and every one has all of these Islamic true believing trappings together, beheaded 24 bus passengers, including a mother & 40-days old baby.  Can you imagine those true believing Moslem subhumans butchering that little infant like chopping the head off a catfish?  Did Allah’s kock-suckers (obviously, Shamash is a kock-sucker itself) butcher the precious squirmy little thing before or after they butchered its mother.  Was she forced to watch?  The article says these were Kurds. Were these Christians, as well?  What?  These are not Human Beings.  That tiny little thing could not have possible harmed anyone.  These cannibalistic savage and depraved Sharia law subhumans not only eat each’n others’ shit, but make a meal of the hearts ad livers of enemy soldiers.  These are patriots.  These are subhumans.  Exterminated patriotic subhumans must be.  There are no excuses.  Complete hierarchies including the subhumans’ funding.

General reference: {http://www.google.com/#q=Obama-Funded+Al+Qaeda+%22Rebel%22+



1811.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBO6k1hZ5Yo}.  Page automatically plays a video.

1858.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGRJjuMLMgE}.  Returned to site after a pause discovering that the capitalist creeps barred it from playing the video we had been watching, and one cannot backarrow.


1627.  91.5 FM WBJC.  PB MURDER.  News.  In January 2013, a man with Down syndrome died in a Fredrick Maryland prison.  That is what the news here said, but as we suspected, Frederick County deputies, subhuman pieces of rich pig shit, psychopaths with flags sewn on their shoulders, murdered him, probably because he could not talk right.  There are no excuses.  Complete hierarchy against the wall.  Note at the top of file.


General reference: {https://www.google.com/search?q=Down+syndrome+died+in+a+Fredrick+


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ




0931.  At Corporate Corner a white semi cab without tags pulled from Wawa blocking motorist from using the right-hand turn lane.  Our correspondent has observed this same tag-less white semi cab do this several times, and has spotted the cab often.

0934.  In the turn lane signaling for a turn, one correspondent reports a small white car with a Russell Toyoda license plate frame jumped ahead of her dangerously.

0935.  Next, a small silver car stopped in North Point Road and stayed there inexplicably for about fifteen seconds.  Then, without having signaled, the motorist [sic] cops a left into North Point Diner.


1139.  (S) (T) INTERNET.  {http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/09/barack-obama-armed-funded-syrian-savages-behead-24-bus-passengers-including-mother-baby/}.  A shameless longhaired barnyard blackhead in our faces airs in CU its huge ½-n dugs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

1140.  I/O-I.  {http://www.alleganyteaparty.com/page/httpfreedomoutpost-com201309barack-obama-armed- funded-syrian-savages-behead-24-bus-passengers-including-mother-baby/}.  No info / cannot backarrow. 


1142.  I/O-I & (S).  {http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/09/barack-obama-armed-funded-syrian-savages-behead-24-bus-passengers-including-mother-baby/}.

  1.  (S) INTERNET.  A longhaired barnyard brunette airs its dug-gulch advertising some shit called

       “President Waives Refi Retirement”. 

  2.  I/O-I.  One cannot backarrow off this digital dung.

1147.  I/O-I.  {http://www.motortrend.com/gas_prices/33/maryland/baltimore/glenburnie/}.  A slide-over popup advertising a scam called safecount.net that will give you $1,000.00.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


0917.  I/O-I.  {http://www.eutimes.net/2013/08/putin-orders-massive-strike-against-saudi-arabia-if-west-attacks-syria/}.  Popup blocked.

1008.  I/O BT**.  {http://weaselzippers.us/2013/09/06/san-antonio-passes-ordinance-banning-anyone-who-opposes-homosexuality-from-running-for-office-receiving-a-city-contract/}.  Down in big ol’ badass Texas, under depraved Democratic Mayor Julian Castro, the depraved San Antonio City Council passed a law banning anti-gays from office or receiving a city contract.

                In addition, according to Les Kensolving of 680 AM WCBM, those kock-sucking motherfucking whore bitch queer tea-bagers*, made it against the law to say anything that they, the faggots and whores on the San Antonio City Council, deem anti-gay.  Note at the top of file.

                *A tea-bager is a degenerate that likes to take scrota into its mouth and munch ‘em around a bit.  Maybe Sharia law subhumans should look into that, do each’n other a favor. 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-9-9.  MAIL #19,484.  International Rescue Committee, 122 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10168.



Cover letter

p. 1.

1.  (F) I/O BT**.  Right-honorable true-believing Muslim subhumans, shit-eating butchers without courage or honor, of the Sudanese government, expelled IRC and twelve (12) other relief organizations from the atrocity grounds of Darfur.  The Human Beings there continue to be patriotized.  Note at the top of file.


2.  (F) I/O (A).  This came several hours after the chief kock-sucking patriot, rich President Omar al-Basir, was charged with crimes against Humanity, for the unspeakable slaughter and suffering caused to his betters at the hands of his Allah-the-Shit-God worshipping degenerates.


3.  (F) I/O (A).  The saintly IRC was providing life-giving sustenance to nearly two-million (2,000,000) Human Beings (far superior to true-believing Moslem subhumans).  Within days of expulsion by the rich true-believing Moslem queer, all these programs closed.  Dependent on them for healthcare, water, sanitation, and other programs, tens of thousands (10,000s) of pitiful refugees continue to trek across harsh deserts to crowded camps in the Republic of Chad.


4.  I/O (A) & (F) I/O (A).  The rich media monkeys refuse to cover this horror.


5.  (F) I/O (A).  People are being patriotized, persecuted, and also suffering the fell effects of natural disasters in Afghanistan, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia, and Thailand.


p. 2.

6. (F) I/O (A).  In October 2006, a family was driven from their home when Janjaweed militia Mussulman subhumans, true-believers in Allah the Shit God, ululating like the maniacs they are, savagely assaulted their village with guns, machetes, and torches— hacking, shooting, raping, sexually abusing innocent children, torturing all ages and sexes— patriotics unchained.  [Our note: And kidnapping Human Beings to “sell” as slaves.  This includes innocent little children sold as sex slaves to fat rich Mussulman subhumans, who have always had a depraved taste for that sort of thing.  Without doubt many are sold to that filthy fucking Thailand, a depraved and nasty country that no full-fledged Human Being would ever visit.]


7.  (F) I/O (A).  IRC is delivering lifesaving support to two-hundred-fifty-thousand (250,000) suffering refugees in Chad.


8.  (F) I/O (A).  In Syria, caught between warring subhuman pieces of patriotic shit, i.e., Muslim true-believers, defenseless, starving, thirsting families are fleeing to Jordan.  [After raping young girls the true believing Muslim subhumans cut off their breast and / or dismember others.  This is their Islamization.]


Special Report for IRC Supporters, Darfur: The Tragedy Continues, color insert, 10.5-inches by 11.0-inches.

p. 1.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  Before expulsion, the saintly IRC was blessedly providing care and protection for eight-hundred-thousand (800,000) innocent Human Beings in Darfur, in addition to one-million-one-hundred-thousand (1,100,000) innocent Human Beings in North and East Sudan.  As you have by now imagined, hopefully, the Mussulman castrati are spreading the Religion of Love, The Religion of Peace, aka, the Dark Force throughout this region.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  The Mussulman subhumans, true-believers in Allah the Shit God, are unchained from their sties and pounds.  Mass slaughter ensues the ways of the Dark Lord.  Hundreds of thousands (100,000s) of defenseless innocent men, women, children, babies, tottering grandmothers and grandfathers, were and continue to be butchered.  Endless the rape and torture of little girls, boys.  Children and babies sold into slavery as sex slaves, to subhuman depraved rich pedophiliac Moslems by their true-believing castrati, a mainstay of the Religion of Love, of those truly believing in Allah the Shit God.  [Without doubt many are sold to that filthy fucking Thailand, a depraved and nasty country that no full-fledged Human Being would ever visit.]

  3.  (F) I/O (A).  During this devout Islamic patronization, c. two-million-seven-hundred-thousand (2,700,000) Human Beings, mostly women and children (as the men have been butchered) are uprooted and adrift and stay adrift in that harsh desert land Darfur because of lack of safety from the towel-headed Ally Ally Admiral Ackbar ululating castrati subhumans.


p. 2.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  Two-hundred-fifty-thousand (250,000) Sudanese refugees now reside in eastern Chad along 375 miles of border.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  Since 2004, in the harsh desert landscape of northeastern Chad, the brave men and women of the IRC provided primary health care, environmental health, educational services, and child protection services [our emphasis] and programs to reduce violence against women to twenty-seven-thousand (27,000) innocent people, victims of the castrati subhumans of the Dark Force.

  3.  (F) I/O (A).  Since 2008, the magnanimous IRC has supported thirty-three-thousand (33,000) innocent bedraggled Human Beings in Bredjing camp in eastern Chad with primary healthcare, nutritional and reproductive health services.


  4.  (F) I/O BT**.  Women who venture outside Bredjing camp are assaulted by roving bands of subhumans and raped and robbed.  IRC ensures survivors of sexual assault can access medical care and counseling.  Note at the top of file.

  5.  (F) I/O BT**.  Humanitarian workers have been savagely assaulted, kidnapped, and robbed by the subhuman true-believing Muslim castrati.  Note at the top of file.

  6.  (F) I/O (A).  In Chad, two-hundred-fifty-thousand (250,000) Human Beings are in dire straights in refugee camps.  IRC supports four-hundred-fifty-thousand (450,000) Human Beings in refugee camps in South Sudan. 


4-folded color pamphlet

p. 2.  To get an inkling of the scale of some of the patriotic subhumanism perpetuated by Homo sapien subhumanus patrioticus, in 2012:

IRC provided fourteen-million (14,000,000) Human Beings with primary and reproductive


Vaccinated two-hundred-ninety-two-thousand (292,000) Human children for diseases.

Helped one-hundred-fifty-one-thousand (151,000) women deliver healthy babies.

Provided schooling or child-friendly spaces for five-hundred-eighty-nine-thousand (589,000)


Trained one-thousand-five-hundred (1,500) educators.

Gave one-point-four-million (1,400,000) Human Beings access to clean drinking water and


Counseled and cared for nineteen-thousand (19,000) vulnerable children.

Aided three-thousand (3,000) youth entrepreneurs.


p. 3.

(F) I/O (A).  Cared for and counseled over twenty-two-thousand (22,000) survivors of sexual

    violence and educated and mobilized over nine-hundred-eighty-two-thousand (982,000) men,

    women, and children to lead prevention efforts in their communities.

Created seven-hundred-eighty-nine (789) village savings and loan associations in nine (9)

   countries benefiting eighteen-thousand (18,000) members.

Treated or vaccinated four-hundred-seventy-seven-thousand (477,000) head of livestock.

Assisted fourteen thousand (14,000) refugees departing camps and cities in East Asia enter the

   United States.

(F) I/O (A) BT**.  Helped resettle seven-thousand-six-hundred (7,600) refugees and provided

   services to over twenty-four-thousand-five-hundred (24,500) refugees, asylees, and victims of

   human trafficking.  Without doubt many go to that land of filth, cowards and queers, Thailand.


Crisis Update, yellow paper, 8.5-inches x 7.5625-inches

(F) I/O (A).  Syria.  Up to four-million (4,000,000) Human Beings are in great danger and internally displaced.  Hundreds of thousands have fled to neighboring countries.  [After raping young girls they the true believing Muslim subhumans cut off their breast and / or dismember others.  This is their Islamization.]


(F) I/O (A).  South Sudan.  Women and girls are fleeing to South Sudan to escape violence by true-believing Muslim subhumans in Sudan’s Nuba Mountain region.  The noble men and women of the IRC are providing emergency health and protection programs.  Clashes between the Sudanese army and ethnic Nuban rebels have escalated.  The cowardly Sudanese subhumans attack any Human Being they see.  Ground assaults and trebly cowardly bombings have uprooted tens of thousands (10,000s) of innocent Human Beings, seventy-thousand (70,000) of whom have settled in the beleaguered Yida refugee camp, there at risk of cowardly bombings by the Sudanese subhumans.


(F) I/O (A).  Mali.  War and persecution have added to the suffering of some three-point-five-million (3,500,000) Malians caught in the savage bear trap of a food shortage.  Four-hundred-fifty-thousand (450,000) Human Beings have fled Mali desperately seeking food or safety.


Horn of Africa.  The 2011 drought, the worst in 60 years, caused widespread displacement that continues unto this day.  Refugees numbering in the hundreds of thousands (100,000s) remain crowded in camps in Ethiopia and Kenya; some have trekked for weeks across harsh and unforgiving land from Somalia. 


Haiti.  Three years ago an earthquake killed up to two-hundred-fifty-thousand (250,000) Human Beings and left one-point-three-million (1,300,000) Human Beings homeless.  The noble men and women of the saintly International Rescue Committee are still providing water and sanitation services including cholera-prevention measures.  They offer economic recovery programs to protect and empower women.  They enable distant learning for teachers in rural areas, and provide students with learning material and resources.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0855.  PB I/O MURDER.  {http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2013/09/08/pine_bluff_

arkansas_swat_team_killes_107_year_old_man_in_shootout.html}.  Pigs of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, murdered a 107-year-old man in his bedroom.  There are no excuses.  Note at the top of file.


0938.  I/O-I.  {http://patdollard.com/2013/09/but-muslims-with-terrorist-ties-allowed-to-march-bikers-denied-no-stop-permit-for-911-rally/}.  Popup blocked.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1011.  (S) INTERNET.  {http://www.buzzfeed.com/mbvd/two-colorado-state-senators-recalled-over-gun-control-suppor}.

  1.  BT**.  Four in leering neaks (naked freaks) airing pesthole areas, shit-slicer slabs and most of

       their barf-sacs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file. 

  2.  BT**.  Young barnyard slut Miley Cyrus aired airing naked in its Wrecking Ball video.  Bzzzzzz!

       Boing!  Note at the top of file.

  3.  BT*.  Leering longhaired brunette airs in CU ⅔-n blimp sized bile-balloons.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


1038.  I/O-I.  {http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/11/us-usa-colorado-election-idUSBRE98A06I2013 0911}.  Slide over type “popup”, or advertising annoyance.


1002.  NL.  680 AM WCBM.  Fox News.  Today is Patriot’s Day, 911 and all that twelve years ago.  America is still pathetically licking its wounds and its asshole after getting a little tiny teensy-weensy itty-bitty bit of a taste of its own.  It whines, “What did I ever do to anybody?”  It is the Charlie Brown of the nations: “Why’s everybody always pickin on me?”  So the asshole announcer says that we also commemorate United Airlines Flight 93 “when Americans fought back”.  Assholes @ Fox News you are telling a deliberate and vicious lie.  A cowardly Air Force jet fighter pilot shot United Airlines Flight 93 out of the air.  Whole families murdered, innocent children murdered, murdered by George “Chimp Boy” Bush his rich evil henchpersons and asshole-lickers, and not only was nothing ever done about it, they gave that subhuman cowardly uniformed queer that pulled the trigger a medal for bravery.  You cannot have Freedom without truth.

                These rich Republican freako cowards, Tom Marr, Sean Hannity, Frank Luber in this case, but absolutely all of them anywhere on readio, because they are all rich and cowardly, why, see absolutely nothing wrong with sucking the cock of a “stabilizing dictator”.  Nor with bombing innocent people, families, back to the Stone Age, as depraved all-american patriotic cowards are fond of saying.  They just don’t get it.  In addition, lo, how they hate, especially the Pillsbury Doughboy Tom Marr, John Forbes Kerry Secretary of State.  They call him a traitor, and insinuate vile and despicable things that apply to themselves.  They hate him because when he returned crippled from the Vietnam War Crime he told the truth about the ongoing atrocities committed American subhumans there.  Moreover, lo, how they love the subhuman patriotic war criminal and former Governor of Nebraska and former US Senator Joseph “Baby Butcher Bob” Kerrey, now thankfully in Hell where it belongs.  Who are these talk show subhumans?  Why, we’ll be tickled pink to tell ye.  They are rich, caviar eatin’, champagne swillin’, draft dodgin’, yellowbellied, patriotic, Republican warmongers, aka, The Silver Spoon Castrati.

                This crap these rich Republican talk show hosts like Ms. Marr, Sean Hannity, Frank Luber, Sean Casey, and the usual suspects keep puling and puking about no man being left behind in combat war hero war, yea even say that they teach this to your women and boys from day one to leave no one behind dead or alive is fucking bullshit.  They teach them no such thing.  This is a bleeding-heart war story perpetuated by The Silver Spoon Castrati, all of whom are rich, draft, dodging, flag-waving, cowards, and that draft-dodgin’lot of would not know a war story if it bit ‘em in the ass.  They are selling their asshole listeners a bill of goods; that war is like a grade B World War II war movie.  “Come on men!  We gotta save Joe’s blown apart innards from those dirty rotten Commie Trojans!  Ahhhh!”  Asshole jumps out of his foxhole and runs face first into a whiz-bang shell.


1426.  (F) I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/#q=syrian+rebels+dismember+11+year+

old+girl}.  Obama’s Syrian rebels dismembered a little 11-year-old (11) Christian girl while she was alive.  Obama’s Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels gang rape then executed a 15-Year-old Christian girl.  Obama’s savage Syrian subhumans, those Sharia law shiteaters, Allah’s ball-less queers, asshole-lickers of exquisite tonguing ability, those vomit licking Muslim dogs are subhumans.  The patriotic subhumans assault defenseless villages raping little children both boys and girls, chopping off even the heads of little babies with machetes, murdering hundreds with guns.  The true believing Muslim kock-suckers kidnap little girls and boys as well and sell them into whoredom, i.e., to their own types.  These are Obama’s kin, his brothers in the Religion of Love.  The country should pledge itself to flushing these Sharia law turds out of our country and out of existence entirely but even if it did, we could not.  In order to fight evil you must have truth.  In order to fight evil you must fight all evil.  To wit, recall the entry above.


  ?.  PB I/O MURDER.  680 AM WCBM.  Two Baltimore City pigs shot a man who they allege stabbed a woman with a knife and then allegedly came at them.  Sounds to us like the pigs played judge and jury and since they are not judge and jury murdered the man.  Why did they not shoot him in the legs?

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1551.  I/O-I.  Adobe update popup.

0848.  I/O-I.  {http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/09/11/video-motorcycles-rumble-through-on-the-way-to-d-c-for-911-rally/}.  Popup blocked.


0932.  I/O.  680 AM WCBM.  Fox News.  Colorado.  Various governments’ pigs (did you know that the FEMA thugs have their own army as well?  How many armies does that make in this stinking piece of shit of a country?) have forced 4,000 people from their homes.  Their excuse this time is a flood.

Internet references: {https://www.google.com/search?q=Colorado+by+the+pigs++the+excuse+ is+a+flood+&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#q= colorado+flooding&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial}.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0832.  I/O-I.  {http://www.techspot.com/drivers/driver/file/information/15416/}.  Popup.


1138.  I/O BT**.  INTERNET PERIODICAL.  {http://webserver.computoredge.com/online.mvc}.  ComputerEdgeOnline 2013-9-13, Digital Dave. 

                Digital Dave tells us that digital memory cards can be problematic.  People delete files only to find the space not recovered.  Richard, of Oceanside, CA wrote Digital Dave.

                Another thing to watch for when using memory cards purchased from China, Chinese, and some US vendors is the modification of the memory cards.  If you buy a memory card of a certain advertised size it might have had the metadata . . . whatever the file is on the memory card that tells the OS what the size actually is altered.  Although the memory card indicates that it is perhaps 8 GB, it may only be 4 GB in actuality.  When you try to copy 8 GB of data to the card, you only get the last 4 GB of data recorded; after the card records the first 4 GB of data it copies the second 4 GB of files over the first 4 GB.

                We purchased two Transcend SDHC 16 GB #10 Memory Cards.  Manufactured by

Transcend Information, Inc., 70, XingZhong Rd., NeiHu Dist., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 114, although the dirty sneaky Transcend Corporation ballyhoos these SDHC memory cards as 16 DB, in reality they hold only 14.6 GB of data.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-9-15, 1414.  (S) INTERNET.  {http://web.mail.comcast.net/zimbra/mail?app=mail#1}.  Ad: dating service; “Select Age to View Singles in Your Area . . .  match.com”.  Aired:

  1.  BT.  Two blonde barnyard beasts airing in CU huge ½-n manure-mastoids

  2.  One blonde barnyard beast slight manure-mastoid airing

  3.  BT.  Two blackhead barnyard beasts in CU huge ½-n manure-mastoids

  4.  BT**.  Through a thin top, a blackhead airs its shit-nips.  Note at the top of file.

                Bzzzzzz! Boing!6

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-9-16, 1201.  I/O BT**.  In a Dundalk nursing home, they leave beloved old people lapsing into comas to die so like the ravenous hyenas they are they can descend on their homes and their savings.  There are no doctors on duty only on call.  The excuse they use is that have no doctors present.  They charge ninety-eight dollars ($98.00) per day for minimal care and no care when it counts.  They charge $15.00 per month to rent a telephone, and $15.00 per month to hook it up.  The cringing capitalist degenerates charge $15.00 per month to rent a small widescreen receiving twenty or so channels.  Care is so poor, people lapsing into heart attacks will not summon a nurse, if one happens to be there, but call home instead.  Physical therapy consists of being pushed around in a wheel chair and standing up.  This type of nursing home non-care applies only to our class, the people who actually built this country, those who actually do the work, those who pay taxes.  Exempted are the posh nursing homes for former government employees— bureaucrats of the hundreds of American governments, the military, the hundreds of paramilitaries, the pigs, and the rest of the rich and their kin and descendants.

                Before the infirm even arrive, the twisted capitalists are on the phone to next of kin to ensure they get their money.

                An 89-year-old woman, taken to a distant hospital for a test on a chilly breezy day, was not provided with the jacket she asked for.  She had to wait at the hospital for three hours wrapped in a sheet.

                Sometimes medication is late in coming and on one occasion, it did not come.

                Meals come more or less when they are supposed to, usually later and not all patients are informed of the menu.

                Physical therapists do not show to conduct patients to and supervise physical therapy.


                All those that own, and many of those that run nursing homes, and the politician worms responsible, despite their status at the time, go up against the bullet-pockmarked wall when the Revolution comes.  The state of Maryland, the Slave State, the lousiest, filthiest, most liberal cowardly state in a country of fifty lousy, filthy, cowardly states, of course, encourages this ongoing atrocity.  Note at the top of file.


1753.  I/O-I.  {http://pro.stansberryresearch.com/1304PWAUP2YR/PPSIP906/?h=true}.  The promised info about Obama’s downfall was not presented, only a very loud and annoying audio from Wall Street crooks called Stansbury Research.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-9-17, 0821.  (F) I/O (A).  680 AM WCBM.  Sean and Frank.



Rootin’ Tootin’ Vladimir Putin



                Seems ol’ Rootin’ Tootin” Vladimir Putin, aka Golem, is a full-fledged bonafide war criminal.  As head of the kbg subhumans, one of its specialties was pushing reporters out of the upper windows of tall skyscrapers.  It was the patriotic coward/ faggot that ordered the gassing of a Russian opera house killing some Chechnyan rebel subhumans holding the audience hostage, but mass murdering hundreds of innocent Human Beings as well.  Now is that patriotism of what?  It’s like United Airlines Flight 93 what?




General reference to Gollum images: {https://www.google.com/search?q=gollum&ie=utf-8&oe



                In ancient Hebrew Golem or Golim meant “artificial person”.  They had all kinds of ‘em.  It referred to a Namtar class terminator as well.  I will tell you of this someday maybe mayhaps.  Here is a certain representation from Prague, that’s in Czechoslovakia.



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0741. I/O-I.

  1.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BkI3zKX1vc}.  On a YouTube page presenting Seasick Dave’s

       videos are video ads for booking.com & a video car ad.

  2.  Seasick Dave’s videos drip with filthy capitalism in all forms and one wonders if ol’ Seasick

       Dave knows his videos are contaminated. 


0745.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Times_at_Ridgemont_High}.  Aires are the shit-fissure slabs of blackhead barnyard beast bending over some creep, and possibly the shit-fissure slabs of a blond barnyard beast opposite.  Note at the top of file.


1037.  I/O-I.  {http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/09/does-newark-mayor-cory-booker-have-his-own-thug-squad/}.  Popup blocked.

1753.  I/O-I.  {http://pro.stansberryresearch.com/1304PWAUP2YR/PPSIP906/?h=true}.  The promised info about Obama’s downfall was not presented, only a very loud and annoying audio advertising  Wall Street crooks.


  PERIODICAL.  World Explorer, Volume 6, Number 7, © 2013, P.O. Box 99, Kempton, Illinois 60946.  ISSN: 1061-0103.  $8.95 USD, $9.95 Canada, 3 Jade Disks.


Crypto Corner

p. 16.  Dragon Skeleton Found in the China Sea






This monstrosity washed up on a Russian beach.





There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

—Hamlet (1.5.166-7), Hamlet to Horatio.


                Yeah, and there is a lot of long slithery shit in the sea that nobody knows about.  Bye the way, Dr. MoMance Skelly Bulflinger, B.S M.S M.A PH.D. SC.D of the Science Institute has positively identified these as the remains of raccoons. 


The Mystery Magus Franz Bardon by Wayne H. Purdin


Frabato the Magician

p. 44.  (F) I/O TORTURE.  Franz Bardon was arrested and savagely tortured by the patriotic subhuman german nazis for being an occultist.  Note at the top of file.


Black Magicians of the Third Reich

p. 41.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  german subhumans banned the Freemasons and various occult groups.  Their

       members were arrested tortured, tortured to death, and otherwise murdered.

  2.  The third greatest patriot that ever lived, hitler the nazi subhuman, sought occult knowledge. 

        It sought the spear of destiny.  It had information tortured out of occultists.

  3.  (F) SCHO-OP.  Bardon warned his german students to destroy letters from him.


p. 42. 

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  Bardon and a Mr. Quintscher were whipped.  Quintscher was murdered.  Bardon

       was savagely tortured, those ever loveable patriotic subhuman sadistic surgeons, castrati true

       believers, performed operations on him without anesthesia.

  2.  During the war, magic rites were used by the English as well as the germans.  Snicker.

  3.  (F) I/O (A).  Awaiting execution in a patriotic concentration camp, Bardon was on the “Death

        Detail”.  Job: pick up the heads of the thousands beheaded and put ‘em in a burlap sack,

        doubtless to be roasted with apples in their mouths and eaten by the german nazi subhumans.


p. 43.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  In 1958, in Opava, Czechoslovakia, Bardon was arrested by the commie

       subhumans because jealous asshole-licking Czech doctors accused Bardon of being a spy for the

       West.  The commie subs persecuted free-thinkers, Freemasons and anyone interested in the

       occult.  The greatest patriot that ever lived, the ever loving stalin subhuman, America’s favorite

       Uncle Joe, was paranoid about people with foreign contacts.

  2.  (F) I/O BT**.  Bardon was arrested on trumped-up charges of illegal production of alcohol,

       using “illegal” medicines, and tax evasion for not paying taxes on the supposed alcohol he



p. 44.  (F) I/O BT** & (F) SCHO-OP BT**.  Upon his death, the Czech pigs raided Bardon’s home.  They stole all his books, manuscripts he was working on, his talismans, tinctures, and photographs.


Were the Wright Brothers First to Fly?  The Case of Gustav Whitehead by J. Allan Danelek.


p. 52.  SCHO-OP.  Orville Wright forced an agreement upon the Smithsonian Institution, where knowledge goes to die, that in exchange for permitting the museum to permanently display the Wright Flyer, the Smithsonian Institution, where knowledge goes to die, would discount all claims to anyone beating the Wright Brothers into the air.  That is not intellectual freedom.  Orville Wright was not much of a man.


p. 55.  Magazine covers

  1.  Battle Cry, October

  a.  The Fickle Fraulein Who Saved Berlin.  “In one wild night of passion she turned back World

       War III.”  (Merely by sucking dicks.  Fancy that!  Musta been a helluva blow job.)

  b.  (F) I/O BT**.  Wanton Love-Raiders of the Maorani Lagoon.  Note at the top of file.


  2.  True Men [snicker] February

    a.  (F) (S) BT** & I/O.  Fighting the Harlots of Cay Chi.

    b.  (S) BT**.  The Passion Parlor of Old Beacon Hill.  Jaever see any of those dogs?


3.  A-OK for Men, October

    a.  (S).  How to Warm Up a Frigid Woman!  A blonde airs a portion of its dugs.

    b.  (F) I/O (A).  hitler’s Call-Girl Temple.


  4.  Men’s Pictorial, October.

    a.  (S) BT**.  The Price of Her Sinning; beast airs naked dug partially hidden.  Note at the top

          of file.

    b.  (S) BT**.  The French Have a Word for Her [slut?], Denise La Mont; airs its ass-slabs.  Note

          at the top of file.


  5.  Man’s Wildcat Adventures, February.

    a.  (S) BT**.  11 Nudes of Milano.

    b.  (F) I/O TORTURE.  The Terrible Oriental Mink Torturers.  PETA, ASPCA, and people that

         leave dog shit on our streets so we have to pay a rain tax, do not become alarmed.  Do not get

         you putrid panties all in an uproar.  Minks were not being tortured.  No sir.  The patriots were

         torturing people with minks!  Let em eat em alive n stuff.  Note at the top of file.


  6.  I/O BT**.  Real Men, January; Gentle Slaughter of the Virgin Bride.


  7.  True Men, ?

    a.  NL.  New U.S. Menace, Teen-agers in Black Leather Jackets.  When we were kids, we were

         the terrorists.  Hotcha!

    b.  (F) I/O (A).  1000 Blasted Bodies.


  8.  (S) BT**.  True Men, July, The Secret Shame of Resort Hotels, Sin-seeking Maids on the



  9.  (S) BT**.  Man’s Conquest, January, A Report on “C-girls” at Men’s Conventions.  Conquest? 

        Conquest?  I, I, I got cher conquest.  Ova heah fo yo conquest. 


p. 58.  (S) BT**.  Book cover: Shakes and Snakes; Bernice Sellman, handling a snake, in public airs its fat ass-slab and in CU its huge ½-n dugs.  Note at the top of file.


New Books

p. 67.  I/O VARIOUS LISTINGS UP TO (A).  The Secret History of the United States, Conspiracies, Cobwebs and Lies by Peter Kross.



                This book details conspiracy theories throughout our history, from the discovery of the continent to the founding of the nation to the modern day.  The book tells the stories of unexplained events in our history, as well as mysteries that have never been solved.  The events covered in the book range from the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War II, the Cold War, the assassinations of the 1960s, the Iraq war and the events leading up to 9-11.  Among the subjects covered are the following: Was Christopher Columbus Jewish?; The plots to kidnap George Washington; Who was Agent 355?; John Wilkes Booth and the Confederate Secret Service; the Lindberg baby kidnapping; the plot to oust FDR; Flight 19; who killed JFK?; Nixon and the mob; Watergate and the CIA; Iran-Contra; and the intelligence failures that led up to 9-11.  These stories are fascinating accounts of the underside of our hidden history that will amaze and inform the reader.  438 Pages.  6x9 Paperback.  Illustrated.  References.  $19.95.  Code: SHUS.

                Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  I/O (A) PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

pp. 1 & 15.  Treatment of blacks at old state hospital to be reviewed.  Patients faced ‘deplorable’ [sic, euphemism] conditions at Crownsville by Pamela Wood. 


                From 1911 to the 1960s, the Crownsville Hospital for the Negro Insane, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, was an applied Hell for mentally ill black people.  They lived in squalor, largely went without treatment, and the subhuman doctors used these pathetic Human Beings for scientific experiments against their will.  They were mentally incompetent.


  1.  Small boys were kept naked and in a small room.  Watched over by but one guard, they spilled

       food all over themselves and doubtless rolled in their own feces, here in this the Slave State. 


  2.  The lunatics kept the sickest women in a dungeon-like room.  There were not enough beds and

        toilets for the patients.


  3.  The guards referred to them as inmates.


  4.  Lobotomies were de rigueur during the 1940s and 1950s, as euthanasia once was, soon to be in

        fashion again because of Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama.


  5.  Demon doctors with degrees, diplomas, and ‘ayrick ‘air and screwy eyes, drilled into patients’

       heads to drain fluid from around the brain and insanely pumped in air or helium.  Patients

       were then “somersaulted” upside down and X-rayed.  The subhuman capitalist doctors tested

       drugs on these helpless Human Beings. 


  6.  The Crownsville Hospital for the Negro Insane was a concentration camp.  About one-    

        thousand-five-hundred (1,500) inmates were buried on camp grounds.  Another one thousand

       (1,000) bodies were sent to the state anatomy board or the University of Maryland’s medical

       school so the medieval butchers could have at them with their cleavers.


  I/O BT** INTERNET.  This reminds us of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and many other such cases.  People should read these sorts of things, catch up on their country’s true history, the true history of the Naked Butcher Whore


p. 13.  (S).

  1.  BT.  Two phlicks of an animal named Kerry Washington airing its -n dugs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

  2.  BT**.  A naked cuntmonkey named Kate Moss will “grace the cover” i.e., it will air its

       nauseatingly nasty body on the cover of Playboy magazine’s 60th issue.  A pervert named

       Jimmy Jellinek gushes, “Moss’ full-frontal pictorial arrives just in time for” the old hag’s “40th

       birthday”.  Oh! It’s drooling drooling drooling.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

  3.  NL.  The publicly fucking, sucking, rucking, Britney Spears, and another naked singing

       cuntmonkey, Christina Aguilera, described as “the girl-next-door”.  Bet you did not know what

       the girl-next-door was like.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!²


0711.  I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20110228/news/110229587}.  Ugly U.S. medical trials uncovered by Mike Stobbe, The Associated Press.


  1.  Depraved mad scientists, rich patriots, i.e., U.S. government doctors “once” experimented on

       disabled people and prison inmates.  Such experiments included giving hepatitis to mental

       patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland

       (the Slave State), and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital.


  2.  The deprave U.S. government, by the rich, for the rich admitted federal doctors infected

        prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala with syphilis.


  3.  U.S. officials also acknowledged there had been dozens of similar experiments in the United

       States — studies that often involved making healthy people sick.


  4.  More than 40 depraved experiments documented thus far resulted in thousands of deaths. 

       Some of scientific experiments were done just to see “what would happen if?”


  5.  In the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, U.S. health officials tracked 600 black men in Alabama

       who already had syphilis but refused them adequate treatment.

                                In the Naked Butcher Whore, land of capitalism, the Hippocratic Oath is the Hypocritical Oath.


0754.  I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_

in_the_United_States}.  People should read these sorts of things, catch up on their country’s true history, the true history of the Naked Butcher Whore.  Just as an example, read about the demon subhuman J. Marion Sims your “father of gynecology”.

                “Throughout the 1840s, J. Marion Sims [a psychopathic surgeon subhuman, like many medical researchers and/or scientists] who is often referred to as “the father of gynecology”, performed surgical experiments on enslaved African women, without anaesthesia.  The women—one of whom was operated on 30 times— regularly died from infections resulting from the experiments.[2]  In order to test one of his theories about the causes of trismus in infants, Sims performed experiments where he used a shoemaker's awl to move around the skull bones of the babies of enslaved women.[3][4]

                Article filed.



  1.  PB I/O  INTERNET.  {http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/18/police-arrest-man-for-peacefully-protesting-

       red-light-cameras/}.  In Apopka, Florida, the pigs arrested and jailed a man for 11 hours for

       protesting without a permit the town’s nazi red light cameras.

  2.  I/O-I.

     a.  Banner popup along bottom.

     b.  One is forced to download unwanted information when copying data.


0909.  AUTO.  At Corporate Corners a small black car without even slowing sped from Farm Fresh across the four lane residential street and ran a red light speeding southwest on North Point Blvd.  

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., Live.

p. 14.  (S) BT**.  Fest’s Best, 5 acts not to miss at Saturday’s Virgin Mobile FreeFest by Wesley Case.  Mike Coppola/Getty Photo shot the ⅞-page color photo.  It is of singer Robin Thicke surrounded by three barnyard bimbos.  The blackhead barnyard bimbo on the left airs ¼ of its shitty shit-gulch cheek sagging down between its legs, a shitty shit-gulch slab and its ¼-n shit balloons.  The brunette barnyard bimbo on its right airs ¼ of a shitty shit-gulch cheek in CU, while a blonde barnyard bimbo behind the fool is obscured.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!3  Image filed.  Note at the top of file.

p. 15.  Singer/songwriter Sky Ferreria airs its -n shit-balloons being a white net garment.

                Ah!  The Baltimore Sun, what a wholesome family newspaper, a wholesome liberal family newspaper is all about.


  BOOK.  Geektionary: From Anime to Zettabyte, an A to Z Guide to All Things Geek by Gregory Bergman and Josh Lambert, © 2011 by F+W Media, Inc., 57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322, ISBN-13: 978-1-4405-1114-1.


Chapter 5

Geeks in Cyberspace: Science and Computers

p. 108.  LRAD (noun)

Short for Long Range Acoustic Device.  A powerful wave ray that inflicts severe pain on its target.  Used by the Army in the Middle East and against modern pirates.  It is rumored to have been used against the Hulk on several occasions, although [of course] the government denies any knowledge of such a creature.

                LRAD appears to also be used by teenagers when they play Miley Cyrus music.


Chapter 7

Geeked Up on D&D: Gaming

p. 153.  deformable terrain (noun)

When terrain in a video game can be destroyed and manipulated.

                The most DEFORMABLE TERRAINS in the real world: Afghanistan, Cambodia, New



Chapter 8

Geekout at the Silver Screen: Television and the Movies

p. 212.  grindhouse (noun)

A movie theatre that shows low-budget exploitation cinema.  The films often contain sex, violence, and bizarre plots.

                We the authors are too young to have appreciated porno theatres and GRINDHOUSES,

                but I have been to a few and let me tell you, losing them is a real loss to American culture.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0757.  I/O-I.  Popup from Adobe Flash Player.  There is no way we need all these freaking updates from those fuckers.


1021.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page} & {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ File:RichGirl2 _crop.jpg}.  Beast singer Gwen Stefani airs its shit-pliers slab and perhaps pussy flesh.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

1022.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Girl_%28Gwen_Stefani_song%29}. 

  1.  Gwen Stefani: airs its pesthole flesh.

  2.  “Eve”: airs its upper shit-shears slabs and -n pus-balloons.

                Bzzzzzz! Boing!²  Note at the top of file.


1349.  I/O-I.  {http://www.ehow.com/info_8286229_differences-between-julienne-chiffonade. html}.  One must download unwanted info.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-9-22, 1001.  (F) (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i.daily






Two lying on a public beach:

  1.  Save for a twist o’ rag up her shitty shit-crevice, a brunette barnyard beast airs its filthy ass in

       the face of the Great Spirit and Humanity.  The animal also has its top undone.

  2.  The other, nearly as naked, rather resembles a beached whale.  A tug oughta drag ‘em both out

       to sea.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!²  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-9-23.  (S) BT**.  Seen in Wal-Mart packaging for Bikini Zone Medicated After-Shave Gel, Anti-Bumps, Manufactured by CCA Industries, P.O. Box 880472, El Paso.  CU of a slut’s midriff, airing its pesthole mound and fudge-buster slabs in white G-string.  This package is imaged around the web.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


  #19,516 MAIL.  International Rescue Committee, ibid.  Legal sized paper 8.5-inches x 14.0-inches.  IRC Emergency Appeal: Syria Refugee Crisis.


p. 1.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  Seven million (7,000,000) Human Beings, one-third of the population of Syria,

       are displaced by the warring subhumans.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  IRC provides clean drinking water, emergency and primary health care,

        sanitation, counseling for [the uncountable] survivors of rape, protection for [tens of

        thousands (10,000s)] of traumatized children, schooling, plus trauma counseling and other

        critical support to eight-hundred-thousand (800,000) Human Beings in Syria itself, and to

        those in four neighboring countries where they have fled.

  3.  (F) I/O (A).  Every day, true believing Muslim subhumans, the castrati of Allah the Shit God,

       shot 50 to 60 rockets, at innocent and defenseless people’s homes.  “. . . blood was

       everywhere”.  Their homes were completely destroyed.


p. 2.  (F) I/O (A).  Two-million (2,000,000) Human Beings have fled blood-soaked Syria.  Five-million (5,000,000) more are displaced within the Belly of that Whore.  60% of the hospitals and 80% of the ambulances have been damaged by the kock-sucking shit-eating combat war heroes of war, patriotic subhumans, the excellent Muslim monkey men.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0934.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.amazon.com/Bella-Key-Romance-Go-ebook/dp/B00CMHGT K4/ref=sr_1_cc_3?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1379954826&sr=1-3-catcorr&keywords=kissing+on+the+black +top}.  Ad: Bella Key (Romance on the Go) [Kindle Edition].  Aired: Two lesbians air themselves naked.  The blackhead barnyard beast is hugging and flattening the blonde barnyard beasts’ bile-buckets from behind.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!²


0939.  {http://www.amazon.com/Things-Harder-Edition-digital-booklet/dp/B00ENIBJE6/ref=pd_sim_dmt _dmusic_t_3}.  Ad: The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You [Deluxe Edition] [+digital booklet].  Aired: Singer Neco Case is apparently naked below

its waste.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


0942.  {http://www.amazon.com/Make-Me-Moan-Single/dp/B00D6VOJ7U/ref=sr_shvl_album_3?ie=UTF 8&qid=1379955486&sr=301-3}.  Ad: Make Me Moan by Orisha Sound.  Aired: Reproduced thrice, brunette barnyard beast Orisha Sound airs in CU in our innocent faces its sagging dung-cutter cheeks and slabs, and its -n puke-buckets.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

                Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1442.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmtuskegee1.html}.  Popups blocked & unblocked.

1747.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://store.ebonyline.com/bizoafshcr1o.html?gclid=CJanvOCE6rkCFYmf4 Aodiy0AgQ}.  Bikini Zone After Shaving Creme Gel Formula 1 oz.  Ibid. manufacturer 2013-9-23.  Aired is the midriff of an animal naked in a blue G-string in CU airing its cuntmound and fudge-crusher slabs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-9-27.  (S) BT**.  Reported seen at Poplar Place Center on Merritt Boulevard and Wise Avenue in Dundalk was a fat brunette with ponytail airing the top of its shitty turd-crusher crack above its jeans.  Atop its pear-shaped body, it wore a green and black horizontally striped pullover shirt.  Trailing it was a fat dark-haired boy about eleven.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


0842.  I/O-I.  {http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/triptyque}.  Popup blocked.

1133.  I/O-I (BT).  {http://www.mrconservative.com/2013/09/25124-homeowner-who-caught-a-trespasser-is-arrested-for-open-carry-on-his-own-property-in-an-open-carry-state/}.  A loud video automatically plays and cannot backarrow off the nasty page.  One must close it and restart the search engine.


1140.  INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/#q=homeowner-who-caught-a-trespasser-is-arrested-for-open-carry-on-his-own-property-in-an-open-carry-state%2F}.


  1.  PB I/O BT**.  The subhuman fat pigs arrested a man in Crawford County, Michigan and charged him with a felony assault with a deadly weapon even after he called the pig subhumans when he found a man trespassing on his property.  He and his son had been hunting.  He was holding an unloaded .410 shotgun while his son was using a crossbow.  The pigs pointed a pistol at his face handcuffed him and forced him lie on the ground.  The fat rich queer pigs gave this excuse: “Because we pulled up and he had a handgun— or excuse me, a rifle,” one of the deputies says.

He held a shotgun.  There are no excuses.  Note at the top of file.


  2.  PB I/O BT**.  The man’s wife tried to video tape this pig assault against peace and domestic tranquility but the pig took the woman’s phone and forced her to delete the video she had just taken.  All responsible go against the wall when the revolution comes.  Note at the top of file.

                The subhuman pigs did not hesitate to humiliate this good man before his children as well as his wife.  American pigs are a fat fucking fascist disgrace.  Just look at it.  Look at that thing.  Look at the look on its blubbery face.  Does it not make you sick with rage at the mere sight of that pig?  Nauseatingly repulsive.  It oughta be roasting over an open pit with an apple in its mouth.




Oink! Oink!

Hey Ma!  Fetch the slops.  Day’s anuddin ud’n out da  front.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-9-30, 1225.  I/O BT**.  Beginning in 2005, one of our men began emailing the lazy no-good rich kock-suckers at Baltimore County Code Enforcement.  His complaint was this.  A row house a few doors from his sat unoccupied for several years.  A workmen was overheard telling the owner at that time that the roof leaked badly.  He waited several years to observe repairs.  With no effort made to repair the house in 2005, he began emailing Code Enforcement because he became worried about dry rot, a fungus that eats wood.  Dry rot needs moisture to start but none thereafter.  Dry rot damages millions of dollars ($1,000,000s) worth of property every year.  Until he became tired of it, he sent “at least twenty (20) emails.  The County government robs us to pay those fat sluts and queers but he received nary an answer.  The roof has caved in onto the second floor, the second floor caved in onto the first floor.  You can stand in the living room and watch rain fall on your face.  He does not know about the condition of his roof yet.  All responsible shall suffer from the lowest rich Baltimore County bureaucratic tea bagger unto the highest.  Why should we pay their pensions?  They are in league against us.  Note at the top of file.


1005.  (S) BT**.  One of the fellows reported a fattish blackhead slut pooting across the parking lot at Lynch Manor Shopping Center toward the Great Clips Hair Cutting Saloon, 7832 Wise Ave.,

Dundalk, MD 21222 wearing black paint.  “Its shit-splitter may as well have been naked”.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0728.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.forumdusein.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=

D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Offline found this full-page popup on the screen.  Returning to the page to gather info it began working so we quickly closed it.  It appears beneath a tab labeled “behaviour”.  No. 1 cookie {ad.yieldmanager.com}.


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                McAfee SECURE sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams. Microsoft Gold Certified.


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                We found five of these cookies in various forms {10822091.logoptimizely.com}.

                Note at the top of file.


0743.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://xfinity.comcast.net/}.  “Here are 25 of the hottest cheerleaders in the NFL”.  CU of a blackhead cheerslut’s huge ½-n barf-buckets bending over with its shit-pincher cocked up.  The animal airs some of its shit-pincher crack and cheeks.  Behind it, another shameless animal airs its ½-n barf-buckets.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


c. 1024.  (S) BT**.  A fellow reports a black slut bending over getting into a car before Dundalk Professional Center, 1576 Merritt Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21222.  It wore gray paint.  It aired its full, fat, deep, shit-slasher crack.  “You could see her pussy pucker and asshole,” said the noble and upright fellow.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


1302.  (S) BT**.  It seems to come in spurts like sperm.  A fat black woman at FutureCare Northpoint, 1046 S. North Point Rd., Baltimore, MD 21224 airing in public mind you, the top of   its shit-guillotine.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



Random Thoughts from this Side of Hell


University of Stonehenge

Doctor Quetzalcoatl

A Ramble


                Stonehenge is where Thoth taught Homo sapiens sapiens or Homo sapiens Mark III mathematics.  The ancestors of the Japanese found the pi arch particularly appealing.  Thoth University held the graduate course at the Great Pyramid of Giza.

                Usually they depicted the Egyptian god of wisdom, or Thoth with the head of an ibis wearing the lunar disk sitting on top of a crescent Moon, like Carmen Miranda’s hat or some shit— the reckoner of the times.

                Sometimes, depicted as a dog monkey holding up a crescent moon, the baboon was regarded as a nocturnal and intelligent creature, howling the full Moon rise.

                Go figure.

                Scholar Primus Zecharia Sitchin correctly asserts that the Mesoamerican Quetzalcoatl, who arrived on this side of the blood-soaked Earth 3113 BPE (before present era)beginning the well known long count that just this year recycled— the Plumed Serpent, your feathered-serpent, and Thoth were as one, and that Thoth and Enoch were as one.  Witness the city Tenochtitlán, today’s Mexico City.  The Aztecs called their capital Tenochtitlán, the City of Tenoch (T + Enoch), so naming it after their ancestors.

                Zecharia Sitchin is, of course, correct.

                The Maya knew him as Kukulkán; the Quiche as Gukumatz; in Sumer he was Ningishzidda.  The Greeks called him Hermes,  The Romans called him Mercury.  In the unspeakable medieval he was Hermes Trismegistus, and had ten thousand volumes attributed to him.  Here is some Quetzalcoatl anecdotal:








2013-10-2, 0824.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.forumdusein.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4

EFF7&pu=YWJvdXQ=&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=YWJvdXQ6Ymxhbms=}.  No. 2 cookie {ad.yieldmanager.com}.  Full-page Windows PC Repair popup.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0725.  (F) I/O (A).  The true-believing Mussulman subhumans under the rich faggot Syrian Bashar al-Assad is raping and torturing the tens of thousands (10,000s) of prisoners in its foul and nauseating clutches.


0816.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EF

F7&pu=bW1nd2Vla2x5LmNvbQ==&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tbWd3ZWVrbHk uY29tL3cvaW5kZXguaHRtbD9TSUQ9NzdlZGJlNWY4OTdhNWRiY2RlNDlkMzFiZWMxNTM3Yjg=}.  This is No. 3 cookie {ad.yieldmanager.com} under tab “addition”.  Note at the top of file.


0839.  I/O-I.  {http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278835/en-us}.  Cannot backarrow off page.

1108.  I/O-I.  {http://driver.iyogi.com/lexmark/lexmark-x2480-driver.html}; full-page popup.

1110.  I/O-I.  {http://support.lexmark.com/index?page=content&id=DR12262&actp=search&viewlocale=en _US&userlocale=EN_US&segment=DOWNLOAD&productCode=LEXMARK_X2480&searchid=1255870609 855}; popup.


1210.  AUTO.  At Corporate Corners, a large white pickup truck pulled from Farm Fresh and blocked the two lanes on that side of the street for a minute if not more.  This caused a backup on the street.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0720.  PB I/O BT** MURDER PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., Fatal shots fired at Capitol in car chase by Richard A. Serrano. 

                A savage mob of depraved Washington DC pigs fired a massive amount of ammunition at a distraught woman driver who tried to ram a barrier at the Capitol.  There is no excuse.  There is no way she could have smashed through the barrier.  A one-year-old child was a passenger.  When 91.5 FM WBJC reported this, they did not mention the child.  These subhuman bluecoats are savage cowardly beasts unchained among us.  They are Sharia-like believers in American law.  They care not if a child is in the car.  Did the poor little thing live or die?  Told they have the right to murder, those fat-assed rich crab backs with fantastic bennies murder without a second thought. 

                We will keep a cadre of seemingly trustworthy pigs alive while we purge and form a new force.  Then we will see as to their disposition.



©  AP Photo/Alhurra Television


                Behold the unspeakable bluecoat subhuman cowards assaulting and murdering the poor thing.  Each pig will get a medal for bravery above and beyond the call of duty and doubtless a massive monetary bonus.  Notice the cowardly Masked Moral-less Marauders like dog turds around the column upper center.

                There are no excuses.

                Elect us!

                Note at the top of file.


0758.  AUTO.  @ Corporate Corners, a white corporate van truck leaving Wawa with carrying racks, blocked the two lanes for a minute plus on that side of the street causing a backup.


1419.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Under tab “butter”, working offline, No. 1 cookie {adadviser.net}; full-page popup “Flash Video Downloader is required to download online video”.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-10-5, 1714.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B72B    BB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  [Forgot to jot down tab.]  No. 2 cookie {adadviser.net}.


Does Micro$hit Corporation and McAfee pay for this advertising?


Windows PC Repair

                McAfee SECURE sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams.  Microsoft Gold Certified.  How to Repair Windows 8 Errors?


                These cookies, sometimes with slight variations, always appear.  Sometimes {adadviser.net} appears.









                Note at the top of file.

                This latest capitalist assault we throw at the feet of the Micro$hit Corporation.  Merely to foist their trashy, clumsy, and perverse 64-bit shit onto the public, claiming that it is new and improved, asseverating that it is a significant step forward, enabling them to rake in billions more dollars ($1,000,000,000s), they lay us open to assault.  Micro$hit’s maniacal greed sweeps aside the headaches caused to the public by marketing operating systems that made printers and other hardware inoperable, costing us hundreds of millions of dollars ($100,000,000s).  Those capitalist greedmongers, who make money they do not need, who command bridges be built on their campuses at taxpayer expense, shit in our faces and the face of Mother Earth.  They care not for the trashing of Mother Earth, nary a thought to the hundreds of millions of dollars ($100,000,000) of unconscionable waste of perfectly good (and staggeringly complex) items that, because of their sickness, that because of their mental illness, become useless.  We have merely been trying to download for the Lexmark x2480 All-in-one printer.


January 2002

                Recently there’s been a trend to apply the term “bullying” to any kind of conflict at work, for example overwork and long hours.  Although some bullying behaviors may be present in these issues, in my view this dilutes and devalues the term “workplace bullying” which should be used only for the more serious cases of conflict involving a serial bully.  If there isn’t a serial bully involved, it’s probably not bullying you’re dealing with.



ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0859.  I/O-I.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=blaster+golf+clubs&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls= org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}; small popup in addition to the Google Chrome anomaly.


0932.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4E

FF7&pu=&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab adjustment.  No. 4 cookie {ad.yieldmanager.com}.

       These cookies found as well:






Windows PC Repair

                McAfee SECURE sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams.  Microsoft Gold Certified.  How to Repair Windows 8 Errors?

Note at the top of file.


1015.  I/O-I BT**.  We always unplug the modem, flush the capitalism down the shitter where it belongs, restart the computer, and not plug it back in until needed.  Out of curiosity, we checked Mozilla Firefox > Tools > Options > Privacy > Remove Individual Cookies and found:





                Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


0933.  I/O-I BT**.  We found these cookies:


                   scorecardresearch.com  UID

                   scorecardresearch.com  UIDR

                Note at the top of file.

0957.  I/O-I.  {http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/mother-daughter-capitol-chase-depressed-20467570}.  To squeeze the last dollar out of every pig atrocity liberal/queer capitalist ABC interrupts you research by punching you in the face with a capitalist video.


1000.  We found in Remove Individual Cookies:

                   ad.yieldmanager.com (5 various) 



                There pieces of species of capitalist feces have are so frequent and numerous that we cannot record them without severely crippling our schedule.  Note at the top of file.


1016.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/ng/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4

EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab animal.  No. 5 cookie {ad.yieldmanager.com}.

Game video, WWII fighter planes.  Note at the top of file.


1321.  AUTO.  At Corporate Corners, a white corporate van, plain, except for GCC in small green or blue letters on the side door, pulled from Farm Fresh and blocked one of the two entry lanes to the project.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-10-8, 0827.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2 BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-iexplore&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Under tab “chalk” was the How to Repair Windows 8 Errors?  No. 6 cookie {ad.yieldmanager.com}.  This one came, as you can see, over Internet Explorer.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0621.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Beneath tab “country”. 


Windows PC Repair

                McAfee SECURE sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams.  Microsoft Gold Certified.  How to Repair Windows 8 Errors?

No. 7 {ad.yieldmanager.com}.  In the search field was “Yahoo”.  Note at the top of file.



Say What?


                Congress passed a law that will pay those millions of federal leeches for work they missed because of the government “shut down”.  Do not those government bloodsuckers get unemployment compensation?  Those fat, rich, government backstabbers receive unemployment compensation.  Do we get “back pay” when we are laid off?  No, we do not.  One of those rich kock-suckers in the Senate said something like (paraphrase), “They have bills to pay and obligations to meet.  There is no reason that they should suffer”.  There is plenty of reason those pasty asshole-licking pooters should suffer— tea baggers.  We have bills to pay and obligations to meet as well.  Let them learn what it is like to work for a living.  The rich, fat, bureaucratic bloodsuckers even receive pay for missed snow days.  We do not receive paid for missed snow days.  If we do not work, we do not receive pay.  Your simple mathematics.   At gunpoint, the government forces us to pay our enemies if they do not work.  Now, not only are they paid for weeks of work they did not do, but also receive unemployment compensation needed by people who do useful work who are out of work due to their massive numbers and their bloodsucking greed.  We solemnly swear to the Great Spirit, elect the Prophet Mastodon to be your friendly benevolent neighborhood dictator and this sort of thing will come to a screeching halt ex post facto.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0821.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  No. 8 {ad.yieldmanager.com}.  Windows PC Repair /

McAfee SECURE sites . . .”.  This is odd.  The URL indicates the browser was Firefox but we opened Internet Explorer.  Note at the top of file.


1220.  AUTO.  At a nursing home, corporate truck Speedy Towing AAA, plate no. 3AA4742   blocked the handicapped ramp putting handicapped people trying to enter / leave at a great disadvantage.


1938.  I/O-I BT.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wD6v8xLemk&feature=related}.  Instead of Michelle Malone’s Preacher’s Daughter capitalist creeps hit you with annoyingly loud video ads.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0811.  I/O-I.  Norton Security Suite toolbar on Google Chrome interface.


0825.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Beneath tab “copper”, the page was blank so we might be getting something blocked.  We could not find the cookie but assume this is No. 9 {ad.yieldmanager.com}.  In the search field was “Bing”.  Note at the top of file.


0909.  AUTO.  At Corporate Corners, a midsized car with license plate ZEM A05 pulled from Wawa blocking both lanes.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0747.  I/O-I.  Slammed on us is a Norton Security Suite popup on Google Chrome interface; an ad for a password rememberer.


0903.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF &pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Beneath tab “air” a blank page.  In the search field was “yahoo”.  Again, we could not find the cookie but assume that it is No. 10 {ad.yieldmanager.com}.  We left the computer idol for ten minutes at the most.  Note at the top of file.


1754.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wD6v8xLemk}.  Instead of Michelle Malone’s band performing Preacher’s Daughter, major corporations assailed us with unspeakable ad videos, loud and annoying (2013-10-10, 1938).  Now they have removed the content ruining it for us all because of copyright infringement.  The same thing happened to one of Tomoyasu Hotei’s sites (44 Psywar, 2012-8-25, 0953).  It happens a great deal and it is unjust.  Why are there no laws against this?  Obviously, someone usurps someone else’s rights in this manner for pay, and equally obvious it must be the big corporations advertised thereon. 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-10-13, 0913.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/ng/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4        B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  No. 11 {ad.yieldmanager.com}.  In the search field lately, {Amazon.com}.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  I/O BT PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

pp. 1 & 11.  Gansler to name running mate amid controversy by Michael Dresser.  Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler is running for governor of The Slave State.  A rich cop-sucker, a less than savory person of low moral standards, this Gansler gangster routinely ordered its state police drivers to speed, run red lights, and use lights and sirens on the way to appointments.  Article filed.


0912.  I/O-I BT**. {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7 &pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tabbed “cover”.  Cookie No. 12 {ad.yieldmanager.com}.


Windows Drivers

Start Download

Size: Less than 1 MB . . .
Download the Driver Update Utility to scan and identify out-of-date or missing Windows Drivers. Update your PC with the correct Windows Drivers: . . .


0924.  I/O-I.  {http://www.ehow.com/how_5104180_remove-adyieldmanager.html}; popup.

1142.  I/O-I.  {http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/donovan/seasonofthewitch.html}; popup.



1307.  (F) (S) INTERNET.  {http://englishrussia.com/2006/08/28/unknown-creature-was-found-by-soldiers/}.

  1.  (S) (T).  “Top 1000 Russian Ladies [sic]”.  At the top of page, ten (10) photos of leering animals,

       some of them airing their nasty dugs variously.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!10

  2.  “Beauty of a Woman by Carlos Nunez”.  A longhair brunette whore with its filthy shit-buster

       cocked up, airs its -cheek and -slab, as taught at home in the barnyard in the back Russian

       Federation.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

1456.  (S) BT**.  “Top 1000 Russian Ladies [sic]”.  Fourteen (14) barnyard beasts, blackheads, brunettes, and blondes variously air their puke-bags.  A blonde animal on the right in CU airs in the Great Spirit’s and Man’s face its massive ¾-n shit-balloons.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!14




0832.  I/O-I.  BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4
  Tab “air”.  Working offline a blank page popped up. 

“Google” was in the search field.  Cookie No. 13 {ad.yieldmanager.com}.  Note at the top of file.


c. 0951.  AUTO.  Car with plate number ZEC H53 blocked a lane into a parking area of a supermarket whilst the driver and a woman in a wheelchair had a lengthy chat, denying motorists access to that parking area.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0942.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-chrome&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  “Bing” appears often in search field.  Cookie No. 14 {ad.yield manager.com}.  Full-page popup with loud video.  Text: “Television fanatic is free”.  Feminine voice: “Click the button to get started”.

1710.  I/O-I.  {http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/10/another-school-beating-white-kids-beaten-bloody-on-pennsylvania-school-bus-video/}.  Popup blocked.  Note at the top of file.


1712.  I/O.  {https://www.google.com/#q=ANOTHER+SCHOOL+BEATING+%E2%80%93+

White+Kids+Beaten+Bloody+on+Pennsylvania+}.  ANOTHER SCHOOL BEATING – White Kids Beaten Bloody on Pennsylvania School Bus.  Yet again, innocent white kids beaten bloody, black and blue by depraved black savages lusting for hot kocks and cold Orange Driver on the way home from school while the cowardly bus driver sat there and shit itself.  The video “will make you sick to your stomach”. 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-10-16.  INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/#q=government+shutdown}.  Those cowardly rich Republicans caved on the government shutdown stalemate, once again brilliantly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory at the eleventh hour.  The GOP’s circular firing squad, it is high time to put both parties before the firing squad, except for a very few.  So now, Obamacare goes through.  So here come Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama’s government butchers, foul and base bureaucratic butchers.  However!  Patriots!  Take heart!  Not all will witness their great grandparents and / or their grandparents and / or parents and / or invalid children murdered.  Not all will witness the murder of their loved ones by pudgy, rich, young, mindless, moral-less, gutless bureaucratic shit.  (“We don’t wanna do it.  We gotta do it”.)  Oh no no no no!  Hell forbid!  One-thousand-two-hundred rich corporations (1,200) and their kith, kin, and descendants are safe.  The subhumans in the IRS their kith, kin, and descendants are safe.  The rich cowardly degenerates in the Cluster Fuck, their kith, kin, and descendants are safe.  The Islamic turd, the communist, the traitor, the foreigner in the Oval Orifice has released Hell and it is mostly coming down on white people.

                Go on, wave that stinkin’ filthy’ fuckin’ rag.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-10-17, 0847.  I/O BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztuF4B7E2

BBBC4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=&r=1}.  Tab: “cause”.  No. 1 {static.salesresource partners.com}.


Windows PC Repair

                McAfee SECURE sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams.  Microsoft Gold Certified.  How to Repair Windows 8 Errors?


                We found this data.


Firefox Security page

Website: static.salesresourcepartners.com


View Cookies

                                       Site:                                                                  Cookie:

                              driverupdate.net                                                              _referrer_og

                    static.salesresourcepartners.com                                                      _ga


Name: _referrer_og

Content: http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.salesresourcepartners.com%2Fg%2F%3Fz%3D1%26ilmern



Domain: .driverupdate.net

Path: /

Send for: Any type of connection

Expires: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:16:16 AM


Under the General icon


ENCODING: windows-1252

                You cannot open another browser page when this filth pollutes your monitor.

                Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


· · · · · · · · ·        

  PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

pp. 1 & 11.  Mikulski, Cardin pressed quietly to preserve 1% pay raise for federal workers by John Fritze.  Maryland Senators Ben Cardin and Barbara Mikulski, two rich peaces of commie shit, both uglier than baboons drink vinegar, saw to it that those fat arrogant rich federal bureaucratic bums not only get unemployment compensation, not only get all back pay and benefits, but that they get a raise too.  Wish we could not work under such conditions.

                Behold what the fat rich ignorant and arrogant slut said:

                “”This modest pay raise demonstrates the respect we have for our federal workers [sic] who have been furloughed, laid off, locked out and scapegoated.  Our italics.  The fat rich ignorant and arrogant slut actually said that.  Article filed.


1048.  I/O.  INTERNET.  {http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/16/frank-lautenberg-widow_

n_4112148.html}.  Another thing we learned.  Evil piece of shit Senator Frank Lautenberg died, a multimillionaire, and they voted the filthy politician’s widow $174,000 in the Senate Budget Bill.

· · · · · · · ·

0722.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF

7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab: “competition “.  Full-page popup, “PCHealthBoost.   Microsoft Partner}.  No. 2 {static.salesresource partners.com}.  Note at the top of file.


0938.  AUTO.  @ Corporate Corners white corporate van Johnson & Towers, Inc., that had pulled out for Wawa blocked two lanes of traffic inconveniencing other motorists.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PB I/O BT** PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.  Silent vigils send a loud message on free speech by Luke Broadwater.

pp. 1 & 16.  For as long as can be remembered, the Baltimore City pigs, and pigs in other jurisdictions, have let no one demonstrate anywhere, especially not those who demonstrate for peace, a filthy word and an evil thing to a patriot, especially rich ones like those that make the laws.  A group of senior women called Women in Black who bravely demonstrate for peace have been cursed, yelled at, given the finger, threatened with arrest, and spat upon.  One patriotic subhuman yelled, “Get a Job”.  But that wouldn’t work.  They would have to go the China for that.  And since the all-american kock-sucker thought they were on welfare because they wanted peace, where would those courageous goddesses beloved of the Great Spirit get the price of a ticket.  See, it is this sort of thing that slaughtered conservatism in america.  All you out there under the sticky web of Obamacare, and all this surveillance, the pig oppression, and every bad and indecent thing that is going to happen to the middleclass, you are paying for the crimes committed by the mad dogs of patriotism unchained in this country.  The unmitigated and cowardly humiliations, brutalities, rapes, and murders done to people who wanted peace in the Sick Sixties, and before and after reverberates on.

                The article states that only three-hundred-thirty-thousand (330,000) Human Beings have been murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001, but the Baltimore Sun is a liberal rag and those are Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama’s wars.  Figure the Internet gives is four-point-nine-million (4,900,000), and it far more likely to be accurate.  


0822.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/ng/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=1&il}.  Tab: colour.  No. 3 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}. 

0845.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/ng/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=&r=1&il}.  Tab: country.  No. 4 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}. 

                Oddly, neither of these full-page popups manifested.  The tabs were at the top of the interface, and we found their data in Firefox’s History, but no full-page popups.  Note at the top of file.


  (S) PERIODICAL.  Readers Digest November 2013, Vol. 182 No. 1093, ISSN 0034-0357, © 2013 The Readers Digest Association, Inc., 44 South Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601.  Only a shade of its former self and rightly so, this copy is even poorly printed page after page with many lines of characters too faint to make out.  In addition, of course, they have drug it through the shit pile of flesh.   Among other animal airings:

p. 7.  BT**.  An image of the September cover airs a barnyard whore airing half its naked dung-buster cheek and a shit-slab.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

p. 77.  BT**.  Ad: “NutriShakeDiet”.  An animal airs one of its naked shit-slabs.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


0729.  I/O-I.  On the Google Chrome interface a Norton Security Suite “remember password popup”. 

0843.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/ng/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4 EFF7&pu=&s=D-chrome&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab: sponsorship.  No. 5 {static.salesresourcepartners. com}.  “You need to update your version of Media Player”.  Note at the top of file. 


0902.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/themes?hl=en}.  “How about a sexy upgrade for your browser . . . you will love this!”  The title for this wallpaper is

Hotcoolicious.  A filthy barnyard slut in CU airs in the face of the Great Spirit, Man, and decent people everywhere its humongous crap-sack naked save for a twist o’ black rag up its dungy shit-Olduvai-Gorge.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  image filed.  Note at the top of file.


1123.  I/O-I.  {http://www.ehow.com/how_5104180_remove-adyieldmanager.html}.  Unable to close a popup blocked access to the page.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-10-21, 1305.  AUTO.  At Corporate Corners a dark brown Ford 4x4 with plates O2R256 pulling from Wawa blocked the street causing a two-lane causing a backup.  

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-10-22, 0834.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7 E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-chrome&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab: behaviour.  No. 6 {static.salesresource partners.com}.  Windows Drivers”.  These cookies were found:





ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0714.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=Z29vZ2xlLmNvbQ==&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8jcT      1yZW1vdmluZytzdGF0aWMuc2FsZXNyZXNvdXJjZStwYXJ0bmVycw==}.  Tab: brother.  No. 7 {static.sales resourcepartners.com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  This cookie was found: {http://images.scanalert.com/

meter/driverupdate.net/13.gif}.  Note at the top of file.


1152.  AUTO.  @ Corporate Corners metallic colored SUV plate #716M667 leaving Wawa locked both lanes backing up traffic.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

pp. 1& 10.  PB I/O.  Police hunt for shooter, by Carrie Wells and Luke Lavoie.  A cop got shot in Howard County, MD and, of course, the pigs panic.  Pigs from Howard, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s and Montgomery counties staged a half-mile-wide manhunt closing off a portion of U.S. 1, a major artery, at rush hour for an indefinite time.  Think about what that was like.  Heavily armed and armored fat-ass SWAT pigs and canine units flushed through the streets.  Helicopters threatened from above.  Schools were locked down, after-school activities canceled, people not allowed to go to their homes, or leave their homes to get their kids in the hands of the pigs, the sirens were maddening.  There are color photos of the heavily armed and armored pigs.  In a photograph on p. 10 is seen a real porker with its pistol inexcusably drawn. 


p. 11.  PB BT** MURDER.  Dead Boston blast suspect linked to ’11 triple slaying by Alana Semuels.  One Ibragim Todashev was shot and killed when questioned by fbi subhumans and Florida state pig subhumans in a Florida dungeon.  Civil rights groups and Ibragim Todashev’s father have demanded an explanation as to why this is so but the subhuman pieces of patriotic shit in the fbi and bulbous Florida state pigs refuse to talk.  Note at the top of file.


0815.  I/O-I  BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab: building.  No. 8 {static.sales resourcepartners.com}.  Windows Drivers”. 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0912.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab: credit.  No. 9 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}.  Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


  INTERNET PERIODICAL.  ComputoredgeOnline 10/25/13, Digital Dave by Digital Dave.  Digital Dave answers Dave Vail of King George, VA.  Mr. Vail was pondering the absence of games, and there is a reason for that.


                “Deceptively, there is a tile on the Start Screen called Games.  It looks like a good place to start, but it’s a Microsoft Xbox ploy.  Everything found at this entrance is supposedly about Xbox (although these are not games that will run with Xbox).  (Not that there is anything wrong with Xbox.)  Plus, you cannot run “real” Xbox games in Windows 8.  Just like the name Windows 8, Microsoft is using the name Xbox to mean a couple of different things.  . . .

                “To get access to free games for Windows 8, click the Windows Store tile on the Modern Start screen. . . .”  


I/O-I.      So we went there.  We downloaded Klondike Solitaire but it is not the prior incarnation. 

 “You are out of moves” pops up when you are out of moves.  Sheesh!  Popped up as well was an ad to upgrade to the premium edition, along with an ad for a sleazy movie airing a scantily clad cuntmonkey.  The second time the upgrade ad popped up there was a different sleazy movie ad airing another scantily clad cuntmonkey.  Every time we go to play, it asks us to sign in.  We sign in every time and click Save but it does not save.  It tells us we must upgrade our Xbox.  We do not have an Xbox.  We click to upgrade Xbox but it tells us it cannot.  And, of course, the solitaire software is not yours.  You have to be on the Web before you can use it.

                On 2013-11-10 we deleted this insult.


0959.  I/O-I BT.  {http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/}.  Full-page popup.   

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0856.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=&r=1}.  Tab: comparison.  No. 10 {static.salesresourcepartners. com}.  Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


1523.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://www.cyberlink.com/stat/oem/cyberlink/cms/11/A/10p/enu/index_Dell_2opt. jsp?PRODUCTNAME=PowerDVD&PRODUCTVERSION=10.0&VERSIONTYPE=BD+-+OEM+3D+6ch%2 B6ch&CHANNEL=T&LANGUAGE=1E8DAEAB3B}&BU=CLT&OSREGION=None&SYSTEMLOCALE=0x04


07-02&DEVICE=DVD&PATTERNID=701015&BB_ID=75308&HWID=None&Model=None&APREGID=42 739b8fdda45b265871c7fbbb573f99&UUID=S-1-5-21-864691506-3322203831-3485276620-1001&Suite

Name =None&SuiteVer=None&SuiteVtype=None&RENEWALTYPEID=-1&RATEPLANID=-1&STORAGE


1c7fbbb573f99_S-1-5-21-864691506-3322203831-3485276620-1001_0_0&utm_campaign=BB_&utm_ source=BB_PowerDVD_1840_&utm_medium=BB_PowerDVD_75308_Promotion_Banner_MainUI_10ft

_MES120307-02_701015__}.  Tab: Media Suite 11 15 in 1 . . .  Full-page popup for Cyber$hit trash:

“Exclusive offer for Dell users”.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-10-27. 1546.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/}.  Full-page popup

for Adobe Flash Player shit, “Save big”.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0841.  PB I/O BT**.  680 AM WCBM, Sean and Frank.  At a recent Common Core meeting in Maryland, security pigs pushed a parent who stood up to ask a question, out the door where he was arrested by common street pigs.  The government subhumans charged him with a 10-year felony.  The Common Core whores allowed only questions submitted in writing and edited beforehand.  This is what the government of the Naked Butcher Whore calls a public meeting.  The federal government and the nazi-commies of Common Core are planning on commie-nazi “common” learning standards, even during prenatal.  They will be empowered to take your children from you and do whatever they please with them but, after all, it is for the good of the country.  We mean, they already give your 13-year-old daughters contraceptives without your permission or knowledge.  Moreover, what with this legalization of pedophilia sexual child abuse these subhumans are introducing are introducing . . .  Note at the top of file.


0858.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu= 4B7E2BBB2C4FF7 &pu=d2NibS5jb20=&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=aHR0cDovL3d3dy53Y2JtLmNvbS8=}.  Tab: coal.  No. 11 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}.  Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


On 2013-10-25 we ran Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware and found 15 {PUP.Optional.T . . . }  HKCU\SOFT WARE\Microsoft\Internet\Explorer + 1 {Adwarelbryte}.

On 2013-10-26 we ran Malwarebytes’Anti-Malware and found 12 {PUP.Optional.T . . .}, etc.

On 2013-10-27 we ran it and found nothing.

On 2013-10-28 we ran it twice and found nothing. 

                Running it a 3rd time we found 5 {PUP.Optional.T . . .}, etc. 

                Running a 5th time found 4 {PUP.Optional.T . . .}, etc.

                Running it a 6th time we found 4 {PUP.Optional.T . . .}, etc.

                Running a 7th time found 4 of the same.

On 2013-10-29 we found 4 ditto.

On 2013-10-30 we found 4 ditto.

On 2013-11-1 we found 4 ditto.

On 2013-11-2.  Four ditto, one different.

On 2013-11-3.  Five ditto, one in a document folder; Internet Explorer and Core Temp 10.5.

                We ran Malwarebytes many times after this.  On each of these occasions, we also ran CCCleaner402.


0900 - 1312.  I/O-I BT**.  We thought that {static.salesresourcepartners} might be attached to Adobe Flash Player 11 so we uninstalled it and attempted to download it at Flash Player 11 - Install Latest Version. 100% Free or {http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=CbI_kvKFuUtPzHYPJggepyYHoAsmS580F sayv92_ y_6CUuQEIABABUPLNhrb5_____wFgyYaFiYikhBCgAb-ev8MDyAEBqQI_4eXTLiC3PqoEIk_QLR Al5DXJAUTeCOsRr4RmTwfmPzeXs1avkP21LYmTAICAB6nhwDyQBwM&sig=AOD64_0NTKl5RZzp_P_BjW jD nSjr1TND nw&rct=j&q=adobe+flash+player+11&ved=0CCsQ0Qw&adurl=http://www.download366.com/ adobe-flash-player-ie%3Futm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_campaign%3D366_ USA_en_Internet % 26utm_content%3DAdobe%2520Flash%2520Player%252011%26utm_term%3Dadobe% 2520flash%2520 player%25201}.  Downloading this, control of the computer was wrest from us and some digital shit put there by pyorrhea-mouth computer degenerates called PC Speed Up and Snapdo {http://feed. snapdo.com/?publisher=SnapdoGOblidooYB&dpid=GOB1&co=US&userid=84c68ac6-ba51-5f55-ce6}.  The publisher of Snapdo is ReSoftLTD.  The more we clicked to stem this deluge of sludge the more windows / boxes it opened.  It quickly took over all three of our browsers; Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome.  Attempting to delete it every time we clicked to delete it would throw something else up in our face.  Note at the top of file.


1059.  We deleted Firefox for the second time today and Google Chrome but the Snapon icon in still in the search fields of each and you could only go to Snapon.  We found this in Firefox’s Page Info:







                We reinstalled Google twice today alone at least and no help.  We have reinstalled Firefox four to five times in the past few days, more than that since the computer degenerates gave our computer a virus.  With Internet Explorer we simply typed in {https://www.google.com/} as our default home pager.  For the 3rd time today alone we delete Firefox but this time with all bookmarks, add-ons, etc.  


0209.  I/O-I BT**.  For the nth time we reinstall Google Chrome but it has the Snapon search engine, if that is what it is.  Note at the top of file.

                All this infuriating and wasteful trouble is the fault of the Microsoft Corporation.  All we wanted were drivers for Lexmark x2480. 

♥ ♠ ♠ ♠

1612.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_4_13/190-1498113-0246961? url=search-alias%3Dmovies-tv&field-keywords=the+simpsons+season+17&sprefix=the+ simpsons+%2Cmovi   es-tv%2C186&rh=n%3A2625373011%2Ck%3Athe+simpsons+season+17}.  DVD.  America’s Next Top Model (All-Stars), Season 17.  Aired are fifteen (15) barnyard whores, unchained on decent people, sneering and arrogantly airing pesthole flesh, pesthole-mounds, crap-crevice slabs & cheeks, and in your faces as well portions of their pus-udders.  A longhaired blackhead on a motorcycle airs in your faces its shitty shit-factory covered only with leather straps— must be to hold its shit in.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!15  Note at the top of file.


1651.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.amazon.com/Ashlee-Simpson/dp/B005OP3BZM/ref=sr _1  _7?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1382813883&sr=1-7&keywords=the+simpsons+season+17}.  DVD. 

Americ’'s Next Top Model (All-Stars), Season 17, Ep. 2 “Ashlee Simpson”.  A leering longhaired brunette, barnyard whore Ashlee Simpson in public airs in CU its filthy ½-n pus jugs.  It holds, as if to bite, a foot long hotdog with the end of the hotdog sticking out of the bun like a dick.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


1704.  PERIODICAL.  Pipes and Tobacco Fall 2013, Spec Comm International, Inc., 3101 Popularwood Court, Suite 15, Raleigh, NC 27604.


p. 8.  NL.  Pipefuls by William Serad.  “Sorry for having missed the last issue of P&T, but I decided to write about things best not written about, and consequently, by mutual agreement and in the interest of all, we moved briskly on to this issue with another topic.


p. 17.  (S) BT**.  Ad: “Smokin’ Girls of Burlesque 2014 Calendar Pipe Edition”.  A longhaired blonde barnyard whore airs an shit-sac slab and its ½-n pus-udders in decent faces.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


p. 34.  (S) BT**.  Monstrosities by Chuck Stanion.

  1.  Photograph on the wall titled “The ’97 International Pipe & Cigar Show”.  In extreme

       CU, taking up the entire width of the photograph, a black-haired barnyard whore with a pipe in

       its mouth, airs it bulbous naked shit-abyss, its huge shit-bags ready to launch its food.  Bzzzzzz!


  2.  To the left, a nondescript longhaired whore airs the gigantic shit-balloons it carries on its chest,

        its shitty tit nips are covered only with its fingers.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

                Note at the top of file.


1743.  NL BOOK.  The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, first published 1906, Bantam reissue 2003, Bantam Dell, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, NY.  ISBN 0-553-21245-1.  Fiction.

p. 240.  Reference made to a Chicago hospital that allowed the maniacal, screwy-eyed doctors performed unspeakable scientific experiments on poor patients.

                If you want to know what capitalism and competition is like under the sheets read this book.  Unless we can wrest this country out of the hands of the rich, unless we can pry it from the bloody and filthy hands of the power elite, they will do this again.  They are vying for it now.  We must get it so that the rich and power elite no longer own and run this country.  We must not allow corporations or individuals to become so wealthy that they alone can direct the country’s course of affairs.  There are those that are wealthier than other nations.  No entity needs that sort of wealth, especially not corporations.  Corporations exist to make money, not to help Humanity.   

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0716.  I/O-I BT**.  Popup ad for Dell Backup and Recovery.


0815.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=bW1nd2Vla2x5LmNvbQ==&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tbWd3ZWVrbHku Y29tL3cvaW5kZXguaHRtbD9TSUQ9NzdlZGJlNWY4OTdhNWRiY2RlNDlkMzFiZWMxNTM3Yjg=}.  

Tab: air.  No. 12 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


  SpyHunter 4 found the following infections.  Enigmasoftware.com will let you find infections, but as you will see they will not let you flush them.

                                FunMoods (2 infections)

                                Snap.do (55 infections)

                                Adware.DealPly (3 infections)

                                Adware.WebCake (22 infections)

                                DoubleClick (1 infection)


                                We ran SpartTrust PC Cleaner and it found PUPs that SpyHunter missed.  Same story about deleting the filth.


0937.  I/O-I.  {http://www.enigmasoftware.com/products/spyhunter/?gclid=CLK88aGOvLoCFYSd4Aodk F4AVw}.  SpyHunter popup.

1125.  I/O-I.  {http://www.enigmasoftware.com/products/spyhunter/?gclid=CLK88aGOvLoCFYSd4AodkF

4AVw}.  SpyHunter popup.

1135.  I/O-I BT.  SpyHunter is nearly as bad as the filth they claim to combat.  Deleting it, we encountered three large popups before we got tired of clicking them off, three of their dialog boxes and two DBs from Microsoft to help us flush SpyHunter.  

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-10-30, 1457.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7 E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=&r=1}.  Tab: business.  No. 13 {static.sales resourcepartners.com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


0849.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab: advertisement.  No. 14 {static.sales resourcepartners.com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


  BOOK.  Night Wars © 2006 by Graham Masterton, Leisure Fiction, Dorchester Publishing Company, Inc., 200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, ISBN 0-849-5427-2, fiction.


Chapter 3

p. 33.  The repulsive animal that obviously escaped from a pigsty, the publicly performing naked whore without socially redeeming value, rich and famous Jenna Jameson, a perambulating turd that should be flushed, mentioned as America’s most famous porn star.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


Chapter 5

p. 70.  Mention of rich and famous naked cuntmonkey Halle Berry.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!


Chapter 6

p. 87.  Mention of rich and famous naked cuntmonkey Pamela Anderson with its “big bouncing” naked bile-sacs.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  I/O INTERNET PERIODICAL.  ComputoredgeOnline 11/01/13, Digital Dave, Digital Dave answers Stephen Schiller.  There is reason to suspect a kickback scheme between Sophos, makers of antivirus software, and the Staples sales staff who may be lying when telling unsuspecting and trusting people that the more heedless forms of capitalism have infected their computers.  Telling us that our computers are crawling with vermin is the typical way of getting us to spring for the big bucks.  You can take our word for it; anti-malware programs are unconscionably pricy.  Check it out!  You even have to subscribe periodically laying out those big bucks.  It would not surprise this observer in the very least if the anti-virus software corporations were those creating the viruses in the first place, then selling us, at exorbitant fees, software to combat the viruses they created.


1003.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab: amount.  No. 15 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}.   “Windows drivers”.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0851.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF 7&pu=Y29tcHV0b3JlZGdlLmNvbQ==&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=aHR0cDovL3dlYnNlcnZlci5jb21wd

XRvcmVkZ2UuY29tL29ubGluZS5tdmM=}.  Tab: condition.  No. 16 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}. 

“Windows drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


1047-1053.  I/O-I.  We ran a malware scan with ReimageRepair.  It found two.  They will let you find malware but not uninstall malware except for an exorbitant fee, of course.  (As we understand it, these programs consider almost anything malware.)  The elapsed time stated above is how long it took to delete ReimageRepair.  Actually, we could not.  After fielding six of their popups, and at least two Windows DBs we went to Program Files to delete it.


                There is a virus called Reimage:



                The Truth About Registry Cleaners by Bryan Gains Consumer Guides Geek Tech Editor




  I/O-I.  Two great YouTube sites removed because of vile (illegal & unpunished) corporate incursion.  One was Michelle Malone and her band; Phil Skipper (bass), Trish Land (percussion), Dave Anthony (drums), performing her Preacher’s Daughter before a live (TV?) audience.  The other was Gillian Welch and Dave Rawlings performing before a live nightclub audience in England.

                “Gillian Welch - Elvis Pr...”  The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement.


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0814.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EF

F7&pu=d2lraXBlZGlhLm9yZw==&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=aHR0cDovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5v cmcvd2lraS9CbGFja3N0b25lX0Nocm9uaWNsZXNfKG5vdmVsX3Nlcmllcyk=}.  Tab: change.  No. 17

{static.salesresourcepartners.com}.  “Windows drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


  I/O BT** PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

pp. 1 & 21.  Free Money Raises Doubts by Alison Knezevich and Michael Dresser.  It is not hard to see what is going on in Baltimore County, Maryland.  We are in the hands of criminals and their criminal friends again.  The County Council gave three-million-eight-hundred-forty-thousand dollars ($3,840,000) to contractors, all less than savory.  One less than savory contractor, Caves Valley Partners, received absolutely free three-million-five-hundred-thousand dollars ($3,500,000).  Oddly, Caves Valley Partners donated $25,750 to the campaign committees of pigs sitting on the County Council, including $6,500 to the campaign committee of County Executive Kevin “Thin Ice” Kamenetz.

                I mean let’s face it people, we have to see everything else.  Vile thug contractors, construction creeps, yea even they that have no regard for anyone, will do nearly anything for money.  Do they even hire Americans anymore?

                Baltimore County has provided nearly fifteen-million dollars ($15,000,000) in loans to businesses and organizations over the past five years.  Baltimore County has forgiven or shall forgive about four-million dollars ($4,000,000).


                Some of the conditional loans that Baltimore County has awarded, including amounts that the rich pigs salivate to forgive:

    $3.5 million to Caves Valley Partners to redevelop the former Investment Building

    $90,000 to the Greene Turtle in Towson for an expansion

    $75,000 to UMBC Research Park Corp. to help start the Maryland Clean Energy Incubator

    $300,000 to 1114 Reisterstown Road LLC to demolish two Pikesville buildings and construct a

       10,000-square-foot retail and office center, including a Health-Way pharmacy

    $40,000 to Sienna Corp. to renovate a bank branch in Randallstown


Nonprofits have received grants from the county’s loan fund. Some examples:

    $10,000 to the Urban Land Institute to develop a strategic plan for redeveloping and

       revitalizing part of Belair Road

    $10,000 to the Greater Catonsville Chamber to study ways to develop parts of Frederick Road

    $10,000 to North County Preservation to study ways to improve the profitability of the county’s

       agricultural industry

Source: Baltimore County government

                Article filed.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-11-4.  I/O PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.


p. 2.  Dog in fatal attack had bitten before by Meredith Cohn and Julie Scharp.

                A savage pit bull attacked and killed its owner, a woman, a paraplegic confined to a wheelchair by cerebral palsy.

                The savage pit bull is on record as having bitten the hand that feeds it twice before. 

                Two years ago, the savage pit bull attacked her and chewed up her face so badly that ever after when she opened her mouth her cheek would open as well, sorta like Two-Face in The Dark Knight.

                In April the savage pit bull, a foul and fell beast ever there was one, created for one sick purpose, attacked and bit her nephew when he bent to pick up dropped food.  When she it tried to intervene, the filthy beast bit the hand that feeds it the second time.

                City animal control seized the dog, finally, but returned it without a dangerous-vicious dog hearing.  According to policy, they schedule such hearings when investigators find a bite history, and when the animal appears aggressive and / or considered a danger to the public.  However, the bureaucratic parasites “did not feel the animal was a threat to the public”.  After a recorded three attacks, two on its owner, the bureaucratic parasites “did not feel the animal was a threat to the public”.

                Baltimore City Health Department oversees animal control.  The family pleaded with the Baltimore bureaucratic bums not to return the dog but the bureaucratic bums appear bought.

                This time poochy-oochy finished the job.  The woman rose from her wheelchair to fetch a glass of water, dropped the glass, went to pick it up, and the unspeakable savage pit bull ripped out her throat.  That is the likely scenario.  However, the article did not say that.  Oh, no no no no no no no!  We get this: [she] tried to stand from her wheelchair to reach a glass of water but fell on the ground when the dog attacked.

                Jovial Jennifer Brause executive director of Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Center spake yea be sayin’: “We see thousands of pit bull-type dogs at our shelter and they’re [yes] wonderful.  We don’t want people to look at that dog and say they bite”.  Heaven forbid.  Our kids might become safe.  Bet you saw that coming huh?

                Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Center would better serve us as a rendering plant.  Dog owners are uniformly sick people.  They are sick puppies.  If they want to live with animals let us ship them off to an island (at their expense, they can work it off if they don’t have it) and let them live with animals.  It would be the life of their dreams.  They could roll in their dog’s shit and no one would mind.  They could pay their own rain tax but, them again, those types are irresponsible, and care not about such as things as pollution.

                Article filed.


0730.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EF


cmcvd2lraS9CbGFja3N0b25lX0Nocm9uaWNsZXNfKG5vdmVsX3Nlcmllcyk=}.  Tab: account.  No. 18 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}.  “Windows drivers”.  Note at the top of file.

0739.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EF F7&pu=d2lraXBlZGlhLm9yZw==&s=firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=aHR0cDovL2VuLndpa2lwZWRpYS5v cmcvd2lraS9CbGFja3N0b25lX0Nocm9uaWNsZXNfKG5vdmVsX3Nlcmllcyk=}.  Tab: bite.  No. 19 {static. salesresourcepartners.com}.  “Windows drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


1457.  I/O-I (BT).  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FM8ui2ByUI}.  Instead of Gillian Welch and Todd Rawlings performing Elvis Presley Blues, there is a less than savory video ad, some bitch bitchin’ about its “lack of boobs”.  It ought be worrying about its lack of dignity.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0743.  I/O-I BT**.  Popup for Dell Back Up and Recovery.

0914.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.salesresourcepartners.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztu=F4B7E2BBB2C4EF F7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztu&t=}.  Tab: cover.  No. 20 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}. 

“Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


0952.  I/O-I.  Playing Solitaire, when the game over popup slaps us, to show even more disrespect and contempt for its customers, Micro$hit slams a Ford ad in our faces on the “game over” popup.  The “game over” popup carries different ads when it pops up to tell you the totally unnecessary.

    You cannot leave Solitaire and take up something else without going through that nauseating Start Page.


A wise man knows everything, a shrewd one, everybody.

A good way to keep healthy is to eat more Chinese food.

—Chinese Fortune Cookies.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0730.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://searchresultsguide.com/?dn=salesresourcepartners.com&pid=9POGER71L}.

Tab: Sales://sear...=9POGER1L.  No. 21 {static.salesresourcepartners.com}.  This full-page popup was possibly a commercial type survey page.  Note at the top of file.


The media has but one eye, and it is blind.

                                                                                                                        —The Prophet Mastodon.


2013-11-6.  (F) I/O (A) #19,557 MAIL.  CARE, 151 Ellis Street, NE, Atlanta, GA 30303-2440.

                Because of the patriotic subhuman President Forever and Forever Bashar al-Assad of Syria, true believing subhumans have warred in Syria for three years.  The patriotic insanity in Syria has caused the murder of over 100,000 (one-hundred-thousand) innocent and defenseless Human Beings, a significant number of them women and children (men don’t seem to count much to a liberal organization, regret to say).  Over 2,000,000 (two-million) Human Beings have fled Syria to Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt, 1,500,000 (one-million-five-hundred-thousand) of them women and children.  Over 8,800,000 (eight-million-eight-hundred-thousand) Human Beings are in need of assistance, over 10,000,000 (ten-million) innocent and defenseless Human Beings will need humanitarian assistance before the end of this year.  Women and little girls especially must be protected from rape and all other forms of sexual abuse, torture, mutilation while still alive, and murder from the true believing Mussulman subhumans.  [After raping young girls they the true believing Muslim subhumans cut off their breast and / or dismember others.  This is called Islamization.  Islamization.  Bet you'n say thet.  Is -lamma-eye-zation.]

                Bashar al-Assad’s subhumans are backed by that turd in the Kremlin Vladimir Putin, the rebel subhumans are backed by that turd in the Oval Orifice Barack Hussein Obama II.  The fires of patriotism are fed the bodies of the innocent by three rich queers.  On the side of Bashar “Suspiciously Glinting” al-Assad, the tag team the Unfeeling Ugnaughts!  Weighing in for the Kremlin is Vladimir Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin; in the pink tights.  Representing The House of Shoddy Goods, is Leapin’ Li Keqiang, that pinch-faced turd the head of China.  Backing the rebel subhumans, weighting in for the Naked Butcher Whore, is that turd in the Oval Orifice Barack Hussein Obama II.]  “Let the patriotic festivities begin!”  Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding . . .



The Ghouta Gas Atrocity

The Handiwork of Subhuman Psychopathic Patriotics

This is what happens to families in Syria.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0848.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=F4B7E2BBB 2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  Tab: colour.  No. 22 {static.australianbrewing company.com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  (S) BT** PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., Sports.

p. 14.  Here in this failure of a liberal family newspaper, an ad for Boston Medical Group’s dick starch, their snake oil for “Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Issues and Low T [testosterone].  Sex for Life!™”.  Aired in a 5.0 x 4.9375 inches b&w ad, a longhaired dark-haired whore 94.03% naked in white lace thong and barf-bag buckets.  The leering animal airs its naked crap-pincher slab and cheek before the Great Spirit and all that is decent and holy, also its huge ½-n puke-sacs are reeking S-lines.  (This ad was seen in Sports on 2013-11-18.)  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Image filed  Note at the top of file.  (Psssst!  Less than a man.  They ain’t gonna see you and like you.)


0814.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=F4B7E2BBB 2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  Tab: attempt”.  No. 23 {static.australianbrewing company.com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


0948.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUCjpEKjX7Y}.  Video:  RIZE Why I'm me tokieアングル .  At the end, stills of two naked males are aired; shit-cutters from behind, full-frontal tiny little dicks covered by playing-card sized cards.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-11-9, 0953.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=F4 B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  Tab: air.  No. 24 {static.australianbrewing company.com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-11-10, 0846.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=

F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  Tab: cloth.  No. 25 {static.australian brewingcompany.com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0808.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=F4B7E2BBB2  C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  Tab: cloth.  No. 26 {static.australianrewingcompany. com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


1000.  (S) BT**.  Liquor store ad: Corona Light.  A neak, i.e., a naked freak, i.e., a leering brunette animal in public w/ a male airs its pesthole flesh and in CU its -n pus jugs.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0818.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=F4B7E2BBB2C4EFF7&pu= &s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  Tab: connection.  No. 27 {static.australianrewing company. com}.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.



A.  PB INTERNET.  {http://www.wcbm.com/}.  The depraved murderer, the great patriot Unholy Joe “Bloody Asshole” Arpaio (that enjoys nothing more than a piping hot pile of shit au natural (fresh off the sidewalk) is at it again. 

  1.  BT**.  {http://www.bizpacreview.com/2013/11/12/sheriff-arpaio-says-unpatriotic-inmates-get-bread-water-only-86986}.  America’s Greatest Sheriff: Sheriff Arpaio Says Unpatriotic Inmates Get Bread, Water Only.

                By what right does this subhuman piece of pig shit do this?  This is cruel and unusual punishment.  This subhuman shit-eater, this cowardly depraved murdering bluecoat bully; Joe “Bloody Asshole” Arpaio starves people who righteously before the Great Spirit refuse to wave the shit and bloodstained rag of the United States of America aka the Naked Butcher Whore, owned and run by the rich.  The Moslem-like subhuman ol’ “Bloody Asshole” starves people, and these yellow-bellied cowards and queers of the conservative right, including these rich rightwing cowards and queers of 680 AM WCBM, wave america’s shit and bloodstained rag about it.  The pencil-necked geeks are ecstatic about this.  Yea, even say, instead of calling for the execution of Joe “Bloody Asshole” Arpaio and all of its whores and queers at the sty there, they lick shit off’n the fat patriotic pig’s cowardly shit-smeared asshole.   The filthy country, not worth the shit a good person flushes down a toilet even once, thus far hath murdered four-point-million (4,900,000) innocent and defenseless Human Beings in Afghanistan 4.9 million, and we are supposed to wave the filthy flag before the god in which it trust.  You see, to subhumans like Joe “Bloody Asshole” Arpaio, WCBM and the rest of that rightwing trash America is god.  That means anything goes, just like in Islam, just so it serves some piece-of-shit god.  Note at the top of file.


  2.  BT**.  {http://www.bizpacreview.com/2013/11/12/sheriff-arpaio-says-unpatriotic-inmates-get-bread-water-only-86986}.  Subhuman bluecoat  Field Marshal Joe “Bloody Asshole” Arpaio ordered the playing of Satan Song’s God Bless America and The Star-Spangled Banner daily in every torture chamber facility over the PA system. 

                See?  The right just does not get it.  The disaster is building, the train wreck of Obamacare is unrolling before us, and Democrats are still winning the majority of the elections.  There must be a reason for this.  It is subhuman patriotic pigs and their cowardly asshole-lickers, true believers, that have brought the present Hell upon us.  You know what we must do with them.  You know what we’re talkin’ ‘bout now.  First against the wall when the Revolution comes.  Note at the top of file.


B.  I/O BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.infowars.com/dhs-funds-installation-of-white-boxes-that-can-track-population-of-entire-city/}.  DHS Funds Installation of White Boxes That Can Track Population of Entire City.  Is anybody surprised at this?  Be mindful, it was those rich, Republican, doughboys— cowardly patriots, that set this shit up, that sold us down the river.  We shit in the face of your flag, patriots.


1242.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://wtmd.org/radio/}.  Innocently seeking an avant-garde repast for the ears, WTMD, Towson University, Merlin, slams a shit pie in our eye in the form of a CD called

Sail Out.  On it the nasty singing whore, a longhaired black-haired barnyard beast fresh from the sty named Jhene Aiko, in CU airs its near-naked shit-smeared fly-speckled shit-balloons covered only by small black diaper thingy.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


1249.  INTERNET.  {https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sail-out/id728792658?ign-mpt=uo%3D4}.

  1.  (S) BT**.  Sail Out, on which Jhene Aiko airs her nasty ass.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top

       of file.

  2.  I/O-I.  Cannot backarrow off page.

1301.  I/O-I.  {http://www.allacronyms.com/GT%26A}.  Only ads, no information, our question was not answered.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0814.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=F4B7E2BBB2

C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  No. 28 { static.australianbrewingcompany.com}.  Tab: attempt.  “Windows Drivers”.  Note at the top of file.


1221.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Au_Naturale_Tour}.  CD cover airing Canadian rock band Barenaked Ladies and the Canadian singer Alanis Morissette, or five naked fags and the naked singing whore Alanis Morissette.  Alanis Morissette airs in our faces its turd-bucket slabs and pesthole thatch.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file. 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0814.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=F4B7E2BBB2   C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  No. 29 {static.australianbrewingcompany.com}.  Tab: behaviour.  Blank screen.  Note at the top of file.

1140.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://sfspa.com/}.  Full-page popup that thrice interrupted streaming.  The appearance of the popup flashes to other layouts.  Tab: Medical Malpractice Lawyers - Schochor, Federico and Staton, P.A.Schochor, Federico, & Staton, P.A.  At Schochor, Federico and Staton, We Speak Doctor.  “When you think you may be the victim of medical malpractice, it may feel like the doctors and the insurance companies are speaking a different language.”  Note at the top of file.


1201.  I/O BT**.  {http://www.wcbm.com/}.  Americans’ Personal Data Shared with CIA, IRS.

{http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/11/14/208438/americans-personal-data-shared.html}.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0808.  I/O-I.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/ng/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=F4B7E2BBB2C4E

FF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  No. 30 {static.australianbrewingcompany.com}.  Tab: birth.  Blank page.  Note at the top of file.


?.  {http://content.yieldmanager.edgesuite.net/atoms/99/8f/30/3d/998f303db7a8404cc40bc7ed34d856d 8.swf?clickTAG=http%3A%2F%2Fad%2Eyieldmanager%2Ecom%2Fclk%3F3%2CeJylTk1vgzAM%2ETXcGI

KEAhXaIRVQtSvt2qF19BYg4aMQKkjH6K%2Df0ZAm7boXy35%2DfrJjGK6DUivlBjZ1ZDsmWrgGpCRjlDm mqruuu8CLJbZsjNUPX4zr%2ElhH%2DapdnjcrMiHUg8tAZngOOc701SHa4Gna8n3L8x8pe9v289SE9x%2

EI8NTOdLMhcD%2DH06cXm531%2DV8T1tvrpSqKQ%2DSPu%2DgEPJZhFNThaBRxta9kT%2EsK6LHTd AcouOw%2E93%2ErKqFlDcFEwUFEL2kskw1eu9lR%2DuSiqRjQynytG1uVIwaVHCJfHLj4KFgz1CQVdYN6

8Tj%2DinpQ957ULmZ2Aw lSYJSk3Fug%2Dl2Bx3qNM6eeNkx3n5BLxoQ%2Em5AlgT1G7L%2Dg18%3D%2

C}.  Tab: content.  Blank page.  Mozilla Firefox’s Page Info tells us “Type: application/x-shockwave-flash”.  Note at the top of file.

  ♥ ♥ ♦ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♥

  BOOK.  Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings © 1966 and 1996 Charles H. Hapgood, Adventures Unlimited Press, One Adventure Place, Box 74, Kempton, Illinois 60946.  ISBN unknown because Adventures Unlimited Press books have the same ISBN i.e., 0-932813-40-2.



                We wish we could present a gift to those who read with an open and inquiring mind, to those who, realizing how staggeringly important it is, are not afraid to face the truth, to those brave souls unafraid of reality.  Yea, ye be not quackasaurs.  For that you can be thankful.  The gift we hope to give to you is the gift of Atlantis.  Atlantis is not beneath the waves opposite the Straight of Gibraltar.  The capital city of Atlantis is sunken in the North Atlantic southwest of Ireland.  It is known on the ancient maps, like those Columbus used, as the legendary island of Hy Brasil.  Of course, what else could it be?  Others have said this.  We are not the first. 


                Hy Brasil / Atlantis is marked on the derivatives of the ancients maps, the originals drawn immediately after the Deluge before the poles iced over, and before the ice cap was gone from Northern Europe.  Those maps drawn before Antarctic iced up beginning 13,000 years ago.  Those maps drawn before northern Europe was out from under the ice beginning 13,000 years ago.


Chapter III, The Peri Re’is Map in Detail

p. 59.   Hy Brasil, marked on a drawing of the Toscanelli Map of 1474 where it is called Brazil.

Toscanelli Map of 1474



Chapter V, Ancient Maps of the East and West

p. 113.  A tracing of 

About half of The Dulcert Portalno Map of 1339



p. 166.  Chapter VI, The Ancient Maps of the North.


I am free of all prejudices.  I hate everyone equally.

                                                                                                                                                                  —W.C. Fields.


The Andrea Benincasa Map of 1508




Chapter VIII, A Civilization that Vanished.

p. 195.  [(F) I/O]1 & I/O BT & (F) I/O BT*.  A grand patriotic subhuman, a rich and famous german named hitler1, had its Burning of the Books, yet religious maniacs and fanatics, the craze-eyed asshole-lickers of their friendly local neighborhood Savoir— his eyes rolled back in his womanlike face, wearing his Alexander Price suit, silk Jacquard Handmade necktie around his budging neck like a noose, shod in Italian alligator shoes, boasting a diamond tiepin the size of the Rock of Gibraltar— yea even they comb the libraries of America relentlessly.  Year after year after year thousands of books disappear from American libraries.  These guardians of morality and religion are performing a purpose similar to that of the agents of the Smithsonian Institution, where knowledge goes to die.  “American libraries have recently been the particular objects of anti-American mobs in several countries”.²


  We see it here on the Argentine Ptolemy Map of Ireland 1513 from Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization © 2002 Graham Hancock, The Crown Publishing Group a Division of Random House, Inc. 1745 Broadway New York, NY 10019.  ISBN 1-4000-4612-2. 

Part Five, Ancient Maps § The Legendary Hy-Brasil – a glacial reality

p. 502.

Argentine Ptolemy Map of Ireland 1513



                Here it is on The Map of Ireland by Abraham Ortelius in 1572.  There are other maps where this came from @ {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hy-Brazil}.


From The Map of Ireland by Abraham Ortelius 1572




                “But what of th’ Pillars of Hoikalees?” thou asketh.  “An’ th’ Black Ka-night’s gotta fire breedin’ dragon”, thou doth continueth.  Although the weight of evidence seems plainly against us, Gibraltar and Jebel Musa in Tangier, Morocco ill serve as The Pillars of Hercules we can tell you that.  These two landmarks just don’t cut the mustard, or muss the custard.  Jebel Musa ain’t much more’n a molehill.  Well, come to find out, there are Pillars of Hercules in Northern Ireland.  They are also called The Giant’s Causeway and it is located in County Antrim on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland, about three miles northeast of the town of Bushmills.  The Giant’s Causeway, as you can see below, is a wasp nest of basalt columns.  The problem is these pillars are on the wrong coast, the North Sea coast.                                                                                                                                                                           










Images I thru 5: {https://www.google.com/search?q=the+giant%27s+causeway&tbm=isch&tbo

=u&source= iv&sa=X&ei=l9WQUqGgEsfVkQepkoHQDA&sqi=2&ved=0CEYQsAQ&biw=1200&




How could the Giant’s Causeway in Ireland aka the Pillars of Hercules be that intended by Plato?  To be honest about it (we have no tenure) it may be doubtful that Hy Brasil was the citadel of Atlantis, although bathymetric maps of the area are interesting.  It is hard to say exactly where Hy Brasil was and was it even above water at the time the maps were drawn shortly after the Deluge?  If not, though, why is it on the maps?  Sentiment?   











                Say it was shortly after the Deluge, a millennium or two, and the Baltic was still under polar ice.  Forget those stinking ice ages.  This was not the first time this happened but the worst. What really happened was celestial mechanics.  The Heavenly Waters from its orbit around Nibiru crossing over on its way back out had synced with the Earth:


And the sluices of the great deep were opened

 and water fell upon the Earth

and the water fell for 150 days

and the water was upon the Earth for 150 days

then the god caused a wind to pass over the Earth

and the waters were lifted up off the Earth

and the Earth began to dry


                The Deluge split asunder the land mass which was collected together on one side of the Earth (the North Atlantic to South America and Africa was already open) into continents and ‘tonce twisted the fragments to the northwest 30°.  It was the age of mountain building when all the saw-toothed pinnacles we know were thrust up from within the Earth.  Ye hardy mariners of old, with their tattoos and bloody assholes, could set sail from Copenhagen cutting northeast up the North Sea assuming it was unfrozen, skirt the Orkney Islands, the Hebrides and sail south on the Irish Sea passing the Pillars of Hercules to the east or right.  But where is the sense in that?  You could go “out past” the Pillars of Hercules sailing west from Le Havre skirting England and Ireland altogether but never seeing the Pillars of Hercules.  Wherever it was, to our satisfaction Dan Crisp has proven that Atlantis was on the Celtic Shelf, and that the word island originally meant continental shelf.




Daring fresh new thinking:



Atlantis was a Real Place
A Discussion by Dan Crisp


                My aim with this essay has been to see whether Critias, in the words of Plato (or Plato in the words of Critias) painted a consistent picture and, if so, of what.  Prior to its writing, for all I knew, several hypotheses, including Koudriavtsev’s, were readily compatible with the account.  I have found that, on the contrary, the account is unequivocal (based on Jowett’s translation [of Plato] at least):

                Critias (or Plato) says the kingdoms of Atlantis stretched from southern Spain, at the Pillars of Heracles, northwards along the continental shelf, skirting around the British Isles, as far as Scandinavia; with the great plain and capital city on the Celtic Shelf.

                Now, we should like to prove whether what he says is true!  Of course, this is easier said than done, because the English Channel must be one of the worst places to conduct marine archaeology; and that is where definitive evidence of the truth of Critias’ account, if indeed there is any, is to be found.  If the Celtic Shelf yields a city on a hill, with concentric harbours, on a rectangular plain enclosed by an enormous ditch and crisscrossed by canals, I don't think anyone could deny that Atlantis had been found.







                What we need, is some industrious person with his own deep sea submersible to take a look.  He could terminate any doubts.  We cannot have quackademia forcing the population to live by their true lies.  The effect would be titanic.  And, after all, this is not the abyss.  Atlantis is only 180.446 feet beneath the surface, give or take a shade.  Or, or maybe some of that remote vehicle technology action. Yeah!


Rock ‘n’ Roll Dept

Fave Raves


All my heroes are either musicians or dead.

                                                                                                                                    —Killgore P.D.Q. Killgore.


                Caution: Along the bottom of many videos is a white banner: “Video Download Converter.  Play now”.  Don’t you dare!  It even looks like it is crawling with disease.


The Herd of Main Street

                Maestro Gena Smith is a goddess.  Gena Smith is a Goddess who, for some wildly benign reason, deigned to descend to Earth, and pour the cream of her love into the laps of undeserving savages.

Black Horse



Same Damn Thing



Tired of Thinking about You



Gillian Welch

Elvis Presley Blues



Michelle Malone

Preacher’s Daughter




Tighten Up the Strings



Rooster 44/Travelin’ and Unravelin’ Part I



Oumou Sangare


[Caution: Loud and annoying video ad automatically plays]



Tina Dico




Tomoyasu Hotei

Born To Be Wild



Fly Into Your Dream




Low Fuel Drug Run





  BOOK.  The Lost Worlds of Ancient America, © 2012 by Frank Joseph, ed. by Frank Joseph, The Career Press, Inc., 220 West Parkway, Unit 12, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444.  ISBN 978-1-60163-204-3.

Chapter 41, Odysseus Sailed to America by Victor Kachur.

p. 240.  Odysseus and those ancient cats voyaged to the mining country of the northern Minnesota peninsula, where the copper to fuel the unspeakable horrors of the Bronze Age was mined.


                “Copper mining in Keweenaw Peninsula has been dated by radiocarbon nominally 5,000 years ago.  . . .  The molten copper was cast into ingots of standardized size and weight.  . . . and the shape was in the form of a fat X that permitted four positions for handholds when moving the cast ingots manually.  Given its reddish color matching a sunset, and the nominally ox-hide shape, copper became referred to poetically as the “cattle of the sun”.



p. 241.  A map showing the voyage of the Odysseus setting out from London, sailing past the pillars of Hercules in Ireland, calling at Iceland, and eventually entering the St. Lawrence River “the mouth of which lies in a direct line with the Caspian”.



Ogygia (/oʊˈdʒɪdʒiə/; Ancient Greek: γυγίη Ōgygíē [ɔːɡyɡíɛː], or γυγία Ōgygia [ɔːɡyɡía]), is an island mentioned in Homer‘s Odyssey, Book V, as the home of the nymph Calypso, the daughter of the Titan Atlas, also known as Atlantis (Ατλαντίς[1]) in ancient Greek.  In Homer’s Odyssey Calypso detained Odysseus on Ogygia for 7 years and kept him from returning to his home of Ithaca, wanting to marry him.


Plutarch also gives an account of the location of Ogygia:


                First I will tell you the author of the piece, if there is no objection, who begins after Homer’s fashion with, an isle Ogygian lies far out at sea, distant five days’ sail from Britain, going westwards, and three others equally distant from it, and from each other, are more opposite to the summer visits of the sun; in one of which the barbarians fable that Cronus is imprisoned by Zeus, whilst his son lies by his side, as though keeping guard over those islands and the sea, which they call ‘the Sea of Cronus.  The great continent by which the great sea is surrounded on all sides, they say, lies less distant from the others, but about five thousand stadia from Ogygia, for one sailing in a rowing-galley; for the sea is difficult of passage and muddy through the great number of currents, and these currents issue out of the great land, and shoals are formed by them, and the sea becomes clogged and full of earth, by which it has the appearance of being solid.[8]


Primeval Ogygia

Ogygia is associated with the Ogygian deluge and with the mythological figure Ogyges, in the sense that the word Ogygian means “primeval“, “primal“, and “at earliest dawn”,[12] which would suggest that Homer’s Ogygia was a primeval island. However, Ogyges as a primeval, aboriginal ruler was usually sited in Boeotia,[13] where he founded Thebes there, naming it Ogygia at the time.[14]  In another account of Ogyges, he brought his people to the area first known as Acte.  That land was subsequently called Ogygia in his honor but ultimately known as Attica.


                It was the Deluge that destroyed Atlantis (and the Earth), not the first and not the last but so far the greatest.  Iceland is a child of that unimaginable catastrophe.  In Iceland we find the oldest and the newest land on Earth.


                The voyage of Jason and those Argonaut cats might originally have been about skipping across the pond to South America, got cher gold, got cher Amazons.  We read a strange tale.  Cannot find the book.  In this novel, California was named after an Amazon.  Thing about it is, California was already named for an Amazon when the Insane Butchers from Spain Arrived.  We wonder, was the Baltic still under ice when the voyages to America began, for Humans and not Nephilim, Elohim, Anunnaki.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid.


p. 2.  PB BT**.  Council members demand answers by Justin Fenton

                Four months ago, combat war he-roes of war of the Baltimore City pig force, beat to death an unarmed and defenseless 44 year old man at a traffic stop.  The pigs say the man died of “medical distress”.  The  chief medieval butcher, David Fowler, a foul less than savory creature with close ties to the bluecoat pigs, also most unsavory, says that after 120 days, the autopsy remains incomplete.  Why?  One-hundred-twenty days is far too long.  Why, they can chop up a baby’s body in but a few minutes.



p. 8.  (S) BT**.  Here in this failure of a liberal family newspaper, a large color ad for Love Stuff lingerie, etc.  A sneering longhaired blonde whore lifts its frilly teddy and airs its shit-slab, and has its hand on a shit-slab.  It appears to be naked in a thong but its pesthole is blocked by a banner across the bottom.  It airs its huge -n pus-udders.  Image filed.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.



p. 6.  (S) BT**.  Here in this failure of a liberal family newspaper, a full-page color ad for Apple Vacations available at various addresses.  One-fifth of the page is a photo of male and beast leaping into water.  The long-haired blackhead airs in CU, in our innocent and unsuspecting faces, its shit-bucket cheeks, shit-bucket slabs, and it deep and gloomy pestilential shit-gorge.  Image filed.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


0834.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://static.australianbrewingcompany.com/g/?z=1&ilmernzkvtaztus=F4B7E2BBB

2C4EFF7&pu=&s=D-firefox&nm=ilmernzkvtaztus&t=}.  No. 31 {static.australianbrewingcompany.com}.  Tab: change.  Blank page.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-11-17, 2000-2200.  680 AM WCBM.  21st Century Radio.

                Joe Honick, international consultant to business, industry, and government was guest.  Again he called that patriotic hero Edward Snowden “a coward and traitor”.  We feel Joe Honick is a coward and a traitor.  Perhaps he sees himself as the great white ka-night, a champion of Freedom on his white charger, but actually he is an apologist for the system of our enslavement.  He poses as this brainy brawny defender of Freedom but he defends the status quo.  You cannot love Freedom and America both and but flag wavers do not have the guts to admit it.  Always an excuses for the Naked Butcher Whore, never blame.  No matter what happens, no matter what depraved foul and subhuman thing your country is doing, nor to whom, no matter how many innocent and defenseless Human Beings are tortured to death by your subhumans or anything else, you should never ever ever do what is honorable.  God Flag the fag rag must wave over all.  I mean, they ain’t sayin’ America is perfect, but what are a few warts, on warts, on warts, on warts ad infinitum.  No, you cannot love Freedom and America both.  The rich degenerates that own and run this piece of shit of a country know this.  They have declared war on Freedom.  They don’t wanna do it.  They have to do it.  They have to protect us from ourselves.  What we need is protection for those that own and run the country.

                We want Congress to allot funds to build a statue to that patriotic hero Edward Snowden, and we desire for glorious leader to have Snowden’s face emblazoned on a postage stamp.  There will be no doubt on where the government stands on Freedom then.  After all, he is an American, unlike Harry Potter.


                They never want to do it.  They have to do it.  Take JP Morgan and the rest of those billionaire bums, enslavers of us all.  When you put us in power what we are going to do to them,

We don’t wanna to do it.  We gotta do.  Hit’s muh job ma’am.  Ah’m jes a po’ o’ countra bo’.  Ah doan know nuffin.


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-11-18.  PERIODICAL.  Adventures Unlimited, ibid., Winter / Spring 2014.


New Books

p. 2.  I/O up to (A).  Tales from Langley, The CIA from Truman to Obama by Peter Koss.

                Kross gives us the nitty-gritty on the CIA: its hits and misses; information on the early operations and leaders; their fights with J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI; Operation Paperclip; assassination plots; mole hunts; strange insider murders; and the hunt for bin Laden—all the details are here.  As in his recent book The Secret History of the United States, Kross gives us fascinating, short chapters on the people and events that made up the CIA from its inception in 1947 to today’s scandals involving Seal Team 6, Obama and bin Laden.  Also included: the latest CIA scandal of how the Benghazi, Libya Consulate contained over 35 CIA operatives on the night that the US Ambassador was killed: they were allegedly [sic] involved with running guns to Syria. Chapters include: William Donovan and the OSS; Operation Ajax— the Plot to Overthrow Iran; J. Edgar Hoover’s Vendetta Against the OSS; Civil Air Transport: The CIA’s Secret Airline; Operation Paperclip; The CIA and the Corsican Mafia; Operation Mongoose; “John Scelso” and the Secret JFK Assassination Probe; The Murder of William Buckley; The CIA and the Pakistani ISI; The CIA, bin Laden and 9-11; tons more!  378 Pages. 6x9 Paperback. Illustrated. References.  Price: $19.95.


p. 4.

  1.  SCHO-OP BT**.  The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America: The Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian cover-up by Richard J. Dewhurst.

                Drawing on 400 years of newspaper articles and photos, first person accounts, state historical records and illustrated field reports, Dewhurst reveals not only that North America was once ruled by an advanced race of giants but also that the Smithsonian has been actively suppressing the physical evidence for nearly 150 years.  He shows how thousands of giant skeletons have been unearthed at Mound Builder sites across the continent, only to disappear from the historical record.  He examines other concealed giant discoveries, such as the giant mummies found in Spirit Cave, Nevada, wrapped in fine textiles and dating to 8000 BCE; the hundreds of red-haired bog mummies found at sinkhole “cenotes” on the west coast of Florida and dating to 7500 BCE; and the ruins of the giants’ cities with populations in excess of 100,000 in Arizona, Oklahoma, Alabama and Louisiana.  Dewhurst shows how this suppression began shortly after the Civil War and transformed into an outright cover-up in 1879 when Major John Wesley Powell was appointed Smithsonian director, launching a strict pro-evolution, pro-Manifest Destiny agenda.  He also reveals the 1920s discovery on Catalina Island of a megalithic burial complex with 6,000 years of continuous burials and over 4,000 skeletons, including a succession of kings and queens, some more than nine feet tall— the evidence for which is hidden in the restricted-access evidence rooms at the Smithsonian.

368 Pages. 6x9 Paperback. Illustrated. References.  Price: $20.00.

                No mercy.  Note at the top of file.


  2.  I/O (A) & SCHO-OP BT**.  For Nobody's Eyes Only: Missing Government Files and Hidden Archives that Document the Truth Behind the Most Enduring Conspiracy Theories by Nick Redfern.

                Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, government agencies have declassified millions of pages of documents on numerous subjects.  But there are other files, many of a far more intriguing nature than those the government has already released.  They’re the ones that agencies haven’t released.  They include the files that supposedly can’t be found, that are suspiciously “missing,” as well as the top-secret papers that agencies admit exist but which they are determined to keep hidden from us.  The reason: to prevent the truth behind some of the biggest conspiracies of all time from ever surfacing.  For Nobody’s Eyes Only includes fascinating new information on: The conspiracy-filled story of the buried files and photos documenting the legendary Roswell UFO crash of 1947; The truth about the secret records of the JFK assassination that still remain sealed from public view; The sensational and missing data behind the Watergate scandal that brought down President Nixon; (A).  The mysteriously vanished documents on the CIA’s controversial “mind-control” operation, Project MKUltra; tons more.

228 Pages.  6x9 Paperback.  Illustrated.  References.  Price: $15.99.

                [Despite the Freedom of Information Act, government agencies are still secreting priceless documents from us.  These are our documents.  We demand these documents be released without being in anyway altered, without anything in anyway obscured, not even a comma.  For                     noncompliance the penalties are, of course, death.]

                Note at the top of file.


  3.  SCHO-OP BT**.  Remnants of the Gods: A Virtual Tour of Alien Influence in Egypt, Spain, France, Turkey and Italy by Erich von Daniken.

                We live in an age of information.  But there are things in our prehistory “about which we do not have the faintest idea”, writes best-selling author Erich von Däniken in his gripping new book Remnants of the Gods.  Stone structures erected by master builders, mysterious underground complexes, geometrically aligned stone circles, the breathtaking pyramids of Egypt— who built them?  And, perhaps more importantly, where did these builders obtain such incredible knowledge?  Erich von Däniken shows in detail how whole countries were surveyed thousands of years ago.  Hundreds of Stone Age holy places are located at equal distances from one another, forming giant squares and triangles.  How was all of this possible?  Classic archaeology provides no answers to these questions.  Worse still, it doesn’t even appear to be interested.  Are we all doomed to become “camp followers of disinterest,” as Erich asks?  Featuring more than 160 color photos and illustrations, Erich reveals the secrets of “impossible buildings” in Europe and the Mediterranean region, describes “crazy facts,” and relentlessly exposes false doctrines.

224 Pages.  6x9 Paperback.  Illustrated.  References.  Price: $19.99.

                [Despite the blatant evidence of our true past, classic archaeology provides no answers to these questions.  The quackasaurs are not even interested.  Quackademics stand around with one thumb ups their assholes, the other in their mouths, until the rich effeminate degenerate that holds the reins of their tenures yells “Switch!”.  Then the thumb up the dungy bung goes in the mouth, and the thumb in the mouth goes up her asshole, all lubricated.

                Note at the top of file.


p. 7.  I/O BT**.  The President and the Provocateur: The Parallel Lives of JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald By Alex Cox.

                John F. Kennedy was said to have been murdered by a lone crazed gunman in a Dallas motorcade a half-century ago.  The accused killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, was also murdered under mysterious circumstances just a couple of days later.  Alex Cox, like most of the American and British public, does not buy into the moth-eaten establishment tale about the regicide.  As a filmmaker (Repo Man, Sid & Nancy) he delves into the photographic forgeries used to convict the alleged assassin after his death, and gives a unique account of the parallel lives of JFK and Oswald.  The President and the Provocateur is not the usual conspiracy volume, and is structured almost like the film Rashomon, including varying views of the story with different fonts and sizes.  The Kennedy assassination saga has obsessed Cox for most of his life, and he brings a fresh and interesting perspective to his treatment of the subject.

316 Pages.  6x9 Paperback.  Illustrated.  References.  Index.  Price: $16.95.


p. 8.  (F) I/O (A).  The Bloody White Baron: The Extraordinary Story of the Russian Nobleman Who Became the Last Khan of Mongolia by James Palmer.

                In the history of the modern world, there have been few characters more sinister, sadistic, and deeply demented than Baron Ungern-Sternberg.  An anti-Semitic fanatic whose penchant for Eastern mysticism and hatred of communists foreshadowed the Nazi [sic] scourge that would soon overtake Europe, Ungern-Sternberg conquered Mongolia in 1919 with a ragtag force of White Russians, Siberians, Japanese, and native Mongolians.  In The Bloody White Baron, historian and travel writer James Palmer vividly re-creates Ungern-Sternberg’s spiral into ever-darker obsessions, while also providing a rare look at the religion and culture of the unfortunate Mongolians he briefly ruled.  Chapters include: A Son of Crusaders and Privateers; The Ends of the World; Suspended Between Heaven and Hell; Carrion Country; Ragged Crusade; Lord of the Steppe; The Last Adventurer; more.


                “One of the most demented, savage, and grotesque stories of modern times.  Palmer… delivers an enjoyable, exciting biography that recounts the crimes and conquests of this monster compellingly, colorfully and with cinematic relish”.

—Simon Sebag-Montefiore, Sunday Telegraph (London).


274 Pages.  5x8 Paperback.  Illustrated.  Bibliography.  Index.  Price: $12.95.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  I/O PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid. News.

p. 11.  Zimmerman charged with girlfriend’s assault by Barbara Liston.

                George Zimmerman is an all-American pig that really knows where his gun is.  Zimmerman is the subhuman that beat Trayvon Martin, a skinny, defenseless unarmed 17-year-old boy insensitive when he was buying snacks, blooding the shelves in the store, and then murdered him with a pistol when he staggered back to his home.  A jury of all-American shit-eaters, voters, found this brutal subhuman innocent of mere second degree murder much to the joy of scathing and depraved patriots and rich Republican talk show radio hosts around the country.  Just after its trial in September, Zimmerman’s estranged wife summoned the pigs when Two Gun Pete threatened her with a gun.  The patriotic pinup punk was not charged in the incident.  The fat pig was stopped for speeding in Florida and Texas.  No the degenerate has pointed a shotgun at his girlfriend and forcing her from her home.  The police arrested him on felony aggravated assault, two misdemeanors, domestic violence battery, and criminal mischief.  Article filed.


0846.  680 AM WCBM.  Sean and Frank.

                Sean Casey and Frank Luber are, of course, licking shit off George Zimmerman’s big fat red, white, and blue asshole, and making every excuse for it they can, salivating, swallowing, visions of their two gun pinup boy in a tutu dancing’ in their rich cowardly hades lak a sugar plum.  These two embarrassments to Manhood, Sean Casey and Frank Luber, have wheelbarrow loads of saintly compassion for the subhuman George Zimmermans of the country, bluecoats in other words, but only for them.  Keep that in mind.  That is important to understanding what is going on in this country.  These two joy boys, and all rightwing freakos, enjoy verbally sucking off great big bad patriots like George Zimmerman, and all suchlike combat war he-roes of war, i.e., twisted and cowardly patriotic trash, as befits themselves.  These rich Republican wussenfusses made excuses for it, and trashed the woman he assaulted.  Among other base and foul accusations calling the assaulted woman a liar and a gold-digger.  These two patriotic punks (they are like patriotic punks standing on the corner, remember?) even found a way to mock Rodney King’s “Can’t we all just get along” statement, a quip of infinite merriment to rich rightwing trash like themselves.  Yet we puzzle.  Why are joy boys Frank Luber and Sean Casey to getting their prissy pissy patriotic panties all in a wad?  Are they worried that their hero is held in jail without bail?  They will likely stand their beloved before a jury of voters.  They will just let the pig go.  A pig is a pig is a pig.  A pig can do anything that it wants with impunity.  The pigs, public or private, are always Allah Allah Ackbar in free, don’t that know?  We wonder if they would hire it as a babysitter for the grandkids.  . . .  Sure! why not?


[2013-12-19].  And it is available.  Beans n Franks, patriots, you may sigh relief.  Fall upon your knees and give thanks unto your shit god the American Flag that your favorite combat war hero of war George Zimmerman is free to beat and then murder other unarmed youth on his or her way home from their beating.  “On December 6, his girlfriend requested that the charges be dropped, and the restraining order be lifted.  On December 11, prosecutors announced they would not press charges due to Samantha Scheibe's decision not to cooperate and the lack of other corroborating evidence.”


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

pp. 1 & 16.  ACLU attacks police stops by Justin Fenton and Justin George.

                From 2010 through 2012 the Baltimore City pigs made nigh 250,000 (two-hundred-fifty-thousand aka a quarter of a million stops of largely innocent Human Beings.  The saintly pigs, ‘neath haloes of shit, claim to have only ran their unclean hands over 906 Human Beings, touching what they want, of either sex.  However, be not alarmed, they found a whopping 23 guns, 6 knives, 37 drugs, and a pirated Bazooka Joe bubblegum comic.

                The pig bosses do not supervise stop-and-frisk, a term the devils have banned from use among their asshole-lickers.  The euphemism is provided by pig Deputy Commissioner Jerry Rodriquez.  Now the pigs call these gross humiliations, “investigative stops”.

                The pig bosses do not track and therefore do not care whether their invasions of privacy are in accordance with the law, weak and effeminate as it is.  All pig forces are like this.

                Under the toothless Freedom of Information Act, the ACLU politely requested memos, analyses, documents illustrating supervisory review and management of the vile, humiliating, and threatening street searches, but the Baltimore City pigs refused to cooperate.  Two months later the oinkers finally responded with a mere one paragraph summary.  The have obviously destroyed their records.

                These particular brutalities occurred under former Pig Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld III.  She had her a Violent Crime Impact Section.  Her Violent Crime Impact Section was so brutal and savage that it was disbanded.  (No mention on the unconstitutionalities that the punk thugs committed.)  In the words present pig Commissioner Batts, the savagery led to “high citizens complaints”, now scope this part from this rich crabback, “citizens that have a visceral hatred of police”.  See?  See what we keep telling you between the lines, in so many words, and sotto voce.   Baltimore City Pig Commissioner Anthony W. Batts itself assaulted a citizen with stop-and-frisk and the experts say that her example did not meet standards for such assaults.  The Baltimore City pig department refuses to release the form associated with that partciular trashing of a citizen.

                Although required by law, Baltimore City pigs refuse to document what they do.  All pig forces are like this.

                All pig forces perpetuate stop-and-frisk.  New York City pigs are quite depraved about it.  The pigs of Philadelphia, the City of Othery Love was mentioned.

                What happened to freedom from unreasonable search and seizure?  Oh hum, just another pipedream by the Founding Fathers.

                Note at the top of file.


0904.  I/O BT** INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/#q=DHS+Still+Hasn%27t +Fired+Black +Supremacist+Who+Called+for+Mass+Murder+of+Whites}.  Four months ago a Department of Homeland Security employee, a nigger named Ayo Kimathi, called for mass murdering whites, or “Uncle Tom race traitors”, as he affectionately calls them.  The nazi Department of Homeland Security still has not fired, the filthy black supremacist turd.  We think it more apt to be mass murdering the nazi Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  Such things have happened.  And most of them are white!

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-11-21, 1227.  I/O-I BT.  {http://images.ask.com/fr?q=pictures+of+pillars&desturi=http%3A%2F% 2Fwww.hazonmedia.com%2Fguardians%2Fchaz.html&initialURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ask.com&fm=I& ac=&fsel=2&ftURI=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.ask.com%2Ffr%3Fq%3Dpictures%2Bof%2Bpillars%26desturi %3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.chazonmedia.com%252Fguardians%252Fchaz.html%26imagesrc%3Dht tp%253A%252F%252Fwww.chazonmedia.com%252Fguardians%252Fimages%252FPillars.jpg%26thumbsrc %3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fmedia2.picsearch.com%252Fis%253FXnLfx2M2mekMxtpAvhQgLnj7b6rH9ur ZnOV_fo-LwEA%26thumbuselocalisedstatic%3Dfalse%26thumbwidth%3D128%26thumbheight%3D93%26f

n%3DPillars.jpg%26imagewidth%3D680%26imageheight%3D496%26fs%3D49%26f%3D2%26fm%3Di%26f sel%3D2%26ftbURI%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.ask.com}.  No information, only ads.  Cannow backarrow.  We had to close and reopen Google.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/#q=%2819%29+more+Baltimore+City+prison+

guards+arrested}.  Nineteen (19) more Baltimore City prison pigs / whores have been arrested in the Black Gorilla Family Escapade.  The Black Gorilla Family Escapade makes Jailhouse Rock” look like an Elvis Presley movie.


1303.  I/O-I.  {http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/233107/Giants-Causeway}.  Popup blocked.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-11-24, 2112.  PB I/O BT** BRUTALITY.  680 AM WCBM (2000-2200).  21st Century Radio.  Host: Dr. Zohara Hieronimus, D.H.L. Guests three 9:00-10:00 PM Eastern, Dr. Mattew Fox, Ph.D. and Adam Bucko authors of Occupy Spirituality: A Radical Vision for a New Generation (Sacred Activism), North Atlantic Books, 2013.  During the daring and noble Occupy Wall Street Movement, the bloody-arsed homosexual New York City pigs, fat rich subhuman pieces of bluecoat police shit, bung boys of Wall Street billionaires, betraying their own class, viciously and regularly and in a most patriotic, i.e., cowardly manner, attacked innocent, unarmed, defenseless, and unresisting but brave and noble Wall Street Occupiers.  Almost daily the fat-assed faggots, craven cowards unchained, hospitalized many, many vastly superior and braver people than themselves.  The only good cop is, of course, a dead cop.  Note at the top of file. 

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0942.  NL.  680 AM WCBM.  Tom Marr.  Today Ms. Marr has her pink panties in an uproar, again,  about Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry.  She, the quaking patriot, plump and so white she’s floury, the rich Pillsbury Doughboy is almost in tears (might be menopause), calling Mr. Kerry a traitor, moaning and near sobs that Mr. Kerry “stabbed every man still fighting there[in Vietnam] in the back.”  That is a red, white, and blue patriotic crock of shit.  Mr. Kerry stabbed nobody in the back.  A war amputee himself, Mr. Kerry reported the atrocities of America’s moral-less flag-waving degenerates to Congress and before the nation.  And if that is stabbing your women and boys in combat in the back they deserve to be stabbed in the back.  We will stab them in the back if that is so.  We do stab them in the back if that is so.  How can the rape and torture of six year old girls and blowing them apart with grenades win a war.  Noncombatants do not fight but oh, oh, Ms. Marr that filthy cowardly bitch is so horrified, oh, oh, her nasty knotted pink panties give Ms. Marr such a fit.  Near tears, voice choked with vile patriotic bile, she denounced that horrible horrible big bad mans John Forbes Kerry who has more guts in his shit than rich shill for cowardice Tom Marr ever had in her body.  Almost sobbing, Ms. Marr cries out against one of the few true heroes this stinking piece of shit of a country ever had in John Forbes Kerry, for his hideous unspeakable dreadful crime, reporting the war crimes of America’s moral-less love-less parent-less whelps . . . after forty-two (42) freakin fuckin years.  How’s that for hitting the ol’ soft spot.  We can beat these patriots people.  It is easy as pie.


0943.  AUTO.  Corporate Corners.  Leaving the Wawa silver SUV with plates 5BF3400 did not even  slow much less stop before pulling into traffic lanes.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1052.  I/O-I.  Popup for Dell Backup and Recovery Premium Edition, lower right of screen.  This is an ad.  It is not to help.  It is to sell a pricy item.








                                                                                                                                    —The Management.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

p. 2.  PB.  Balto. Co. officer files suit claiming discrimination.

  1.  I/O BT**.  Two cowardly white pigs viciously attacked and hospitalized a mentally retarded

       man for “laughing erratically”.  (So you’d best not laugh around any of those bluecoat pigs

       fellow citizens of B More C, your heroes right?  The uniformed thugs followed the unfortunate

       fellow for “laughing erratically”, accosted him, punched him, kneed him, and used pepper

       spray on him.  While he was in the hospital the pig boys charged the retarded fellow with

       assault, a standard pig trick.

  2.  A black cop reported this and is being scathed by white porkers.  Another black cop filed a

       complaint against the two white pigs as well.  Not mentioned was what the white frights are

      doing to him.

                Article filed.


  BOOK.  The History of the Knights Templars by Charles G. Addison © 2001 Adventures Unlimited Press, One Adventure Place, Box 74, Kempton, Illinois 60946.  ISBN unknown because Adventures Unlimited Press books have the same ISBN.

Introduction by David Hatcher Childress.

p. 7.  (F) I/O (A) & I/O (A).  The Knights of St. John/Malta are a right-wing Catholic organization that worked in Eastern Europe to suppress non-Catholic ethnic groups.  The Nazi S.S. chief the rich and famous subhuman Rheinhard Gellen received the highest honor given by the Knights of Malta shortly after World War II for “services rendered”.  The subhuman Gellen is credited with helping to mastermind the notorious Project Paperclip in which many members of the subhuman patriotic German S.S. were absorbed by the American Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) to create the subhuman Central Intelligence Agency.  The Knights of Malta worked closely with the Germans during the war.

                The subhuman degenerates the Knights of St. John/Malta are likely tax exempt in this country.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  MAIL #19,584.  Human Rights Watch, PO Box 4803, Toms River, NJ 08745-9946.

Cover letter.

p. 1.  (F) I/O (A).

  1.  Rich patriotic subhumans, shit-eaters and kocksuckers use rape as a tool of intimidation.  The assholetonguers torture their citizens in secret prisons, the patriots chop off hands without mercy [even little babies].  The flag-waving subhumans, and their flag-waving assholetonguers, force young boys to become child soldiers and young girls to serve as sex slaves.  True-believing Moslem subhumans are responsible for most of this.

  2.  The rich subhuman Charles Taylor, educated [sic] in the United States, was a depraved warlord committing atrocities of a most exquisitely patriotic nature.  The people of Liberia naturally sought to award such patriotism by making the shit-eater Charles Taylor president.  This subhuman destroyed tens of thousands (10,000s) of lives.  The subhuman fled, was arrested, tried, and heartily slapped on the wrist.  Problem is, it still has wrists to slap.  That’s the problem.

                They always patriotize unarmed Human Beings.  Don’t forget that.  The true believing patriot / soldier / cop is a subhuman coward that will do anything.  Nearly all of them are true believers.

The courage of a patriot is inversely proportional to the strength of its intended victim.

—The Prophet Mastodon.

p. 2.  (F) I/O (A).

  1.  Ratko Mladi the rich and famous Butcher of Bosnia, a patriotic subhuman from former Yukkaslobia, was finally surrendered by that shit hole of a country that shit him out Serbia.  It awaits a stern wrist slapping as well.

  2.  Its patriotic soul brother from Africa, the rich Congolese subhuman Thomas Lubanga, having horribly patriotized tens of thousands (10,000s) of innocent, defenseless, and unarmed Human Beings, thousands of families (1000s), is one of those prissy patriotic queers that forced children to be soldiers.

  3.  Omar al-Bashir the rich prissy patriotic president of Sudan directing its soldier / queers to commit signal atrocities on unarmed, helpless, defenseless, Human Beings in Darfur, men, women children, toddlers, babies, grandma and grandpa.

  4.  Bashir al-Assad is the rich subhuman of Syria, as you know.  This patriotic subhuman was yours for a long time America, your agents likely even sucked its dick, but Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama likes the subhumans that are opposing it. 

  5.  Pervez Musharraf the former prissy pig president of Pakistan.  The Naked Butcher Whore the United States of America sucked this one off for a long time, probably all the rest of them too although not mentioned.

  6.  Border guards, more tight-pants queers in uniforms, confiscate the equipment of Human Rights Watch so that they cannot report on the patriotism of the shit hole country they are leaving.


Four page newsletter: Who Speaks Out When People’s Rights Are the Trampled?

p. 1.  (F) I/O (A).

  1.  Photograph of a child soldier riding his bike in Ituri Province, eastern Congo.

  2.  The rich and famous patriotic kocksucker shit-eater Charles “Baby Butcher” Taylor, this depraved unmanly pile of festering feces also forced thousands of innocent children who will never know what it is like to be Human Beings to become soldiers.  (Frankly, anything can be a soldier.)  It raped and hacked the limbs off thousands of people.  The oblivious, naïve, slope-headed, pig-eyed, slack-jawed, slobber-mouthed, knuckle-draggers may ausk, what, what does this excellent chap mean by “hacked off the limbs off”?  Did they hack off the right hand or the left hand?  The right arm or the left arm?  The right foot or the left foot?  Well that’s the gag.  See, they hacked ‘em all off.  If you had done your homework like you were suppose’ to of, you would know of Relston’s rule of thumb.

In any given situation regarding patriots, the worse possible thing imaginable is the truth.

—Relston’s Rule of Thumb.

                All their limbs.  All the limbs of unarmed, helpless, defenseless, Human Beings. 

All their limbs you grotesquely fat and pampered pooters!  All their limbs.  The limbs of families: men, women, children, toddlers, babies, grandma and grandpa watching this.  All their limbs, all the limbs of even little babies . . . but American patriots be no aggrieved.  You flaggy shit-eaters so concerned about justice like with the your precious subhuman Shah of Iran.  The pantywaists only slapped patriot Charles Taylor on the wrist, and nary a one of its assholetonguers, so you can rest easy.  And, while you huddle under your flag so smug ‘n’ safe, it will go immeasurably to console you to know that the innocent little children can still play baseball.  They can grow up to be second base.

                The presiding judge, yea be sayin’:  “The accused has been found responsible for aiding and abetting as well as planning some of the most heinous and brutal crimes recorded in human history.”[10]  It sounds like the work of true-believing Moslem subhumans to us.

                Patriots worry not.  Sigh, rest easy.  They only slapped it on the wrist.  We know even that grieves you but unfortunately, it had wrists to slap.  Patriotic shit is supposed to be flushed.

p. 2.  (F) I/O (A).

  1.  The rich government of Zimbabwe, a government of gigolos, whores, prim-faced beat-off artist and other assorted shit-eaters, Zimbabwe, Enki’s old stamping grounds, has patriotized and is patronizing hundreds of thousands of their own people, innocent, defenseless, unarmed Human Beings

  2.  A mob of kock—sucking prim-faced military gay blades (black boots and tight pants) are atrocifying the people of Burma.  Their own people!  Their own people!


0831.  I/O-I.  {http://www.hrw.org/?gclid=COqPo7XPjLsCFRBnOgodB0YAWw}.  Two popups.

♥ ♦♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥♦

  MAIL #19,590.  International Rescue Committee, ibid.


Cover letter.


p. 1.  (F) I/O (A).  Around this blood-soaked and shit-covered planet, multimillions (1,000,000s) of innocent children and adults are struggling to recover from the inexcusable effects of patriotism.  More than four million (4,000,000) Syrians are uprooted within Syria, and a million more inside Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.  Many have seen their parents, siblings, and family members murdered or atrocified in worse ways.  They bear physical and emotional scars.  These scars are permanent.  There is no running from something like that, something Americans cannot even imagine.


p. 2. ( F) I/O (A).

  a)  In southeastern Ethiopia (that foul dung heap), women and / or girls have to make a nine-

        mile trip on foot for polluted water or they have no water.  True believing trash savage

        defenseless these women and / or girls along the way. 

  b)  At Dolo Ado, a complex of refugee camps, two-hundred-thousand (200,000) Somali refugees

        struggle to survive.


p. 3.  (F) I/O (A).

  a)  In Eastern Congo, patriotism has raged for decades.  In North Kivu province, the bodies are

       stacked higher’n a brachiosaur’s eye and periodic patriotic outbreaks of sexual violence against

       women and girls has ravaged and scarred generations of women and girls.

  b)  Patriotism led and committed by subhuman monsters has ravaged Burundi, Liberia, Sierra

        Leone, and Uganda.


(F) I/O (A).  Insert 8½-in. x 7-in.: Dignity. Security. Sustainability. Community. 

p. 1.

  a)  Dignity for Syrians Fleeing Brutal Conflict.

                There are eight-hundred-seventy-five-thousand (875,000) scarred and ravaged Human

        Beings displaced within the belly of the whore Syria; and Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey

        where they fled.  These innocent Human Beings have survived patriotism: Islamic Love

       (butchery, and / or sexual violence).  Little children by the tens of thousands (10,000s) are



  b)  Security for Women and Girls in the Congo.

                See above for sketchy details but don’t forget, my favorite butterballs, the patriots do not

        see anything wrong with what they do.  They believe in situational ethics as taught in this

        country since the mid sixties, as those depraved liberals believe in: i.e., You can do anything

        that you want to do, just so you don’t see anything wrong with it.


p. 2.  (F) I/O (A).

  a)  Sustainable Water for an Area Corner of Ethiopia.

                Women and / of girls suffer atrocity gathering water.  Why is it always women and / or

        girls put at risk gathering water?  Cannot the men carry water on their supposedly strong

        backs?  Or is it that the men have been butchered?  Or are they afraid?  There are 200,000

        Somali refugees at the complex of refugee camps at Dolo Ado.  They continue to flock in

        fleeing the subhumanism / patriotism of the Somali civil war.


  b)  Community and Continuity in Arizona.

                IRC has helped resettle four-thousand (4,000) refugees in our country.  Iraqis who fled

       religious persecution in 2007 have settled in Arizona.  Let us pray they stay out of the

       murderous clutches of the patriotic subhuman sheriff Unholy Joe “Bloody Asshole” Arpaio.


Insert 8½-in. x 3½-in.  Typhoon Haiyan Strikes Philippines: The IRC Responds

                Despite Satan’s curse of patriotism, natural disasters seek to sandpaper us off the face of the Earth.  Hell Storm Haiyan has affected eleven-million-three-hundred-thousand (11,300,000) Human Beings.  Human Beings uprooted in over forty (40) countries need help.  Pakistan is among these and Haiti still recovers from the Monster Quake.  After several months, they quit finding people alive in the rubble of Haiti.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



?.  (CA) BT**.  680 AM WCBM.  (Date might not be correct).  A woman caller, as a first grader on her first day in a Catholic school that practiced inquisitional methods (we have all heard the horror stories emanating from those Hellholes), an innocent little girl, she was abused by a depraved and savage nun.


0903.  At Corporate Corners a dirty white pickup plate # 58S 378 pulled from Farm Fresh blocking two lanes, a gray car plate # EAW 595 pulled from Wawa and blocked the other two lanes, and an off-gray car plate #408 482 ripped from Wawa behind us, did not slow honking his horn before tearing around us.  Why do not the laws of the filthy slave state apply at Farm Fresh and Wawa convenience stores?


  MAIL #19,951.  The Carter Foundation, One Copenhill, 453 Freedom Parkway, Atlanta, Georgia 30307.  Four page cover letter.


p. 1.  I/O (A) & (F) I/O (A).  For every Great Spirit damned subhuman orphan maker killed in war, nine civilians are murdered from bullets, bombs, landmines, and deliberate privation of food and medical attention.  Military cowards call this fear, heartrending grief, terror, and horror they cause to innocent and defenseless Human Beings  collateral damage, ladies and gentlemen, collateral damage.


p. 2.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  Reference to the depraved and cowardly dictatorships in Nigeria and Indonesia.

  2.  (F) I/O (A).  The debased patriotism of Uganda and Sudan alluded to.

  3.  (F) I/O (A).  For long years warring subhumans in Guinea forbade treatment of the nauseating

       Guinea worm disease, an Alien-type parasitic worm that grows up to three-feet long in the

       Human body


p. 4.  The World Health Organization estimates that eighteen million (18,000,000) Human Beings are infected with river blindness, and  one-hundred-twenty-three million (123,000,000) are at risk.  In some communities 15 percent of the population is blind, and up to 40 percent of adults are visually impaired. 


The sooner you figure out that looks can only get

you so far in life, the uglier you probably are.

                                                                                                                              —Alfred E. Neuman.


1248.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/parents-shocked-when-graphic-sex-scene-plays-instead-disney-movie-florida-theater}.  Hot Galleries on Opposing Views” @ “20 Hottest Celebrity Selfies” or {http://www.opposingviews.com/i/gallery/entertainment/20-hottest-celebrity-selfies?=popup}.  A filthy misshapen longhaired brunette barnyard beast, aka an animal named Maria Menounos airs itself poolside 94.0301% naked.  Its gigantic and fully naked shit-biter slab and cheek reeks of pollution, festering in our innocent and unsuspecting faces, and it delivers a slap to the face of the Great Spirit.  Image filed.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News.

p. 15.  Drone warfare half-truths by Faheem Younus.

  1.  I/O (A).  For every suspected militant killed by a cowardly drone strike, fifty (50) innocent civilians from families are murdered.  Yet two out of three fat pampered ignorant and arrogant Americans support drone strikes, the operators of which, who never leave the States, demand medals for bravery.  Military cowards call this fear, heartrending grief, terror, and horror they cause to innocent and defenseless Human Beings collateral damage, ladies and gentlemen, collateral damage.  American military subhumans have caused 4.9 million (490,000,000) instances of collateral damage in Afghanistan alone.  Four-point-nine million innocent defenseless Human Beings murdered by the cowardly lying American military.


  2.  I/O (A).  Some families of Human Beings murdered by the cowardly all-American drone strikes recently sought justice before the Cluster Fuck.  Most of the rich politician / degenerates with their Obama-exempt Cadillac healthcare plans did not show up, those that did stonewalled, sitting silent like the turds in files and columns that they are.


  3.  (F) I/O (A).  The rich trash that runs Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, its asshole-licking party, and the government approves of the butchery of the drone strikes.  Also it and its -licks approve of the atrocification done to thousands of innocent and defenseless Human Beings by those quaky queers  the Pakistani army, while supposedly fighting the wily Taliban.

  4.   (F) I/O (A).  Pretty boy named Imran Khan that runs Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province where most drone atrocities occur, while supposedly fighting the wily Taliban, approves of the drone strikes.


0737.  (F) I/O (A) & I/O (A) INTERNET.  {http://www.wcbm.com/}.  Backed by Brother Obama the Messiah in the White House, Syrian rebel subhumans are using defenseless nuns for shields.  Part of Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama’s continuing atrocifying of the people of Syria. 


0739.  I/O BT** MURDER / BRUTALITY.  Depraved black savages have a new fad it’s called the “Knockout Game”.  It’s played like this, these cowardly depraved black savages gang up (ever notice how they are always in gangs) gang up on old white people who can barely walk and innocent white children and beat them unconscious.  This violent racism is filmed by another black subhuman and posted on Facebook hip-hop sites LiveLeak and World Star HipHop for other niggers to admire.




                Hundreds of innocent white people have been viciously beaten in these unwarranted savage nigger attacks.  Four innocent and defenseless white people have been murdered by these nigger savages, and many have been crippled for life.  Unchained niggers have been terrorizing the Hasidic Hebrews of Brooklyn, New York.  In the Annapolis Mall (Maryland) on Friday two depraved black female savages pummeled a small defenseless white girl, kicked her in the head, a legal move in the Knockout Game, scores three points, and left her lying.  (If a depraved black savage breaks or bends an old person’s cane over her head it scores five points.)  The cowards and queers on the Annapolis pig force, and on the pink-pantied pig forces around the nation are, of course, cowards.  The pudgy pantywaist pigs with soft hands are afraid to do anything about it.  Arm up!  Cops can only murder defenseless people it seems.  Although video cameras are everywhere in the Annapolis Mall, in case something horrible happens like someone lifting a ballpoint pen or something like that— the bluecoat pigs of Annapolis say no video was recorded.


                Why does not Facebook remove sites like LiveLeak and World Star HipHop?  If someone says something truthful and innocent like “Obama sucks dog dicks”, or criticizes that non-citizen traitorous commie motherfucker for Benghazi, Facebook will remove the site.  Recall what those rich kocksuckers of Facebook have already done.  Here savage niggers are being incited to violence against defenseless old and young white people, their betters, and the white capitalist subhumans that own and run Facebook do not even peep.  Can’t the victims and / or their families sue capitalistic Facebook?  Oh!  OH!!  Here you go.  The site will come down now.  Lookie here. 


Video: Teen Playing The Knockout Game For Facebook Likes Gets ...


Nov 21, 2013             

Latest Updated Videos ... Teen Playing The Knockout Game For Facebook Likes Gets Shot Twice By Victim ...


                Hallelujah!!!  Oops!  That wasn’t supposed to have happened.  Niggy getty shot-shot.  Site’ll come down now.  Deys goan blow all dem niggas away.  Somebody quick!  Run and tell the white capitalist subhumans that own and run Facebook and see what they do.

                Note at the top of file.

                Arm up!  Fool!


1359.  NL.  {http://nation.foxnews.com/2013/12/05/outrageous-councilwoman-elect-blames-knockout-game-fear-jews}.  Councilwoman-elect Laurie Cumbo, a rich black bitch of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY blames Knockout Game on the old Hebrews who are being left beaten unconscious by savage nigger degenerates.


1454.  I/O BT**.  {http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/nsa-tracking-cell phone-locations-worldwide-snowden-documents-show/2013/12/04/5492873a-5cf2-11e3-bc56-c6ca94801fac_print.html}.  The nazi-commies of the National Security Agency, whores and queers, are gathering nearly five billion (5,000,000,000) cell phone calls daily.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-12-6.  MAIL #19,603.  Doctors Without Borders, Medecins Sans Frontieres, 333 Seventh Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10001.


  Cover letter.

p. 1.  (F) I/O (A)*.  Here is a photograph labeled: “LIBYA 2011 (c) Eymeric Laurent-Gascoin / MSF”.  A little girl about two-years old sleeps in a doctor’s arms.  The little tyke is missing her right-hand.


  Insert 8½-in. x 9.3187-in.  It Takes You to Help Us Save Lives.

p. 2.  (F) I/O (A)*.  A photograph titled Democratic Republic of Congo labeled DRC 2009 Brigitte Breuillac / MSF, shows a woman learning to walk on crutches.  The photograph is hazy, but the poor thing may be missing a foot.

*We are perfectly aware that what one Human Being suffers is not an atrocity, unless it happens to be you.  These photographs refer to the overall atrocity or patrioticy (pacification, patronization, atrocification, subhumanism) occurring.  Besides, we do not agree with those egg-headed and beaked international war crimes legal eagles.  What one person suffers can be an atrocity, especially if that person is young.


  Reverse of Rand McNally World Map, 25½-in. x 16⅞-in.

  1.  (F) I/O (A).  Syria.  Doctors Without Borders have treated over fifty-five-thousand (55,000)

       Human Beings and conducted over two-thousand-eight-hundred (2,800) surgeries, mostly on

       Human Beings wounded by tank shelling, bombings, and gunshots.  They help both those

       within Syria and those that have fled to Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.


  2.  (F) I/O (A).  Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).  Patriotism rages in the DRC.  Patriotism

       continues daily, as alliances shift between rival bands of patriotic subhumans and bandits all of

       which that raid, steal, murder, rape and commit all manner of sexual violence in true patriotic



  3.  (F) I/O (A).  South Sudan.  One-hundred-seventy-thousand (170,000) Human Beings fled the

       patriotic subhumanism in South Sudan to flooded, crowded, pestilential refugee camps in

       South Sudan.  Malnutrition threatens the lives of innocent terrified children struggling to

       survive after walking weeks without food or water.


  4.  I/O (A) & (F) I/O (A).  Afghanistan.  Decades of conflict have left Afghanistan with maternal

        and child mortality rates among the highest in the world.  You yourself America, you the

        Naked Butcher Whore, have accounted for the murders, by every fell, foul, filthy patriotic

        means possible, of four-million-nine-hundred-thousand (4,900,000) Human Beings, almost

        every single one of them innocent and defenseless.


  Insert 8½-in. x 13¾-in., Taking Action Saving Lives labeled 13-P-IN-WM03.

                Compassionate and courageous, people like Doctors Without Borders, Medecins Sans Frontieres, are not afraid of little children and babies so they do not butcher them they help them.  These saints and sainettes help little children and other innocents that flag-waving subhuman patriots have gotten their hands on.  One of these noble Human Beings is an infinitely superior being to all the patriots that ever slithered forth on this blood, shit, and scum coated rock called a planet.  All the bad-assed soldier patriots and the rich that own them are not equal to one of their turds.

Stats for 2012


                                                      Outpatient Care: 8,316,000

                                                         Inpatient Care: 472,900

                                                                     Malaria: 1,642,800

                      Children Treated for Malnutrition: 347,800

                                            HIV/AIDS Treatment: 284,270

                                          Prenatal Consultations: 784,500

                           Deliveries & Cesarean Sections: 185,400

                                                         Major Surgery: 78,500

                                                      Violent Trauma: 36,400

                                                      Sexual Violence: 10,600

                              Mental Health Consultations: 169,600

                                                           Tuberculosis: 30,780

                                                                    Cholera: 57,400

                                                                    Measles: 716,900

                                                               Meningitis: 499,430

                    Gallons of Clean Water Distributed: 52,041,900


Those who walk in other’s tracks leave no footprints.

— Profound! Chinese Fortune Cookie.


1404.  (CA) BT** INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Brand#Early_life}.  Comedian / actor Russell Brand was sexually abused by a tutor as a child.  Note at the top of file.


1437.  {http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/12/05/former-secret-service-agent-warns-of-a-very-very-dangerous-development-in-america/}.


Liberty’s a zero sum game . . .  It can’t belong to you and the government at the same time.

—Dan Bongino former Secret Service agent.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News p. 2. Rawlings-Blake wants West autopsy report by Luke Broadwater.  Reference 2013-11-16, The Baltimore Sun, ibid., News, p. 2.  Council members demand answers by Justin Fenton.  The wicked coroner of Baltimore City still has not turned over the medical examiners report on the body of an unarmed and defenseless man beaten to death at a traffic stop by Baltimore City bluecoat pigs July 18.  Nine crab-backs were suspended with lavish benefits during the probe.  So Her Honor Herself Mayor Rawlings-Blake has to beg for the report.  Isn’t it marvelous.  These medieval butchers most expeditiously chop up little babies with meat cleavers but it has been since July 18 when those subhuman pigs murdered that man and still no report.  The state medical examiner, a ghoulish coward that keeps its name hidden, was spoken for by a Bruce Goldfart.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1011.  I/O-I (T).  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7aczBdyFw0}.  Site automatically plays an annoying video ad for those losers @ Yahoo!.



  1.  I/O INTERNET.  {http://www.infowars.com/nfl-faces-national-protest/}.  The National Football League has banned a low-key and innocent ad supporting the Second Amendment.  The NFL has banned a low-key ad supporting the Second Amendment.  Also they ban ads for firearms and firearms related goods and services while actively promoting filthy depravity like kocksucking.  We are boycotting the NFL.  The NFL is a commie-cappie propaganda arm for the foulest government on Earth.  We shall quit watching the NFL and consume no more NFL endorsed products.  Spiritually, AIDS is smeared on NFL products.  That means to Hell with the Ravens.  When it comes to our freedom and their football, they are vulture vittles, buzzard bait, flat meat.  And that goes for the trash that owns and runs the NFL, and their fans are held in the utmost derision.  All football players are big stupid spoiled brats that do not know their assholes for holes in the ground.  Always want to be patted on the head by some rich freak and told that they are good boys, perfectly willing to sell their birthright for a bowl of porridge. 

                Rich pretty boy Bob Costas, an announcing plastic clone for NBC Sports, attacks our sacred Right to Bear Arms on the air.  What that has to do with sports eludes us.  Bet he could not get on the air and say, “The Afghanistan war has gone on long enough”.

                The Nation Football League has no morals.

  2.  I/O.  The federal government even gave the traitorous Ravens $130,000 of our money to shill that reprehensible Obamacare.


  3.  I/O.  Yahoo, Google, newspapers, and TV stations have banned gun shops, shooting ranges, gun related products and services from advertising.  Banks, which should be destroyed in some instances and in all instances be forced to pay interest on savings accounts and taxes, refuse to bank money for gun manufacturers and gun shops.

                The politicians and the rich that own them shit on everything that we love.  Goodbye gridiron.  See ya in Hell.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0935.  I/O-I.  {http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/30698/outlook-change-font-color-unread-emails/}.  Annoying and simpleminded videos automatically play.

1436.  I/O-I BT.  Dell Upgrade Discount popup.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ


1420.  I/O-I.  {http://www.firefold.com/35mm-adapter-25mm}; popup.

  I/O-I.  Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware places discrete popups in the upper right-hand corner.

                Thank you Malwarebytes, because of your efficient software we finally found and deleted a green folder icon labeled UpdateTask.  Whatever it was it was downloaded ‎5 June, 2013, ‏‎08:12:36, but for several months, it caused no problem.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0815.  {http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/12/british-man-arrested-computer-seized-for-making-nelson-mandela-jokes/}.

  (S) (T) INTERNET.  CU ½-n dugs of leering blackhead barnyard beast aired.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!

  I/O-I BT**.

  1.  Two full-page popups you pages cannot backarrow.

  2.  Popup blocked.

  3.  Unwanted information downloaded is.


1628.  I/O-I BT.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXUZ6K8C54Y}.  Instead of Michelle Malone singing Preacher’s Daughter, we received shit from the arseholes of capitalists, i.e. their mouths.  Once we they shat an ad for “TXR Talk Box,” whatever the Hell that useless crap is.  On the 12th, we got an ad for Amazon.com.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0816.  I/O BT** INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=6+Yr+Old+Boy+Kisses+Girl%

27s+Hand%2C+Charged+With+Harrassment&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.  Now idiotic intellectuals have suspended a 6-year-old Colorado boy from school and accused him of sexual harassment for kissing a girl on the hand.  Think of that poor little fellow.  He must be scared near death, but the liberal degenerates do not regard white males as having feelings.  There is no lower limit to the insanity of a liberal / degenerate.


1140.  I/O.  680 AM WCBM, Tom Marr.  ESPN refuses to carry ads or Public Service Announce ments that mention “God” or “Jesus”.  They turned down a PSA by a Catholic organization in which they offered to feed people.


1334.  I/O-I BT**.  {http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/12/british-man-arrested-computer-seized-for-mak       ing-nelson-mandela-jokes/}.  Site noted at 2013-12-11, 0815.  A popup {http://uptodatecontent.net/?n= ds&s=429&a=2} automatically plays a video: “15 ultra-filthy “no nonsense” fight ending moves”.


1336.  (F) I/O BT** INTERNET. {https://www.google.com/#q=British+Man+Arrested%2C+

Computer+Seized+For+Making+Nelson+Mandela+Jokes}.  The British pigs arrested a man, a sandwich shop owner, on September 10, 2013, for making harmless jokes about Nelson Mandela online.  The British pigs arrested him, booked him, locked him up for eight hours, forcibly took a DNA sample, and seized his computer for three weeks.  His jokes offended Liberal Democrat Councilor the rich kocksucker Tim Jones and the queer Tim Jones had him arrested.  Rich politician queers like Tim Jones enjoyed sucking Mandela’s dick.  Nelson Mandela was a subhuman commie war criminal, and, of course, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize along with many another rich and famous war criminal.  His wife Winnie “The Beast” Mandela was a subhuman piece of torturing murdering war criminal shit too.  They were terrorists and they tortured people to death.




                You would not know it by how American politicians and their asshole-lickers the media have acted.  The depraved creeps shed Several Pacific Oceans of crocodile tears.  There is not a dry crying towel in the land.  Motherfucker was a war criminal.

                Britain is not a free country.  What happened to free speech in Britain?  It went by way of Sharia law just like Ralph Ellis said.  Free speech is gone along with all semblance of Western civilization.  Here are the horrible, unspeakable, things the fellow said about that depraved nasty beast Nelson Mandela.

  1.  “My PC takes so long to shut down I’ve decided to call it Nelson Mandela”.

  2.  Another read: “Free Mandela – switch the power off”.

                And they ain’t even funny.  We have no respect for English manhood, or is Great Britain, or is it the United Kingdom, whatever.  We have no respect for the males of Whimpavania.

                The Simpsons Fourteenth Season, ‘Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky (#EABF11 / SI-1411) 30 Mar 2003.  Snobby English documentary filmmaker Declan Desmond after Bart becomes the facial recipient of a high-speed mud ball.  “‘And in a flash, Bart’s glory has gone the way of England’s masculinity’, chuckle.”


                Note at the top of file.


  (F) (A).  Against the wall those that committed the war crimes for the beast Nelson Mandela.

1507.  (S) INTERNET.  {http://www.collegeenvy.com/2013/04/16/turn-your-beer-bottles-into-glass-cups


  1.  BT**.  A leering longhaired blonde barnyard beast airs its completely naked shit-cutter, its shit-cutter slabs, and its huge -n pus-bags.  This is one of those coed sluts / whores we have all heard about.  They have no morals.



COLLEGE ENVY @CollegeENVY.  #Girls look better in NFL gear, it's just a known fact! ...”, i.e.,

{- http://www.collegeenvy.com/2013/12/12/girls-look-better-nfl-gear-just-known-fact/ … - #EyeCandy #Football pic.twitter.com/eiIdj3NyqS}”.

                Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Image filed.  Note at the top of file.


  2.  Three whores in one photo labeled “Girls.  click here to view the category”.

    Left: A longhaired blackhead barnyard whore wearing black horn-rimmed glasses airs in our innocent faces, and in the face of the Great Spirit, of its naked shit-bag sagging below its swimsuit and, of course, its shit-bag slabs.


  Center:  A sneering longhaired brunette barnyard beast airs in our innocent faces, and in the face of the Great Spirit, its pesthole-mound, slimy cunt-crack through cloth, its shit-valley slabs, and in CU its gigantic ½-n pus-jugs.  Its hand is on the naked shit-chopper of the animal on the left, and it has placed the fingers of its other hand on the reeking pussy of the animal on the right.


  Right: A sneering longhaired blackhead beast escaped from the barnyard in our innocent faces, and in the face of the Great Spirit airs its pussy-pucker, slimy pesthole-trench through cloth, its turd-pincher slabs, and in CU its gigantic -n barf-bladders.

                Bzzzzzz! Boing!³  Image filed.  Note at the top of file.


  3.  Check for other depraved whores airing their reeking bodies in public.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0716.  I/O-I.  {http://www.theonion.com/video/the-onion-reviews-the-hobbit-the-desolation-of-sma,34821/}.  Instead of a movie review, we got Ritz shits of cracker fame, some kind of a Ritz parade on the Web.


                I like thieves.  Some of my best friends are thieves.  Why, just last week we had the president of the bank over for dinner.  He was a little stringy, but we managed to get ‘im down with a gallon of rotgut.  —W.C. Fields.


  680 AM WCBM, Beans and Franks.

0852.  (CA) BT**.  Dan Bongino, former Secret Service agent, quoted above, told of a 6-foot 5-inch repeatedly punching his nine-year-old brother in the face on many occasions.  A 6-foot 5-inch Golden Glove boxing monster beating a innocent, defenseless, and terrorizes nine-year-old child in the face.  Note at the top of file.

0855.  (F) (CA) I/O (A).  In Belgium, the rich politicians passed a law stating that doctors can murder children as long as they have the parent’s consent.  That’s coming to America where the government already murders the old and /or infirm.


0942.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {http://www.theonion.com/}.  The Onion’s 2013 Holiday Gift Guide”.  Some filthy slut measures its naked bladders with a cloth tape measure, if you call those anemic little dried raisins breasts.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


1440.  I/O.  {https://www.google.com/#q=Lt.+Gov.+Anthony+G.+Brown+refuses+to+hand+

over+emails}.  Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown refuses to release documentation pertaining to his abysmal failure in launching the website for that Obamacare abomination on time.  The rich politician claims “Executive privilege”.  We saw nothing in The Baltimore Sun about this.


1751.  {http://www.enstarz.com/articles/30496/20131210/the-hobbit-2-the-desolation-of-smaug-reviews-ahead-release-date-sequel-trumps-the-first-trailer.htm}.

  1.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  Shit-crack of blonde beast on a beach; its filth regions sacked in

       thin white cloth.  Note at the top of file.

  2.  I/O-I.  At first no trailer for The Desolation of Smaug, a noisy ad video automatically plays.


1759.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T90Holdcrps}.  No trailer for the Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey just a different noisy ad video for our two visits.

  1.  (S) BT INTERNET & I/O-I.   In a clothing ad video, a blonde beast runs on a beach bouncy

       bouncy its ½-n barf-sacs in a red top.

  2.  I/O-I.  We only recall the words “. . . two teams will . . .”.  So you investigators get off the mark.


1802.  I/O-I.  {http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi1699192345/}.  A noisy ad video for Gillette Corporation disturbed us.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  World Explorer, Volume 6, Number 8, ibid., $8.95 USD, $9.95 Canada, 3 Jade Disks.


News Roundup § Chimp + Pig = Man.

p. 7.  (F) I/O.  Oxford University Press refused to publish a book that refuted much of the popular theory held by cracker crunching quackademia.  In a manner of speaking, we do not find it far fetched that pigs may figure in man’s ancestry, especially if you have known some of the people we have.


The Mystery of Bada Valley and the Plain of Jars by David Childress & Jennifer Bolm.

p. 27.  I/O BT**.  The megalithic Plain of Jars was a target of United States carpet-bombing during the Vietnam War Crime.  Between 1964 and 1973, the United States dropped more ordnance on Laos than it dropped during World War II.  An estimated eighty million (80,000,000) explosives failed to detonate.  This unimaginable amount of unexploded death is a problem for the people of Laos 40 years later.  With 25% percent of Xieng Khouang Province still contaminated with unexploded bombs and landmines, Laos is barred from developing the area for tourism, and getting UNESCO World Heritage status, some important shit.  How many Human Beings has this insane frantic panicky bombing murdered and maimed to date?  How many children?  Note at the top of file.


In the Shadow of an Obelisk by Christopher Dunn.

p. 39.

  1.  SCHO-OP.  One of the reasons kids cannot learn is that they know their instructors are liars.  Forced to believe these lies, young people turn off their minds.  A mind cannot function without truth.  Truth to the mind is like gasoline to an internal combustion engine.  The pap, swill, and hogwash presented over the media, channels such as Discovery Channel, PBS, and that entire little lily-livered liberal goody goody two-shoes nitwit network shit is responsible for this, but mostly the public school system, owned and run by depraved liberals, and the system of education in America, aka quackademia, again, owned and run by depraved liberals.  They do not posit copper chisels, stone pounders, and dolerite balls found in the area, laughably crude and primitive as they are, as a possible method of construction of the monumental megaliths (which they are not), but present them as proof of how the Ancient Ones of Egypt built the obelisks and massive statues.  We are supposed to believe they carved the Big Three of Giza with flint adzes.  Only an asshole would believe such obvious nonsense, ergo quackademia.  Isn’t it a scream?  One of the morons presenting this whitewash is quackasaur Egyptologist Mark Lehner in his pathetic attempt the Nova documentary aired on PBS called Secrets of Lost Empires: Obelisk. 


  2.  SCHO-OP.  Honest to Flag, Lehner believes the Ancients used these inadequate-in-the-extreme tools to incise the exquisitely delicate and precise carvings of hieroglyphics we find on obelisks and other artifacts— on stone so hard it is hard to scratch.  And he / they believe the Ancients used misshapen dolerite balls to cut mathematically precise obelisks tall as skyscrapers out of stone so hard it is hard to scratch.  The quackasaur tried to do this and failed miserably but, of course, one of the Anupadeshi, he ignorantly insists that the ancient ones used these crude and clumsy tools to do work we can’t do.  Marvelously clear thinking seeing’s how we are so far advanced here in the Space Age with our flying cars, two-helicopter garages, moving sidewalks because we are too sorry to walk, cures for cancer and acne, and unspeakable unending patriotic atrocities.  Ah! Nothin’ like a bowl of hot buttered popcorn, cold beer, and watchin’ the Atrocity Channel.  Hotcha!  The proof of the delicacy and precision of the work of the ancient ones is in the photos of this article.  You can see the truth! 


  3.  SCHO-OP.  Another quackasaur Egyptologist on Lehner’s team was a Denys Stocks who lies by omission.  Stocks omits from his report a complete engineering description of an original artifact, and clear photographic evidence of artifacts that he made in his childishly amusing attempt to fool us and prove his point.  In his unsophisticated book Experiments in Egyptian Archaeology, using those junky tools, he presented a barely adequate ankh he chiseled in soft limestone.  How could he then do machine-precise work on stone so hard it is hard to scratch?  He refused to describe fully the ancient Egyptian reliefs so that readers could compare his bumbling attempts with the elegant and precise work of the ancient masters.


p 44.  These ludicrous waddling anserine academic assholes actually believe that pounding with dolerite balls made these tool marks.


          Quackasaurs actually believe that the ancients bashed precise obelisks soaring up to 108.3 ft. in height and 9.84 ft. x 6.56 ft. at the base, and weighing 1,040,000 pounds, out of iron hard bedrock with dolerite balls.




          Think about cutting the precise square corners they find, what about the undercutting done from a space barely large enough to turn around in, and laying on your belly.  How ya gonna bash your balls in there quackasau. . .  Oh, that’s right.  I forgot.  You don’t have a MAN’S BALLS.  You have tenure.


   © Christopher Dunn


                By Christopher Dunn The Giza Power Plant, Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt.


0808.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=tool+marks+in+trench+of+the+Unfin


52Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTSUL16fVmfL_y0NDtDu0BP BxERyoHR7j-p6f27tNkKFzay1UNi%253B2496%253B1664%253BVUZhh3MrzteIPM%253Bhttp%25253A%25 252F%25252Fwww.grahamhancock.com%25252Fphorum%25252Fread.php%25253Ff%2525253D1%252525 26i%2525253D326623%25252526t%2525253D326623%25252526v%2525253Df&sa=X&ei=L0uwUuOD



865 7309f9980def9670bb01cc5%252Ftumblr_mvstljuGlF1s5qs0yo2_1280.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252

Fcul turenautique.tumblr.com%252Fpage%252F4%3B830%3B550}.  Barnyard beast in black airs its shit-ravine through cloth in our faces.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


0823.  I/O BT** & (CA) BT** INTERNET & (F) I/O BT** & (CA) BT** INTERNET.  {http://en.


                Nefarious: Merchant of Souls is a 2011 American documentary film about modern human trafficking, specifically sexual slavery.  . . .  The film presents human trafficking statistics and assertions from a variety of sources, prominently departments of the United States government and the United Nations.  These include that human trafficking is growing faster than any other criminal industry,[11] that the average age of those forced into prostitution in the U.S. is 13,[12] that the commercial sexual exploitation of children victimizes almost two million children globally,[13] that 80% of trafficked women and 50% of trafficked children are sexually exploited,[14] that 161 UN member states engage in human trafficking,[15] and that modern slavery has an annual revenue of US$32,000,000,000[16] — according to the film, higher than the annual revenues of Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, the National Football League and the National Hockey League combined.[2]  The film indicates that “trafficking is an exploitation of vulnerability” and expresses the need to “take away the stigma that [prostitutes] choose to be there”.[17] Kevin Bales of Free the Slaves is quoted as saying that there are 27 million slaves in the world.  The film ends with the assertion that only Jesus can free people from sexual slavery.[2]

                That filthy and depraved Thailand is likely behind most the kidnapping and enslaving children as sex slaves.  They even do it in this country we hear.

                Note at the top of file


0853.  I/O-I.  Popup from Dell trying to sell shit.

1118.  I/O.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=++bow+and+arrow++ten+year+old++suspend



                The liberal degenerates, bipedal trash, government agents, that own and run South Eastern Middle School-West in Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania, suspended 10-year-old boy from school for pretending to shoot his friend with an imaginary bow and arrow.   Many of POS America’s School Slaving Systems have a sort of zero tolerance for war criminals like this savage child, and the little pervert who kissed the little girl’s hand, and that mass-murdering little fellow who ate his pastry into a vaguely pistol shape and murdered a classmate with it.  Ohhh Flag!  Horrible! Horribly unspeakable war crimes!  Horrible! Horrible!  Most horrible.


1123.  I/O-I.  {http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/dec/11/10-year-old-pennsylvania-boy-suspen

ded-imitating-b/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS}.  A capitalist popup was blocked and the cackling cringers force one to copy unwanted info.


1201.  NL.  {https://www.google.com/#q=schoolteacher+was+accused+of+being+a+racist+be


“Extra! Extra! Read all about it.  Black kids can’t pass.  Sit on ass!  Extra! Extra!”

                Over to UCLA, approximately 25 nearly illiterate black “education” majors staged a sit-in after accusing their professor of racism because he had the unmitigated audacity to correct their nearly indecipherable their spelling and grammar.  In a veritable costermonger’s orange barrel, more like the inane babblings of winos that the intelligent essays of students at university.  They pissed their little reverse discrimination panties, got dere widdle diddle pink panties all in an uproar they did.  Wow.  Self-inflicted wedgies.  How appropriate.  Oh.  Had this sit-in been to end war or to help white people in some way the pigs would have come and hospitalized them.

1429.  NL.  {http://danfromsquirrelhill.wordpress.com/2013/11/25/spelling-and-grammar/}.

                Education majors have the lowest SAT scores of any college major.  K-12 education would be far better in this country if we abolished the “education” major.   People should have degrees in the subject that they are teaching.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



  PERIODICAL.  Mad, February 2014, Number 521, E.C. Publications Inc., 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.  ISSN 0024-9319.


p. 27.  The Mad 20: The Dumbest People, Events & Things of 2013.

  1.  (S) BT**.  No. 3.  Weiner and Spitzer Attempt a Comeback: All Politics is Loco.  Anthony Weiner, a rich politician, ran for Mayor of mighty New York City, yea even say, mighty Gotham City.  This ignorant, arrogant, self-deluded, pervert enjoys sending photos of its Viennie wiennie to strangers.  Note at the top of file.

  2.  I/O BT**.  Eliot Spitzer, a rich politician ran for Comptroller of mighty New York City, yea even say, mighty Gotham City.  The boy was 54th Governor of New York from January 2007 until its resignation on March 17, 2008, which occurred in the aftermath of a prostitution scandal.  As Governor, this ignorant, arrogant, self-deluded, pervert spent $80,000 of the people’s money on whores and it sees itself fit to manage New York City’s seventy-billion dollar ($70,000,000,000) budget.


pp. 28-29.  (S) BT**.  No. 4.  Miley Cyrus Appears on the VMAS: Twerking Girl.  Two-page spread airing an artistically altered photograph of Miley Silage that in extreme CU in our faces and the face of the Great Spirit airs its shit-chopper slit and lower cheeks.  Its tongue is protruding like an armadillo’s lying in a Texas highway, a handy place to wipe your asshole after a sloppy shit.  We have seen road kill, honest to god road kill with more sex appeal than Miley (get it?) Silage.  Muvvafuckin road kill, man.  Muvvafuckin road kill.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.


p. 33.  I/O (A).  No. 8.  Obama’s Drone Policy: Innocents Lost.  Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama, a war criminal, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.  This POS uses cowardly unmanned drones to drop bombs on innocent families in an attempt to kill suspected terrorists, would be terrorists, and the suspected Facebook friends of either [even if they were american citizens].  (Keep in mind, they call these people MAD.)  “Here’s the question: Is this a well-thought-out, productive use of our multi-trillion dollar military arsenal or are we just creating future generations of terrorists, would-be terrorists or Facebook friends of either?  One thing’s for sure: if President Bush had signed off on this, Michael Moore would have already completed an Academy Award-winning documentary about it.”  He would’ve been on it like stink on shit.  Good!  He should be on it like stink on shit!  However, Michael Moore is politically aligned, therefore he is a propagandist.


p. 34.  No. 9.  George Zimmerman: Trial and Errors.

  1.  This psychopathic patriot is the “self-appointed neighborhood watchman” that severely beat and then murdered with its pistol an unarmed and defenseless black teenage boy in a hoodie.  A jury of almost all white women, sluts and whores, found it innocent.

p. 35.  I/O.  2.  In addition to other crimes this certifiable thug has committed, and this correspondent has reported, the George Zimmerman beast got into a fight with its wife [likely punched her in the face], threatened her father with a gun, then smashed her iPad to destroy the video she took of him.

George Zimmerman Other Encounters with Police


                “She said, in a subsequent interview on the Today show, “In hindsight I should’ve [pressed charges], and I really regret that, but I'm on probation and the officers made it very clear that day if I pressed charges we were all going to go to jail and I would’ve been the only one to stay there”.  Why?  What the Hell did she do?  She was attacked.  In this POS country this is called justice, justice, ladies and gentlemen, you call this justice.  Justice?  You call this justice?  This si not justice.


p. 36.  No. 10.  Dennis Rodman, Our North Korean Ambassador: a Game of One on Un

  1.  (F) I/O BT** MURDER.  The Rich Supreme Leader, President for Life and Grand Exalted Tea-bagger of North Korea, the plump punk and peripatetic pricksucker, patriotic psychopath Kim Jong-un, whose best time on the throne is in the outhouse, murdered its best girlfriend.

  2.  I/O (A).  The depraved subhuman, but patriot’s dream Kim Jong-un, has the tongues of dissident children cut out and it uses them for fish bait.  Obviously, there is no manhood in North Korea.  Think of that brave patriot that actually cuts out the little children’s tongues.  The patriots in this country want that kind of patriotism, especially the rich conservative patriots you hear on capitalist radio.  They lust for that kind of obedience to Flag.  We are to kneel before Zod.


File:The statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill in Pyongyang (april 2012).jpg


This subhuman’s people are starving, and guess what it squanders

their money on— two humongous statues of King Kong’s asshole.



p. 38.  I/O.  No. 12.  The CBS Time / Warner Cable Dispute, A Greed Tragedy.  Time / Warner has dropped CBS because of some corporate greed shit, with nary a care for its customers who consume CBS product.  Corporations do not even consider We the People as important as dingleberries.  To corporations We the People do not even have the dignity of dingleberries.


p. 42.  I/O BT**.  No. 16. The Leaking of Classified Documents: Traitor Shmoes.  The BFGs, punks in uniforms, held Bradley Manning naked in a cell 24/7 for eleven months.  This is barbaric.  There is no excuse for this.  This is just plain patriotism.  You can never, ever let a piece of military shit do anything that it wants for any reason.  Soldiers hate Freedom  and hate people who love Freedom because they have none themselves but lack to balls to do anything about it.  They are punks. Manning is a hero.  Manning is a heroine.  It is statue time, patriots, statue time.  Note at the top of file.


p.56.  (S) BT**.  Our Daily Dread Dept., Birthday Selfie: Kim Kardnashian Birthday Selfie.  A fat-assed longhaired barnyard blonde, an animal reeking of the family that shat it forth, airs its Brobdingnagian shit-sack ¾-n in our innocent faces, and the face of the Great Spirit.  Mad should hang its once lovable head in shame, beginning in the days when the commie-nazi Comics Code Authority or whatever the fuck got after em, i.e., ET Comics.  Yea even say, those in-your-face motherfuckers.  The rest of this pig’s filthy fetid Brobdingnagian shit-cutter, humongous ol’ thang I hope you never do have to see, is covered with sheer white fabric so thin that the remainder of its shit-gorge is naked as well.  The paint job from Hell.  A party hat sits atop this barrel of fetid flesh.  And yea even say, over unto behold! Stuck up its shitty asshole is an erected party whistle, stiffer’n a Playboys dick could ne’r be, as if its shitty arsehole is blowing the party whistle of incandescent sex, giving the old saw “Blow it out your ass”, a whole new modern mature sophisticated and adult meaning by golly!

                “Yea howdy”.

                Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

                This really laughably misshapen freak, more manatee than Human, oughta be in a Barnum & Bailey Circus sideshow, or a centerfold in a Ripley’s Believe It or Not paperback, airs its barf-bladders ½-n naked from the side.  Yea behold!  This thing about accessorized assholes, aka anus accessories, shall become all the rage in Paris just as we predicted.  Cf. 38 Psywar, 2009-11-22 to 2010-4-28, In Quest of Lost Worlds, 1937 Count Byron de Prorok, p. 236.


1112.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fxbx0-O8kY&feature=youtu.be***}.  Bohemian Rhapsody - Daryl Kellie.  Banner ad along the bottom.


(F) I/O BT** MURDER MAIL #19,612.  International Rescue Committee, ibid.

  Cover letter, p. 1.  A Human Being fled subhuman and laughably homosexual Croatian rebels and their asshole-lickers that freely murder Human Beings in creepazoid Croatia.

  Personal letter from the intended victim, p. 1.  His name was on the death list of the laughably homosexual Croatian rebel subhumans because he worked with the IRC and helped keep supplies intended for Human Beings out of the hands of rebel scum.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0723.  PB (T).  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Zimmerman#Other_encounters_with_

police}.  In 2011, a white Sanford, Florida, pig viciously beat a black homeless man.


                This is where it all goes when the government and those that own one and run it flush their toilets.  —Mabel Arrington Tripp.


1105.  AUTO.  At Corporate Corners, white SUV #7AN0986 pulled out from Wawa and stopped partially blocking the right-hand lane.


1958.  I/O-I.

  1.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0Rgwqa3c0o}.  No Battle without Honor or Humanity by

       Maestro Tomoyasu Hotei from the Tarantino movie Kill Bill, aired instead was an ad video,

       “93% of women fat talk”.  Later, the music played with a still from the movie, but over that an 

       ad for a new Disney movie Saving Mr. Banks.

  2.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnOR9hnHWu4}.  Ad video for North Face Thermoball outdoor


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-12-20, 1427.  (S) BT* INTERNET.  {http://web.mail.comcast.net/zimbra/mail?app=mail#1}.  Ad: “Select Age to View Singles in Your Area . . .  match.com”.  A fresh bevy of at least six leering sluts airing up to -n pus-jugs affronts decent folk.  They seem to use these sluts up fast.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-12-21.  (F) I/O (A) MAIL #19,615.  Human Rights Watch, ibid.

Five-folded insert.

p. 3.

  1. Photograph of a child missing a foot and otherwise bandaged.

  2. Photograph of a child with her head heavily bandaged and her face badly pockmarked with


ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



1149.  I/O-I.  {http://www.fahrneyspens.com/Item--i-134221?SRC=WGOOGLKW0506GOOG&utm_sou

rce=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PLA&gclid=COX6sZjqy7sCFSbNOgod3kYAlw}.  Popup. 

1717.  (S) BT** INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/#q=funkytown+cd+image}.   CD cover: Funky Town.  Aired are several images of a CD with the same title, two similar, one different, of the same black slut with voluminous brown hair airing its shit-chopper slab and cheek in our innocent faces.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ

2013-12-28, 0856.  I/O BT** INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/#q=federal+judge+says+

nsa+scrutiny+legal}.  A fat rich federal judge, a punk that never worked a day in its pampered life, ruled that the NSA’s nazi-commie recording of all phone calls is hunky-dory.  What did they expect?  The rich judge ruled that what those moral degenerates are doing is legal.  Of course it is.  Everything is legal when a government has no morals.  The filthy beggars at NSA should only record the phone calls of suspected terrorists.  What we have is situational government.  It is situational ethics on a governmental level.  We once had a body of laws called the Constitution of the United States of America and Bill of Right, not that it ever meant much to the capitalist.  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0940.  INTERNET.  {http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/brown-students-shout-commish-kelly-talk-article-1.1500618}.

1.  (S) BT**.  Ad: “Top 30 hottest beach bodies of 2013We think it's safe to say this was one of the hottest years yet.  Don't believe us? Just take a look back at the top 30 best beach bods of Candice Swanepoel”.  Two images of the filthy blonde whore Candice Swanepoel are aired.  From a whorish family, on a public beach the cuntmonkey Candice Swanepoel airs its ½-n shit-smeared crap-pincher and its crap-crack through red gauze.  Its pesthole mound is discerned, and its barf-bags are half-naked.  Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Image filed.  Note at the top of file.

2.  I/O-I.  The nasty New York Daily News forces one to download unwanted data.


2000-2200.  I/O BT**.  680 AM WCBM.  21st Century Radio.  Thomas Carey, coauthor of

Inside the Real Area 51: The Secret History of Wright Patterson with Donald Schmitt and Tracy Torme, was guest.

1.  I/O BT**.  This is a brand new one to us.  We gotta get that book.  President Bill “Wet Cigar” Clinton signed a law killing suits by Human Beings wronged by the criminals that perpetuated Project Blue Book.  Note at the top of file.


2.  The authors put forth that during scientific experimentation like countless millions of us one of the aliens was murdered.  We are not listing it as a murder, not because it came from another planet but because it may have been manufactured right here.  The aliens are described as grayish between 3½-ft. to 4-ft. tall.  They had holes for nostrils and ears.  Standard.  They related the mouth was small and went nowhere and there was no stomach.  We tell you the aliens had no teeth, which is reasonable since the mouth was a dead-end orifice.  The aliens could not talk and Mr. Carey did not mention that the “creatures” breathed but maybe they did.  We doubt it.  We tell you that they did not wear clothes and they had no genitals.  These were machines.  No cooking al dente with these chaps.  These were, in ancient Hebrew, Golim, artificial people.  When you come across the standard bubble-headed bug-eyed motherfucker and it is naked and has no genitals, it does not talk and does not breathe that is a machine.  If you come across the standard bubble-headed bug-eyed motherfucker (gray, green, blue, no matter) and it wears clothes, speaks, breathes, and has a set of chops that is a person.  We here have concluded that the Elohim built some of their craft to last ten-thousand years and piloted them with Golim.  When the ten-thousand years was over, they crashed.  A lot more of them have gone down than is known.  Their purpose we have not fathomed.


3.  I/O BT**.  When we get power, we will likely begin with wholesome judicial executions of many that were and that are in control of the military’s / government’s UFO effort.  Then! we can begin.  Redacted documents shall be forbidden.  There will sometimes be savage retribution for redacted documents.  Redacted documents will likely cease to exist.  If two- to three-hundred-thousand (300,000) or vastly more spies, CIA, NSA, FBI, military types, DHS, IRS, FEMA, BAFT, USFS, SS, pigs, TSA, etc.,  types are executed or spend the rest of their lives in federal reeducation camps and / or lose their unimaginable federal benefits and / or lose their savings good!  It could not be better.  That is what you want.  If you consider yourself a patriot, you want that.  That is watering the Tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants and their asshole-lickers.  The Devil’s Damned to be slammed.  Hotcha!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0806.  (S) BT** INTERNET.

1.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=Aveli&ie=utf- 8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls =org.mozilla:en-US:official& client=firefox-a}.  Searching for a poet named Aveli, we were assailed by five images of a subhuman longhaired blonde whore named Vändra Aveli, from the whoring Aveli family.  In four of the phlicks, the cuntmonkey is naked in red G-string.  In these, it airs its pesthole flesh, pesthole mound, shit-splitter slabs, sagging cheeks, shit-splitter slit and nearly naked udders in public.  In a fourth phlick, it presses its naked pus-udders against a rattan wainscoting while cocking up its massive shit-bag, grinding its shitty holes into the face of the Great Spirit and Man.  Image filed.

2.  @ {https://www.google.com/search?q=Aveli&client=firefox-a&hs=yz1&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&

tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=dVrmJWhkGMPi2M%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2. gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcT7gzcvmkIpIsDjZCLoitkmu2Lu6P-UN-Nmdl-f7cPBYP7KlVMa%253B420%253B557%253BI4fv-Cdwc2aZaM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fpub

lik.delfi.ee%25252Fnews%25252Finimesed%25252Fvandra-aveli-sulges-ema-suu.d%25253Fid%2525253D 19708139&sa=X&ei=TZ_BUqinG_HmsATUsYGYDQ&ved=0CEoQ9QEwBw&biw=1200&bih=611&dpr=1.2

#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=dVrmJWhkGMPi2M%3A%3BI4fv-Cdwc2aZaM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fg4. nh.ee%252Fimages%252Fpix%252Ffile19695190_d5c5148b181c878f6d.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F

publik.delfi.ee%252Fnews%252Finimesed%252Fvandra-aveli-sulges-ema-suu.d%253Fid%253D19708139%3 B420%3B557} there are many phlicks of this filthy animal. 

                Bzzzzzz! Boing!  Note at the top of file.

ΩΑ unto ΑΩ



0951.  (CA) BT** INTERNET.  {https://www.google.com/search?q=december+2013+Catholic


                A three-judge panel of the Pennsylvania Superior Court reversed the conviction of Msgr. William Lynn Dec. 26.  The former secretary for clergy of the archdiocese was convicted on one count of endangering the welfare of a child in June 2012.  A calculating pervert, it for decades endangered hundreds of innocent children by transferring depraved sexual child-abusing priests, its brother monsters, to fresh pastures of innocent little lambs instead of summoning the proper authorities.  Reversal and acquittal is the standard operating procedure for these sexual child-abusing subhumans.  Check it out.  Those subhuman pieces of black-robed shit on the Pennsylvania Superior Court are not fit to sit.  They should be stripped.  It is the good old boys club.  They all wear black.  Only a slack-jawed faggot would send his / her child to a Catholic school, or under any circumstances put their innocent defenseless little children into the polluted hands of a Catholic priest and / or nun.                         

                Those mealy-mouthed rich queers in the Catholic hierarchy are placating the parents with platitudes.  Yea, over unto say, piously wringing their hands shittin’ out’n their mouth holes that they hope the families of the savaged kids can adjust, after all, life isn’t always fair; nobody ever promised you a rose garden; you can’t always get what you want; children, it’s a sign of strength to accept what you cannot change don’t you know that it’s a sign of strength to accept what you cannot change; even those that have had the cocks of priests’ rammed in their mouths and / or anuses and / or vaginas bounce right back.  All involved including the three rich black-robed pedophile POS judges, and all similar cases, the Devil’s Damned, against the wall when the Revolution comes. Note at the top of file.


{https://www.google.com/search?q=december+2013+Catholic+bishop+endangered+children+not+guilty+jury+&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls =org. mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a}.


1500.  I/O-I.  {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnOR9hnHWu4}.  No Guitar God Hotei Tomoyasu but a very annoying Sears mattress ad featuring some moral-less slut.


In the game of life, nothing is less important than the score at half time.

                                                                                                                                —Mason Cooley.


                                                                       The excellent subhuman William J. Lynn, a true believer.




Old Time Radio Dept.


                The first of twelve Hello Americans series was broadcast 1942-11-15.  Hosted by Orson Welles Hello Americans, this World War II propaganda aimed to engender a better understanding among the peoples of the Western Hemisphere.  Presented by CBS, by dramatic license, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was the first stop.  The super-duper extra special guest star on the first installment was Carmen Miranda.  Carman Miranda was our first flame.  She wore a fruit basket on her head.  She had the guts to be herself.


Elapsed 22:05.

Explorer: I’m an explorer.  Been at it forty years.  . . .  Take it from me, there’s nothing like the Brazilian jungle.  It’s so thick you can’t get in, and when you get in you can’t get out.  . . .


Brazilian businessman: . . .  Huge areas are impassable now and others are unexplored which means simply that Brazil today is a large great frontier.  Someday though, the jungle like other frontiers will be pushed back.


Orson Welles: Do you agree Mr. Explorer?


Explorer: It’ll take a dang big push.


Naturalist: It’s plain to happen no doubt of it.  That’s why we naturalist have been busy collecting specimens and making notes before it gets too late.  . . .  Charles Darwin put it this way.  ‘The Brazilian scenery’, he said ‘is nothing more or less than a view of the Arabian Nights with the added advantage of reality’”.  . . .  It’s very accurate.  You can take an hour’s walk around the city of Belém, for instance, and get about 500 different kinds of butterflies, and then there are the flowers, the insects, the animals, all in unbelievable profusion: monkeys, vampire bats, hummingbirds, jaguars, stingrays, crocodiles, giant snakes, parrots.  . . .


Honeymooning bride: . . .  “Maybe there won’t be anymore [parrots] when there’s no jungle.  . . .


Explorer: Hey, you oughta see that jungle.


Honeymooning Architect: I’m going to.


Writer: Yeah, too bad it’s going to be done away with.


Mining engineer: They’ll have to chart it first.  Most of it’s never been seen.


Explorer: That’s going to take some little while.


Brazilian businessman: It will be done.


Mining engineer: What’s going to happen to you gun and camera boys when there’s nothing left to explore, and without a good jungle in the world what are the adventure writers going to do?”  . . .


Writer: An explanation follows about a “drop of Brazilian blood”.  He explains about the diverse nationalities that contributed to the Brazilian population.  One thing about it though, among all the nationalities mentioned, there was no mention of the indigenous people.  . . .


Orson Welles: It occurs to me that since men in the world have to live with one another, and get along somehow, they might learn a great deal about tolerance and decency from the Brazilians.  . . .

                BWAAAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha. . . tee hee, sniff sniff, giggle snort hoot.

  (F) I/O INTERNET.  {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazil#Government_and_politics}.  “For days, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in several cities to protest.[136] Initially a movement against the increase in public transport fares, it assumed gigantic proportions, sparked by the excessive use of force by the state polices, turning into a series of huge demonstrations by groups and individuals”.

                Notwithstanding the fact that the bluecoat pigs in those countries hunt down defenseless children like rats and murder them carving notched on the handles of their pistols their substitutes for cocks.

                Non de numb, listen: {https://archive.org/details/otr_helloamericanswithorsonwelles}.





BOOK.  Startup: A Silicon Valley Adventure © 1994 Jerry Kaplan, Houghton Mifflin Company, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.  ISBN 0-395-71133-9.


Chapter 7, The Partner

p. 141.  I/O.  The community of Westchester, New York, shunned Jewish families.


Chapter 9, The War

p. 177.  I/O BT**.  Micro$hit, the cringing scurvy knaves @ Micro$hit, steal intellectual property, and even the FTC has trouble finding people to speak against Micro$hit because of their fear of Mighty Micro$hit.

pp. 177-178.  I/O BT**.  Rich lawyers designed corporate law to protect large companies.  Only the mega rich can afford to fight an evil corporation like Micro$hit.  Note at the top of file.


pp. 179-180.  I/O BT**.  Micro$hit, the cringing scurvy knaves @ Micro$hit, worked it out so that if someone licensed PenPoint OS and ran it on a computer with an Intel chip, they had to pay Micro$hit a 100% “tax” which doubled the cost of PenPoint to several hundred dollars, twice as much as competitive products.  Note at the top of file.


p9. 186-187.  I/O BT**.  Because PenPoint was doing well, far better than Micro$hit’s competitive product Pen Windows, which the cringing scurvy knaves @ Micro$hit stole from PenPoint, the cringing scurvy knaves @ Micro$hit forced NCR Corporation (NCR was sold on PenPoint) to write a press release mentioning PenPoint only briefly and unfavorably on page two.


p. 190.  I/O BT**.  Micro$hit forced Phoenix Technologies to obfuscate and make insipid the announcement of a major deal with PenPoint.


p. 191.  I/O BT**.  Micro$hit withdrew support for Phoenix’s dual-boot BIOS at the last moment, minutes before they would announce it, after weeks of setting up the venue and briefing customers, at great expense.  It seems likely Micro$hit conducted itself in this manner in order to cause maximum damage to Phoenix.


p. 193.  I/O.  Slate Corporation betrayed PenPoint by using their software to run Pen Windows.


Chapter 11, The Switch

pp. 223-224.  I/O BT**.  PenPoint was close to signing with SystemSoft to write some code for them.  However, SystemSoft backed out because Micro$hit threatened to sue them it they worked with PenPoint.  Note at the top of file.


Chapter 13, The Reversal

pp. 253-254.  I/O BT**.  For months PenPoint’s sales people labored to educate Compaq Computer Corporation’s executives on their product and the market bidding against Micro$hit for the job.  A formal proposal and presentation made to Compaq’s senior officials, it looked like they had the deal clinched.  Suddenly their phone calls were not returned.  In the Anals of Business it is hinted darkly that that rat Bill Gates himself queered the deal by (all the while suspiciously glinting) offering Compaq lucrative advantages, if they got the pen project as well.  Compaq had no choice but to agree protect their business.


                Images of the PenPoint tablet pen computer by GO Corporation:



                Commentary:  Gary Downing on GO & PenPoint (10MB MP3) beginning at 13:29.

                        1)  Use lawyers to knock down lawyers.

                        2)  If it were not for lawyers they would not be needed.


  I/O BT**.  These radio talk show hosts mightily lament about inheritance tax because it applies to the rich and only to the rich.  If you give your house or Certificates of Deposit, etc., to your children, put those things in their names, and go into a assisted living, those filthy nursing home degenerates can reach back five years and take them.  The subhuman war criminal Ronald “Ol’ Bloodbath” Reagan is the piece of shit rich politician that caused this.  Those that own assisted living facilities are ravenous vultures and hyenas.  Nursing home and assisted living corporations will pry the fillings from your teeth.  They’ll take your foreskin whether you are circumcised or not.  Great Spirit, please preserve us from the ravages of the immoral and unholy rich capitalists dogs that own nursing homes, true believers they are as well.  All those that passed such robber baron laws are going up against the walls when the Revolution comes.  Note at the top of file.


  Do not forget, those that are exempt from Obamacare, and their generations, do not have to fear being murdered by the government when they are old and / or infirm.


  Rain Tax.  Property owners should not suffer the lash of Maryland’s rain tax unless they own pets.  Our communities are ankle deep in the shit of their animals, and whether pet owners clean their shit up or not the thousands and thousands of tons of their animals’ shit is still in our communities.  Notice how the rich plump pig politicians suck off pet owners— never a mention.  Do not the bloated boys and broads of the Maryland General Assembly know that the vast amount of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay falls over the Conowingo Dam from Pennsylvania?  The next largest producers of pollutants after pet shit, far as we know, are the chicken farms on Eastern Shore.  Virginia shits in our waters as well, as well as Washington DC, and Flag only knows the vast tonnages of shit flushing out of the Nation’s Capitol onto good decent solid and innocent people around the world.


                The noblest thing, the most manly, the most beautiful, that a boy can do, is to stand up for mother; make her his closest friend and confidante, and chum, and never let any person come between them under any condition; to do everything in his power to help her, to spare her time and strength.  Anything he can do to make mother happy is worth more than all of the work and play of the day.  —Author Unknown.




                This is the beginning of the thirteenth (13th) year Afghanistan War.  The depraved forces of capitalism are no closer to winning now than when it began.  Four-point-nine-million (4,900,000) Human Beings have been murdered in the Afghanistan War, most of them under Mad Dog Barrack Hussein Obama, a true believer in the Religion of Love.  The subhumans, a subspecies unto themselves, call this collateral damage.  Thousands of families murdered in one of the most cowardly manners imaginable, and what did that piece-of shit war criminal in the Oval Orifice have to say about it?  Here’s what the boy had to say about it.  “I am good at killing [sic, mediaism] people”.

The fox is in the henhouse.

A Catholic priest is loose in the orphanage.




♥ ♠ ♣ ♦


In the Gregorian Proleptic Calendar, using the GMT correlation constant 584285.

Wednesday 2014-1-1


                                                    13                  0              1                   0                 14            Ix             K’ank’ in    G5

13Bak’tun 0K’atun1Tun0Winal14K’in1’Ix12K’ank’in  G5

Top of Form

Bottom of Form





The only good dog is a dead dog.

The only good cat is a dead cat.

The only good patriot is a dead patriot.

The only good politician is a dead politician.

The only good bureaucrat is a dead bureaucrat.

The only good cop is a dead cop.

It is time to flush the toilet.

Let not shit sticketh to the side.

♦ ♣ ♠ ♥

                Our very special thanks to preefrooder the Legendary Blind Fartin’ McAllister.


            This lovely edition of the 117th Militia Regimental Combat Team Psychological Warfare Newsletter is brought to you by all your wonderful friends at the letter S S S S S S S S S S . . .




Ciao for now ol’ pals ‘n gals



Killgore P.D.Q. Killgore, Esq., B.M.F.

Brigadier General Killgore P. D. Q. Killgore, Esq.

Commanding Psychological Warfare Office

HQ Company

117th Militia Regimental Combat Team

Elect us.


I, I, I got cher diversity! in muh paints.

Ova heah fo’ yo’ diversity! in muuuh paints.

Yo’ ‘ho’ fuvvin famly! in muuh paints.


♦ ♠ ♣ ♥



The end.